예제 #1
        public IActionResult Post([FromBody] string value, string category)
            var lookup = new mp_lookup
                category = category,
                value    = value

            lookup = Options.AddLookup(lookup);

예제 #2
        public async Task <ActionResult> RegisterClientMobile(IFormCollection collection, mp_profile profile, mp_enrollment enrollment, mp_couple_screening couple_screening, mp_child_screening child_Screening)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(collection["religion_other"]))
                enrollment.religion = Options.AddLookup(new mp_lookup {
                    category = "religion", value = collection["religion_other"]

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(collection["preferred_language_other"]))
                profile.language = Options.AddLookup(new mp_lookup {
                    category = "preferred_language", value = collection["preferred_language_other"]
            var appointment_type_id         = Convert.ToInt32(collection["appointment_type"]);
            var appointment_activity_id     = Convert.ToInt32(collection["appointment_category_id"]);
            var appointment_activity_sub_id = Convert.ToInt32(collection["appointment_category_sub_id"]);
            //auth data
            var username = collection["username"];
            //var roles = collection["roles"].ToString().Split(",");
            var password = collection["password"];
            //end of auth data

            //int marital_status = Convert.ToInt32(collection["marital_status"]);
            //int religious = Convert.ToInt32(collection["religious"]);
            //int religion = Convert.ToInt32(collection["religion"]);
            //int help_reason = Convert.ToInt32(collection["help_reason"]);
            //int earlier_counseling = Convert.ToInt32(collection["earlier_counseling"]);
            //int physical_health = Convert.ToInt32(collection["physical_health"]);
            //int eating_habit = Convert.ToInt32(collection["eating_habit"]);
            //int sleeping = Convert.ToInt32(collection["sleeping"]);
            //int depression = Convert.ToInt32(collection["depression"]);
            //int reduced_interest = Convert.ToInt32(collection["reduced_interest"]);
            //int recent_depression = Convert.ToInt32(collection["recent_depression"]);
            //int sleeping_trouble = Convert.ToInt32(collection["sleeping_trouble"]);
            //int tiredness = Convert.ToInt32(collection["tiredness"]);
            //int appetite = Convert.ToInt32(collection["appetite"]);
            //int feeling_bad = Convert.ToInt32(collection["feeling_bad"]);
            //int concentration_issue = Convert.ToInt32(collection["concentration_issue"]);
            //int fidgety = Convert.ToInt32(collection["fidgety"]);
            //int suicidal = Convert.ToInt32(collection["suicidal"]);
            //int today_feeling = Convert.ToInt32(collection["today_feeling"]);
            //int employed = Convert.ToInt32(collection["employed"]);
            //int alcohol = Convert.ToInt32(collection["alcohol"]);
            //int anxiety = Convert.ToInt32(collection["anxiety"]);
            //end step-1

            //var last_name = collection["last_name"];
            //var first_name = collection["first_name"];
            //var phone = collection["phone"];
            //var email = collection["email"];
            //var preferred_name = collection["preferred_name"];
            //var address = collection["address"];
            //var city = collection["city"];
            //int state = Convert.ToInt32(collection["state"]);
            //int country = Convert.ToInt32(collection["country"]);
            //var dob = DateTime.Parse(collection["dob"]);

            //end step-2

            //var jsonMsg = FormHelper.ColletionToJSON(collection);

            var UserManager = _userManager;

            var user = new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = username, Email = username, PhoneNumber = profile.phone, UserType = 1, RegistrationDate = DateTime.Now

            var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, password);

            if (result.Succeeded)
                await UserManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, "client");

                //jsonMsg["user_id"] = user.Id;

                    profile.status       = 0;
                    profile.profile_type = 1;
                    profile.user_id      = user.Id;
                    Guid profile_id = _profileService.Add(profile);
                    //    _profileService.Add(new mp_profile
                    //    last_name = last_name,
                    //    first_name = first_name,
                    //    phone = phone,
                    //    email = email,
                    //    preferred_name = preferred_name,
                    //    address = address,
                    //    city = city,
                    //    state = state,
                    //    country = country,
                    //    dob = dob,
                    //    user_id = user.Id,
                    //    profile_type = 1,
                    //    education_level = 0,
                    //    status = 0,
                    //    marital_status = marital_status

