예제 #1
        void Start()

            // Create an instruction block for each opcode
            for (OpCategory opCategory = 0; opCategory < OpCategory._SIZE; ++opCategory)
                GameObject      header   = Instantiate(headerPrefab, instructionList, false);
                TextMeshProUGUI headerTM = header.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();
                RectTransform   headerRT = header.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                headerTM.text      = opCategory.ToString();
                headerRT.sizeDelta = new Vector2(headerTM.preferredWidth, headerRT.sizeDelta.y);

                List <OpCode> opCodes = InstructionMaps.opCategoryOpCodesMap[opCategory];
                foreach (OpCode opCode in opCodes)

            // Create local register tokens
            for (int regNum = 0; regNum < VirtualMachine.NUM_LOCAL_REGS; ++regNum)
                Argument arg = new Argument(Argument.Type.REGISTER, regNum);
                CreateToken(arg, localRegTokenList);

            // Create shared register tokens
            for (int regNum = VirtualMachine.NUM_LOCAL_REGS; regNum < VirtualMachine.NUM_SHARED_REGS + VirtualMachine.NUM_LOCAL_REGS; ++regNum)
                Argument arg = new Argument(Argument.Type.REGISTER, regNum);
                CreateToken(arg, sharedRegTokenList);
예제 #2
        static InstructionMaps()
            for (OpCategory opCategory = 0; opCategory < OpCategory._SIZE; ++opCategory)
                // Init opCategoryOpCodesMap
                opCategoryOpCodesMap[opCategory] = new List <OpCode>();

            for (OpCode opCode = 0; opCode < OpCode._SIZE; ++opCode)
                // Init nameOpMap
                nameOpMap.Add(opCode.ToString(), opCode);

                // Init opCategoryOpCodesMap

                // Validate opArgSpecMap is filled out
                int numArgs = opArgNumMap[opCode];
                Debug.Assert(opArgSpecMap[opCode].Length == numArgs);

            // Validate sizes of maps
            Debug.Assert(opArgNumMap.Count == (int)OpCode._SIZE);
            Debug.Assert(opArgSpecMap.Count == (int)OpCode._SIZE);
            Debug.Assert(opCodeOpCategoryMap.Count == (int)OpCode._SIZE);
            Debug.Assert(opCategoryOpCodesMap.Count == (int)OpCategory._SIZE);
예제 #3
        void Start()

            // Create an instruction block for each opcode
            for (OpCategory opCategory = 0; opCategory < OpCategory._SIZE; ++opCategory)
                GameObject header = Instantiate(headerPrefab, instructionList, false);
                header.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = opCategory.ToString();

                List <OpCode> opCodes = InstructionMaps.opCategoryOpCodesMap[opCategory];
                foreach (OpCode opCode in opCodes)

            for (int regNum = 0; regNum < VirtualMachine.NUM_REGS; ++regNum)
                Argument arg = new Argument(Argument.Type.REGISTER, regNum);
                CreateToken(arg, regTokenList);


            Globals.program.OnBranchLabelChange += ResetBranchLabelList;
            Globals.program.OnConstLabelChange  += ResetConstLabelList;
예제 #4
        // lineNumber == -1 signifies no line number
        public void Init(int lineNumber, Instruction instruction, Divider myDivider, CodeList codeList)
            base.Init(myDivider, codeList);
            this.lineNumber  = lineNumber;
            this.instruction = instruction;

            draggable.onDragSuccess = (Draggable.Slot slot) =>
                // Reset frontend
            draggable.onDragTrash = (Draggable.Slot slot) =>
                if (lineNumber != -1)

            // Configure text
            opCodeTM.text = instruction.opCode.ToString();

            // Configure color
            OpCategory category = InstructionMaps.opCodeOpCategoryMap[instruction.opCode];

            bg.color = opCategoryColorMap.map[category];

            // Configure tips
            string buffer;

            InstructionMaps.opDescriptiveNameMap.TryGetValue(instruction.opCode, out buffer);
            GetComponent <DisplaysTips>().Init(buffer);

            // Create argument fields
            ArgumentSpec[] argSpecs = InstructionMaps.opArgSpecMap[instruction.opCode];
            for (int argNum = 0; argNum < instruction.args.Length; ++argNum)
                GameObject field;
                Argument   arg = instruction.args[argNum];

                if (argSpecs[argNum].regOnly || argSpecs[argNum].presets != null)
                    field = Instantiate(dropdownFieldPrefab, transform);
                    field.GetComponent <DropdownField>().Init(argSpecs[argNum], arg, codeList);
                    field = Instantiate(slotFieldPrefab, transform);
                    field.GetComponent <SlotField>().Init(arg, codeList);
                field.GetComponent <DisplaysTips>().Init(argSpecs[argNum].name);
예제 #5
        // lineNumber == -1 signifies no line number
        public void Init(int lineNumber, Instruction instruction, Divider myDivider)
            this.lineNumber  = lineNumber;
            this.instruction = instruction;

            draggable.onDragSuccess = (Draggable.Slot slot) =>
                // Reset frontend
            draggable.onDragTrash = (Draggable.Slot slot) =>
                if (lineNumber != -1)

