public static ITokenMatching HasLine(this ITokenMatching self, Func <IMatchedTokenMatching, ITokenMatching> inner) { if (!(self is IMatchedTokenMatching matchedTokenMatching)) { return(self); } if (matchedTokenMatching.AllTokens.Count <= matchedTokenMatching.EndIndex) { return(TokenMatching <object> .MakeNotMatch(self.Context)); } if (matchedTokenMatching.AllTokens[matchedTokenMatching.EndIndex].Is1(out var token) && token.SafeIs(out LineToken line)) { if (inner(TokenMatching <object> .MakeStart(line.Tokens.Select(x => OrType.Make <IToken, ISetUp>(x)).ToList(), self.Context, 0)) is IMatchedTokenMatching) { // uhhh new object? // todo make a IMatchedTokenMatching with out a generic just for this return(TokenMatching <object> .MakeMatch(matchedTokenMatching, new object(), matchedTokenMatching.EndIndex + 1)); } ; return(TokenMatching <object> .MakeNotMatch(self.Context)); } return(TokenMatching <object> .MakeNotMatch(self.Context)); }
public ITokenMatching <ISetUp <IBox <WeakTryAssignOperation>, Tpn.IValue> > TryMake(IMatchedTokenMatching tokenMatching) { var index = tokenMatching.EndIndex; if (tokenMatching.AllTokens.Count - 3 > index && tokenMatching.AllTokens[index + 1].Is1(out var token) && token.SafeIs(out AtomicToken op) && op.Item == SymbolsRegistry.TryAssignSymbol && tokenMatching.AllTokens[index].Is2(out var lhs) && tokenMatching.AllTokens[index + 2].Is2(out var rhs) && tokenMatching.AllTokens[index + 3].Is2(out var rrhs)) { var left = OrType.Make <ISetUp <IBox <IFrontendCodeElement>, Tpn.ITypeProblemNode>, IError>(lhs.SafeCastTo(out ISetUp <IBox <IFrontendCodeElement>, Tpn.ITypeProblemNode> _)); var right = OrType.Make <ISetUp <IBox <IFrontendCodeElement>, Tpn.ITypeProblemNode>, IError>(rhs.SafeCastTo(out ISetUp <IBox <IFrontendCodeElement>, Tpn.ITypeProblemNode> _)); var block = OrType.Make <ISetUp <IBox <IFrontendCodeElement>, Tpn.ITypeProblemNode>, IError>(rrhs.SafeCastTo(out ISetUp <IBox <IFrontendCodeElement>, Tpn.ITypeProblemNode> _)); var res = new TryAssignOperationPopulateScope(left, right, block); return(TokenMatching <ISetUp <IBox <WeakTryAssignOperation>, Tpn.IValue> > .MakeMatch( tokenMatching, res, tokenMatching.EndIndex + 4 )); } return(TokenMatching <ISetUp <IBox <WeakTryAssignOperation>, Tpn.IValue> > .MakeNotMatch( tokenMatching.Context)); }
public Nothing MethodDefinition(IInternalMethodDefinition co) { var name = GenerateName(); var typeBuilder = moduleBuilder.DefineType(name); var constructor = typeBuilder.DefineConstructor(MethodAttributes.Public, CallingConventions.Standard, new System.Type[] { }); var myConstructorIL = constructor.GetILGenerator(); myConstructorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); myConstructorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Call, typeof(object).GetConstructors().First()); myConstructorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); var map = new Dictionary <IMemberDefinition, IOrType <FieldInfo, (FieldInfo funcField, FieldInfo path), EnclosedObjectMember> >(); if (extensionLookup.methodLookup.TryGetValue(co, out var closure)) { foreach (var member in closure.closureMember) { PopulateMap(typeBuilder, map, member); } } realizedMethodLookup.Add(OrType.Make <IInternalMethodDefinition, IImplementationDefinition, IEntryPointDefinition>(co), new RealizedMethod(map, typeBuilder, constructor)); Walk(co.Body, co); return(new Nothing()); }
public void OrTypesJustNeedBothToMatchOne() { var a1 = A1(); var b1 = B1(); var b2 = B2(); var b3 = B3(); var or1 = new FrontEndOrType( new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(a1)), new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(b1)), OrType.Make <IReadOnlyList <WeakMemberDefinition>, IError>(Array.Empty <WeakMemberDefinition>()), Possibly.IsNot <IBox <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> > >(), Possibly.IsNot <IBox <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> > >()); var or2 = new FrontEndOrType( new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(b2)), new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(b3)), OrType.Make <IReadOnlyList <WeakMemberDefinition>, IError>(new List <WeakMemberDefinition> { new WeakMemberDefinition(Access.ReadWrite, new NameKey("bm1"), new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(new NumberType()))), new WeakMemberDefinition(Access.ReadWrite, new NameKey("bm2"), new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(new NumberType()))) }), Possibly.IsNot <IBox <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> > >(), Possibly.IsNot <IBox <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> > >()); // this works since both b2 and b3 are b1 Assert.True(or1.TheyAreUs(or2, new List <(IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>)>()).Is1OrThrow()); // this does not work because niether b2 nor b3 are a1 Assert.False(or2.TheyAreUs(or1, new List <(IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>)>()).Is1OrThrow()); }
