public void Update() { DrawGoalPosition(); Vector2 position = rigid.position; Vector2 dif = goalPosition - position; if (dif.magnitude < 0.5f) { OnGoalReached?.Invoke(); Extinguish(); return; } else { particles.Stop(); } Vector2 forward = transform.TransformDirection(Vector2.up); var dir = dif; var angle = Mathf.Atan2(dir.y, dir.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg - 90; rigid.rotation = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(rigid.rotation, angle, ref rotationVel, 0.1f); float stepSize = Mathf.Min(speed * Time.deltaTime, dif.magnitude); Vector2 velocity = forward * stepSize; position += velocity; rigid.position = position; }
public void Update() { DrawGoalPosition(); Vector2 position = rigid.position; Vector2 dif = goalPosition - position; if (dif.magnitude < 0.5f) { if (goalDir.magnitude > 0.5f) { StartExtinguish(); } OnGoalReached?.Invoke(); } if (particles.isPlaying) { Extinguish(); } Vector2 forward = transform.TransformDirection(Vector2.up); float stepSize = speed * Time.deltaTime; Vector2 velocity = forward * stepSize; position += velocity; rigid.position = position; }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.GetComponent <RobotController>()) { OnGoalReached?.Invoke(); StartCoroutine(Outro()); } }
void Action() { if (onGoal && active) { OnGoalReached.Invoke(this); } if (useGun) { Manager <SoundManager> .Instance.PlaySoundEffect(SoundManager.SoundEffect.Shoot); Instantiate(projectile, projectileSpawn.position, projectileSpawn.rotation); } }
public void CheckCurrentValue() { if (currentSlider.value == goal) { currentSlider.colors = doneColorBlock; currentSliderImg.color = doneColorBlock.normalColor; isGoalReached = true; onGoalReachedEvent.Invoke(); } else { currentSlider.colors = wrongColorBlock; currentSliderImg.color = wrongColorBlock.normalColor; if (isGoalReached) { onGoalUnreachedEvent.Invoke(); } isGoalReached = false; } }
private void CheckValueReached() { if (currentTransform.rotation.eulerAngles.z > minRotationGoal && currentTransform.rotation.eulerAngles.z < maxRotationGoal) { isGoalReached = true; SetCanRotate(false); if (nextNode != null) { nextNode.SetCanRotate(true); } else { OnGoalReached.Invoke(); } } else { currentTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0); } }
public override void OnGameTick(float dt) { if (!Active) { return; } // For land dwellers only check horizontal distance double sqDistToTarget = entity.Properties.Habitat == API.Common.EnumHabitat.Land ? target.SquareDistanceTo(entity.ServerPos.X, target.Y, entity.ServerPos.Z) : target.SquareDistanceTo(entity.ServerPos.X, entity.ServerPos.Y, entity.ServerPos.Z) ; if (sqDistToTarget < targetDistance * targetDistance) { Stop(); OnGoalReached?.Invoke(); return; } bool stuck = (entity.CollidedVertically && entity.Controls.IsClimbing) || (entity.ServerPos.SquareDistanceTo(prevPos) < 0.005 * 0.005) || // This used to test motion, but that makes no sense, we want to test if the entity moved, not if it had motion (entity.CollidedHorizontally && entity.ServerPos.Motion.Y <= 0) ; prevPos.Set(entity.ServerPos.X, entity.ServerPos.Y, entity.ServerPos.Z); stuckCounter = stuck ? (stuckCounter + 1) : 0; if (GlobalConstants.OverallSpeedMultiplier > 0 && stuckCounter > 20 / GlobalConstants.OverallSpeedMultiplier) { //entity.World.SpawnParticles(10, ColorUtil.WhiteArgb, prevPos, prevPos, new Vec3f(0, 0, 0), new Vec3f(0, -1, 0), 1, 1); Stop(); OnStuck?.Invoke(); return; } EntityControls controls = entity.MountedOn == null ? entity.Controls : entity.MountedOn.Controls; if (controls == null) { return; } targetVec.Set( (float)(target.X - entity.ServerPos.X), (float)(target.Y - entity.ServerPos.Y), (float)(target.Z - entity.ServerPos.Z) ); float desiredYaw = 0; if (sqDistToTarget >= 0.01) { desiredYaw = (float)Math.Atan2(targetVec.X, targetVec.Z); } float yawDist = GameMath.AngleRadDistance(entity.ServerPos.Yaw, desiredYaw); entity.ServerPos.Yaw += GameMath.Clamp(yawDist, -curTurnRadPerSec * dt * GlobalConstants.OverallSpeedMultiplier, curTurnRadPerSec * dt * GlobalConstants.OverallSpeedMultiplier); entity.ServerPos.Yaw = entity.ServerPos.Yaw % GameMath.TWOPI; double cosYaw = Math.Cos(entity.ServerPos.Yaw); double sinYaw = Math.Sin(entity.ServerPos.Yaw); controls.WalkVector.Set(sinYaw, GameMath.Clamp(targetVec.Y, -1, 1), cosYaw); controls.WalkVector.Mul(movingSpeed * GlobalConstants.OverallSpeedMultiplier); // Make it walk along the wall, but not walk into the wall, which causes it to climb if (entity.Properties.RotateModelOnClimb && entity.Controls.IsClimbing && entity.ClimbingOnFace != null && entity.Alive) { BlockFacing facing = entity.ClimbingOnFace; if (Math.Sign(facing.Normali.X) == Math.Sign(controls.WalkVector.X)) { controls.WalkVector.X = 0; } if (Math.Sign(facing.Normali.Z) == Math.Sign(controls.WalkVector.Z)) { controls.WalkVector.Z = 0; } } // entity.World.SpawnParticles(0.3f, ColorUtil.WhiteAhsl, target, target, new Vec3f(), new Vec3f(), 0.1f, 0.1f, 3f, EnumParticleModel.Cube); if (entity.Swimming) { controls.FlyVector.Set(controls.WalkVector); controls.FlyVector.X *= 0.85f; controls.FlyVector.Z *= 0.85f; Vec3d pos = entity.Pos.XYZ; Block inblock = entity.World.BlockAccessor.GetBlock((int)pos.X, (int)(pos.Y), (int)pos.Z); Block aboveblock = entity.World.BlockAccessor.GetBlock((int)pos.X, (int)(pos.Y + 1), (int)pos.Z); float waterY = (int)pos.Y + inblock.LiquidLevel / 8f + (aboveblock.IsLiquid() ? 9 / 8f : 0); float bottomSubmergedness = waterY - (float)pos.Y; // 0 = at swim line // 1 = completely submerged float swimlineSubmergedness = GameMath.Clamp(bottomSubmergedness - ((float)entity.SwimmingOffsetY), 0, 1); swimlineSubmergedness = Math.Min(1, swimlineSubmergedness + 0.075f); controls.FlyVector.Y = GameMath.Clamp(controls.FlyVector.Y, 0.002f, 0.004f) * swimlineSubmergedness; if (entity.CollidedHorizontally) { controls.FlyVector.Y = 0.05f; } } }
public override void OnGameTick(float dt) { if (!Active) { return; } int wayPointIndex = Math.Min(waypoints.Count - 1, waypointToReachIndex); Vec3d target = waypoints[wayPointIndex]; // Due to the nature of gravity and going down slope we sometimes end up at the next waypoint. So lets also test for the next waypoint // Doesn't seem to fully fix the issue though int nextwayPointIndex = Math.Min(waypoints.Count - 1, waypointToReachIndex + 1); Vec3d nexttarget = waypoints[nextwayPointIndex]; // For land dwellers only check horizontal distance double sqDistToTarget = Math.Min(target.SquareDistanceTo(entity.ServerPos.X, entity.ServerPos.Y, entity.ServerPos.Z), target.SquareDistanceTo(entity.ServerPos.X, entity.ServerPos.Y + 1, entity.ServerPos.Z)); // One block above is also ok double horsqDistToTarget = target.HorizontalSquareDistanceTo(entity.ServerPos.X, entity.ServerPos.Z); double sqDistToNextTarget = Math.Min(nexttarget.SquareDistanceTo(entity.ServerPos.X, entity.ServerPos.Y, entity.ServerPos.Z), nexttarget.SquareDistanceTo(entity.ServerPos.X, entity.ServerPos.Y + 1, entity.ServerPos.Z)); // One block above is also ok bool nearHorizontally = horsqDistToTarget < 1; bool nearAllDirs = sqDistToTarget < targetDistance * targetDistance; bool nearAllDirsNext = sqDistToNextTarget < targetDistance * targetDistance; //float speedMul = 1;// entity.Properties.Habitat == API.Common.EnumHabitat.Land && waypointToReachIndex >= waypoints.Count - 1 ? Math.Min(1, GameMath.Sqrt(horsqDistToTarget)) : 1; //Console.WriteLine(speedMul); if (nearAllDirs || nearAllDirsNext) { waypointToReachIndex++; if (nearAllDirsNext && wayPointIndex != nextwayPointIndex) { waypointToReachIndex++; } lastWaypointIncTotalMs = entity.World.ElapsedMilliseconds; if (waypointToReachIndex >= waypoints.Count) { Stop(); OnGoalReached?.Invoke(); return; } else { target = waypoints[waypointToReachIndex]; } } bool stuck = (entity.CollidedVertically && entity.Controls.IsClimbing) || (entity.ServerPos.SquareDistanceTo(prevPos) < 0.005 * 0.005) || // This used to test motion, but that makes no sense, we want to test if the entity moved, not if it had motion (entity.CollidedHorizontally && entity.ServerPos.Motion.Y <= 0) || (nearHorizontally && !nearAllDirs && entity.Properties.Habitat == API.Common.EnumHabitat.Land) || (waypoints.Count > 1 && waypointToReachIndex < waypoints.Count && entity.World.ElapsedMilliseconds - lastWaypointIncTotalMs > 2000) // If it takes more than 2 seconds to reach next waypoint (waypoints are always 1 block apart) ; prevPos.Set(entity.ServerPos.X, entity.ServerPos.Y, entity.ServerPos.Z); stuckCounter = stuck ? (stuckCounter + 1) : 0; if (GlobalConstants.OverallSpeedMultiplier > 0 && stuckCounter > 60 / GlobalConstants.OverallSpeedMultiplier) { //entity.World.SpawnParticles(10, ColorUtil.WhiteArgb, prevPos, prevPos, new Vec3f(0, 0, 0), new Vec3f(0, -1, 0), 1, 1); Stop(); OnStuck?.Invoke(); return; } EntityControls controls = entity.MountedOn == null ? entity.Controls : entity.MountedOn.Controls; if (controls == null) { return; } targetVec.Set( (float)(target.X - entity.ServerPos.X), (float)(target.Y - entity.ServerPos.Y), (float)(target.Z - entity.ServerPos.Z) ); float desiredYaw = 0; if (sqDistToTarget >= 0.01) { desiredYaw = (float)Math.Atan2(targetVec.X, targetVec.Z); } float yawDist = GameMath.AngleRadDistance(entity.ServerPos.Yaw, desiredYaw); entity.ServerPos.Yaw += GameMath.Clamp(yawDist, -curTurnRadPerSec * dt * GlobalConstants.OverallSpeedMultiplier, curTurnRadPerSec * dt * GlobalConstants.OverallSpeedMultiplier); entity.ServerPos.Yaw = entity.ServerPos.Yaw % GameMath.TWOPI; double cosYaw = Math.Cos(entity.ServerPos.Yaw); double sinYaw = Math.Sin(entity.ServerPos.Yaw); controls.WalkVector.Set(sinYaw, GameMath.Clamp(targetVec.Y, -1, 1), cosYaw); controls.WalkVector.Mul(movingSpeed * GlobalConstants.OverallSpeedMultiplier);// * speedMul); // Make it walk along the wall, but not walk into the wall, which causes it to climb if (entity.Properties.RotateModelOnClimb && entity.Controls.IsClimbing && entity.ClimbingOnFace != null && entity.Alive) { BlockFacing facing = entity.ClimbingOnFace; if (Math.Sign(facing.Normali.X) == Math.Sign(controls.WalkVector.X)) { controls.WalkVector.X = 0; } if (Math.Sign(facing.Normali.Z) == Math.Sign(controls.WalkVector.Z)) { controls.WalkVector.Z = 0; } } // entity.World.SpawnParticles(0.3f, ColorUtil.WhiteAhsl, target, target, new Vec3f(), new Vec3f(), 0.1f, 0.1f, 3f, EnumParticleModel.Cube); if (entity.Swimming) { controls.FlyVector.Set(controls.WalkVector); Vec3d pos = entity.Pos.XYZ; Block inblock = entity.World.BlockAccessor.GetBlock((int)pos.X, (int)(pos.Y), (int)pos.Z); Block aboveblock = entity.World.BlockAccessor.GetBlock((int)pos.X, (int)(pos.Y + 1), (int)pos.Z); float waterY = (int)pos.Y + inblock.LiquidLevel / 8f + (aboveblock.IsLiquid() ? 