public static bool TryParseAsEnumFlags <TEnum>( IEnumerable <string>?values, string optionName, out TEnum result, TEnum?defaultValue = null, OptionValueProvider?provider = null) where TEnum : struct { result = (TEnum)(object)0; if (values?.Any() != true) { if (defaultValue != null) { result = (TEnum)(object)defaultValue; } return(true); } int flags = 0; foreach (string value in values) { if (!TryParseAsEnum(value, optionName, out TEnum result2, provider: provider)) { return(false); } flags |= (int)(object)result2; } result = (TEnum)(object)flags; return(true); }
public static bool TryParseAsEnumValues <TEnum>( IEnumerable <string>?values, string optionName, out ImmutableArray <TEnum> result, ImmutableArray <TEnum> defaultValue = default, OptionValueProvider?provider = null) where TEnum : struct { if (values?.Any() != true) { result = (defaultValue.IsDefault) ? ImmutableArray <TEnum> .Empty : defaultValue; return(true); } ImmutableArray <TEnum> .Builder builder = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder <TEnum>(); foreach (string value in values) { if (!TryParseAsEnum(value, optionName, out TEnum result2, provider: provider)) { return(false); } builder.Add(result2); } result = builder.ToImmutableArray(); return(true); }
internal static void WriteOptionValueError( string value, OptionValue optionValue, OptionValueProvider?provider = null) { WriteOptionValueError(value, optionValue, OptionValueProviders.GetHelpText(provider, multiline: true)); }
public static bool TryParseHighlightOptions( IEnumerable <string> values, out HighlightOptions highlightOptions, HighlightOptions?defaultValue = null, OptionValueProvider?provider = null) { return(TryParseHighlightOptions( values, out highlightOptions, defaultValue, default(ContentDisplayStyle?), provider)); }
public static bool TryParseHighlightOptions( IEnumerable <string> values, out HighlightOptions highlightOptions, HighlightOptions?defaultValue = null, ContentDisplayStyle?contentDisplayStyle = null, OptionValueProvider?provider = null) { if (contentDisplayStyle == ContentDisplayStyle.Value || contentDisplayStyle == ContentDisplayStyle.ValueDetail) { defaultValue = HighlightOptions.None; } if (values.Any()) { string[] arr = values.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { switch (arr[i]) { case "new-line": { LogHelpers.WriteObsoleteWarning($"Value '{arr[i]}' is obsolete. " + $"Use value '{OptionValues.HighlightOptions_Newline.HelpValue}' instead."); arr[i] = OptionValues.HighlightOptions_Newline.Value; break; } case "nl": { LogHelpers.WriteObsoleteWarning($"Value '{arr[i]}' is obsolete. " + $"Use value '{OptionValues.HighlightOptions_Newline.HelpValue}' instead."); arr[i] = OptionValues.HighlightOptions_Newline.Value; break; } } } values = arr; } return(TryParseAsEnumFlags( values, OptionNames.Highlight, out highlightOptions, defaultValue: defaultValue, provider: provider ?? OptionValueProviders.HighlightOptionsProvider)); }
public static bool TryParseAsEnum <TEnum>( string value, string optionName, out TEnum result, TEnum?defaultValue = null, OptionValueProvider?provider = null) where TEnum : struct { if (!TryParseAsEnum(value, out result, defaultValue, provider)) { string allowedValues = OptionValueProviders.GetHelpText(provider, multiline: true) ?? OptionValue.GetDefaultHelpText <TEnum>(multiline: true); WriteOptionError(value, optionName, allowedValues); return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool TryParse( IEnumerable <string> values, string optionName, OptionValueProvider provider, out Filter?filter, bool allowNull = false, OptionValueProvider?namePartProvider = null, FileNamePart defaultNamePart = FileNamePart.Name, PatternOptions includedPatternOptions = PatternOptions.None) { return(TryParse( values: values, optionName: optionName, provider: provider, filter: out filter, namePart: out _, allowNull: allowNull, namePartProvider: namePartProvider, defaultNamePart: defaultNamePart, includedPatternOptions: includedPatternOptions)); }
public static bool TryParseAsEnum <TEnum>( string value, out TEnum result, TEnum?defaultValue = null, OptionValueProvider?provider = default) where TEnum : struct { if (value == null && defaultValue != null) { result = defaultValue.Value; return(true); } if (provider != null) { return(provider.TryParseEnum(value, out result)); } else { return(Enum.TryParse(value?.Replace("-", ""), ignoreCase: true, out result)); } }
