예제 #1
         * Ignore execution of the PauseGameToggle method if represents an unpause due to UI elements
         * overlapping the pause menu
        private IEnumerator GameManagerOnPauseGameToggle(
            On.GameManager.orig_PauseGameToggle orig,
            global::GameManager self
            if (!_netClient.IsConnected)
                yield return(orig(self));

                yield break;

            var stackTrace = new StackTrace();

            var frames = stackTrace.GetFrames();

            if (frames == null)
                yield return(orig(self));

                yield break;

            var methodName = frames[1].GetMethod().Name;

            if (methodName.Equals("MoveNext"))
                yield break;

            yield return(orig(self));
        private static IEnumerator OnGamePause(On.GameManager.orig_PauseGameToggle orig, GameManager self)

            bool paused = GameManager.instance.IsGamePaused();

            Panel.SetActive(paused, !paused);

            yield return(null);
예제 #3
        private IEnumerator PatchSuperslides(On.GameManager.orig_PauseGameToggle orig, GameManager self)
            // Check if the player is in a valid state to superslide
            if (!MiniDebug.Instance.Superslides ||
                PlayerData.instance.disablePause ||
                self.gameState != GameState.PLAYING ||
                !self.GetField <GameManager, bool>("timeSlowed"))
                yield return(orig(self));

                yield break;

            // Remove the freezeframe lock on pausing, reset recoil to ensure max speed
            self.SetField("timeSlowed", false);
            HeroController.instance.SetField("recoilSteps", 0);

            // Pause the game to cause a superslide
            yield return(orig(self));

            // Setting timeSlowed back to true causes the pause menu to be uncloseable
            // The freezeframe that slowed time is definitely over by now
            // orig_PauseGameToggle contains a large delay