예제 #1
        public void TestDfsAi()
            IMapGenerator simpleMapGenerator = new OpenMapGenerator();
            int           w   = 5;
            int           h   = 1;
            Map           map = simpleMapGenerator.GenerateMap(w, h, IMapGeneratorConstants.NO_SEED);

            AbstractPlayer simpleAIPlayer = new SimpleAIPlayer("Test simple AI player", map.Grid[0, 0])
                IgnoreSpeed = true


            // player should get to the block [4,0] in 4 turns
            for (int i = 0; i < w - 1; i++)

                // check taht correct action was produced
                AbstractAction nextAction = simpleAIPlayer.NextAction;
                Assert.IsNotNull(nextAction, $"Next action is nul in {i} iteration!");
                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(Move), nextAction.GetType(), $"Wrong type of action in {i} iteration!");
                Assert.AreEqual(Direction.EAST, ((Move)nextAction).Direction, $"Wrong direction in {i} iteration!");

                // execute the action and check the position is correct
                Assert.AreEqual(0, simpleAIPlayer.Position.Y, $"Wrong Y coordinate in {i} direction!");
                Assert.AreEqual(i + 1, simpleAIPlayer.Position.X, $"Wrong X coordinate in {i} direction!");
예제 #2
        public void TestAttackStrongMonster()
            int w = 3;
            int h = 1;
            OpenMapGenerator mapGenerator = new OpenMapGenerator();
            Map map = mapGenerator.GenerateMap(w, h, IMapGeneratorConstants.NO_SEED);

            // place monsters
            int     baseHp = 10;
            Monster m1     = new Monster("Test monster 1", map.Grid[1, 0], baseHp, 2, 1);
            Monster m2     = new Monster("Test monster 2", map.Grid[0, 0], baseHp, 2, 2);
            Monster m3     = new Monster("Test monster 2", map.Grid[2, 0], baseHp, 2, 10);


            // m1 attacks m2
            Attack attackM2 = new Attack()
                Actor = m1, Direction = Direction.WEST
            Attack attackM3 = new Attack()
                Actor = m1, Direction = Direction.EAST


            // check
            Assert.AreEqual(baseHp, m1.CurrentHitPoints, "Monster 1 is expected to have full HP!");
            Assert.AreEqual(baseHp, m2.CurrentHitPoints, "Monster 2 is not expected to take any damage!");
            Assert.AreEqual(baseHp, m3.CurrentHitPoints, "Monster 2 is not expected to take any damage!");
예제 #3
        public void TestSimpleAttackMonster()
            int w = 2;
            int h = 1;
            OpenMapGenerator mapGenerator = new OpenMapGenerator();
            Map map = mapGenerator.GenerateMap(w, h, IMapGeneratorConstants.NO_SEED);

            // place monsters
            int     baseHp     = 10;
            int     expectedHp = 9;
            Monster m1         = new Monster("Test monster 1", map.Grid[0, 0], baseHp, 2, 1);

            Monster m2 = new Monster("Test monster 2", map.Grid[1, 0], baseHp, 2, 1);


            // m1 attacks m2
            Attack attackAction = new Attack()
                Actor = m1, Direction = Direction.EAST


            // check
            Assert.AreEqual(baseHp, m1.CurrentHitPoints, "Monster 1 is expected to have full HP!");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHp, m2.CurrentHitPoints, "Monster 2 is not epxected to have full HP after being attacked!");
예제 #4
        public void TestSimpleMonsterPath()
            int w = 5;
            int h = 1;
            OpenMapGenerator mapGenerator = new OpenMapGenerator();
            Map map = mapGenerator.GenerateMap(w, h, IMapGeneratorConstants.NO_SEED);

            // create monster and let it plan its next action 4 times
            // monster should generate 4 'move to EAST' actions
            Monster monster = new Monster("Test monster", map.Grid[0, 0], 100, 0, 0, w - 1)
                IgnoreSpeed = true

            Stack <Direction> dirStack = new Stack <Direction>();

            for (int i = 0; i < w - 1; i++)
                AbstractAction action = monster.NextAction;
                Assert.IsNotNull(action, $"Action in {i} iteration is null!");
                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(Move), action.GetType(), $"Aciton in {i} iteration is not move!");
                Move moveAction = (Move)action;
                Assert.IsFalse(moveAction.Direction.IsNoDirection(), "Direction in move action is NO_DIRECTION.");

            // think again - monster should stay still now and next action should be null
            Assert.IsNull(monster.NextAction, "Next action should be null if the stack is empty!");

            // think again 4 times, monster should now return to its initial position
            for (int i = 0; i < w - 1; i++)
                AbstractAction action = monster.NextAction;
                Assert.IsNotNull(action, $"Action in {i} iteration is null!");
                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(Move), action.GetType(), $"Aciton in {i} iteration is not move!");
                Move moveAction = (Move)action;
                Assert.AreEqual(dirStack.Pop().OppositeDirection(), moveAction.Direction, $"Action in {i} iteration has wrong direction {moveAction.Direction} when moving backwards");

            // check current position of monster, it should be [0,0]
            Assert.AreEqual(0, monster.Position.X, "X coordinate of monster's final position is not correct!");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, monster.Position.Y, "Y coordinate of monster's final position is not correct!");
예제 #5
        public void TestNoPath()
            // 1x1 map
            int w = 1;
            int h = 1;
            OpenMapGenerator mapGenerator = new OpenMapGenerator();
            Map map = mapGenerator.GenerateMap(w, h, IMapGeneratorConstants.NO_SEED);

            // create monster and let it plan its next action 4 times
            // monster should generate 4 'move to EAST' actions
            Monster monster = new Monster("Test monster", map.Grid[0, 0], 100, 0, 0, w - 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < 2 * (w - 1); i++)
                AbstractAction action = monster.NextAction;
                Assert.IsNull(action, "Monster's action is not null!");
예제 #6
        public void TestOccupiedBlock()
            IMapGenerator openMapGenerator = new OpenMapGenerator();
            int           w   = 2;
            int           h   = 1;
            Map           map = openMapGenerator.GenerateMap(w, h, IMapGeneratorConstants.NO_SEED);

            AbstractPlayer simpleAIPlayer = new SimpleAIPlayer("Test simple AI player", map.Grid[0, 0])
                IgnoreSpeed = true

            Monster monster = new Monster("Test monster", map.Grid[1, 0], 10, 10, 10);



            // check that next action is null
            Assert.IsNull(simpleAIPlayer.NextAction, "Next action should be null!");