public async void Button_GetWeather() { #if WINDOWS_UWP var wr = await owms.GetWeather("Princeton,NJ"); if (wr != null) { var weatherText = "The current temperature in {0} is {1}°F, with a high today of {2}° and a low of {3}°."; WriteLine(weatherText); } #else WriteLine("The Weather library only works in UWP in this test app."); #endif }
private async Task ExecuteGetTempAsync() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Location)) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(Resource.Resource.Error, Resource.Resource.ErrorCity, "Ok"); return; } try { // Call the eather service and await the call var wr = await openWeatherMapService.GetWeather(Location); if (wr != null) { WeatherInfo = wr; // TEXT-TO-SPEECH INTEGRATION string greeter = ""; // Customize the speech intro depending on the platformVoi if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS) { greeter = Resource.Resource.GreetingSiri; } if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.Android) { greeter = Resource.Resource.GreetingDroid; } // Build a message string to be spoken out loud string weatherMessageTemplate = $"{greeter}. {Resource.Resource.VoiceMessage}"; string weatherMessage = string.Format(weatherMessageTemplate, greeter, wr.Name, (int)wr.Main.Temp, (int)wr.Main.TempMax, (int)wr.Main.TempMin); // Call the Text-to-Speech Dependency service on each platform to play the weather message with // the platform's speech synthesizer DependencyService.Get <ITextToSpeech>().Speak(weatherMessage); } } catch (Exception ex) { await CoreMethods.DisplayAlert(Resource.Resource.Error, Resource.Resource.ErrorInternet, "Ok"); IsLoading = false; } }
}//OnNavigatedTo //Ref // public async void CurrentWeather() { try { var currentPosition = await GeoLocationService.GetPosition(); RootObject myWeather = await OpenWeatherMapService.GetWeather(currentPosition.Coordinate.Point.Position.Latitude, currentPosition.Coordinate.Point.Position.Longitude); //Set labels Label0.Text = "Location"; Label1.Text = "Description"; Label2.Text = "Temperature"; Label3.Text = "Wind Speed"; Label4.Text = "Sun Rise"; Label5.Text = "Sun Set"; //Display weather image string icon = String.Format("ms-appx:///Assets/Weather/{0}.png",[0].icon); WeatherImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(icon, UriKind.Absolute)); //Display location LocationBlock.Text =; //Display weather description DescriptionBlock.Text = FirstCharToUpper([0].description); //Display temperature TemperatureBlock.Text = string.Format("{0}°C", myWeather.main.temp); //Display wind speed WindBlock.Text = string.Format("{0} m/s", myWeather.wind.speed); //Display time of sunrise and sunset var srTime = myMethods.getDate(myWeather.sys.sunrise); var ssTime = myMethods.getDate(myWeather.sys.sunset); var sunRise = srTime.ToString("H:mm"); var sunSet = ssTime.ToString("H:mm"); SunRiseBlock.Text = string.Format("{0}", sunRise); SunSetBlock.Text = string.Format("{0}", sunSet); } catch { WorldTidesStation.Text = "Error retrieving data"; myMethods.EnableGPSDialog(); } }//CurrentWeather