예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 分页获取营业厅的活动列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hallid"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public object GetHallPromotionListByPage(int hallid, PageInfo pageInfo)
            OracleDbParameters Parameters = new OracleDbParameters();

            Parameters.Add("hallid", hallid);
            var pageResult = query.PaginationQuery <dynamic>(@"select t.promotion_id 'promotionid',
                                                                   (case when t.promotion_type=1 then t1.pic_url 
                                                                         else t.img_url
                                                                    end ) 'imgpath',
                                                                    t.title  'title',
                                                                    t.click_count 'num',
                                                                    t.promotion_type 'promotiontype',
                                                                    t.sort 'sort',
                                                                    t.create_time 'createtime'
                                                                    from business_promotion t 
                                                                    left join promotion_template t1 on t1.template_id=t.template_id
                                                                    where t.status=0 
                                                                    and t.end_time>=sysdate
                                                                    and t.promotion_id in
                                                                    (select t1.promotion_id from business_bind t1 where t1.hall_id=:hallid and t1.bind_type=1 --平台绑定营业厅
                                                               union select t2.promotion_id from business_promotion t2 where t2.hall_id=:hallid and t2.promotion_type!=2 --该营业厅下营业员自建的
                                                               union select t3.promotion_id from business_bind t3 where t3.bind_type=0 and t3.user_id in 
                                                                                                            (select waiter_id from user_waiter where hall_id=:hallid)
                                                                    ) order by t.create_time desc", pageInfo, Parameters);

        /// <summary>
        /// 用户关注
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="followId">关注的对象的ID</param>
        /// <param name="followtype">关注的类型(0:营业厅,1:营业员)</param>
        /// <param name="UserId">用户ID</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int Follow(int followId, int followtype, int UserId, out string weixinno)
            OracleDbParameters Parameters = new OracleDbParameters();

            Parameters.Add("v_user_id", UserId, DbType.Int32);
            Parameters.Add("v_follow_id", followId, DbType.Int32);
            Parameters.Add("v_follow_type", followtype, DbType.Int32);
            Parameters.Add("v_code", null, DbType.Int32, ParameterDirection.Output);
            Parameters.Add("v_weixin_no", null, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Output, 50);
            excute.ExcuteProcedure("sp_user_follow", Parameters);
            int res = Parameters.Get <int>("v_code") == 100?1:0;

            weixinno = Parameters.Get <string>("v_weixin_no");
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 分页获取推广的历史记录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="SellerId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public object GetHistoryPromotionList(PageInfo pageInfo, int SellerId)
            OracleDbParameters Parameters = new OracleDbParameters();

            Parameters.Add("waiterid", SellerId);
            var pageResult = query.PaginationQuery <dynamic>(@"select t.promotion_id 'promotionid',
                                                                     t.title 'title',
                                                                     (case when t.promotion_type=1 then t1.pic_url 
                                                                           else t.img_url
                                                                      end ) 'picurl',
                                                                     t.promotion_type 'promotiontype',
                                                                     t.promotion_no 'promotionno',
                                                                     t.click_count 'clickcount',
                                                                     t.sort 'sort',
                                                                     t.create_time 'createtime'
                                                                    from business_promotion t 
                                                                    left join promotion_template t1 on t1.template_id=t.template_id
                                                                    where t.status=0 
                                                                      and t.end_time<sysdate
                                                                      and t.promotion_id in
                                                                      (select t1.promotion_id from business_bind t1 where t1.user_id=:waiterid and t1.bind_type=0 --平台绑定给营业员
                                                                 union select t2.promotion_id from business_promotion t2 where t2.promotion_type!=2 and t2.user_id in --该营业厅下所有营业员自建的
                                                                       (select waiter_id from user_waiter where hall_id in (select hall_id from user_waiter where waiter_id=:waiterid ))
                                                                 union select t3.promotion_id from business_bind t3 where t3.bind_type=1 and t3.hall_id in --绑定给营业员所属营业厅的
                                                                                                   (select hall_id from user_waiter where waiter_id=:waiterid)
                                                                      ) order by t.create_time desc", pageInfo, Parameters);

            pageResult.Data = new { status = Nbh_UsersServices.Instance.GetSellerStatus(SellerId) };
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 分页获取用户关注的营业厅列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="UserId"></param>
        /// <param name="pageInfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public object GetHallListByPage(int UserId, PageInfo pageInfo)
            OracleDbParameters Parameters = new OracleDbParameters();

