public IEnumerable <Offer> GetOffers(HtmlDocument document, City city, OfferType offerType) { var offers = new List <Offer>(); var offerNodes = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(OFFER_SELECTOR); foreach (var node in offerNodes) { Offer offer; try { offer = new Offer() { Title = node.GetString(TITLE_SELECTOR), Area = node.GetDouble(AREA_SELECTOR), AreaUnit = AreaUnit.SquareMeter, PriceUnit = PriceUnit.PolishZloty, PricePerUnit = node.GetDouble(PRICE_PER_M_SELECTOR), Price = node.GetDouble(PRICE_SELECTOR), Url = node.GetHref(URL_SELECTOR), OfferedBy = node.GetString(OFFERED_BY_SELECTOR), Location = ParseLocation(node.GetString(LOCATION_SELECTOR)), City = city, Type = offerType }; offers.Add(offer); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } return(offers); }
public async Task <bool> CreateOfferAsync(string authorId, string estateId, OfferCreateServiceModel model) { if (model.OfferType == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(estateId)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(InvlidMethodParameterMessage); } OfferType parsedEnum = model.OfferType == GlobalConstants.OfferTypeSaleName ? OfferType.Sale : OfferType.Rental; string referenceNumber = await this.referenceNumberGenerator.GenerateOfferReferenceNumber(model.OfferType, estateId); var author = await this.userServices.GetUserById(authorId); var offer = this.mapper.Map <Offer>(model); offer.Author = author; offer.AuthorId = authorId; offer.RealEstateId = estateId; offer.OfferType = parsedEnum; offer.ReferenceNumber = referenceNumber; offer.IsOfferActive = true; await this.context.Offers.AddAsync(offer); var changedRows = await this.context.SaveChangesAsync(); if (changedRows == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException(UnsuccessfullOfferCreationMessage); } return(true); }
public void Init(string offer) { Offer = offer.Deserialize <OfferModel>(); Type = Offer.type; _initialType = Offer.type; Category = Offer.subCategoryModelId; }
public string BuildUri(string key, int page, int pageSize, OfferType offerType, Filter filter) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)) { throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null or whitespace.", nameof(key)); } if (filter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(filter)); } if (page <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(page)); } if (pageSize <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(pageSize)); } var uriBuilder = new StringBuilder(); uriBuilder.Append(API_ROOT); uriBuilder.Append(key); // QueryHelpers.AddQueryString escapes slashes in zo, so construct the url manually uriBuilder.AppendFormat("/?type={0}", ConvertOfferTypeToQueryParameter(offerType)); uriBuilder.AppendFormat("&zo={0}", ConvertFilterToQueryParameter(filter)); uriBuilder.AppendFormat("&page={0}", page); uriBuilder.AppendFormat("&pagesize={0}", pageSize); return(uriBuilder.ToString()); }
public IObservable <Property> GetProperties(OfferType offerType, Filter filter) { return(Observable.Create <Property>(async observer => { int pageCount = _settings.MaxPageCountToRetrieve; for (int page = 1; page <= pageCount; page++) { _logger.LogInformation("Getting page {0}, page size {1}", page, _settings.BatchSize); var pageResults = await _fundaApiClient.GetOffers(page, _settings.BatchSize, offerType, filter); int totalPages = pageResults.Paging.AantalPaginas; _logger.LogInformation("Received page {0}, total pages {1}", page, totalPages); _logger.LogInformation("Received {0} properties", pageResults.Objects.Length); foreach (Object realEstateObject in pageResults.Objects) { var realEstateAgent = new RealEstateAgent(realEstateObject.MakelaarId, realEstateObject.MakelaarNaam); var property = new Property(realEstateObject.Adres, realEstateAgent); observer.OnNext(property); } pageCount = Math.Min(totalPages, _settings.MaxPageCountToRetrieve); } })); }
