예제 #1
        private async Task RefreshAsync()
            // Prune the queues

            while (OutBufferCount > m_MaxMessages)
                if (m_DataUploadQueue.TryDequeue(out var _))

            //OnDebug?.Invoke($"{m_DataUploadQueue.Count} in queue.");

            // Upload the data

            if (!m_DataUploadQueue.TryPeek(out var entry))

            var table = MapTable(entry);

            if (table == null)
                OnDebug?.Invoke($"Skipping {entry.GetType().Name} for archive database...");
                // Remove the message from the queue
                m_DataUploadQueue.TryDequeue(out entry);

            // The base SQL statement should be as similar as possible so that it will be cached in the database server
            // This is why ValuesListForInsertStatement uses parameters instead of actual values
            var sql = $"INSERT INTO {table} {entry.InsertStatement}";

            OnSQL?.Invoke("Database SQL = " + sql);

            // Store to database

            try {
                using (var conn = connectionFactory()) {
                    await conn.OpenAsync();

                    using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) {
                        // Use a transaction
                        using (var transaction = conn.BeginTransaction()) {
                            // Must assign both transaction object and connection to Command object
                            // for a pending local transaction (as per MSDN)
                            cmd.Connection  = conn;
                            cmd.Transaction = transaction;

                            try {
                                // Prepare the SQL statement
                                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                                cmd.CommandText = sql;

                                entry.AddSqlParameters(cmd.Parameters, createSqlParameter);

                                await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                                // Special treatment for cycle data
                                if (entry is CycleData cycledata)
                                    if (cycledata.Data.Count > 0)
                                        sql = $"SELECT MAX(ID) FROM {Storage.CycleDataTable}";

                                        cmd.CommandText = sql;
                                        var id = (int)await cmd.ExecuteScalarAsync();

                                        OnSQL?.Invoke("New Cycle Data ID = " + id);

                                        sql  = $"INSERT INTO {Storage.CycleDataValuesTable} (ID, VariableName, Value)\nVALUES";
                                        sql += string.Join(",\n", cycledata.Data.Select(kv => $" ({id}, '{kv.Key}', {(float) kv.Value})"));

                                        cmd.CommandText = sql;
                                        await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                            } catch {

                        OnUploadSuccess?.Invoke(entry, $"Successfully uploaded {entry.GetType().Name} to archive database.");
            } catch (DbException ex) {
                // Do not remove the message from the queue
                OnUploadError?.Invoke(entry, ex, $"Cannot upload {entry.GetType().Name} to archive database!\n{sql}");
                m_NextTryTime = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(ErrorRefreshInterval);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // Do not remove the message from the queue
                OnError?.Invoke(ex, $"Error when uploading {entry.GetType().Name} to archive database!");
                m_NextTryTime = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(ErrorRefreshInterval);

            // Remove the message from the queue

            m_DataUploadQueue.TryDequeue(out entry);
        private async Task UploadBufferAsync()
            if (m_Buffer.Count > 1 && m_Buffer[0].UseBatches)
                // Batch upload
                var table   = MapTable(m_Buffer[0]);
                var uploads = new TableBatchOperation();
                var links   = new TableBatchOperation();
                var id      = m_Buffer[0].Controller;

                foreach (var data in m_Buffer)
                    var entity = data.ToEntity(data.ID ?? m_RowKeyBase + "-" + m_Seq++);
                    if (data.ID != null)
                        links.Insert(new Link(table.Name, data.ID, entity.PartitionKey, entity.RowKey));

                OnDebug?.Invoke($"Batch uploading {uploads.Count} records to Azure table storage {table.Name} for controller [{id}]...");

                try {
                    if (links.Count > 0)
                        await m_LinksTable.ExecuteBatchAsync(links);

                    var r = await table.ExecuteBatchAsync(uploads);

                    // Check for errors
                    var errors = m_Buffer
                                 .Where((entry, x) => r.Count <= x || (r[x].HttpStatusCode != 201 && r[x].HttpStatusCode != 204))

                    var successes = m_Buffer
                                    .Where((entry, x) => r.Count > x && (r[x].HttpStatusCode == 201 || r[x].HttpStatusCode == 204))

                    OnUploadSuccess?.Invoke(201, successes, $"{m_Buffer.Count - errors.Count} record(s) out of {m_Buffer.Count} for controller [{id}] successfully uploaded to Azure table storage {table.Name}.");


                    if (errors.Count > 0)
                        OnUploadError?.Invoke(0, errors, $"{errors.Count} record(s) for controller [{id}] failed to upload to Azure table storage {table.Name}.");
                } catch (StorageException ex) {
                    var status = ex.RequestInformation.HttpStatusCode;
                    var errmsg = ex.RequestInformation.ExtendedErrorInformation?.ErrorMessage ?? ex.RequestInformation.HttpStatusMessage ?? ex.Message;

                    switch (status)
                    case 0: {
                        OnError?.Invoke(ex, $"Azure table storage batch upload to {table.Name} for controller [{id}] failed.");

                    case 401:
                    case 403: {
                        OnUploadError?.Invoke(status, m_Buffer, $"Azure table storage batch upload to {table.Name} for controller [{id}] forbidden: {errmsg}");

                    default: {
                        OnUploadError?.Invoke(status, m_Buffer, $"Azure table storage batch upload to {table.Name} for controller [{id}] failed: {errmsg}");
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    OnError?.Invoke(ex, $"Azure table storage batch upload to {table.Name} for controller [{id}] failed.");
            else if (m_Buffer.Count > 0)
                // Single upload
                var data   = m_Buffer[0];
                var id     = data.Controller;
                var table  = MapTable(data);
                var entity = data.ToEntity(data.ID ?? m_RowKeyBase + "-" + m_Seq++);
                var insert = TableOperation.Insert(entity);
                var link   = (data.ID != null) ? TableOperation.Insert(new Link(table.Name, data.ID, entity.PartitionKey, entity.RowKey)) : null;

                OnDebug?.Invoke($"Uploading record to Azure table storage {table.Name} for controller [{id}]...");

                try {
                    TableResult r;

                    if (link != null)
                        r = await m_LinksTable.ExecuteAsync(link);

                    r = await table.ExecuteAsync(insert);

                    OnUploadSuccess?.Invoke(r.HttpStatusCode, new[] { data }, $"Azure table storage upload to {table.Name} for controller [{id}] succeeded, result = {r.HttpStatusCode}.");
                    if (m_Buffer.Count <= 1)
                } catch (StorageException ex) {
                    var status = ex.RequestInformation.HttpStatusCode;
                    var errmsg = ex.RequestInformation.ExtendedErrorInformation?.ErrorMessage ?? ex.RequestInformation.HttpStatusMessage ?? ex.Message;

                    switch (status)
                    case 0: {
                        OnError?.Invoke(ex, $"Azure table storage upload to {table.Name} for controller [{id}] failed.");

                    case 401:
                    case 403: {
                        OnUploadError?.Invoke(status, new[] { data }, $"Azure table storage upload to {table.Name} for controller [{id}] forbidden: {errmsg}");

                    default: {
                        OnUploadError?.Invoke(status, new[] { data }, $"Azure table storage upload to {table.Name} for controller [{id}] failed: {errmsg}");
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    OnError?.Invoke(ex, $"Azure table storage upload to {table.Name} for controller [{id}] failed.");