예제 #1
        private void OnComplete(string response)

            OnlineMapsFindDirection.Find(fromPlace, toPlace).OnComplete -= OnComplete;

            List <OnlineMapsDirectionStep> steps = OnlineMapsDirectionStep.TryParse(response);

            if (steps == null)
                Debug.Log("Something wrong");

            // Create a new marker in first point.
            marker = OnlineMaps.instance.AddMarker(steps[0].start, "XAD");

            // Gets points of route.
            points = OnlineMapsDirectionStep.GetPoints(steps);

            // Draw the route.
            OnlineMapsDrawingLine route = new OnlineMapsDrawingLine(points, Color.red, 1);


            OnlineMaps.instance.position = marker.position;

            pointIndex = 0;
        public Leg(OnlineMapsXML node)
            List <Step> steps = new List <Step>();

            foreach (OnlineMapsXML n in node)
                if (n.name == "step")
                    steps.Add(new Step(n));
                else if (n.name == "duration")
                    duration = new TextValue <int>(n);
                else if (n.name == "duration_in_traffic")
                    duration_in_traffic = new TextValue <int>(n);
                else if (n.name == "distance")
                    distance = new TextValue <int>(n);
                else if (n.name == "start_location")
                    start_location = OnlineMapsFindDirection.GetVector2FromNode(n);
                else if (n.name == "end_location")
                    end_location = OnlineMapsFindDirection.GetVector2FromNode(n);
                else if (n.name == "start_address")
                    start_address = n.Value();
                else if (n.name == "end_address")
                    end_address = n.Value();
                else if (n.name == "via_waypoint")
                    via_waypoint = new ViaWaypoint(n);
                else if (n.name == "arrival_time")
                    arrival_time = new TextValueZone <string>(n);
                else if (n.name == "departure_time")
                    departure_time = new TextValueZone <string>(n);
                    Debug.Log("Leg: " + n.name + "\n" + n.outerXml);

            this.steps = steps.ToArray();
예제 #3
        private void Start()
            // Begin to search a route from Los Angeles to the specified coordinates.
            OnlineMapsGoogleAPIQuery query = OnlineMapsFindDirection.Find("Los Angeles",
                                                                          new Vector2(-118.178960f, 35.063995f));

            // Specifies that search results must be sent to OnFindDirectionComplete.
            query.OnComplete += OnFindDirectionComplete;
        public Route(OnlineMapsXML node)
            List <Leg>    legs          = new List <Leg>();
            List <int>    waypointOrder = new List <int>();
            List <string> warnings      = new List <string>();

            foreach (OnlineMapsXML n in node)
                if (n.name == "summary")
                    summary = n.Value();
                else if (n.name == "leg")
                    legs.Add(new Leg(n));
                else if (n.name == "copyrights")
                    copyrights = n.Value();
                else if (n.name == "overview_polyline")
                    overview_polyline = OnlineMapsFindDirection.DecodePolylinePoints(n["points"].Value()).ToArray();
                else if (n.name == "waypoint_index")
                    waypointOrder.Add(n.Value <int>());
                else if (n.name == "warning")
                else if (n.name == "fare")
                    fare = new Fare(n);
                else if (n.name == "bounds")
                    OnlineMapsXML sw = n["southwest"];
                    OnlineMapsXML ne = n["northeast"];
                    bounds = new OnlineMapsGPXObject.Bounds(sw.Get <double>("lng"), sw.Get <double>("lat"), ne.Get <double>("lng"), ne.Get <double>("lat"));
                    Debug.Log("Route: " + n.name + "\n" + n.outerXml);