            // Configure text
            opCodeTM.text = instruction.opCode.ToString();

            // Configure color
            OpCategory category = InstructionMaps.opCodeOpCategoryMap[instruction.opCode];

            bg.color = opCategoryColorMap.map[category];

            // Create argument fields
            ArgumentSpec[] argSpecs = InstructionMaps.opArgSpecMap[instruction.opCode];
            for (int argNum = 0; argNum < instruction.args.Length; ++argNum)
                GameObject field;
                Argument   arg = instruction.args[argNum];

                if (argSpecs[argNum].regOnly || argSpecs[argNum].presets != null)
                    field = Instantiate(dropdownFieldPrefab, transform);
                    field.GetComponent <DropdownField>().Init(argSpecs[argNum], arg);
                    field = Instantiate(slotFieldPrefab, transform);
                    field.GetComponent <SlotField>().Init(arg);

                // Add header
                // GameObject header = Instantiate(headerPrefab, field.transform);
                // header.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>().text = argSpecs[argNum].name;
예제 #6
        /* Returns the category of binary operation */
        private OpCategory getCategory(BinaryOp.ArithOp op, bool overflow, bool unsigned)
            OpCategory category = OpCategory.InvalidOp;

            if (!overflow)
                if ((op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.ADD ||
                     op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.DIV ||
                     op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.MUL ||
                     op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.REM ||
                     op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.SUB) &&
                    category = OpCategory.NumericOp;
                else if (op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.CEQ && !unsigned ||
                         op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.CGT ||
                         op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.CLT)
                    category = OpCategory.ComparisonOp;
                else if (op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.AND && !unsigned ||
                         op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.DIV && unsigned ||
                         op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.OR && !unsigned ||
                         op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.REM && unsigned ||
                         op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.XOR && !unsigned)
                    category = OpCategory.IntegerOp;
                else if (op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.SHL && !unsigned ||
                         op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.SHR)
                    category = OpCategory.ShiftOp;
            else if (op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.ADD ||
                     op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.MUL ||
                     op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.SUB)
                category = OpCategory.OverflowOp;

예제 #7
        static InstructionMaps()
            for (OpCategory opCategory = 0; opCategory < OpCategory._SIZE; ++opCategory)
                // Init opCategoryOpCodesMap
                opCategoryOpCodesMap[opCategory] = new List <OpCode>();

            for (OpCode opCode = 0; opCode < OpCode._SIZE; ++opCode)
                // Init nameOpMap
                nameOpMap.Add(opCode.ToString(), opCode);

                // Init opCategoryOpCodesMap

            // Validate sizes of maps
            Debug.Assert(opDescriptiveNameMap.Count == (int)OpCode._SIZE);
            Debug.Assert(opArgSpecMap.Count == (int)OpCode._SIZE);
            Debug.Assert(opCodeOpCategoryMap.Count == (int)OpCode._SIZE);
            Debug.Assert(opCategoryOpCodesMap.Count == (int)OpCategory._SIZE);
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据ID获取手卫生依从性调查评分 数据分析表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iFilter"></param>
        /// <param name="HANDID"></param>
        public Tuple <List <HandHygieneGroupAnalysis>, List <HandHygieneDczs>, List <HandHygieneOpModel> > GetHandHygiAnalysisSourceList(CommonFilter iFilter, string HANDID)
            string filter = "1=1";

            filter += iFilter.GetQueryString();

            Func <string, int> funcSort = v =>
                var sort = 0;
                switch (v)
                case "护士":
                    sort = 1;

                case "医技":
                    sort = 2;

                case "医生":
                    sort = 3;

                case "工人":
                    sort = 4;

            List <BUS_HANDHYGIENE_SOURCE> handHygiSource = EntityOperate <BUS_HANDHYGIENE_SOURCE> .GetEntityList(filter + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HANDID) == true ? "" : " and HANDID='" + HANDID + "'"));

            var handHygieneGroupList = handHygiSource.GroupBy(p => p.ZY).Select(g => new HandHygieneGroupAnalysis
                handhygiene_source = g,
                zy         = g.Key,
                sort       = funcSort(g.Key),
                currentSum = g.Count()
            }).OrderBy(g => g.sort).ToList();

