예제 #1
        public void EncryptAndDecryptTest()
            IOpenPgpEncryption    pgp  = new OpenPgpEncryption();
            IOpenPgpKeyManagement keys = new OpenPgpKeyManagement();

            var passPhrase = "pass phrase 1234";

            var keyPair = keys.GenerateKeyPair("*****@*****.**", passPhrase);

            // We encrypt the message using the public key
            string message   = "This message is very secret";
            var    encrypted = pgp.Encrypt(message, keyPair.PublicKey);

            Assert.NotEqual(message, encrypted);

            // Now we can decrypt it with the private key
            var decrypted = pgp.Decrypt(encrypted, keyPair, passPhrase);

            Assert.Equal(message, decrypted);

            // If we try to decrypt without private key or with bad password, we should have an Exception
            var badPassPhrase = "pass phrase 5678";

            Assert.ThrowsAny <Exception>(() => pgp.Decrypt(encrypted, keyPair, badPassPhrase));

            var badKey = keys.GenerateKeyPair("*****@*****.**", badPassPhrase);

            Assert.ThrowsAny <Exception>(() => pgp.Decrypt(encrypted, badKey, badPassPhrase));
예제 #2
        public void GenerateKeyPairTest()
            IOpenPgpKeyManagement keys = new OpenPgpKeyManagement();

            var keyPair = keys.GenerateKeyPair("*****@*****.**", "pass phrase 1234");


            var otherKeyPair = keys.GenerateKeyPair("*****@*****.**", "pass phrase 1234");

            Assert.NotEqual(keyPair.KeyId, otherKeyPair.KeyId);
예제 #3
        public void ExportTest()
            IOpenPgpKeyManagement keys = new OpenPgpKeyManagement();
            var passPhrase             = "pass phrase 1234";
            var key = keys.GenerateKeyPair("*****@*****.**", passPhrase);

            // Public key
            var originalFingerPrint = key.PublicKey.GetFingerprint();

            var exportedPublicKey = keys.Export(key.PublicKey);

            var reimportedKey         = keys.LoadPublicKey(exportedPublicKey);
            var reimportedFingerprint = reimportedKey.GetFingerprint();

            Assert.Equal(originalFingerPrint.Length, reimportedFingerprint.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < originalFingerPrint.Length; i++)
                Assert.Equal(originalFingerPrint[i], reimportedFingerprint[i]);

            // Private key
            var exportedSecretKey   = keys.Export(key);
            var reimportedSecretKey = keys.LoadSecretKey(exportedSecretKey);

            // Imported key should allow to decrypt message
            IOpenPgpEncryption pgp = new OpenPgpEncryption();

            var encrypted = pgp.Encrypt("Hello", key.PublicKey);
            var decrypted = pgp.Decrypt(encrypted, reimportedSecretKey, passPhrase);

            Assert.Equal("Hello", decrypted);