private void m_btnBrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_openFileDlg == null) { m_openFileDlg = new OpenFileDialogAdapter(); m_openFileDlg.CheckFileExists = true; m_openFileDlg.InitialDirectory = FwDirectoryFinder.DefaultBackupDirectory; m_openFileDlg.RestoreDirectory = true; m_openFileDlg.Title = FwCoreDlgs.ksFindBackupFileDialogTitle; m_openFileDlg.ValidateNames = true; m_openFileDlg.Multiselect = false; m_openFileDlg.Filter = ResourceHelper.BuildFileFilter(FileFilterType.FieldWorksAllBackupFiles, FileFilterType.XML); } if (m_openFileDlg.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { //In the presentation layer: //1) Verify that the file selected for restore is a valid FieldWorks backup file //and take appropriate action. //1a) if not then inform the user they need to select another file. //1b) if it is valid then we need to set the various other controls in this dialog to be active //and give the user the option of selecting things they can restore optionally. If something like SupportingFiles //was not included in the backup then we grey out that control and uncheck it. BackupZipFile = m_openFileDlg.FileName; m_openFileDlg.InitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(m_openFileDlg.FileName); } }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { var menu = new MainMenu(); MenuItem open = new MenuItem("Open", (s, a) => { using (var dialog = new OpenFileDialogAdapter()) { dialog.InitialDirectory = "/tmp"; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { m_datafile = new FileInfo(dialog.FileName); m_painted = false; } } }); MenuItem refresh = new MenuItem("Refresh", (s, a) => { m_painted = false; this.Invalidate(); }); base.OnLoad(e); menu.MenuItems.Add(open); menu.MenuItems.Add(refresh); Menu = menu; }
/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void cmnuScanFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Use an open file dialog to let the user specify a file to scan. m_openFileDialog.CheckFileExists = true; m_openFileDialog.Filter = ResourceHelper.FileFilter(FileFilterType.AllFiles); if (m_openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { GetTokensSubStrings(m_openFileDialog.FileName); } }
private void chooseDb4o_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Db4oFile.ShowDialog(); db4o.Text = Db4oFile.FileName; if (Db4oFile.FileName != "") { string path = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(Db4oFile.FileName, ".fwdata"); XmlFile.FileName = path; xml.Text = path; } }
private void btnChooseFiles_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { using (var dlg = new OpenFileDialogAdapter()) { dlg.Multiselect = true; dlg.Filter = ResourceHelper.FileFilter(FileFilterType.Text); if (DialogResult.OK == dlg.ShowDialog(this)) { tbFileNames.Lines = dlg.FileNames; m_paths = dlg.FileNames; } } }
/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// <summary> /// Show the file chooser dialog for opening an image file. /// </summary> /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private DialogResult ShowChoosePictureDlg() { DialogResult dialogResult = DialogResult.None; using (var dlg = new OpenFileDialogAdapter()) { dlg.InitialDirectory = (m_grpFileLocOptions.Visible) ? m_txtDestination.Text : s_defaultPicturesFolder; dlg.Filter = ResourceHelper.BuildFileFilter(FileFilterType.AllImage, FileFilterType.AllFiles); dlg.FilterIndex = 1; dlg.Title = FwCoreDlgs.kstidInsertPictureChooseFileCaption; dlg.RestoreDirectory = true; dlg.CheckFileExists = true; dlg.CheckPathExists = true; while (dialogResult != DialogResult.OK && dialogResult != DialogResult.Cancel) { dialogResult = dlg.ShowDialog(m_app == null ? null : m_app.ActiveMainWindow); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { string file = dlg.FileName; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) { return(DialogResult.Cancel); } Image image; try { image = Image.FromFile(FileUtils.ActualFilePath(file)); } catch (OutOfMemoryException) // unsupported image format { MessageBoxUtils.Show(FwCoreDlgs.kstidInsertPictureReadError, FwCoreDlgs.kstidInsertPictureReadErrorCaption); dialogResult = DialogResult.None; continue; } m_filePath = file; m_currentImage = image; UpdatePicInformation(); if (m_grpFileLocOptions.Visible) { ApplyDefaultFileLocationChoice(); } } } } return(dialogResult); }
private void btnBrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DialogResult.OK != openFileDialog1.ShowDialog()) { return; } tbPath.Text = openFileDialog1.FileName; UpdateButtons(); if (btnOK.Enabled) { m_mediator.PropertyTable.SetProperty(FilePropertyName, tbPath.Text); m_mediator.PropertyTable.SetPropertyPersistence(FilePropertyName, true); } }
/// <summary> /// Respond to Browse button by letting user pick a .zip file to import. /// </summary> public void OnBrowse() { using (var openDialog = new OpenFileDialogAdapter()) { openDialog.Title = xWorksStrings.kstidChooseFile; openDialog.Filter = xWorksStrings.kstidZipFiles + "|*.zip"; openDialog.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); var result = openDialog.ShowDialog(_view); if (result != DialogResult.OK) { return; } var importFilePath = openDialog.FileName; _view.importPathTextBox.Text = importFilePath; } }
private void OpenFwDataProjectLinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { // Use 'el cheapo' .Net dlg to find LangProj. using (var dlg = new OpenFileDialogAdapter()) { Hide(); dlg.CheckFileExists = true; dlg.InitialDirectory = FwDirectoryFinder.ProjectsDirectory; dlg.RestoreDirectory = true; dlg.Title = FwCoreDlgs.ksChooseLangProjectDialogTitle; dlg.ValidateNames = true; dlg.Multiselect = false; dlg.Filter = ResourceHelper.FileFilter(FileFilterType.FieldWorksProjectFiles); DialogResult = dlg.ShowDialog(Owner); Project = dlg.FileName; } }
private void selectFileButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (ofDlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { ofDlg.FileName = string.Empty; } else { txtInputFile.Text = ofDlg.FileName; toolTipInputFile.SetToolTip(txtInputFile, ofDlg.FileName); // the converter is used only to guess the input encoding. If the user hasn't // yet selected a mapping, just pass null. // IEncConverter converter = null; // if (m_mapname != null && m_mapname != "") // converter = (IEncConverter)m_encConverters[m_mapname]; InputArgsChanged(); } }
