예제 #1
        private async Task <AuthenticationTicket> ReceiveTokenAsync(
            [NotNull] string type, [NotNull] string value,
            [NotNull] OpenIddictServerOptions options,
            [NotNull] OpenIdConnectRequest request,
            [NotNull] ISecureDataFormat <AuthenticationTicket> format)
            Debug.Assert(!(options.DisableTokenStorage && options.UseReferenceTokens),
                         "Token revocation cannot be disabled when using reference tokens.");

            Debug.Assert(type == OpenIdConnectConstants.TokenUsages.AccessToken ||
                         type == OpenIdConnectConstants.TokenUsages.AuthorizationCode ||
                         type == OpenIdConnectConstants.TokenUsages.RefreshToken,
                         "Only authorization codes, access and refresh tokens should be validated using this method.");

            string identifier;
            AuthenticationTicket ticket;
            object token;

            if (options.UseReferenceTokens)
                // For introspection or revocation requests, this method may be called more than once.
                // For reference tokens, this may result in multiple database calls being made.
                // To optimize that, the token is added to the request properties to indicate that
                // a database lookup was already made with the same identifier. If the marker exists,
                // the property value (that may be null) is used instead of making a database call.
                if (request.HasProperty($"{OpenIddictConstants.Properties.ReferenceToken}:{value}"))
                    token = request.GetProperty($"{OpenIddictConstants.Properties.ReferenceToken}:{value}");

                    // Retrieve the token entry from the database. If it
                    // cannot be found, assume the token is not valid.
                    token = await _tokenManager.FindByReferenceIdAsync(value);

                    // Store the token as a request property so it can be retrieved if this method is called another time.
                    request.AddProperty($"{OpenIddictConstants.Properties.ReferenceToken}:{value}", token);

                if (token == null)
                    _logger.LogInformation("The reference token corresponding to the '{Identifier}' " +
                                           "reference identifier cannot be found in the database.", value);


                identifier = await _tokenManager.GetIdAsync(token);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(identifier))
                    _logger.LogWarning("The identifier associated with the received token cannot be retrieved. " +
                                       "This may indicate that the token entry is corrupted.");


                // Extract the encrypted payload from the token. If it's null or empty,
                // assume the token is not a reference token and consider it as invalid.
                var payload = await _tokenManager.GetPayloadAsync(token);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(payload))
                    _logger.LogWarning("The ciphertext associated with the token '{Identifier}' cannot be retrieved. " +
                                       "This may indicate that the token is not a reference token.", identifier);


                ticket = format.Unprotect(payload);
                if (ticket == null)
                    _logger.LogWarning("The ciphertext associated with the token '{Identifier}' cannot be decrypted. " +
                                       "This may indicate that the token entry is corrupted or tampered.",
                                       await _tokenManager.GetIdAsync(token));


                request.SetProperty($"{OpenIddictConstants.Properties.Token}:{identifier}", token);

            else if (type == OpenIdConnectConstants.TokenUsages.AuthorizationCode ||
                     type == OpenIdConnectConstants.TokenUsages.RefreshToken)
                ticket = format.Unprotect(value);
                if (ticket == null)
                    _logger.LogTrace("The received token was invalid or malformed: {Token}.", value);


                identifier = ticket.GetProperty(OpenIddictConstants.Properties.InternalTokenId);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(identifier))
                    _logger.LogWarning("The identifier associated with the received token cannot be retrieved. " +
                                       "This may indicate that the token entry is corrupted.");


                // For introspection or revocation requests, this method may be called more than once.
                // For codes/refresh tokens, this may result in multiple database calls being made.
                // To optimize that, the token is added to the request properties to indicate that
                // a database lookup was already made with the same identifier. If the marker exists,
                // the property value (that may be null) is used instead of making a database call.
                if (request.HasProperty($"{OpenIddictConstants.Properties.Token}:{identifier}"))
                    token = request.GetProperty($"{OpenIddictConstants.Properties.Token}:{identifier}");

                // Otherwise, retrieve the authorization code/refresh token entry from the database.
                // If it cannot be found, assume the authorization code/refresh token is not valid.
                    token = await _tokenManager.FindByIdAsync(identifier);

                    // Store the token as a request property so it can be retrieved if this method is called another time.
                    request.AddProperty($"{OpenIddictConstants.Properties.Token}:{identifier}", token);

                if (token == null)
                    _logger.LogInformation("The token '{Identifier}' cannot be found in the database.", identifier);



            // Dynamically set the creation and expiration dates.
            ticket.Properties.IssuedUtc = await _tokenManager.GetCreationDateAsync(token);

            ticket.Properties.ExpiresUtc = await _tokenManager.GetExpirationDateAsync(token);

            // Restore the token/authorization identifiers using the identifiers attached with the database entry.
            ticket.SetProperty(OpenIddictConstants.Properties.InternalTokenId, identifier);
                               await _tokenManager.GetAuthorizationIdAsync(token));

            _logger.LogTrace("The token '{Identifier}' was successfully decrypted and " +
                             "retrieved from the database: {Claims} ; {Properties}.",
                             identifier, ticket.Principal.Claims, ticket.Properties.Items);