            Parameters.Add("userid", UserId);
            var pageResult = query.PaginationQuery <dynamic>(@"select  t.hall_id 'hallid',
                                                                    t.name 'hallname',
                                                                    t.identification_type 'identificationtype',
                                                                    t.picpath 'imgpath',
                                                                    t.hall_follow 'hallfollow',
                                                                    t2.allpromotion 'allpromotion'
                                                                    from business_hall t
                                                                    left join (select * from 
                                                                                (select count(*) allpromotion,hall_id from 
                                                                                    (select promotion_id,hall_id from business_promotion 
                                                                                                        where hall_id in (select follow_num from user_follow where user_id=:userid and follow_type=0)
                                                                            union select promotion_id,hall_id from business_bind 
                                                                                                        where hall_id in (select follow_num from user_follow where user_id=:userid and follow_type=0)
                                                                                    ) t1 group by t1.hall_id)
                                                                                ) t2 on t2.hall_id=t.hall_id
                                                                    where t.hall_id in(select follow_num from user_follow where user_id=:userid and follow_type=0)", pageInfo, Parameters);
            var list       = (pageResult.Rows as IEnumerable <dynamic>).Select(m => { m.imgpath = Convert.ToString(m.imgpath).Split(',')[0]; return(m); });

            pageResult.Rows = list;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 分页获取首页营业厅数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lon">用户的精度</param>
        /// <param name="lat">用户的纬度</param>
        /// <param name="carrierno">营业厅类型</param>
        /// <param name="pageindex">当前页</param>
        /// <param name="rows">每页数据条数</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public object GetHallByPage(decimal lon, decimal lat, int carrierno, PageInfo pageinfo)
            OracleDbParameters Parameters = new OracleDbParameters();

            Parameters.Add("prelatitude", lat - 1, DbType.Double);
            Parameters.Add("lastlatitude", lat + 1, DbType.Double);
            Parameters.Add("prelongitude", lon - 1, DbType.Double);
            Parameters.Add("lastlongitude", lon + 1, DbType.Double);
            Parameters.Add("lon", lon, DbType.Double);
            Parameters.Add("lat", lat, DbType.Double);
            StringBuilder sSql        = new StringBuilder();
            string        WhereString = "1=1";

            if (carrierno >= 0)
                WhereString = "carrier_no=:carrierno";
                Parameters.Add("carrierno", carrierno);
            sSql.AppendFormat(@"select t1.* from
                                 (select t.hall_id 'hallid',
                                         t.name 'hallname',
                                         t.identification_type 'identificationtype',
                                         t.hall_follow 'follow',
                                         t.picpath 'picpath',
                                         t.longitude 'longitude',
                                         t.latitude 'latitude',
                                        (select t2.title from 
                                (select t.hall_id, t.title  from business_promotion t where t.promotion_type!=2 and t.status=0 and t.start_time<=sysdate and t.end_time>=sysdate order by t.create_time desc) t2
                                        where t2.hall_id=t.hall_id and rownum<=1) 'title'
                                 from business_hall t where t.latitude>:prelatitude 
                                                      and   t.latitude<:lastlatitude
                                                      and   t.longitude>:prelongitude 
                                                      and   t.longitude<:lastlongitude
                                                      and   t.status=0 and {0} 
                                                      order by abs(t.longitude-(:lon))+abs(t.latitude-(:lat))) t1", WhereString);
            var pageResult = query.PaginationQuery <Dictionary <string, object> >(sSql.ToString(), pageinfo, Parameters);
            var list       = pageResult.Rows as List <Dictionary <string, object> >;

            foreach (Dictionary <string, object> item in list)
                double latitude  = Convert.ToDouble(item["latitude"]);  //营业厅纬度
                double longitude = Convert.ToDouble(item["longitude"]); //营业厅经度
                double distance = MathHelper.GetDistanceByTude((double)lat, (double)lon, latitude, longitude);
                item.Add("distance", distance.ToString("f1"));
                item["picpath"] = item["picpath"] != null ? item["picpath"].ToString().Split(',')[0] : string.Empty;
                item["title"]   = item["title"] == null ? "暂无活动" : item["title"];
                item.Add("imgurl", string.Empty);
            if (list != null)
                list = list.OrderBy(m => Convert.ToDouble(m["distance"])).ToList();
            pageResult.Rows = list;
        /// <summary>
        /// 分页获取已关注营业员列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="UserId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public object GetWaiterListByPage(int UserId, PageInfo pageInfo)
            OracleDbParameters Parameters = new OracleDbParameters();