private void m_btnBrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var dlg = new OpenFileDialogAdapter()) { dlg.DefaultExt = "flextext"; dlg.Filter = ResourceHelper.BuildFileFilter(FileFilterType.FLExText, FileFilterType.XML, FileFilterType.AllFiles); dlg.FilterIndex = 1; dlg.CheckFileExists = true; dlg.Multiselect = false; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_tbFilename.Text) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_tbFilename.Text.Trim())) { dlg.FileName = m_tbFilename.Text; } DialogResult res = dlg.ShowDialog(); if (res == DialogResult.OK) { m_tbFilename.Text = dlg.FileName; } } }
/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void cmnuScanFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Let the user specify a Paratext or Toolbox language file to scan. var languageFiles = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidToolboxLanguageFiles"); var allFiles = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidAllFiles"); using (var openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialogAdapter { Title = FwCoreDlgs.kstidLanguageFileBrowser, InitialDirectory = ScriptureProvider.SettingsDirectory, CheckFileExists = true, Filter = FileUtils.FileDialogFilterCaseInsensitiveCombinations( string.Format("{0} ({1})|{1}|{2} ({3})|{3}", languageFiles, "*.lds;*.lng", allFiles, "*.*")) }) { if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { GetTokensSubStrings(openFileDialog.FileName); } } }
private void btn_LinguaLinksXmlBrowse_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string currentFile = m_LinguaLinksXmlFileName.Text; openFileDialog.Filter = ResourceHelper.BuildFileFilter(FileFilterType.XML, FileFilterType.AllFiles); openFileDialog.FilterIndex = 1; openFileDialog.CheckFileExists = true; openFileDialog.Multiselect = false; if (currentFile != null) { openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = currentFile; openFileDialog.FileName = currentFile; } openFileDialog.Title = ITextStrings.ksSelectLLXMLFile; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { m_LinguaLinksXmlFileName.Text = openFileDialog.FileName; UpdateLanguageCodes(); } }
private string GetFile(string currentFile, string pathForInitialDirectory, FileFilterType[] types, bool checkFileExists, string title, Func <string, bool> isValidFile) { using (var openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialogAdapter()) { openFileDialog.Filter = ResourceHelper.BuildFileFilter(types); openFileDialog.CheckFileExists = checkFileExists; openFileDialog.Multiselect = false; bool done = false; while (!done) { // LT-6620 : putting in an invalid path was causing an exception in the openFileDialog.ShowDialog() // Now we make sure parts are valid before setting the values in the openfile dialog. string dir = string.Empty; try { dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(pathForInitialDirectory); } catch { } if (Directory.Exists(dir)) { openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = dir; } if (File.Exists(currentFile)) { openFileDialog.FileName = currentFile; } else { openFileDialog.FileName = ""; } openFileDialog.Title = title; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (!(isValidFile(openFileDialog.FileName))) { string msg = String.Format(ITextStrings.ksInvalidFileAreYouSure, openFileDialog.FileName); DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show(this, msg, ITextStrings.ksPossibleInvalidFile, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { return(openFileDialog.FileName); } else if (dr == DialogResult.No) { continue; } else { break; // exit with current still } } return(openFileDialog.FileName); } else { done = true; } } return(currentFile); } }
private string GetFiles(string currentFiles) { using (var openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialogAdapter()) { openFileDialog.Filter = ResourceHelper.BuildFileFilter(FileFilterType.InterlinearSfm, FileFilterType.AllFiles); openFileDialog.CheckFileExists = true; openFileDialog.Multiselect = true; // can import multiple files var files = currentFiles.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string dir = string.Empty; string initialFileName = string.Empty; openFileDialog.FileName = ""; if (files.Length > 0) { var firstFilePath = files[0].Trim(); // LT-6620 : putting in an invalid path was causing an exception in the openFileDialog.ShowDialog() // Now we make sure parts are valid before setting the values in the openfile dialog. try { dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(firstFilePath); if (File.Exists(firstFilePath)) { initialFileName = Path.GetFileName(firstFilePath); } } catch { } } if (Directory.Exists(dir)) { openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = dir; } // It doesn't seem to be possible to open the dialog with more than one file selected. // However there will often be only one so that's at least somewhat helpful. openFileDialog.FileName = initialFileName; openFileDialog.Title = ITextStrings.ksSelectInterlinFile; while (true) // loop until approved set of files or cancel { if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return(currentFiles); } var badFiles = new List <string>(); foreach (var fileName in openFileDialog.FileNames) { if (!new Sfm2Xml.IsSfmFile(fileName).IsValid) { badFiles.Add(fileName); } } if (badFiles.Count > 0) { string msg = String.Format(ITextStrings.ksInvalidInterlinearFiles, string.Join(", ", badFiles.ToArray())); DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show(this, msg, ITextStrings.ksPossibleInvalidFile, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { return(string.Join(", ", openFileDialog.FileNames)); } if (dr == DialogResult.No) { continue; // loop and show dialog again...hopefully same files selected. } break; // user must have chosen cancel, break out of loop } return(string.Join(", ", openFileDialog.FileNames)); } return(currentFiles); // leave things unchanged. } }