public IOrType <WeakObjectDefinition, WeakRootScope> Convert(Tpn.TypeSolution typeSolution, Tpn.TypeProblem2.Object from, IEnumerable <Tpn.ITypeProblemNode> context) { return(OrType.Make <WeakObjectDefinition, WeakRootScope>(new WeakRootScope( typeSolution.GetObjectType(from, context), assigns, entryPoint))); }
public void Any() { var a1 = A1(); var a2 = A2(); var b1 = B1(); var b2 = B2(); var m1 = new MethodType(new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(a2)), new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(b1))); var m2 = new MethodType(new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(a1)), new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(b2))); var t1 = new HasMembersType(new WeakScope(new List <WeakMemberDefinition> { new WeakMemberDefinition(Access.ReadWrite, new NameKey("a"), new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(a1))), new WeakMemberDefinition(Access.ReadWrite, new NameKey("b"), new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(b1))) })); var t2 = new HasMembersType(new WeakScope(new List <WeakMemberDefinition> { new WeakMemberDefinition(Access.ReadWrite, new NameKey("a"), new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(a2))), new WeakMemberDefinition(Access.ReadWrite, new NameKey("b"), new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(b2))) })); var or1 = new FrontEndOrType( new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(a1)), new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(b1)), OrType.Make <IReadOnlyList <WeakMemberDefinition>, IError>(Array.Empty <WeakMemberDefinition>()), Possibly.IsNot <IBox <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> > >(), Possibly.IsNot <IBox <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> > >() ); var or2 = new FrontEndOrType( new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(b1)), new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(a1)), OrType.Make <IReadOnlyList <WeakMemberDefinition>, IError>(Array.Empty <WeakMemberDefinition>()), Possibly.IsNot <IBox <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> > >(), Possibly.IsNot <IBox <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> > >() ); var any = new AnyType(); Assert.All(new[] { a1, a2, b1, b2, m1, m2, t1, t2, or1, or2 }, x => any.TheyAreUs(x, new List <(IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>)>())); }
//public static IOrType<MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric> Broaden(this IOrType<MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, HasMembers, IsGenericRestraintFor, IsExternal> self) { // return self.SwitchReturns( // x => OrType.Make<MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric>(x), // x => OrType.Make<MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric>(x), // x => OrType.Make<MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric>(x), // x => OrType.Make<MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric>(x), // x => OrType.Make<MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric>(x), // x => OrType.Make<MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric>(x)); //} public static IOrType <IIsPossibly <Guid>, IError> Primitive(this EqualableHashSet <IOrType <MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, HasMembers, IsGeneric, IsExternal> > self) { var primitives = self.SelectMany(x => { if (x.Is2(out var v2)) { return(new[] { v2 }); } return(Array.Empty <MustBePrimitive>()); }).ToArray(); if (primitives.Length == self.Count()) { var groupedPrimitives = primitives.GroupBy(x => x.primitive).ToArray(); if (groupedPrimitives.Length == 1) { return(OrType.Make <IIsPossibly <Guid>, IError>(Possibly.Is(groupedPrimitives.First().Key))); } return(OrType.Make <IIsPossibly <Guid>, IError>(Error.Other("multiple primitives types..."))); } if (primitives.Any()) { return(OrType.Make <IIsPossibly <Guid>, IError>(Error.Other("primitives and non primitives"))); } return(OrType.Make <IIsPossibly <Guid>, IError>(Possibly.IsNot <Guid>())); }