public async Task <OffersPage> GetOffers(int page, int pageSize, OfferType offerType, Filter filter) { if (filter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(filter)); } if (page <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(page)); } if (pageSize <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(pageSize)); } string url = _apiUrlBuilder.BuildUri(_settings.ApiKey, page, pageSize, offerType, filter); HttpResponseMessage response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(url); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OffersPage>(content)); }
public Offer(string name, int quantity, decimal value, OfferType type = OfferType.MultiBuy) { this.Name = name; this.OfferType = type; this.Value = value; this.Quantity = quantity; }
public static bool SeedDelepmentData(AppDbContext appContext, string userAdminId, string employerUserId) { var roleAdministrator = new Role(Role.Administrator); roleAdministrator.AddUser(userAdminId); var roleEmployer = new Role(Role.Employer); roleEmployer.AddUser(employerUserId); roleEmployer.AddUser(userAdminId); appContext.Roles.AddRange(new List <Role> { roleAdministrator, roleEmployer }); var offerTypeDevOps = new OfferType("DevOps"); var offerTypeQA = new OfferType("QA"); var offerTypeDeveloper = new OfferType("Developer"); var offerTypeManager = new OfferType("Manager"); var offerTypePM = new OfferType("PM"); appContext.OfferTypes.AddRange(new List <OfferType> { offerTypeDevOps, offerTypeQA, offerTypeDeveloper, offerTypeManager, offerTypePM }); return(appContext.SaveChanges() >= 0); }
public IOfferType New() { var type = new OfferType(); this.dataContext.OfferTypes.Add(type); return(new OfferTypeDto(type)); }
public override Offer Create(XElement xml) { int id; int bid; int? cbid; bool isAvailable; string url; double price; string currencyId; CategoryId categoryId; string picture; bool? delivery; string description; XmlParser.ParseOfferPart(xml, out id, out bid, out cbid, out isAvailable, out url, out price, out currencyId, out categoryId, out picture, out delivery, out description); OfferType type = GetType(xml.Attribute("type").Value, xml); return(new Phototechnique() { Id = id, OfferType = type, BId = bid, IsAvailable = isAvailable, CBId = cbid, Url = url, Price = price, CurrencyId = currencyId, CategoryId = categoryId, Picture = picture, Delivery = delivery, Description = description }); }
public string GenerateCodes(int quantity, OfferType type) { message.SetField("protocol", "XCP"); message.SetField("action", "GENERATE_CODES"); message.SetField("object", "OFFERS"); message.AddAttributes(new[] { new DataItem("quantity", quantity.ToString()), new DataItem("offer", type.ToString()) }); var postdata = Serialize(message); SendRequest(postdata); var respmsg = responseObject as MessageEnvelope; if (respmsg == null || !respmsg.IsSuccess()) { LogResponseMessage(); return(null); } return(respmsg.GetAttribute("code")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("OfferTypeID,Name,Description")] OfferType offerType) { if (id != offerType.OfferTypeID) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(offerType); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!OfferTypeExists(offerType.OfferTypeID)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(offerType)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if ReplaceOffer instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Instance of ReplaceOffer to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(ReplaceOffer other) { // credit: if (other == null) { return(false); } return (( OfferType == other.OfferType || OfferType != null && OfferType.Equals(other.OfferType) ) && ( Resource == other.Resource || Resource != null && Resource.Equals(other.Resource) ) && ( OfferResourceId == other.OfferResourceId || OfferResourceId != null && OfferResourceId.Equals(other.OfferResourceId) ) && ( Id == other.Id || Id != null && Id.Equals(other.Id) ) && ( Rid == other.Rid || Rid != null && Rid.Equals(other.Rid) )); }
public IActionResult Search(string searchPhrase, decimal?minPrice, decimal?maxPrice, Market?market, OfferType offerType, int?minRoomCount, int?maxRoomCount, int?minArea, int?maxArea, int page = 1) { var searchArguments = new SearchArguments() { MaxPrice = maxPrice, MinPrice = minPrice, Page = page, SearchPhrase = searchPhrase, OfferType = offerType, MinArea = minArea, MaxRoomCount = maxRoomCount, MinRoomCount = minRoomCount, Market = market == Market.Both ? null : market, MaxArea = maxArea }; var offers = _offerService.SearchOffers(searchArguments); var offerDtos = new List <OfferDto>(); foreach (var offer in offers) { var offerDto = _mapper.Map <OfferDto>(offer); offerDto.Images = CreateUrlsToPhotos(offer.Images); offerDtos.Add(offerDto); } return(Ok(offerDtos)); }