private static bool TryGetProvider(CommandOption option, [NotNullWhen(true)] out OptionValueProvider?provider) { if (option.ValueProviderName != null) { return(OptionValueProviders.ProvidersByName.TryGetValue(option.ValueProviderName, out provider)); } if (option.MetaValue != null && OptionValueProviders.ProvidersByName.TryGetValue(option.MetaValue, out provider)) { return(true); } Match match = OptionValueProvider.MetaValueRegex.Match(option.MetaValue); if (match.Success) { return(OptionValueProviders.ProvidersByName.TryGetValue(match.Value, out provider)); } provider = null; return(false); }
public static bool TryParseDisplay( IEnumerable <string> values, string optionName, out ContentDisplayStyle?contentDisplayStyle, out PathDisplayStyle?pathDisplayStyle, out LineDisplayOptions lineDisplayOptions, out LineContext lineContext, out DisplayParts displayParts, out ImmutableArray <FileProperty> fileProperties, out string?indent, out string?separator, out bool noAlign, OptionValueProvider?contentDisplayStyleProvider = null, OptionValueProvider?pathDisplayStyleProvider = null) { contentDisplayStyle = null; pathDisplayStyle = null; lineDisplayOptions = LineDisplayOptions.None; lineContext = default; displayParts = DisplayParts.None; fileProperties = ImmutableArray <FileProperty> .Empty; indent = null; separator = null; noAlign = false; ImmutableArray <FileProperty> .Builder?builder = null; foreach (string value in values) { int index = value.IndexOf('='); if (index >= 0) { string key = value.Substring(0, index); string value2 = value.Substring(index + 1); if (key == "t") { LogHelpers.WriteObsoleteWarning($"Value '{key}' is obsolete. " + $"Use value '{OptionValues.Display_Context.HelpValue}' instead."); key = OptionValues.Display_Context.ShortKey; } else if (key == "ta") { LogHelpers.WriteObsoleteWarning($"Value '{key}' is obsolete. " + $"Use value '{OptionValues.Display_ContextAfter.HelpValue}' instead."); key = OptionValues.Display_ContextAfter.ShortKey; } else if (key == "tb") { LogHelpers.WriteObsoleteWarning($"Value '{key}' is obsolete. " + $"Use value '{OptionValues.Display_ContextBefore.HelpValue}' instead."); key = OptionValues.Display_ContextBefore.ShortKey; } if (OptionValues.Display_Content.IsKeyOrShortKey(key)) { if (!TryParseAsEnum( value2, optionName, out ContentDisplayStyle contentDisplayStyle2, provider: contentDisplayStyleProvider)) { return(false); } contentDisplayStyle = contentDisplayStyle2; } else if (OptionValues.Display_Path.IsKeyOrShortKey(key)) { if (!TryParseAsEnum( value2, optionName, out PathDisplayStyle pathDisplayStyle2, provider: pathDisplayStyleProvider)) { return(false); } pathDisplayStyle = pathDisplayStyle2; } else if (OptionValues.Display_Indent.IsKeyOrShortKey(key)) { indent = value2; } else if (OptionValues.Display_Separator.IsKeyOrShortKey(key)) { separator = RegexEscape.ConvertCharacterEscapes(value2); } else if (OptionValues.Display_Context.IsKeyOrShortKey(key)) { if (!TryParseCount(value2, OptionNames.Display, out int count, value)) { return(false); } lineContext = new LineContext(count); } else if (OptionValues.Display_ContextBefore.IsKeyOrShortKey(key)) { if (!TryParseCount(value2, OptionNames.Display, out int before, value)) { return(false); } lineContext = lineContext.WithBefore(before); } else if (OptionValues.Display_ContextAfter.IsKeyOrShortKey(key)) { if (!TryParseCount(value2, OptionNames.Display, out int after, value)) { return(false); } lineContext = lineContext.WithAfter(after); } else { WriteOptionError(value, optionName, OptionValueProviders.DisplayProvider); return(false); } } else if (OptionValues.Display_Summary.IsValueOrShortValue(value)) { displayParts |= DisplayParts.Summary; } else if (OptionValues.Display_Count.IsValueOrShortValue(value)) { displayParts |= DisplayParts.Count; } else if (OptionValues.Display_CreationTime.IsValueOrShortValue(value)) { (builder ??= ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder <FileProperty>()).Add(FileProperty.CreationTime); } else if (OptionValues.Display_ModifiedTime.IsValueOrShortValue(value)) { (builder ??= ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder <FileProperty>()).Add(FileProperty.ModifiedTime); } else if (OptionValues.Display_Size.IsValueOrShortValue(value)) { (builder ??= ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder <FileProperty>()).Add(FileProperty.Size); } else if (OptionValues.Display_LineNumber.IsValueOrShortValue(value)) { lineDisplayOptions |= LineDisplayOptions.IncludeLineNumber; } else if (OptionValues.Display_TrimLine.IsValueOrShortValue(value)) { lineDisplayOptions |= LineDisplayOptions.TrimLine; } else if (OptionValues.Display_TrimLine.IsValueOrShortValue(value)) { lineDisplayOptions |= LineDisplayOptions.TrimLine; } else if (OptionValues.Display_TrimLine.IsValueOrShortValue(value)) { lineDisplayOptions |= LineDisplayOptions.TrimLine; } else if (OptionValues.Display_NoAlign.IsValueOrShortValue(value)) { noAlign = true; } else { WriteOptionError(value, optionName, OptionValueProviders.DisplayProvider); return(false); } } if (builder != null) { fileProperties = builder.ToImmutableArray(); } return(true); }
public static bool TryParse( IEnumerable <string> values, string optionName, OptionValueProvider provider, out Filter?filter, out FileNamePart namePart, bool allowNull = false, OptionValueProvider?namePartProvider = null, FileNamePart defaultNamePart = FileNamePart.Name, PatternOptions includedPatternOptions = PatternOptions.None) { filter = null; namePart = defaultNamePart; string?pattern = values.FirstOrDefault(); if (pattern == null) { if (allowNull) { return(true); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Option '{OptionNames.GetHelpText(optionName)}' is required."); } } TimeSpan matchTimeout = Regex.InfiniteMatchTimeout; string? groupName = null; string? separator = null; Func <string, bool>?predicate = null; List <string>?options = null; foreach (string option in values.Skip(1)) { int index = option.IndexOfAny(_equalsOrLessThanOrGreaterThanChars); if (index != -1) { string key = option.Substring(0, index); if (!provider.ContainsKeyOrShortKey(key)) { WriteOptionError(option, optionName, provider); return(false); } string value = option.Substring(index + 1); if (OptionValues.Group.IsKeyOrShortKey(key)) { groupName = value; continue; } else if (OptionValues.ListSeparator.IsKeyOrShortKey(key)) { separator = value; continue; } else if (OptionValues.Part.IsKeyOrShortKey(key)) { if (!TryParseAsEnum( value, out namePart, provider: namePartProvider ?? OptionValueProviders.NamePartKindProvider)) { WriteOptionValueError( value, OptionValues.Part, namePartProvider ?? OptionValueProviders.NamePartKindProvider); return(false); } continue; } else if (OptionValues.Timeout.IsKeyOrShortKey(key)) { if (!TryParseMatchTimeout(value, out matchTimeout)) { WriteOptionValueError(value, OptionValues.Timeout); return(false); } continue; } } if (Expression.TryParse(option, out Expression? expression)) { if (OptionValues.Length.IsKeyOrShortKey(expression.Identifier) && provider.ContainsKeyOrShortKey(expression.Identifier)) { try { predicate = PredicateHelpers.GetLengthPredicate(expression); continue; } catch (ArgumentException) { WriteOptionValueError( expression.Value, OptionValues.Length, HelpProvider.GetExpressionsText(" ", includeDate: false)); return(false); } } else { WriteOptionError(option, optionName, provider); return(false); } } (options ??= new List <string>()).Add(option); } if (!TryParseRegexOptions( options, optionName, out RegexOptions regexOptions, out PatternOptions patternOptions, includedPatternOptions, provider)) { return(false); } switch (patternOptions & (PatternOptions.WholeWord | PatternOptions.WholeLine)) { case PatternOptions.None: case PatternOptions.WholeWord: case PatternOptions.WholeLine: { break; } default: { string helpValue = OptionValueProviders.PatternOptionsProvider .GetValue(nameof(PatternOptions.WholeWord)).HelpValue; string helpValue2 = OptionValueProviders.PatternOptionsProvider .GetValue(nameof(PatternOptions.WholeLine)).HelpValue; WriteError($"Values '{helpValue}' and '{helpValue2}' cannot be combined."); return(false); } } if ((patternOptions & PatternOptions.FromFile) != 0 && !FileSystemHelpers.TryReadAllText(pattern, out pattern, ex => WriteError(ex))) { return(false); } pattern = BuildPattern(pattern, patternOptions, separator); if (pattern.Length == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException( $"Option '{OptionNames.GetHelpText(optionName)}' is invalid: pattern cannot be empty."); } Regex?regex = null; try { regex = new