public void OrTypesAreVarient() { var a1 = A1(); var a2 = A2(); var b1 = B1(); var b2 = B2(); var or1 = new FrontEndOrType( new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(a1)), new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(b1)), OrType.Make <IReadOnlyList <WeakMemberDefinition>, IError>(Array.Empty <WeakMemberDefinition>()), Possibly.IsNot <IBox <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> > >(), Possibly.IsNot <IBox <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> > >() ); var or2 = new FrontEndOrType( new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(a2)), new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(b2)), OrType.Make <IReadOnlyList <WeakMemberDefinition>, IError>(Array.Empty <WeakMemberDefinition>()), Possibly.IsNot <IBox <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> > >(), Possibly.IsNot <IBox <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> > >() ); Assert.True(or1.TheyAreUs(or2, new List <(IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>)>()).Is1OrThrow()); Assert.False(or2.TheyAreUs(or1, new List <(IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>)>()).Is1OrThrow()); }
public LastCallOperationMaker() : base(SymbolsRegistry.StaticLastCallSymbol, (l, r) => new Box <WeakLastCallOperation>(new WeakLastCallOperation(l, r)), (s, c, l, r) => { // nearly duplicate code 3930174039475 // you lazy shit extract this! var methodOr = l .TransformInner(x => x.SetUpSideNode) .TransformAndFlatten(x => x.SafeIs(out Tpn.IValue value) ? OrType.Make <Tpn.IValue, IError>(value) : throw new NotImplementedException("left should be a value type, but I don't know where or how the error should happen")); var inputOr = r .TransformInner(x => x.SetUpSideNode) .TransformAndFlatten(x => x.SafeIs(out Tpn.ICanAssignFromMe assignFrom) ? OrType.Make <Tpn.ICanAssignFromMe, IError>(assignFrom) : throw new NotImplementedException("right should be assignable from, but I don't know where or how the error should happen")); return(inputOr.SwitchReturns( x => methodOr.SwitchReturns( y => { s.Problem.IsAssignedTo(x, y.Input()); return OrType.Make <Tpn.IValue, IError>(y.Returns()); }, y => OrType.Make <Tpn.IValue, IError>(y)), x => methodOr.SwitchReturns( y => OrType.Make <Tpn.IValue, IError>(y.Returns()), y => OrType.Make <Tpn.IValue, IError>(y)))); }, true) { }
// do these really need to be IBox? they seeme to generally be filled... // mayble IPossibly... public IBox <WeakObjectDefinition> Run(Tpn.TypeSolution context, IEnumerable <Tpn.ITypeProblemNode> stack) { var finalElements = nextElements.Select(x => x.SwitchReturns <IOrType <IBox <WeakAssignOperation>, IError> >( y => { var res = y.Run(context, stack.Add(myScope)).GetValue(); if (res is WeakAssignOperation weakAssign) { return(OrType.Make <IBox <WeakAssignOperation>, IError>(new Box <WeakAssignOperation>(weakAssign))); } else { return(OrType.Make <IBox <WeakAssignOperation>, IError>(Error.Other("lines in an object must me assignments"))); } }, y => OrType.Make <IBox <WeakAssignOperation>, IError>(y))).ToArray(); box.Fill(finalElements); var objectOr = myScope.Converter.Convert(context, myScope, stack);//; context.GetObject(myScope); if (objectOr.Is1(out var v1)) { return(new Box <WeakObjectDefinition>(v1)); } throw new Exception("wrong or"); }
public ITokenMatching <ISetUp <IBox <WeakPathOperation>, Tpn.TypeProblem2.Member> > TryMake(IMatchedTokenMatching tokenMatching) { var matching = tokenMatching .Has(new BinaryOperationMatcher(SymbolsRegistry.StaticPathSymbol), out (ISetUp lhs, ISetUp rhs)match); if (matching is IMatchedTokenMatching matched) { var left = OrType.Make <ISetUp <IBox <IFrontendCodeElement>, Tpn.ITypeProblemNode>, IError>(match.lhs.SafeCastTo(out ISetUp <IBox <IFrontendCodeElement>, Tpn.ITypeProblemNode> _)); var right = OrType.Make <MemberPopulateScope, IError>(match.rhs.SafeCastTo(out MemberPopulateScope _)); var res = new WeakPathOperationPopulateScope(left, right.TransformInner(x => x.memberName)); //if (left.Is1(out var leftValue)) //{ // tokenMatching.Context.Map.SetElementParent(leftValue, res); //} //if (right.Is1(out var rightValue)) //{ // tokenMatching.Context.Map.SetElementParent(rightValue, res); //} return(TokenMatching <ISetUp <IBox <WeakPathOperation>, Tpn.TypeProblem2.Member> > .MakeMatch( tokenMatching, res, matched.EndIndex)); } return(TokenMatching <ISetUp <IBox <WeakPathOperation>, Tpn.TypeProblem2.Member> > .MakeNotMatch( matching.Context)); }