/// <summary> /// Determines the offer type from the specified string. /// </summary> /// <param name="receivedValue"> /// The field from which the offer type will be determined. /// </param> /// <param name="fieldName"> /// The name of the field whose value to verify to place in the log. /// </param> /// <param name="offerType"> /// Receives the offer type if possible. /// </param> /// <param name="recordValid"> /// A value that indicates whether the record being parsed is so far valid. /// </param> /// <returns> /// * True if the offer type could be determined from the specified string. /// * Else returns false. /// </returns> internal bool DetermineOfferType(string receivedValue, string fieldName, out OfferType offerType, bool recordValid) { offerType = OfferType.ConsumerClipped; if (recordValid == true) { switch (receivedValue.ToUpperInvariant()) { case "PURCHASED": offerType = OfferType.Purchased; break; case "CONSUMER CLIPPED": offerType = OfferType.ConsumerClipped; break; case "MERCHANT FUNDED": offerType = OfferType.MerchantFunded; break; default: Log.Warning("Error parsing \"{0}\" record #{1} from file \"{2}\". Received value \"{3}\" in field " + "\"{4}\" is not properly formatted.", (int)ResultCode.InvalidValue, RecordTypeDescriptor, RecordNumber, FileName, receivedValue, fieldName); recordValid = false; break; } ; } return(recordValid); }
public override Offer Create(XElement xml) { int id; int bid; int? cbid; bool isAvailable; string url; double price; string currencyId; CategoryId categoryId; string picture; bool? delivery; string description; XmlParser.ParseOfferPart(xml, out id, out bid, out cbid, out isAvailable, out url, out price, out currencyId, out categoryId, out picture, out delivery, out description); OfferKind kindOfBook = GetOfferKindById(Convert.ToInt32(categoryId.Text), xml); string name = xml.Element("name").Value; string author = xml.Element("author").Value; int year = Convert.ToInt32(xml.Element("year").Value); string publisher = xml.Element("publisher").Value; string isbn = xml.Element("ISBN").Value; string language = xml.Element("language").Value; string series; if (xml.Elements().SingleOrDefault(el => el.Name == "series") != null) { series = xml.Element("series").Value; } { series = null; } bool downloadable = Convert.ToBoolean(xml.Element("downloadable").Value); OfferType newType = GetType(xml.Attribute("type").Value, xml); return(new Book() { Id = id, OfferType = newType, BId = bid, IsAvailable = isAvailable, CBId = cbid, Url = url, Price = price, CurrencyId = currencyId, CategoryId = categoryId, Picture = picture, Delivery = delivery, Description = description, Name = name, Author = author, Year = year, Publisher = publisher, ISBN = isbn, Language = language, Series = series, Downloadable = downloadable, KindOfBook = kindOfBook }); }
public SubscriptionOffer(JObject node) { asin = (string)node["asin"]; buyable = (bool)node["buyable"]; switch ((string)node["offerType"]) { case "SUBSCRIPTION": offerType = OfferType.Subscription; break; case "PURCHASE": offerType = OfferType.Purchase; break; case "RENTAL": offerType = OfferType.Rental; break; case "SEASON_PURCHASE": offerType = OfferType.SeasonPurchase; break; case "SEASON_RENTAL": offerType = OfferType.SeasonRental; break; case "TV_PASS": offerType = OfferType.TvPass; break; } }