                    //_enrollmentService.Add(new mp_enrollment
                    //    profile_id = profile_id,
                    //    religious = religious,
                    //    religion = religion,
                    //    help_reason = help_reason,
                    //    earlier_counseling = earlier_counseling,
                    //    physical_health = physical_health,
                    //    eating_habit = eating_habit,
                    //    sleeping = sleeping,
                    //    depression = depression,
                    //    reduced_interest = reduced_interest,
                    //    recent_depression = recent_depression,
                    //    sleeping_trouble = sleeping_trouble,
                    //    tiredness = tiredness,
                    //    appetite = appetite,
                    //    feeling_bad = feeling_bad,
                    //    concentration_issue = concentration_issue,
                    //    fidgety = fidgety,
                    //    suicidal = suicidal,
                    //    today_feeling = today_feeling,
                    //    employed = employed,
                    //    alcohol = alcohol,
                    //    anxiety = anxiety,
                    //    created_by = username
                    if (appointment_type_id == 1 && appointment_activity_sub_id == 1)
                        //individual counselling
                        enrollment.created_by = user.Id;
                        enrollment.profile_id = profile_id;
                    else if (appointment_type_id == 1 && appointment_activity_sub_id == 2)
                        //couples counselling
                        enrollment.created_by = user.Id;
                        enrollment.profile_id = profile_id;

                        couple_screening.profile_id = profile_id;
                    else if (appointment_type_id == 1 && appointment_activity_sub_id == 3)
                        //child counselling
                        enrollment.created_by = user.Id;
                        enrollment.profile_id = profile_id;

                        child_Screening.profile_id = profile_id;
                    else if (appointment_type_id == 1 && appointment_activity_sub_id == 4)
                        //familiy counselling
                        enrollment.created_by = user.Id;
                        enrollment.profile_id = profile_id;

                    //var profile_match = new mp_profile_match
                    //    appointment_type_id = appointment_type_id,
                    //    appointment_activity_id = appointment_activity_id,
                    //    appointment_activity_sub_id = appointment_activity_sub_id,
                    //    clinician_id = Guid.Parse(collection["clinician_id"]),
                    //    profile_id = profile_id

                catch (Exception ex)
                    //error message handling

                var code = await _userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user);

                code = WebEncoders.Base64UrlEncode(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
                var callbackUrl = Url.Page(
                    pageHandler: null,
                    values: new { area = "Identity", userId = user.Id, code = code },
                    protocol: Request.Scheme);

                await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(user.Email, "Your account has successfully being created. <br>",
                                                  $"Please confirm your account by <a href='{HtmlEncoder.Default.Encode(callbackUrl)}'>clicking here</a>.");

                //return Ok(200);

            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form

            return(Redirect(Request.Headers["Referer"].ToString()));// return RedirectToAction("Create");
            //return Ok(400);
예제 #3
        public async Task <ActionResult> RegisterClient(IFormCollection collection, mp_profile profile, mp_enrollment enrollment, mp_couple_screening couple_screening, mp_child_screening child_Screening)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(collection["religion_other"]))
                enrollment.religion = Options.AddLookup(new mp_lookup {
                    category = "religion", value = collection["religion_other"]
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(collection["preferred_language_other"]))
                profile.language = Options.AddLookup(new mp_lookup {
                    category = "preferred_language", value = collection["preferred_language_other"]
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(collection["tribe_other"]))
                profile.tribe = Options.AddLookup(new mp_lookup {
                    category = "tribe", value = collection["tribe_other"]
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(collection["child_preferred_language_other"]))
                child_Screening.child_preferred_language = Options.AddLookup(new mp_lookup {
                    category = "preferred_language", value = collection["child_preferred_language_other"]
            var appointment_type_id         = Convert.ToInt32(collection["appointment_type"]);
            var appointment_activity_id     = Convert.ToInt32(collection["appointment_category_id"]);
            var appointment_activity_sub_id = Convert.ToInt32(collection["appointment_category_sub_id"]);
            //auth data
            var username = collection["username"];
            //var roles = collection["roles"].ToString().Split(",");
            var password = collection["password"];
            //end of auth data