public Nothing ImplementationDefinition(IImplementationDefinition codeElement) { var next = Push(codeElement); codeElement.ParameterDefinition.Convert(next); codeElement.ContextDefinition.Convert(next); if (codeElement.OutputType.SafeIs(out IInterfaceType type)) { type.Convert(next); } foreach (var entry in codeElement.Scope.Members.Values.Select(x => x.Value).Except(new[] { codeElement.ParameterDefinition })) { lookup.AddLocal(OrType.Make <IEntryPointDefinition, IImplementationDefinition, IInternalMethodDefinition, IRootScope>(codeElement), entry); } lookup.AddArgument(OrType.Make <IImplementationDefinition, IInternalMethodDefinition, IEntryPointDefinition> (codeElement), codeElement.ParameterDefinition); lookup.AddField(OrType.Make <IEntryPointDefinition, IImplementationDefinition, IInternalMethodDefinition>(codeElement), codeElement.ContextDefinition); if (extensionLookup.implementationLookup.TryGetValue(codeElement, out var found)) { foreach (var member in found.closureMember.Keys) { lookup.AddField(OrType.Make <IEntryPointDefinition, IImplementationDefinition, IInternalMethodDefinition>(codeElement), member); } } next.Walk(codeElement.MethodBody); return(new Nothing()); }
public Nothing EntryPoint(IEntryPointDefinition entryPointDefinition) { if (entryPointDefinition.Scope.Members.Values.Any(x => x.Static)) { throw new Exception("cant be static at this time"); } var next = Push(entryPointDefinition); entryPointDefinition.ParameterDefinition.Convert(next); if (entryPointDefinition.OutputType.SafeIs(out IInterfaceType type)) { type.Convert(next); } foreach (var entry in entryPointDefinition.Scope.Members.Values.Select(x => x.Value).Except(new[] { entryPointDefinition.ParameterDefinition })) { lookup.AddLocal(OrType.Make <IEntryPointDefinition, IImplementationDefinition, IInternalMethodDefinition, IRootScope>(entryPointDefinition), entry); } lookup.AddArgument(OrType.Make <IImplementationDefinition, IInternalMethodDefinition, IEntryPointDefinition>(entryPointDefinition), entryPointDefinition.ParameterDefinition); if (extensionLookup.entryPointLookup.TryGetValue(entryPointDefinition, out var found)) { foreach (var member in found.closureMember.Keys) { lookup.AddField(OrType.Make <IEntryPointDefinition, IImplementationDefinition, IInternalMethodDefinition>(entryPointDefinition), member); } } next.Walk(entryPointDefinition.Body); return(new Nothing()); }
public void InterestingCase2() { var member1Key = new NameKey("x"); var memeber1TypeBox = new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(); var member1 = new WeakMemberDefinition(Access.ReadWrite, member1Key, memeber1TypeBox); var type1 = new HasMembersType(new WeakScope(new List <WeakMemberDefinition> { member1 })); memeber1TypeBox.Fill(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(type1)); var member2Key = new NameKey("x"); var memeber2TypeBox = new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(); var member2 = new WeakMemberDefinition(Access.ReadWrite, member2Key, memeber2TypeBox); var member3Key = new NameKey("y"); var member3 = new WeakMemberDefinition(Access.ReadWrite, member3Key, new Box <IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> >(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(new NumberType()))); var type2 = new HasMembersType(new WeakScope(new List <WeakMemberDefinition> { member2, member3 })); memeber2TypeBox.Fill(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(type2)); Assert.False(type1.TheyAreUs(type2, new List <(IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>)>()).Is1OrThrow()); Assert.False(type2.TheyAreUs(type1, new List <(IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>)>()).Is1OrThrow()); }
public IOrType <WeakBlockDefinition, WeakScope, WeakEntryPointDefinition> Convert(Tpn.TypeSolution typeSolution, Tpn.TypeProblem2.Scope from, IEnumerable <Tpn.ITypeProblemNode> context) { return(OrType.Make <WeakBlockDefinition, WeakScope, WeakEntryPointDefinition>( new WeakBlockDefinition( body, OrType.Make <WeakScope, IError>(typeSolution.GetWeakScope(from, context)), Array.Empty <IIsPossibly <IFrontendCodeElement> >()))); }
public static IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> UnwrapRefrence(this IFrontendType <IVerifiableType> frontendType) { if (frontendType is RefType refType) { return(refType.inner); } return(OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(frontendType)); }