            Parameters.Add("userid", UserId);
            var pageResult = query.PaginationQuery <dynamic>(@" select  t1.waiter_id 'waiterid',
                                                                    t1.waiter_name 'waitername',
                                                                    t1.img_url 'imgpath',
                                                                    t1.user_follow 'waiterfollow',
                                                                    t1.weixin_num 'weixinno',
                                                                    t2.name 'name',
                                                                    t1.mobile 'mobile'
                                                                    from user_follow t
                                                                    left join user_waiter t1 on t1.waiter_id=t.follow_num
                                                                    left join business_hall t2 on t2.hall_id=t1.hall_id
                                                                    where t.follow_type=1 and t.user_id=:userid and t1.status=0
                                                                    order by t.follow_time desc", pageInfo, Parameters);

예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取搜索分页数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public object GetSearchDataByPage(decimal lon, decimal lat, int carrierno, string keywords, PageInfo pageinfo)
            OracleDbParameters Parameters = new OracleDbParameters();

            Parameters.Add("keywords", string.Format("%{0}%", keywords));
            Parameters.Add("prelatitude", lat - 1, DbType.Double);
            Parameters.Add("lastlatitude", lat + 1, DbType.Double);
            Parameters.Add("prelongitude", lon - 1, DbType.Double);
            Parameters.Add("lastlongitude", lon + 1, DbType.Double);

            StringBuilder sSql         = new StringBuilder();
            string        WhereString  = "1=1";
            string        AWhereString = "1=1";

            if (carrierno >= 0)
                WhereString  = "carrier_no=:carrierno";
                AWhereString = "r1.carrier_no=:carrierno";
                Parameters.Add("carrierno", carrierno);
            sSql.AppendFormat(@"select t.*
                                       from (select hall_id   'id',
                                                    name      'name',
                                                    0         'type', --类型 0营业厅 2活动
                                                    address   'address',
                                                    name      'hallname',
                                                    hall_id   'hallid',
                                                    longitude 'lon',
                                                    latitude  'lat'
                                                    from business_hall where status=0 and {0}
                                        union select r.'id',
                                                     r1.address 'address',
                                                     r1.name    'hallname',
                                                     r1.hall_id 'hallid',
                                                     r1.longitude 'lon',
                                                     r1.latitude 'lat'
                                                     (select    t.promotion_id  'id',
                                                                t1.title        'name',
                                                                2               'type',
                                                                (case when t.bind_type=1 then t.hall_id 
                                                                    when t.bind_type=0 then t2.hall_id
                                                                end) hall_id
                                                                from business_bind t
                                                                left join business_promotion t1 on t.promotion_id=t1.promotion_id
                                                                left join user_waiter t2 on t2.waiter_id=t.user_id and t2.status=0
                                                                where t1.status=0 and t1.start_time<=sysdate and t1.end_time>=sysdate
                                                                --两种活动 平台自建和营业员自建
                                           union    select      t.promotion_id  'id',
                                                                t.title        'name',
                                                                2               'type',
                                                                from business_promotion t
                                                                where t.status=0 and t.start_time<=sysdate and t.end_time>=sysdate and t.promotion_type!=2
                                                    ) r
                                                    left join business_hall r1 on r.hall_id=r1.hall_id
                                                    where {1}
                                             ) t 
                                            where t.'name' like :keywords
                                                      and   t.'lat'>:prelatitude 
                                                      and   t.'lat'<:lastlatitude
                                                      and   t.'lon'>:prelongitude 
                                                      and   t.'lon'<:lastlongitude", WhereString, AWhereString);

            var pageResult = query.PaginationQuery <Dictionary <string, object> >(sSql.ToString(), pageinfo, Parameters);
            var list       = pageResult.Rows as List <Dictionary <string, object> >;

            foreach (var item in list)
                double latitude  = Convert.ToDouble(item["lat"]); //营业厅纬度
                double longitude = Convert.ToDouble(item["lon"]); //营业厅经度

                double distance = MathHelper.GetDistanceByTude((double)lat, (double)lon, latitude, longitude);
                item.Add("distance", distance.ToString("f1"));
            if (list != null)
                list = list.OrderBy(m => m["distance"]).ToList();
            pageResult.Rows = list;
            pageResult.Data = keywords;