/// <summary> /// Tworzy nową ofertę. /// </summary> /// <param name="player"></param> /// <param name="target"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <param name="price"></param> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <param name="system"></param> public static void CreateOffer(Client player, Client target, OfferType type, uint price, Dictionary <string, object> data, string name, bool system = false) { Offer newOffer = new Offer { Id = GetFreeOfferIndex(), Player = player, Target = target, Type = type, Price = price, Data = data, StartedAt = Global.GetTimestamp(), SystemOffer = system }; OffersList.Add(newOffer.Id, newOffer); if (player != null) { Ui.ShowInfo(player, "Oferta została złożona."); } // TODO: logi string pName = player == null ? "System" : Player.GetPlayerIcName(player); NAPI.ClientEvent.TriggerClientEvent(target, "client.offers.showOffer", $"{pName} ofertuje {name}", price); Log.ConsoleLog("OFFERS", $"Oferta o Id {newOffer.Id} zostala utworzona.", LogType.Debug); }
public Offer(Commodity commodity, int amount, float price, OfferType type, Trader trader) { Commodity = commodity; Amount = amount; Price = price; Type = type; Trader = trader; }
public static OfferTypeDto From(OfferType offerType) { return(new OfferTypeDto() { Id = offerType.Id, Name = offerType.Name }); }
/// <summary> /// For backward compatibility with old wrappers. /// </summary> public SellingStatusType PlaceOffer(OfferType Offer, string ItemID) { this.Offer = Offer; this.ItemID = ItemID; Execute(); return(ApiResponse.SellingStatus); }
public void ParseTest() { string sType = "Limit"; OfferType type = OfferTypeExtension.Parse(sType); Assert.AreEqual(OfferType.LIMIT, type); }
public void OffertTypeToLowerStringTest() { OfferType type = OfferType.STOP_LIMIT; string sType = type.ToLowerString(); Assert.AreEqual("stop-limit", sType); }
public Offer(OfferType type, string commodity, double price, double amount) { Type = type; Commodity = commodity; Price = price; Amount = amount; Results = new List <OfferResult>(); }
public ActionResult CreateOfferType() { var model = new OfferType(); ViewBag.offerTypes = offerTypes.GetAll(); ViewBag.rooms = rooms.GetAll(); return(View(model)); }
public void ParseLowerWithLowerDashTest() { string sType = "Stop_limit"; OfferType type = OfferTypeExtension.Parse(sType); Assert.AreEqual(OfferType.STOP_LIMIT, type); }
public static string ToLowerString(this OfferType offerType) { string output = offerType.ToString(); output = output.Replace('_', '-'); output = output.ToLower(); return(output); }
public static IOffer CreateOffer(OfferType type) { switch (type) { case OfferType.Rent: return new RentOffer(OfferType.Rent); case OfferType.Sale: return new SaleOffer(OfferType.Sale); default: throw new NotSupportedException("This offer is not supported."); } }
public static IOffer CreateOffer(OfferType type) { switch (type) { case OfferType.Sale: return new SaleOffer(type); case OfferType.Rent: return new RentOffer(type); default: return new SaleOffer(type); } }
public void Reject() { if (offer != OfferType.Resign) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot reject when there's no resign offer."); } offer = OfferType.None; player_on_turn = 1 - player_on_turn; }
public Auction(String seller, DateTime time, OfferType offer, Card card, string mssg, int price, int amountOffered) { this.seller = seller; this.time = time; this.offer = offer; this.card = card; this.price = price; this.message = mssg; this.amountOffered = amountOffered; }
private TradeOffer(TradeOffer offer, OfferType type = OfferType.Outbound) { Id = offer.Id; CreatedAt = offer.CreatedAt; Author = offer.Author; Target = offer.Target; ItemIds = offer.ItemIds; RequestedItemIds = offer.RequestedItemIds; Type = type; }
public static IOffer CreateOffer(OfferType type) { switch (type) { case OfferType.Sale: return new Sale(); case OfferType.Rent: return new Rent(); default: throw new ArgumentException("That type does not exist."); } }
public static IOffer CreateOffer(OfferType type) { switch (type) { case OfferType.Rent: return new RentOffer(); case OfferType.Sale: return new SaleOffer(); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(type.ToString(), "OfferType not supported"); } }
public static IOffer CreateOffer(OfferType type) { switch (type) { case OfferType.Rent: return new RentOffer(); case OfferType.Sale: return new SaleOffer(); default: throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type!", "type"); } }
public static IOffer CreateOffer(OfferType type) { switch (type) { case OfferType.Sale: return new SaleOffer(type); case OfferType.Rent: return new RentOffer(type); default: { throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown offer type " + type); } } }