public IOrType <IProject <TAssembly, TBacking>, IReadOnlyList <IError> > Parse <TAssembly, TBacking>(string text, IReadOnlyList <TAssembly> dependencies, string name) where TAssembly : IAssembly <TBacking> { var tokenizer = new Tokenizer(StaticSymbolsRegistry.SymbolsRegistry.Symbols.Except(new[] { SymbolsRegistry.StaticSubtractSymbol }).ToArray()); var tokens = tokenizer.Tokenize(text); var elementMatchingContest = new ElementMatchingContext(); var scopePopulator = elementMatchingContest.ParseFile(tokens); var dependencyConverter = new DependencyConverter(); var problem = new Tpn.TypeProblem2(new WeakScopeConverter(), scopePopulator, prob => { foreach (var dependency in dependencies) { var type = prob.builder.CreateTypeExternalType(prob.Dependency, new WeakTypeDefinitionConverter(), dependency.Scope); foreach (var memberPair in dependency.Scope.Members) { var innerType = ConvertType(prob.builder, type, OrType.Make <IVerifiableType, IError>(memberPair.Type)); innerType.Switch(x => { prob.builder.CreatePublicMember(type, type, memberPair.Key, OrType.Make <IKey, IError>(x)); }, y => { prob.builder.CreatePublicMember(type, memberPair.Key, y); }); } prob.builder.CreatePrivateMember(prob.Dependency, dependency.Key, OrType.Make <Tpn.TypeProblem2.MethodType, Tpn.TypeProblem2.Type, Tpn.TypeProblem2.Object, Tpn.TypeProblem2.OrType, Tpn.TypeProblem2.InferredType, Tpn.TypeProblem2.GenericTypeParameter, IError>(type)); } }); var populateScopeContex = new SetUpContext(problem.builder); var referanceResolver = scopePopulator.Run(problem.ModuleRoot, populateScopeContex).Resolve; var solution = problem.Solve(); var rootScope = referanceResolver.Run(solution, new List <Tpn.ITypeProblemNode>() { problem.Dependency, problem.ModuleRoot }).GetValue(); var errors = rootScope.Validate().ToArray(); if (errors.Any()) { return(OrType.Make <IProject <TAssembly, TBacking>, IReadOnlyList <IError> >(errors)); } var dependencyScope = problem.Dependency.Converter.Convert(solution, problem.Dependency, Array.Empty <Tpn.ITypeProblemNode>()).Is2OrThrow(); var context = TransformerExtensions.NewConversionContext(); return(OrType.Make <IProject <TAssembly, TBacking>, IReadOnlyList <IError> >(new Project <TAssembly, TBacking>(rootScope.Convert(context), dependencies, dependencyScope.Convert(context)))); }
public Nothing TypeDefinition(IInterfaceType codeElement) { foreach (var member in codeElement.Members) { lookup.TryAddTacField(OrType.Make <IObjectDefiniton, IInterfaceType, ITypeOr>(codeElement), member); } return(new Nothing()); }
// TODO these two method (TypeDefinition and TypeOr) don't make me feel good about the design // one is on the interface the other is not // I am using this weird switch (in MemberDefinition) to get to them // everywhere else I use polymorphism to get there public Nothing TypeOr(ITypeOr typeOr) { foreach (var member in typeOr.Members) { lookup.TryAddTacField(OrType.Make <IObjectDefiniton, IInterfaceType, ITypeOr>(typeOr), member); } return(new Nothing()); }
public ITokenMatching <ISetUp <IBox <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType> >, Tpn.TypeProblem2.TypeReference> > TryMake(IMatchedTokenMatching tokenMatching) { return(tokenMatching .Has(new KeyWordMaker("type"), out var _) .OptionalHas(new NameMaker(), out var typeName) .Has(new BodyMaker()).ConvertIfMatched(body => new TypeDefinitionPopulateScope( tokenMatching.Context.ParseType(body), typeName != default ? OrType.Make <NameKey, ImplicitKey>(new NameKey(typeName.Item)) : OrType.Make <NameKey, ImplicitKey>(new ImplicitKey(Guid.NewGuid()))), tokenMatching)); }
public static bool ExtendedIsCompatible(this IConstraint constraint, IOrType <MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, HasMembers, IsGeneric, IsExternal> item) { return(item.SwitchReturns( x => constraint.IsCompatible(OrType.Make <MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric>(x), new List <UnorderedPair <IOrType <MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric> > >()), x => constraint.IsCompatible(OrType.Make <MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric>(x), new List <UnorderedPair <IOrType <MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric> > >()), x => constraint.IsCompatible(OrType.Make <MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric>(x), new List <UnorderedPair <IOrType <MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric> > >()), x => constraint.IsCompatible(OrType.Make <MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric>(x), new List <UnorderedPair <IOrType <MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric> > >()), x => true, x => true)); }
