public static async Task Initialize(OpenReddingDbContext context)
            if (context is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context), "Database context cannot be resolved, please check the service provider");

            await SeedEmployees(context);
        public static void Destroy(OpenReddingDbContext context)
            if (context is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context), "Database context is null, cannot dispose");

        public static async Task <OpenReddingDbContext> Create()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <OpenReddingDbContext>()

            var context = new OpenReddingDbContext(options);

            await OpenReddingDatabaseInitializer.Initialize(context);

        private static async Task SeedEmployees(OpenReddingDbContext context)
            if (context.Employees is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context), "Database context does not contain a reference to employees DbSet");

            var testEmployee1 = new Employee
                FirstName            = "John",
                LastName             = "Smith",
                JobTitle             = "Software Engineer",
                Year                 = 2020,
                BasePay              = 100m,
                Benefits             = 100m,
                PensionDebt          = 100m,
                OtherPay             = 100m,
                OvertimePay          = 100m,
                TotalPay             = 100m,
                TotalPayWithBenefits = 100m,
                Notes                = "Great worker, the best",
                EmployeeAgency       = EmployeeAgency.Redding,
                EmployeeStatus       = EmployeeStatus.FullTime

            var testEmployee2 = new Employee
                FirstName            = "Mary",
                LastName             = "Smith",
                JobTitle             = "Software Engineering Manager",
                Year                 = 2019,
                BasePay              = 120m,
                Benefits             = 100m,
                PensionDebt          = 100m,
                OtherPay             = 100m,
                OvertimePay          = 100m,
                TotalPay             = 100m,
                TotalPayWithBenefits = 170m,
                Notes                = "Great worker, even better than John",
                EmployeeAgency       = EmployeeAgency.Redding,
                EmployeeStatus       = EmployeeStatus.FullTime

            var testEmployee3 = new Employee
                FirstName            = "Joe",
                LastName             = "Schmoe",
                JobTitle             = "Accountant",
                Year                 = 2018,
                BasePay              = 100m,
                Benefits             = 100m,
                PensionDebt          = 100m,
                OtherPay             = 100m,
                OvertimePay          = 100m,
                TotalPay             = 100m,
                TotalPayWithBenefits = 100m,
                Notes                = "Awesome",
                EmployeeAgency       = EmployeeAgency.ShastaCounty,
                EmployeeStatus       = EmployeeStatus.PartTime

            var testEmployee4 = new Employee
                FirstName            = "Joey",
                LastName             = "Mckenzie",
                JobTitle             = "Senior Software Engineer",
                Year                 = 2020,
                BasePay              = 95m,
                Benefits             = 100m,
                PensionDebt          = 100m,
                OtherPay             = 100m,
                OvertimePay          = 100m,
                TotalPay             = 100m,
                TotalPayWithBenefits = 150m,
                Notes                = "Amazing, loves .NET Core",
                EmployeeAgency       = EmployeeAgency.ShastaCounty,
                EmployeeStatus       = EmployeeStatus.PartTime

            await context.Employees.AddRangeAsync(testEmployee1, testEmployee2, testEmployee3, testEmployee4);

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();