            var dczsSql = string.Format(@" select * from 
                            (select count(jcbrq) jcbrq ,zy  from bus_handhygiene_source  where jcbrq != '正确'  and handid ={0}  group by zy ) 
                               sum(jcbrq) for
                               zy in ('医生' ys,'护士' hs,'医技' yj,'工人' gr)
                            union all 
                            select * from 
                            (select count(JCBRH) JCBRH ,zy  from bus_handhygiene_source  where  JCBRH != '正确' and handid ={0} group by zy ) 
                               sum(JCBRH) for
                               zy in ('医生' ys,'护士' hs,'医技' yj,'工人' gr)
                            union all 
                            select * from 
                            (select count(JCWJWPQ) JCWJWPQ ,zy  from bus_handhygiene_source  where  JCWJWPQ != '正确' and handid ={0} group by zy ) 
                               sum(JCWJWPQ) for
                               zy in ('医生' ys,'护士' hs,'医技' yj,'工人' gr)
                            union all 
                            select * from 
                            (select count(JCBRHJH) JCBRHJH ,zy  from bus_handhygiene_source  where  JCBRHJH != '正确' and handid = {0} group by zy ) 
                               sum(JCBRHJH) for
                               zy in ('医生' ys,'护士' hs,'医技' yj,'工人' gr)
                            union all 
                            select * from 
                            (select count(JCWWH) JCWWH ,zy  from bus_handhygiene_source  where  JCWWH != '正确' and handid = {0} group by zy ) 
                               sum(JCWWH) for
                               zy in ('医生' ys,'护士' hs,'医技' yj,'工人' gr)
                            union all 
                            select * from 
                            (select count(PCQ) PCQ ,zy  from bus_handhygiene_source  where  PCQ != '正确' and handid = {0} group by zy ) 
                               sum(PCQ) for
                               zy in ('医生' ys,'护士' hs,'医技' yj,'工人' gr)
                            )", HANDID);

            var dczsListSource = EntityOperate <HandHygieneDczs> .GetEntityListBySQL(dczsSql);

            var ysOpCount = dczsListSource.Sum(p => p.ys); //医生操作总数
            var hsOpCount = dczsListSource.Sum(p => p.hs); //护士操作总数
            var yjOpCount = dczsListSource.Sum(p => p.yj); //医技操作总数
            var grOpCount = dczsListSource.Sum(p => p.gr); //工人操作总数
            dczsListSource.Add(new HandHygieneDczs {
                ys = ysOpCount, hs = hsOpCount, yj = yjOpCount, gr = grOpCount

            // List<HandHygieneDczs> dczsList = new List<HandHygieneDczs>();
            // string[] itemArr = { "接触病人前", "接触病人后", "无菌操作前", "接触病人周围环境后", "接触污物(摘手套)后", "配餐前", "总数" };

            var      opModelList = new List <HandHygieneOpModel>();
            string[] zyArr       = { "医生", "护士", "医技", "工人" };
            foreach (var zyItem in zyArr)
                var getOpList = string.Format(@"select sum(case jcbrq when '消' then 1 else 0  end) x,sum(case jcbrq when '洗' then 1 else 0  end) xx, sum(case jcbrq when '未' then 1 else 0  end) w 
                                              from bus_handhygiene_source  where zy = '{0}' and handid = {1} union all  --医生接触病人前
                                            select sum(case JCBRH when '消' then 1 else 0  end) x,sum(case JCBRH when '洗' then 1 else 0  end) xx, sum(case JCBRH when '未' then 1 else 0  end) w 
                                              from bus_handhygiene_source  where zy = '{0}' and handid = {1} union all  --接触病人后
                                            select sum(case JCWJWPQ when '消' then 1 else 0  end) x,sum(case JCWJWPQ when '洗' then 1 else 0  end) xx, sum(case JCWJWPQ when '未' then 1 else 0  end) w 
                                              from bus_handhygiene_source  where zy = '{0}' and handid = {1} union all   --接触无菌物品前
                                            select sum(case JCBRHJH when '消' then 1 else 0  end) x,sum(case JCBRHJH when '洗' then 1 else 0  end) xx, sum(case JCBRHJH when '未' then 1 else 0  end) w  
                                              from bus_handhygiene_source  where zy = '{0}' and handid = {1} union all --接触病人周围环境后
                                            select sum(case JCWWH when '消' then 1 else 0  end) x,sum(case JCWWH when '洗' then 1 else 0  end) xx, sum(case JCWWH when '未' then 1 else 0  end) w  
                                              from bus_handhygiene_source  where zy = '{0}' and handid = {1} union all  --接触污物(摘手套)后
                                            select sum(case PCQ when '消' then 1 else 0  end) x,sum(case PCQ when '洗' then 1 else 0  end) xx, sum(case PCQ when '未' then 1 else 0  end) w 
                                              from bus_handhygiene_source  where zy = '{0}'and handid = {1}   --配餐前", zyItem, HANDID);
                HandHygieneOpModel opModel = new HandHygieneOpModel();
                var opList = EntityOperate <OpCategory> .GetEntityListBySQL(getOpList);