9 / 8f : 0); float bottomSubmergedness = waterY - (float)pos.Y; // 0 = at swim line // 1 = completely submerged float swimlineSubmergedness = GameMath.Clamp(bottomSubmergedness - ((float)entity.SwimmingOffsetY), 0, 1); swimlineSubmergedness = Math.Min(1, swimlineSubmergedness + 0.5f); controls.FlyVector.Y = GameMath.Clamp(controls.FlyVector.Y, 0.02f, 0.04f) * swimlineSubmergedness; if (entity.CollidedHorizontally) { controls.FlyVector.Y = 0.05f; } } }
public override void OnGameTick(float dt) { if (asyncSearchObject != null) { if (!asyncSearchObject.Finished) { return; } AfterFoundPath(); } if (!Active) { return; } bool nearHorizontally = false; int offset = 0; bool nearAllDirs = IsNearTarget(offset++, ref nearHorizontally) || IsNearTarget(offset++, ref nearHorizontally) || IsNearTarget(offset++, ref nearHorizontally) ; if (nearAllDirs) { waypointToReachIndex += offset; lastWaypointIncTotalMs = entity.World.ElapsedMilliseconds; } target = waypoints[Math.Min(waypoints.Count - 1, waypointToReachIndex)]; bool onlastWaypoint = waypointToReachIndex == waypoints.Count - 1; if (waypointToReachIndex >= waypoints.Count) { Stop(); OnGoalReached?.Invoke(); return; } bool stuck = (entity.CollidedVertically && entity.Controls.IsClimbing) || (entity.CollidedHorizontally && entity.ServerPos.Motion.Y <= 0) || (nearHorizontally && !nearAllDirs && entity.Properties.Habitat == EnumHabitat.Land) || (entity.CollidedHorizontally && waypoints.Count > 1 && waypointToReachIndex < waypoints.Count && entity.World.ElapsedMilliseconds - lastWaypointIncTotalMs > 2000) // If it takes more than 2 seconds to reach next waypoint (waypoints are always 1 block apart) //|| (entity.Swimming && false) ; // This used to test motion, but that makes no sense, we want to test if the entity moved, not if it had motion double distsq = prevPrevPos.SquareDistanceTo(prevPos); stuck |= (distsq < 0.01 * 0.01) ? (entity.World.Rand.NextDouble() < GameMath.Clamp(1 - distsq * 1.2, 0.1, 0.9)) : false; // Test movement progress between two points in 150 millisecond intervalls prevPosAccum += dt; if (prevPosAccum > 0.2) { prevPosAccum = 0; prevPrevPos.Set(prevPos); prevPos.Set(entity.ServerPos.X, entity.ServerPos.Y, entity.ServerPos.Z); } // Long duration tests to make sure we're not just wobbling around in the same spot distCheckAccum += dt; if (distCheckAccum > 2) { distCheckAccum = 0; if (sqDistToTarget - lastDistToTarget < 0.1) { stuck = true; stuckCounter += 30; } else if (!stuck) { stuckCounter = 0; // Only reset the stuckCounter in same tick as doing this test; otherwise the stuckCounter gets set to 0 every 2 or 3 ticks even if the entity collided horizontally (because motion vecs get set to 0 after the collision, so won't collide in the successive tick) } lastDistToTarget = sqDistToTarget; } if (stuck) { stuckCounter++; } if (GlobalConstants.OverallSpeedMultiplier > 0 && stuckCounter > 40 / GlobalConstants.OverallSpeedMultiplier) { //entity.World.SpawnParticles(10, ColorUtil.WhiteArgb, prevPos, prevPos, new Vec3f(0, 0, 0), new Vec3f(0, -1, 0), 1, 1); Stop(); OnStuck?.Invoke(); return; } EntityControls controls = entity.MountedOn == null ? entity.Controls : entity.MountedOn.Controls; if (controls == null) { return; } targetVec.Set( (float)(target.X - entity.ServerPos.X), (float)(target.Y - entity.ServerPos.Y), (float)(target.Z - entity.ServerPos.Z) ); targetVec.Normalize(); float desiredYaw = 0; if (sqDistToTarget >= 0.01) { desiredYaw = (float)Math.Atan2(targetVec.X, targetVec.Z); } float nowMoveSpeed = movingSpeed; if (sqDistToTarget < 1) { nowMoveSpeed = Math.Max(0.005f, movingSpeed * Math.Max(sqDistToTarget, 0.2f)); } float yawDist = GameMath.AngleRadDistance(entity.ServerPos.Yaw, desiredYaw); float turnSpeed = curTurnRadPerSec * dt * GlobalConstants.OverallSpeedMultiplier * movingSpeed; entity.ServerPos.Yaw += GameMath.Clamp(yawDist, -turnSpeed, turnSpeed); entity.ServerPos.Yaw = entity.ServerPos.Yaw % GameMath.TWOPI; double cosYaw = Math.Cos(entity.ServerPos.Yaw); double sinYaw = Math.Sin(entity.ServerPos.Yaw); controls.WalkVector.Set(sinYaw, GameMath.Clamp(targetVec.Y, -1, 1), cosYaw); controls.WalkVector.Mul(nowMoveSpeed * GlobalConstants.OverallSpeedMultiplier); // Make it walk along the wall, but not walk into the wall, which causes it to climb if (entity.Properties.RotateModelOnClimb && entity.Controls.IsClimbing && entity.ClimbingIntoFace != null && entity.Alive) { BlockFacing facing = entity.ClimbingIntoFace; if (Math.Sign(facing.Normali.X) == Math.Sign(controls.WalkVector.X)) { controls.WalkVector.X = 0; } if (Math.Sign(facing.Normali.Y) == Math.Sign(controls.WalkVector.Y)) { controls.WalkVector.Y = -controls.WalkVector.Y; } if (Math.Sign(facing.Normali.Z) == Math.Sign(controls.WalkVector.Z)) { controls.WalkVector.Z = 0; } } // entity.World.SpawnParticles(0.3f, ColorUtil.WhiteAhsl, target, target, new Vec3f(), new Vec3f(), 0.1f, 0.1f, 3f, EnumParticleModel.Cube); if (entity.Properties.Habitat == EnumHabitat.Underwater) { controls.FlyVector.Set(controls.WalkVector); Vec3d pos = entity.Pos.XYZ; Block inblock = entity.World.BlockAccessor.GetLiquidBlock((int)pos.X, (int)(pos.Y), (int)pos.Z); Block aboveblock = entity.World.BlockAccessor.GetLiquidBlock((int)pos.X, (int)(pos.Y + 1), (int)pos.Z); float waterY = (int)pos.Y + inblock.LiquidLevel / 8f + (aboveblock.IsLiquid() ? 9 / 8f : 0); float bottomSubmergedness = waterY - (float)pos.Y; // 0 = at swim line 1 = completely submerged float swimlineSubmergedness = GameMath.Clamp(bottomSubmergedness - ((float)entity.SwimmingOffsetY), 0, 1); swimlineSubmergedness = 1f - Math.Min(1f, swimlineSubmergedness + 0.5f); if (swimlineSubmergedness > 0f) { //Push the fish back underwater if part is poking out ... (may need future adaptation for sharks[?], probably by changing SwimmingOffsetY) controls.FlyVector.Y = GameMath.Clamp(controls.FlyVector.Y, -0.04f, -0.02f) * (1f - swimlineSubmergedness); } else { float factor = movingSpeed * GlobalConstants.OverallSpeedMultiplier / (float)Math.Sqrt(targetVec.X * targetVec.X + targetVec.Z * targetVec.Z); controls.FlyVector.Y = targetVec.Y * factor; } if (entity.CollidedHorizontally) { //TODO } } else if (entity.Swimming) { controls.FlyVector.Set(controls.WalkVector); Vec3d pos = entity.Pos.XYZ; Block inblock = entity.World.BlockAccessor.GetLiquidBlock((int)pos.X, (int)(pos.Y), (int)pos.Z); Block aboveblock = entity.World.BlockAccessor.GetLiquidBlock((int)pos.X, (int)(pos.Y + 1), (int)pos.Z); float waterY = (int)pos.Y + inblock.LiquidLevel / 8f + (aboveblock.IsLiquid() ? 9 / 8f : 0); float bottomSubmergedness = waterY - (float)pos.Y; // 0 = at swim line // 1 = completely submerged float swimlineSubmergedness = GameMath.Clamp(bottomSubmergedness - ((float)entity.SwimmingOffsetY), 0, 1); swimlineSubmergedness = Math.Min(1, swimlineSubmergedness + 0.5f); controls.FlyVector.Y = GameMath.Clamp(controls.FlyVector.Y, 0.02f, 0.04f) * swimlineSubmergedness; if (entity.CollidedHorizontally) { controls.FlyVector.Y = 0.05f; } } }