Regex(pattern, regexOptions, matchTimeout); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { WriteError(ex, $"Could not parse regular expression: {ex.Message}"); return(false); } int groupIndex = -1; if (groupName != null) { groupIndex = regex.GroupNumberFromName(groupName); if (groupIndex == -1) { string message = $"Group '{groupName}' does not exist."; string[] groupNames = regex.GetGroupNames(); if (groupNames.Length > 1) { message += " Existing group names: " + $"{TextHelpers.Join(", ", " and ", groupNames.Where(f => f != "0"))}."; } WriteError(message); return(false); } } filter = new Filter( regex, isNegative: (patternOptions & PatternOptions.Negative) != 0, groupNumber: groupIndex, predicate: predicate); return(true); }
private static bool TryParseRegexOptions( IEnumerable <string>?options, string optionsParameterName, out RegexOptions regexOptions, out PatternOptions patternOptions, PatternOptions includedPatternOptions = PatternOptions.None, OptionValueProvider?provider = null) { regexOptions = RegexOptions.None; if (!TryParseAsEnumFlags( options, optionsParameterName, out patternOptions, provider: provider ?? OptionValueProviders.PatternOptionsProvider)) { return(false); } Debug.Assert((patternOptions & (PatternOptions.CaseSensitive | PatternOptions.IgnoreCase)) != (PatternOptions.CaseSensitive | PatternOptions.IgnoreCase)); if ((patternOptions & PatternOptions.CaseSensitive) != 0) { includedPatternOptions &= ~PatternOptions.IgnoreCase; } else if ((patternOptions & PatternOptions.IgnoreCase) != 0) { includedPatternOptions &= ~PatternOptions.CaseSensitive; } patternOptions |= includedPatternOptions; if ((patternOptions & PatternOptions.Compiled) != 0) { regexOptions |= RegexOptions.Compiled; } if ((patternOptions & PatternOptions.CultureInvariant) != 0) { regexOptions |= RegexOptions.CultureInvariant; } if ((patternOptions & PatternOptions.ECMAScript) != 0) { regexOptions |= RegexOptions.ECMAScript; } if ((patternOptions & PatternOptions.ExplicitCapture) != 0) { regexOptions |= RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture; } if ((patternOptions & PatternOptions.IgnoreCase) != 0) { regexOptions |= RegexOptions.IgnoreCase; } if ((patternOptions & PatternOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace) != 0) { regexOptions |= RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace; } if ((patternOptions & PatternOptions.Multiline) != 0) { regexOptions |= RegexOptions.Multiline; } if ((patternOptions & PatternOptions.RightToLeft) != 0) { regexOptions |= RegexOptions.RightToLeft; } if ((patternOptions & PatternOptions.Singleline) != 0) { regexOptions |= RegexOptions.Singleline; } return(true); }
public override void WriteOptionDescription(CommandOption option) { _writer.WriteString(option.Description); if (TryGetProvider(option, out OptionValueProvider? provider)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.Description)) { _writer.WriteLine(); _writer.WriteLine(); } OptionValueProvider?provider2 = provider; if (provider.Parent != null) { provider2 = provider.Parent; } string metaValueUrl = provider2.Name; _writer.WriteLink(provider2.Name, "" + MarkdownHelpers.CreateGitHubHeadingLink(metaValueUrl)); _writer.WriteString(": "); using (IEnumerator <string> en = provider .Values .Where(f => !f.Hidden) .Select(f => f.HelpValue) .GetEnumerator()) { if (en.MoveNext()) { while (true) { string value = en.Current; Match metaValueMatch = Regex.Match(value, @"(?<==)\<[\p{Lu}_]+>\z"); if (metaValueMatch.Success && OptionValueProviders.ProvidersByName.ContainsKey(metaValueMatch.Value)) { _writer.WriteInlineCode(value.Remove(metaValueMatch.Index)); _writer.WriteLink( metaValueMatch.Value, "" + MarkdownHelpers.CreateGitHubHeadingLink(metaValueMatch.Value)); } else { _writer.WriteInlineCode(en.Current); } if (en.MoveNext()) { _writer.WriteString(", "); } else { break; } } _writer.WriteString("."); } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.Description) || provider != null) { _writer.WriteLine(); _writer.WriteLine(); } }
public OptionValueProvider(string name, OptionValueProvider?parent, IEnumerable <OptionValue> values) { Name = name; Parent = parent; Values = values.ToImmutableArray(); }
public OptionValueProvider(string name, OptionValueProvider?parent, params OptionValue[] values) { Name = name; Parent = parent; Values = values.ToImmutableArray(); }