public IReadOnlyList <IMemberDefinition> ObjectDefinition(IObjectDefiniton @object) { UpdateDefinedBy(@object.Scope, OrType.Make <IInternalMethodDefinition, IImplementationDefinition, IEntryPointDefinition, IBlockDefinition, IRootScope, IObjectDefiniton>(@object)); var membersReferenced = Walk(@object.Assignments); return(membersReferenced .Except(staticMembers) .Except(@object.Scope.Members.Select(x => x.Value.Value)).ToArray()); }
public static IIsPossibly <IOrType <EqualableHashSet <IOrType <MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric, IsExternal> >, IError> > Input(this EqualableHashSet <IOrType <MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, HasMembers, IsGeneric, IsExternal> > self) { if (self.ErrorCheck(out var error)) { return(Possibly.Is(OrType.Make <EqualableHashSet <IOrType <MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric, IsExternal> >, IError>(error))); } var mustHaves = self .SelectMany(x => { if (x.Is1(out var v1)) { return(new[] { v1 }); } return(Array.Empty <MustHave>()); }) .Where(x => x.path.Is2(out var _)) .ToArray(); if (mustHaves.Any()) { var set = new HashSet <IOrType <MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric, IsExternal> >(); var givenPaths = self .SelectMany(x => { if (x.Is3(out var v3)) { return(new[] { v3 }); } return(Array.Empty <GivenPathThen>()); }) .Where(x => x.path.Is2(out var _)); foreach (var mustHave in mustHaves) { foreach (var constraint in mustHave.dependent.GetExtendedConstraints()) { set.Add(constraint); } } foreach (var givenPath in givenPaths) { foreach (var constraint in givenPath.dependent.GetExtendedConstraints()) { set.Add(constraint); } } return(Possibly.Is(OrType.Make <EqualableHashSet <IOrType <MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric, IsExternal> >, IError>(new EqualableHashSet <IOrType <MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric, IsExternal> >(set)))); } return(Possibly.IsNot <IOrType <EqualableHashSet <IOrType <MustHave, MustBePrimitive, GivenPathThen, OrConstraint, HasMembers, IsGeneric, IsExternal> >, IError> >()); }
public RootScopePopulateScope ParseFile(FileToken file) { IOrType <EntryPointDefinitionPopulateScope, IError> defaultEntryPoint = OrType.Make <EntryPointDefinitionPopulateScope, IError>( new EntryPointDefinitionPopulateScope( new TypeReferancePopulateScope(new NameKey("empty")), Array.Empty <IOrType <EntryPointDefinitionPopulateScope, IError> >(), new TypeReferancePopulateScope(new NameKey("empty")), "unused")); var entryToReturn = defaultEntryPoint; var assignments = new List <IOrType <WeakAssignOperationPopulateScope, IError> >(); var types = new List <IOrType <TypeDefinitionPopulateScope, IError> >(); var genericTypes = new List <IOrType <GenericTypeDefinitionPopulateScope, IError> >(); foreach (var element in file.Tokens.Select(line => ParseLine(line.CastTo <LineToken>().Tokens))) { element.Switch(setup => { if (setup.SafeIs(out WeakAssignOperationPopulateScope assign)) { assignments.Add(OrType.Make <WeakAssignOperationPopulateScope, IError>(assign)); } else if (setup.SafeIs(out GenericTypeDefinitionPopulateScope genericType)) { genericTypes.Add(OrType.Make <GenericTypeDefinitionPopulateScope, IError>(genericType)); } else if (setup.SafeIs(out TypeDefinitionPopulateScope type)) { types.Add(OrType.Make <TypeDefinitionPopulateScope, IError>(type)); } else if (setup.SafeIs(out EntryPointDefinitionPopulateScope entry)) { if (entryToReturn == defaultEntryPoint) { entryToReturn = OrType.Make <EntryPointDefinitionPopulateScope, IError>(entry); } else { entryToReturn = OrType.Make <EntryPointDefinitionPopulateScope, IError>(Error.Other("you can't have more than one entry point")); } } else { assignments.Add(OrType.Make <WeakAssignOperationPopulateScope, IError>(Error.Other($"unexpected type {setup.GetType().Name}"))); } } , error => { assignments.Add(OrType.Make <WeakAssignOperationPopulateScope, IError>(error)); }); } return(new RootScopePopulateScope(assignments.ToArray(), entryToReturn, types, genericTypes)); }
public IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> Returns() { return(Right.TransformAndFlatten(x => { if (x.GetValue() is IReturn @return) { return @return.Returns(); } return OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(Error.Other($"{Right} should return")); })); }
public static IOrType <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError> Returns(IOrType <IBox <IFrontendCodeElement>, IError> method) { return(method.ReturnsTypeOrErrors().TransformAndFlatten(thing => { if (thing is SyntaxModel.Elements.AtomicTypes.MethodType method) { return method.OutputType.GetValue(); } return OrType.Make <IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IError>(Error.Other($"{thing} should return")); })); }
public static IOrType <TT, IError> CastToOr <T, TT>(this T self, IError error) where TT : T { if (self is TT tt) { return(OrType.Make <TT, IError>(tt)); } else { return(OrType.Make <TT, IError>(error)); } }
public ITokenMatching <IKey> TryMake(IMatchedTokenMatching self) { var index = self.EndIndex; if (self.AllTokens.Count > index && self.AllTokens[index].Is1(out var v1) && v1.SafeIs(out AtomicToken first) && !double.TryParse(first.Item, out var _) && IsNotKeyWord(first.Item)) { { var at = TokenMatching <NameKey> .MakeStart(self.AllTokens, self.Context, index + 1); var match = new DefineGenericNMaker().TryMake(at); if (match.SafeIs(out IMatchedTokenMatching <string[]> mathced)) { var at2 = TokenMatching <NameKey> .MakeStart(self.AllTokens, self.Context, index + 2); var match2 = new GenericNMaker().TryMake(at2); if (match2.SafeIs(out IMatchedTokenMatching <IKey[]> mathced2)) { return(TokenMatching <IKey> .MakeMatch( self, new DoubleGenericNameKey( new NameKey(first.Item), mathced.Value.Select(x => new NameKey(x)).ToArray(), mathced2.Value.Select(x => OrType.Make <IKey, IError>(x)).ToArray()), mathced2.EndIndex)); } } } { var at = TokenMatching <NameKey> .MakeStart(self.AllTokens, self.Context, index + 1); var match = new GenericNMaker().TryMake(at); if (match.SafeIs(out IMatchedTokenMatching <IKey[]> mathced)) { return(TokenMatching <IKey> .MakeMatch( self, new GenericNameKey( new NameKey(first.Item), mathced.Value.Select(x => OrType.Make <IKey, IError>(x)).ToArray()), mathced.EndIndex)); } } return(TokenMatching <IKey> .MakeMatch(self, new NameKey(first.Item), index + 1)); } return(TokenMatching <IKey> .MakeNotMatch(self.Context)); }
public IOrType <WeakMethodDefinition, WeakImplementationDefinition, WeakEntryPointDefinition, WeakGenericMethodDefinition> Convert(Tpn.TypeSolution typeSolution, Tpn.TypeProblem2.Method from, IEnumerable <Tpn.ITypeProblemNode> context) { var inputKey = from.PrivateMembers.Single(x => x.Value == from.Input.GetOrThrow()); var scope = typeSolution.GetWeakScope(from, context); return(OrType.Make <WeakMethodDefinition, WeakImplementationDefinition, WeakEntryPointDefinition, WeakGenericMethodDefinition>(new WeakEntryPointDefinition( typeSolution.GetType(from.Returns.GetOrThrow(), context), scope.membersList.Single(x => x.Key.Equals(inputKey.Key)), body, OrType.Make <WeakScope, IError>(scope), Array.Empty <IIsPossibly <IConvertableFrontendCodeElement <ICodeElement> > >()))); }
public IReadOnlyList <IMemberDefinition> RootScope(IRootScope co) { UpdateDefinedBy(co.Scope, OrType.Make <IInternalMethodDefinition, IImplementationDefinition, IEntryPointDefinition, IBlockDefinition, IRootScope, IObjectDefiniton>(co)); foreach (var item in co.Assignments) { item.Convert(this); } co.EntryPoint.Convert(this); // this can't have a closure return(Array.Empty <IMemberDefinition>()); }
/// <summary> /// Copy items to a destination folder and return the new ids for these items (Listing 5-14) /// </summary> /// <param name="binding">Exchange binding to use for the call</param> /// <param name="destinationFolderId">Destination for the items</param> /// <param name="itemsToCopy">Items to copy</param> /// <returns>List of new item ids</returns> /// public List<ItemIdType> CopyItemEx( BaseFolderIdType destinationFolderId, List<BaseItemIdType> itemsToCopy) { // STEP 1: First, we need to retrieve some unique information about // each item. Let's use the PR_SEARCH_KEY. Note that extended properties are // discussed in Chapter 13, "Extended Properties" // GetItemType getSearchKeyRequest = new GetItemType(); PathToExtendedFieldType searchKeyPath = new PathToExtendedFieldType(); searchKeyPath.PropertyTag = "0x300B"; searchKeyPath.PropertyType = MapiPropertyTypeType.Binary; // Use ItemResponseShapeType overload from chapter 3. We want the Id and the // search key // ItemResponseShapeType idAndSearchKeyShape = new ItemResponseShapeType( DefaultShapeNamesType.IdOnly, searchKeyPath); getSearchKeyRequest.ItemShape = idAndSearchKeyShape; getSearchKeyRequest.ItemIds = itemsToCopy.ToArray(); // Get the items // GetItemResponseType getSearchKeyResponse = this.GetItem(getSearchKeyRequest); List<string> base64SearchKeys = new List<string>( getSearchKeyResponse.ResponseMessages.Items.Length); // For each item, add the search keys to our list // foreach (ItemInfoResponseMessageType searchKeyMessage in getSearchKeyResponse.ResponseMessages.Items) { ExtendedPropertyType searchKeyProperty = searchKeyMessage.Items.Items[0].ExtendedProperty[0]; base64SearchKeys.Add((string)searchKeyProperty.Item); } // Now we have a list of the search keys for the items that we want to // copy. // STEP 2: Perform the copy CopyItemType copyItemRequest = new CopyItemType(); copyItemRequest.ToFolderId = new TargetFolderIdType(); copyItemRequest.ToFolderId.Item = destinationFolderId; // just copy the array from our GetItem request rather than building a // new one. // copyItemRequest.ItemIds = getSearchKeyRequest.ItemIds; CopyItemResponseType copyResponse = this.CopyItem(copyItemRequest); // Now, we know that we do not get new ids from the above request, but // we (read: you) SHOULD check the response code for each of the copies // operations. // // STEP 3: For each successful copy, we want to find the items by // search key. // FindItemType findBySearchKey = new FindItemType(); findBySearchKey.ItemShape = idAndSearchKeyShape; findBySearchKey.ParentFolderIds = new BaseFolderIdType[] { destinationFolderId }; findBySearchKey.Traversal = ItemQueryTraversalType.Shallow; findBySearchKey.Restriction = new RestrictionType(); // Here we need to build up our query. Rather than issuing several // FindItem calls, let's build up a single OR restriction here with a // bunch of items. Note that EWS restricts filter depths, so we // might need to break this up depending on how many items we are // copying... // if (base64SearchKeys.Count > 1) { OrType or = new OrType(); List<IsEqualToType> orChildren = new List<IsEqualToType>(); foreach (string searchKey in base64SearchKeys) { // Note that CreateIsEqualToSearchKey is implemented on the partial class // extension of RestrictionType. // IsEqualToType isEqualTo = RestrictionType.CreateIsEqualToSearchKey( searchKeyPath, searchKey); orChildren.Add(isEqualTo); } or.Items = orChildren.ToArray(); findBySearchKey.Restriction.Item = or; } else { // we only have one item. No need for the OR clause // IsEqualToType isEqualTo = RestrictionType.CreateIsEqualToSearchKey( searchKeyPath, base64SearchKeys[0]); findBySearchKey.Restriction.Item = isEqualTo; } FindItemResponseType findResponse = this.FindItem(findBySearchKey); // Since we searched in a single target folder, we will have a single // response message // FindItemResponseMessageType findResponseMessage = findResponse.ResponseMessages.Items[0] as FindItemResponseMessageType; ItemType[] foundItems = (findResponseMessage.RootFolder.Item as ArrayOfRealItemsType).Items; List<ItemIdType> newIds = new List<ItemIdType>(); foreach (ItemType item in foundItems) { newIds.Add(item.ItemId); } return newIds; }
/// <summary> /// The process or. /// </summary> /// <param name="orType"> /// The or type. /// </param> /// <param name="selections"> /// The selections. /// </param> /// <exception cref="SdmxNotImplementedException"> /// Key Family not supported in the IDataQuery.Or, please put in IDataQuery.And /// -or- /// Dataflow not supported in the IDataQuery.Or, please put in IDataQuery.And /// </exception> private void ProcessOr(OrType orType, ISet<IDataQuerySelection> selections) { if (orType != null) { if (orType.Dimension != null) { foreach (DimensionType currentDimension in orType.Dimension) { AddComponentSelection(selections,, currentDimension.TypedValue); } } if (orType.Attribute != null) { foreach (AttributeType currentDimension in orType.Attribute) { AddComponentSelection(selections,, currentDimension.TypedValue); } } if (ObjectUtil.ValidCollection(orType.KeyFamily)) { throw new SdmxNotImplementedException( "Key Family not supported in the IDataQuery.Or, please put in IDataQuery.And"); } if (ObjectUtil.ValidCollection(orType.Dataflow)) { throw new SdmxNotImplementedException( "Dataflow not supported in the IDataQuery.Or, please put in IDataQuery.And"); } this.ProcessAnd(orType.And); } }