                opModel.zyName = zyItem;
                opModel.opList = opList;
                var opCategoryModel = new OpCategory {
                    x = opList.Select(p => p.x).Sum(), xx = opList.Select(p => p.xx).Sum(), w = opList.Select(p => p.w).Sum()

            return(new Tuple <List <HandHygieneGroupAnalysis>, List <HandHygieneDczs>, List <HandHygieneOpModel> >(handHygieneGroupList, dczsListSource, opModelList));
예제 #9
        /* Performs binary operation on two values on top of the stack
         * (corresponds to CILPE.CFG.BinaryOp class)
        public void Perform_BinaryOp(BinaryOp.ArithOp op, bool overflow, bool unsigned,
                                     out Exception exc)
            exc = null;

            /* Determining category of binary operation */
            OpCategory category = getCategory(op, overflow, unsigned);

            if (category == OpCategory.InvalidOp)
                throw new InvalidBinaryOpException();

            /* Getting operands from stack */
            Value val1, val2;

            val2 = Pop();
            val1 = Pop();

            /* Performing binary operation */
            object res = null;

            if (val1 is StructValue && val2 is StructValue)
                    typeA = (val1 as StructValue).getTypeIndex(),
                    typeB = (val2 as StructValue).getTypeIndex();

                if (typeA == StructValue.TypeIndex.INVALID ||
                    typeB == StructValue.TypeIndex.INVALID)
                    throw new InvalidOperandException();

                    a = (val1 as StructValue).Obj,
                    b = (val2 as StructValue).Obj;

                int  operandsKind = 0;
                bool success      = true;

                if (category == OpCategory.ShiftOp) /* shl, shr, shr_un */
                    if (typeA == StructValue.TypeIndex.FLOAT64 ||
                        typeB == StructValue.TypeIndex.FLOAT64 ||
                        typeB == StructValue.TypeIndex.INT64)
                        throw new InvalidOperandException();

                    operandsKind = ((typeB == StructValue.TypeIndex.INT32) ? 0 : 3) + (int)typeA;
                    DataModelUtils.ShiftOp((int)op, unsigned, a, b, operandsKind, out res);
                    if (typeA == typeB)
                        operandsKind = (int)typeA;
                    else if (typeA == StructValue.TypeIndex.INT32 && typeB == StructValue.TypeIndex.NATIVEINT)
                        operandsKind = 4;
                    else if (typeA == StructValue.TypeIndex.NATIVEINT && typeB == StructValue.TypeIndex.INT32)
                        operandsKind = 5;
                        throw new InvalidOperandException();

                    switch (category)
                    case OpCategory.NumericOp:     /* add, div, mul, rem, sub */
                        success = DataModelUtils.NumericOp((int)op, a, b, operandsKind, out res);

                    case OpCategory.ComparisonOp:     /* ceq, cgt, cgt.un, clt, clt.un */
                        DataModelUtils.ComparisonOp((int)op, unsigned, a, b, operandsKind, out res);

                    case OpCategory.IntegerOp:     /* and, div.un, or, rem.un, xor */
                    case OpCategory.OverflowOp:    /* add.ovf, add.ovf.un, mul.ovf, mul.ovf.un, sub.ovf, sub.ovf.un */
                        if (operandsKind == 3)
                            throw new InvalidOperandException();

                        success = DataModelUtils.IntOvfOp((int)op, unsigned, a, b, operandsKind, out res);

                if (!success)
                    exc = res as Exception;
                    res = null;
            else if (op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.CEQ)
                if ((val1 is NullValue || val1 is ObjectReferenceValue) &&
                    (val2 is NullValue || val2 is ObjectReferenceValue) ||
                    (val1 is NullValue || val1 is PointerValue) &&
                    (val2 is NullValue || val2 is PointerValue))
                    res = Equals(val1, val2) ? (Int32)1 : (Int32)0;
                    throw new InvalidOperandException();
            else if (op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.CGT)
                if (val1 is ObjectReferenceValue && val2 is NullValue && unsigned)
                    res = (Int32)1;
                else if (val1 is NullValue && val2 is NullValue)
                    res = (Int32)0;
                else if (val1 is PointerValue && val2 is NullValue)
                    res = (Int32)1;
                    throw new InvalidOperandException();
            else if (op == BinaryOp.ArithOp.CLT)
                if (val1 is NullValue && val2 is ObjectReferenceValue && unsigned)
                    res = (Int32)1;
                else if (val1 is NullValue && val2 is NullValue)
                    res = (Int32)0;
                else if (val1 is NullValue && val2 is PointerValue)
                    res = (Int32)1;
                    throw new InvalidOperandException();
                throw new InvalidOperandException();

            if (res != null)
                push(new StructValue(res as ValueType));