            this.legs           = legs.ToArray();
            this.waypoint_order = waypointOrder.ToArray();
            this.warnings       = warnings.ToArray();
 public NameLocation(OnlineMapsXML node)
     foreach (OnlineMapsXML n in node)
         if (n.name == "location")
             location = OnlineMapsFindDirection.GetVector2FromNode(n);
         else if (n.name == "name")
             name = n.Value();
             Debug.Log("NameLocation: " + n.name + "\n" + n.outerXml);
 public ViaWaypoint(OnlineMapsXML node)
     foreach (OnlineMapsXML n in node)
         if (n.name == "location")
             location = OnlineMapsFindDirection.GetVector2FromNode(n);
         else if (n.name == "step_index")
             step_index = n.Value <int>();
         else if (n.name == "step_interpolation")
             step_interpolation = n.Value <double>();
             Debug.Log("ViaWaypoint: " + n.name + "\n" + n.outerXml);
예제 #7
 private void Start()
     // Looking for a route between locations.
     OnlineMapsFindDirection.Find(fromPlace, toPlace).OnComplete += OnComplete;
예제 #8
 public void findpath(int id)
     fromPlace = AppState.ProductAddress [(AppState.PRODUCTS)id].fromAddress;
     toPlace   = AppState.ProductAddress [(AppState.PRODUCTS)id].toAddress;
     OnlineMapsFindDirection.Find(fromPlace, toPlace).OnComplete += OnComplete;
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Find route by coordinates or title.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="origin">
 /// Coordinates or the name of the route begins.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="destination">
 /// Coordinates or the name of the route ends.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// Query instance to the Google API.
 /// </returns>
 /// <remarks></remarks>
 /// <example>
 /// Example:
 /// <code>
 /// OnlineMapsFindDirection.Find("Los Angeles", new Vector2(-118.178960f, 35.063995f)).OnComplete += OnFindDirectionComplete;
 /// private void OnFindDirectionComplete(string response)
 /// {
 ///    List<OnlineMapsDirectionStep> steps = OnlineMapsDirectionStep.TryParse(response);
 ///    if (steps != null)
 ///    {
 ///        foreach (OnlineMapsDirectionStep step in steps)
 ///        {
 ///            Debug.Log(step.instructions);
 ///        }
 ///        List<Vector2> points = OnlineMapsDirectionStep.GetPoints(steps);
 ///        Debug.Log(points.Count);
 ///    }
 /// }
 /// </code>         
 /// </example>
 public OnlineMapsGoogleAPIQuery FindDirection(string origin, string destination)
     OnlineMapsFindDirection fl = new OnlineMapsFindDirection(origin, destination);
     return fl;
        public Step(OnlineMapsXML node)
            List <Step> steps = new List <Step>();

            foreach (OnlineMapsXML n in node)
                if (n.name == "travel_mode")
                    travel_mode = n.Value();
                else if (n.name == "start_location")
                    start_location = OnlineMapsFindDirection.GetVector2FromNode(n);
                else if (n.name == "end_location")
                    end_location = OnlineMapsFindDirection.GetVector2FromNode(n);
                else if (n.name == "polyline")
                    polyline = OnlineMapsFindDirection.DecodePolylinePoints(n["points"].Value()).ToArray();
                else if (n.name == "duration")
                    duration = new TextValue <int>(n);
                else if (n.name == "distance")
                    distance = new TextValue <int>(n);
                else if (n.name == "step")
                    steps.Add(new Step(n));
                else if (n.name == "html_instructions")
                    html_instructions = n.Value();
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(html_instructions))
                    string_instructions = OnlineMapsDirectionStep.StrReplace(html_instructions,
                                                                             new[] { "&lt;", "&gt;", "&nbsp;", "&amp;", "&amp;nbsp;" },
                                                                             new[] { "<", ">", " ", "&", " " });
                    string_instructions = Regex.Replace(string_instructions, "<div.*?>", "\n");
                    string_instructions = Regex.Replace(string_instructions, "<.*?>", string.Empty);
                else if (n.name == "maneuver")
                    maneuver = n.Value();
                else if (n.name == "transit_details")
                    transit_details = new TransitDetails(n);
                    Debug.Log("Step: " + n.name + "\n" + n.outerXml);

            this.steps = steps.ToArray();