public async Task Post_OfferVoucherAndGiftVoucher_VoucherIsApplied()
            var productOneId     = Guid.NewGuid();
            var productTwoId     = Guid.NewGuid();
            var productTypeCode  = Guid.NewGuid();
            var offerVoucherCode = "BBB";
            var giftVoucherCode  = "CCC";

            var products = new List <ProductEntity>
                new ProductEntity
                    Id          = productOneId,
                    Description = "Hat",
                    Price       = 25.00M,
                    ProductType = new ProductTypeEntity
                        Description = "Headwear"
                new ProductEntity
                    Id          = productTwoId,
                    Description = "Jumper",
                    Price       = 26.00M,
                    ProductType = new ProductTypeEntity
                        Description = "Top"

            var offerVoucher = new OfferVoucherEntity
                Amount    = 5.00M,
                Code      = offerVoucherCode,
                ThresHold = 50.00M,

            var giftVoucher = new GiftVoucherEntity
                Amount = 5.00M,
                Code   = giftVoucherCode

            using (var context = GivenBasketContext())
                await context.Products.AddRangeAsync(products);

                await context.OfferVouchers.AddAsync(offerVoucher);

                await context.GiftVouchers.AddAsync(giftVoucher);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var createBasket = new CreateBasketDTO
                Products = new List <CreatBasketItemDTO>
                    new CreatBasketItemDTO
                        ProductId = productOneId,
                        Quantity  = 1
                    new CreatBasketItemDTO
                        ProductId = productTwoId,
                        Quantity  = 1
                OfferVoucherCode = offerVoucherCode,
                GiftVoucherCodes = new List <string>

            var response = await _sqlLiteTestFactory.CreateClient()
                           .PostAsJsonAsync($"/api/v1/basket", createBasket);


            var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BasketDTO>(content);

            .Be(products.Select(p => p.Price).Sum() - offerVoucher.Amount - giftVoucher.Amount);
            result.BasketTotal.Should().Be(result.BasketDiscountTotal + offerVoucher.Amount + giftVoucher.Amount);
        public async Task Post_ThresholdNotMet_ReturnWarningMessage()
            var productOneId     = Guid.NewGuid();
            var productTwoId     = Guid.NewGuid();
            var offerVoucherCode = "DDD";

            var products = new List <ProductEntity>
                new ProductEntity
                    Id          = productOneId,
                    Description = "Hat",
                    Price       = 25.00M,
                    ProductType = new ProductTypeEntity
                        Description = "Headwear"
                new ProductEntity
                    Id          = productTwoId,
                    Description = "Voucher",
                    Price       = 30.00M,
                    ProductType = new ProductTypeEntity
                        Description = "Gift Voucher"

            var offerVoucher = new OfferVoucherEntity
                Amount    = 5.00M,
                Code      = offerVoucherCode,
                ThresHold = 50.00M,

            using (var context = GivenBasketContext())
                await context.Products.AddRangeAsync(products);

                await context.OfferVouchers.AddAsync(offerVoucher);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var createBasket = new CreateBasketDTO
                Products = new List <CreatBasketItemDTO>
                    new CreatBasketItemDTO
                        ProductId = productOneId,
                        Quantity  = 1
                    new CreatBasketItemDTO
                        ProductId = productTwoId,
                        Quantity  = 1
                OfferVoucherCode = offerVoucherCode

            var response = await _sqlLiteTestFactory.CreateClient()
                           .PostAsJsonAsync($"/api/v1/basket", createBasket);


            var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BasketDTO>(content);

            result.Message.Should().Be($"You have not reached the spend threshold for voucher {offerVoucherCode}. " +
                                       $"Spend another £{offerVoucher.ThresHold - 25.00M + 0.01M} " +
                                       $"receive £{offerVoucher.Amount} discount from your basket total.");
        public async Task Post_OfferVoucherNoValidProduct_returnsWarningMessage()
            var productOneId     = Guid.NewGuid();
            var productTwoId     = Guid.NewGuid();
            var offerVoucherCode = "AAA";

            var products = new List <ProductEntity>
                new ProductEntity
                    Id          = productOneId,
                    Description = "Hat",
                    Price       = 25.00M,
                    ProductType = new ProductTypeEntity
                        Description = "Headwear"
                new ProductEntity
                    Id          = productTwoId,
                    Description = "Jumper",
                    Price       = 26.00M,
                    ProductType = new ProductTypeEntity
                        Description = "Top"

            var offerVoucher = new OfferVoucherEntity
                Amount      = 5.00M,
                Code        = offerVoucherCode,
                ThresHold   = 50.00M,
                ProductType = new ProductTypeEntity
                    Description = "Head Gear"

            using (var context = GivenBasketContext())
                await context.Products.AddRangeAsync(products);

                await context.OfferVouchers.AddAsync(offerVoucher);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var createBasket = new CreateBasketDTO
                Products = new List <CreatBasketItemDTO>
                    new CreatBasketItemDTO
                        ProductId = productOneId,
                        Quantity  = 1
                    new CreatBasketItemDTO
                        ProductId = productTwoId,
                        Quantity  = 1
                OfferVoucherCode = offerVoucherCode

            var response = await _sqlLiteTestFactory.CreateClient()
                           .PostAsJsonAsync($"/api/v1/basket", createBasket);


            var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BasketDTO>(content);

            result.Message.Should().Be($"There are no products in your basket applicable to voucher {offerVoucher.Code}.");