            int  marital_status       = Convert.ToInt32(collection["marital_status"]);
            int  religious            = Convert.ToInt32(collection["religious"]);
            int  religion             = Convert.ToInt32(collection["religion"]);
            int  help_reason          = Convert.ToInt32(collection["help_reason"]);
            int  earlier_counseling   = Convert.ToInt32(collection["earlier_counseling"]);
            int  physical_health      = Convert.ToInt32(collection["physical_health"]);
            int  eating_habit         = Convert.ToInt32(collection["eating_habit"]);
            int  sleeping             = Convert.ToInt32(collection["sleeping"]);
            int  depression           = Convert.ToInt32(collection["depression"]);
            int  reduced_interest     = Convert.ToInt32(collection["reduced_interest"]);
            int  recent_depression    = Convert.ToInt32(collection["recent_depression"]);
            int  sleeping_trouble     = Convert.ToInt32(collection["sleeping_trouble"]);
            int  tiredness            = Convert.ToInt32(collection["tiredness"]);
            int  appetite             = Convert.ToInt32(collection["appetite"]);
            int  feeling_bad          = Convert.ToInt32(collection["feeling_bad"]);
            int  concentration_issue  = Convert.ToInt32(collection["concentration_issue"]);
            int  fidgety              = Convert.ToInt32(collection["fidgety"]);
            int  suicidal             = Convert.ToInt32(collection["suicidal"]);
            int  today_feeling        = Convert.ToInt32(collection["today_feeling"]);
            int  employed             = Convert.ToInt32(collection["employed"]);
            int  alcohol              = Convert.ToInt32(collection["alcohol"]);
            int  anxiety              = Convert.ToInt32(collection["anxiety"]);
            bool?clinicalTherapyFaith = Convert.ToBoolean(collection["clinicalTherapyFaith"]);
            //end step-1

            var last_name       = collection["last_name"];
            var first_name      = collection["first_name"];
            var phone           = collection["phone"];
            var email           = collection["email"];
            var preferred_name  = collection["preferred_name"];
            var address         = collection["address"];
            var city            = collection["city"];
            var area            = collection["area"];
            var school_name     = collection["school_name"];
            int state           = Convert.ToInt32(collection["state"]);
            int country         = Convert.ToInt32(collection["country"]);
            var dob             = DateTime.Parse(collection["dob"]);
            int education_level = Convert.ToInt32(collection["education_level"]);
            //end step-2

            //emergency contact
            var emergency_last_name  = collection["emergency_last_name"];
            var emergency_first_name = collection["emergency_first_name"];
            var emergency_phone      = collection["emergency_phone"];
            var emergency_email      = collection["emergency_email"];

            //var jsonMsg = FormHelper.ColletionToJSON(collection);
            var UserManager = _userManager;
            var user        = new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = username, Email = username, PhoneNumber = profile.phone, UserType = 1, RegistrationDate = DateTime.Now

            var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, password);

            if (result.Succeeded)
                await UserManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, "client");

