protected void btnMAWB_Imp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string RefNo = txtRefNo.Text; string MAWB_No = txtMAWB_No.Text; string SubBL_No = txtSubBL_No.Text; string BL_Vendor = txtBL_Vendor.Text; string Agent = txtAgent.Text; string AgentRef_No = txtAgentRef_No.Text; string Carrier = txtCarrier.Text; string Manifest_No = txtManifest_No.Text; string Flight_No = txtFlight_No.Text; string FltFlag = txtFltFlag.Text; int CountryID = Int32.Parse(drpCountryID.SelectedValue); string DeptPortInit = txtDeptPortInit.Text; string DeptPortName = txtDeptPortName.Text; string DeptPortETD = txtDeptPortETD.Text; string FirstPortInit = txtFirstPortInit.Text; string FirstPortName = txtFirstPortName.Text; string FirstPortETA = txtFirstPortETA.Text; string DestPortInit = txtDestPortInit.Text; string DestPortName = txtDestPortName.Text; string DestPortETA = txtDestPortETA.Text; string LastPortInit = txtLastPortInit.Text; string LastPortName = txtLastPortName.Text; string LastPortETA = txtLastPortETA.Text; string FreightLoct = txtFreightLoct.Text; string StorageStart = txtStorageStart.Text; string GO_Date = txtGO_Date.Text; int PKG_Quant = Int32.Parse(txtPKG_Quant.Text); double GrossKgs = Double.Parse(txtGrossKgs.Text); double ChargeKgs = Double.Parse(txtChargeKgs.Text); bool PayMethod = true; // CHANGE TO SELECTED VALUE LATER !!!!!! bool Closed = true; string ClosedBy = txtClosedBy.Text; string CloseDate = txtCloseDate.Text; bool flag = false; flag = OrderAccess.MAWB_Imp_Create(RefNo, MAWB_No, SubBL_No, BL_Vendor, Agent, AgentRef_No, Carrier, Manifest_No, Flight_No, FltFlag, CountryID, DeptPortInit, DeptPortName, DeptPortETD, FirstPortInit, FirstPortName, FirstPortETA, DestPortInit, DestPortName, DestPortETA, LastPortInit, LastPortName, LastPortETA, FreightLoct, StorageStart, GO_Date, PKG_Quant, GrossKgs, ChargeKgs, PayMethod, Closed, ClosedBy, CloseDate); lblStatus.Text = flag ? "MAWB IMPORT CREATED" : "ERROR ! FAILED TO CREATE MAWB IMPORT"; if (flag == true) { GetRefNo(); } }