예제 #1
        private void CreateResolutionDropdown(Resolution currentRes, FieldInfo field, GameObject panel)
            Resolution[]  resolutions     = Screen.resolutions;
            List <string> resolutionsText = new List <string>();
            int           activeResIndex  = 0;

            //Find the active current resolution, as well as add each resolution option to the list of resolutions text
            for (int i = 0; i < resolutions.Length; i++)
                if (resolutions[i].width == currentRes.width && resolutions[i].width == currentRes.width)
                    activeResIndex = i;


            //Create the dropdown, with all of our resolutions
            TMP_Dropdown dropdown =
                optionsPanel.AddDropdownToPanel(panel, field.GetObjectDisplayText(), resolutionsText.ToArray(),

            dropdown.onValueChanged.AddListener(index =>
                field.SetValue(GetSettingObject(field), resolutions[index]);