                    Guid profile_id = _profileService.Add(new mp_profile
                        last_name       = last_name,
                        first_name      = first_name,
                        phone           = phone,
                        email           = email,
                        preferred_name  = preferred_name,
                        address         = address,
                        area            = area,
                        city            = city,
                        state           = state,
                        country         = country,
                        dob             = dob,
                        user_id         = user.Id,
                        profile_type    = 1,
                        education_level = education_level,
                        school_name     = school_name,
                        status          = 0,
                        marital_status  = marital_status
                    _emergencyContactService.Add(new mp_emergency_contact
                        first_name = emergency_first_name,
                        last_name  = emergency_last_name,
                        email      = emergency_email,
                        phone      = emergency_phone,
                        profile_id = profile_id,
                        created_by = username
                    _enrollmentService.Add(new mp_enrollment
                        profile_id           = profile_id,
                        religious            = religious,
                        religion             = religion,
                        help_reason          = help_reason,
                        earlier_counseling   = earlier_counseling,
                        physical_health      = physical_health,
                        eating_habit         = eating_habit,
                        sleeping             = sleeping,
                        depression           = depression,
                        reduced_interest     = reduced_interest,
                        recent_depression    = recent_depression,
                        sleeping_trouble     = sleeping_trouble,
                        tiredness            = tiredness,
                        appetite             = appetite,
                        feeling_bad          = feeling_bad,
                        concentration_issue  = concentration_issue,
                        fidgety              = fidgety,
                        suicidal             = suicidal,
                        today_feeling        = today_feeling,
                        employed             = employed,
                        alcohol              = alcohol,
                        anxiety              = anxiety,
                        clinicalTherapyFaith = clinicalTherapyFaith,
                        created_by           = username
                    if (appointment_type_id == 1 && appointment_activity_sub_id == 1)
                        //individual counselling
                        enrollment.created_by = user.Id;
                        enrollment.profile_id = profile_id;
                    else if (appointment_type_id == 1 && appointment_activity_sub_id == 2)
                        //couples counselling
                        enrollment.created_by = user.Id;
                        enrollment.profile_id = profile_id;

                        couple_screening.profile_id = profile_id;
                    else if (appointment_type_id == 1 && appointment_activity_sub_id == 3)
                        //child counselling
                        enrollment.created_by = user.Id;
                        enrollment.profile_id = profile_id;

                        child_Screening.profile_id = profile_id;
                    else if (appointment_type_id == 1 && appointment_activity_sub_id == 4)
                        //familiy counselling
                        enrollment.created_by = user.Id;
                        enrollment.profile_id = profile_id;

                    //var profile_match = new mp_profile_match
                    //    appointment_type_id = appointment_type_id,
                    //    appointment_activity_id = appointment_activity_id,
                    //    appointment_activity_sub_id = appointment_activity_sub_id,
                    //    clinician_id = Guid.Parse(collection["clinician_id"]),
                    //    profile_id = profile_id


                    await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(user.Email, "Registration successful - MySpace MyTime",
                                                      $"Thanks you " + last_name + " " + first_name + " for creating a profile with us.");

                    //Please confirm your account by <a href='{HtmlEncoder.Default.Encode(callbackUrl)}'>clicking here</a>

                    //return LocalRedirect("/Identity/Account/Login");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //error message handling
                    var errMsg = "There was an error creating your account. " + ex.Message;

                //                var code = await _userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user);
                //var url = $"{this.Request.Scheme}://{this.Request.Host}{this.Request.PathBase}";

                //var callbackUrl = url;

                // await _signInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent: false);

                //await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(collection["username"].ToString(), "Welcome to MySpace MyTime",
                //$"Your account has successfully being created.");

                //var code = await _userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user);
                //code = WebEncoders.Base64UrlEncode(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
                //var callbackUrl = Url.Page(
                //    "/Account/ConfirmEmail",
                //    pageHandler: null,
                //    values: new { area = "Identity", userId = user.Id, code = code },
                //    protocol: Request.Scheme);

                //await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(user.Email, "Your account has successfully being created. <br>",
                //    $"Please confirm your account by <a href='{HtmlEncoder.Default.Encode(callbackUrl)}'>clicking here</a>.");
            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
            var errors = "There was an error creating your account. Please ensure that the you use a strong password";

            if (result.Errors != null && result.Errors.Count() > 0)
                errors = string.Join(',', result.Errors.Select(x => x.Description).ToList());
            //return Redirect(Request.Headers["Referer"].ToString());