예제 #1
        //public CSAudioConverter.AudioConverter audioConverter1 = new CSAudioConverter.AudioConverter();
        public void ConvertAudio(string path)
            //string FILE = "the-file-you-want-to-process.webm";
            //FFmpeg - i "${FILE}" - vn - ab 128k - ar 44100 - y "${FILE%.webm}.mp3";
            //string inputVideoPath = Path.Combine(path);
            //string outputPathMp4 = Path.Combine(path+ ".mp3");

            //IMediaInfo info = await FFmpeg.GetMediaInfo(inputVideoPath);

            //IStream audioStream = info.AudioStreams.FirstOrDefault()
            //    ?.SetChannels(2);

            //return FFmpeg.Conversions.New()
            //    .AddStream(videoStream, audioStream)
            //    .SetOutput(outputPathMp4);

            //string output = path + ".mp3";
            //FFmpeg.Conversions.FromSnippet.ExtractAudio(path, output).Start();

            ////FFmpeg.Conversions.FromSnippet.ExtractAudio(path, path + ".mp3");
            //string output = path+ ".mp3";
            //var conversion = FFmpeg.Conversions.FromSnippet.ExtractAudio(path, output);

            //data.UserName = "******";
            //data.UserKey = "d1200cee3a2f9f7aeddb37f9ea398592";
            //data.Format  = CSAudioConverter.Format.MP3;
            //Options.Core.SourceFile sourceFile = new Options.Core.SourceFile(path);

            CSAudioConverter.AudioConverter audioConverter1 = new CSAudioConverter.AudioConverter();
            audioConverter1.UserName = "******";
            audioConverter1.UserKey  = "d1200cee3a2f9f7aeddb37f9ea398592";
            audioConverter1.Format   = CSAudioConverter.Format.MP3;
            Options.Core.SourceFile sourceFile = new Options.Core.SourceFile(path);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert, join and cut the source audio file(s).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void cmdConvert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Check if already running:
            if (audioConverter1.OperationState == CSAudioConverter.OperationState.Running)
                MessageBox.Show("Already running.");

            //Check if there is source multimedia file to process:
            if (txtSourceMediaFile1.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Please select the SourceMediaFile1 to convert");

            #region DecodeModeExplain

             * Set the mode of the decoder, this can be the LocalCodecs which
             * will use the codecs that installed on the system, or FFMpeg
             * which will use the FFMpeg libraries. If you decide to use the
             * FFMpeg libraries, please make sure the FFMpeg folder with dll
             * files is existed under the output directory of the project:
            audioConverter1.DecodeMode = (CSAudioConverter.DecodeMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(CSAudioConverter.DecodeMode), cboDecodeMode.Text);

            //Set the destination path and properties:

            //Set the destination file:
            audioConverter1.DestinatioFile = lblDestinationFile.Text;

            //[Optional: Default is MP3]
            //Set the destination audio format, this can be AAC, APE, MP2, MP3, OGG, PCM WAV, ACM WAV and WMA:
            audioConverter1.Format = (CSAudioConverter.Format)Enum.Parse(typeof(CSAudioConverter.Format), cboDestinationFormat.Text);

            #region MoreOptionalProperties

            //If the destination format is ACM (WAV) set the ACM tag and format.
            if (cboDestinationFormat.Text == "ACM")
                //Set the ACM tag and format:

                //[Optional: Default is WAV]
                audioConverter1.ACMTag = cboACMTags.Text;

                //[Optional: Default is 44100, 16, Stereo]
                audioConverter1.ACMFormat = cboACMFormats.Text;

            //[Optional: Default is 192]
            //Set the bitrate of the destination:
            audioConverter1.Bitrate = (CSAudioConverter.Bitrate)Enum.Parse(typeof(CSAudioConverter.Bitrate), cboBitrate.Text);
            //Or set by value
            //audioConverter1.BitrateVal = 192;

            //[Optional: Default is 44100]
            //Set the sample rate of the destination (from 8000 to 48000):
            audioConverter1.Samplerate = (CSAudioConverter.Samplerate)Enum.Parse(typeof(CSAudioConverter.Samplerate), cboSamplerate.Text);
            //Or set by value
            //audioConverter1.SamplerateVal = 48000;

            //[Optional: Default is 16]
            //Set the bit-depth of the destination file (8, 16, 24, 32):
            audioConverter1.Bits = (CSAudioConverter.Bits)Enum.Parse(typeof(CSAudioConverter.Bits), cboBits.Text);

            //[Optional: Default is 2]
            //Set the number of the channels of the destination file (1 or 2):
            audioConverter1.Channels = (CSAudioConverter.Channels)Enum.Parse(typeof(CSAudioConverter.Channels), cboChannels.Text);


            //Add one or more source multimedia files to the SourceFiles list.
            //If you will add more then one source multimedia file to the list,
            //the control will join them all into one multimedia file:

            //First clear the SourceFiles list:

            //Set the time length to converter:
            TimeSpan from_time = new TimeSpan(timeFrom1.Value.Hour, timeFrom1.Value.Minute, timeFrom1.Value.Second);
            TimeSpan to_time   = new TimeSpan(timeTo1.Value.Hour, timeTo1.Value.Minute, timeTo1.Value.Second);

            //Add the file to the SourceFiles list:
            Options.Core.SourceFile sourceFile = new Options.Core.SourceFile(txtSourceMediaFile1.Text, from_time, to_time);


            #region ExamplesOfAddingFiles
            //If you want to convert all the file you can add source file without the from_time and the to_time:
            //audioConverter1.SourceFiles.Add(new Options.Core.SourceFile(txtSourceMediaFile1.Text));

            //This will also convert all the file:
            //audioConverter1.SourceFiles.Add(new Options.Core.SourceFile(txtSourceMediaFile1.Text, 0, 0));

            //This will convert from the from_time to the end of the file:
            //audioConverter1.SourceFiles.Add(new Options.Core.SourceFile(txtSourceMediaFile1.Text, from_time, 0));

            // Add the second multimedia file (for joining):
            if (txtSourceMediaFile2.Text != "")
                //Set the time length to converter of the second multimedia file:

                from_time = new TimeSpan(timeFrom2.Value.Hour, timeFrom2.Value.Minute, timeFrom2.Value.Second);
                to_time   = new TimeSpan(timeTo2.Value.Hour, timeTo2.Value.Minute, timeTo2.Value.Second);

                //Add the second file to the SourceFiles list:
                audioConverter1.SourceFiles.Add(new Options.Core.SourceFile(txtSourceMediaFile2.Text, from_time, to_time));

            //Add more multimedia files to join as adding the second multimedia file...

            //Run the process:

            //Disable the buttons controls until the process has ended:
            cmdConvert.Enabled = false;