public static IOffer CreateOffer(OfferType type) { switch (type) { case OfferType.Rent: return new Rent(); case OfferType.Sale: return new Sale(); default: throw new NotImplementedException("Offer type not supported: " + type); } }
public static IOffer CreateOffer(OfferType type) { switch (type) { case OfferType.Rent: return new RentOffer(); case OfferType.Sale: return new SaleOffer(); default: throw new AggregateException(); } }
public static IOffer CreateOffer(OfferType type) { switch (type) { case OfferType.Sale: return new SaleOffer(); break; case OfferType.Rent: return new RentOffer(); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("type", "Invalid Offer type specified."); } }
public static IOffer CreateOffer(OfferType type) { IOffer offer = null; switch (type) { case OfferType.Sale: offer = new SaleOffer(); break; case OfferType.Rent: offer = new RentOffer(); break; default: break; } return offer; }
/// <summary> /// 获取会员所有的产品 /// <para> /// 需要授权 /// </para> /// <para> /// 接口地址: /// </para> /// </summary> /// <param name="type">商品所属类型,目前只支持SALE</param> /// <param name="categoryId">商品发布类目ID</param> /// <param name="groupIds">卖家自定义的商品分类ID,多个之间用“,”分隔</param> /// <param name="page">页码。取值范围:大于零的整数;默认值为1,即返回第一页数据。</param> /// <param name="pageSize">返回offer列表结果集分页条数。取值范围:大于零的整数;最大值:50。</param> /// <param name="timeStamp">格式:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss;1、如果传了时间戳参数,则按增量返回,即返回按指定获取条件且对应商品信息的最近更新时间(GMTModified)晚于该时间戳的商品列表信息。2、如果没有传时间戳参数,则取所有的满足条件的商品信息;</param> /// <param name="orderBy">当前支持:gmtexpire:asc|desc,gmt_modified:asc|desc</param> /// <param name="site">站点</param> /// <param name="returnFields">自定义返回字段,字段为offerDetailInfo子集。多个字段以半角','分隔。若此字段为空,则返回offer数组信息为空;其中如下参数无法通过该API获得:amountOnSale、details、detailsUrl、saledCount、skuArray、termOfferProcess、tradingType</param> /// <returns>产品分页信息</returns> public IPagedList<OfferDetailInfo> GetAllOffers(OfferType type = OfferType.SALE, long categoryId = default(long), long[] groupIds = null, int page = 1, int pageSize = 20, DateTime timeStamp = default(DateTime), string orderBy = "", string site = "china", string returnFields = "offerId,privateProperties,subject,details,imageList,productFeatureList,unit,amountOnSale,saledCount,priceRanges") { string url = "{0}".FormatStr(_context.Config.AppKey); var otherParas = _context.GetParas(); otherParas.Add("page", page + ""); otherParas.Add("pageSize", pageSize + ""); otherParas.Add("type", type.ToString()); if (categoryId != default(long)) { otherParas.Add("categoryId", categoryId + ""); } if (groupIds != null) { otherParas.Add("groupIds", groupIds + ""); } if (orderBy != "") { otherParas.Add("orderBy", orderBy); } if (timeStamp != default(DateTime)) { otherParas.Add("timeStamp", timeStamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); } if (returnFields.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) { otherParas.Add("returnFields", returnFields); } if (site.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) { otherParas.Add("site", site); } _context.Util.AddAliApiUrlSignPara(url, otherParas); var results = _context.Util.Send<AliResult<AliResultList<OfferDetailInfo>>>(url, otherParas); if (results.Result.Total > 0) { return new PagedList<OfferDetailInfo>(results.Result.ToReturn, page, pageSize, results.Result.Total); } return new PagedList<OfferDetailInfo>(new List<OfferDetailInfo>(), page, pageSize); }
public static IOffer CreateOffer(OfferType type) { Offer offer; switch (type) { case OfferType.Rent: offer = new RentOffer(); break; case OfferType.Sale: offer = new SaleOffer(); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type for offer."); } return offer; }
public static IOffer CreateOffer(OfferType type) { IOffer offer = null; switch (type) { case OfferType.Rent: offer = new RentOffer(OfferType.Rent); break; case OfferType.Sale: offer = new SaleOffer(OfferType.Sale); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unsuported office type"); } return offer; }
public GameState(GameType game_type) { dice = new int[2]; SetDice(0, 0); board = new Board(); player_on_roll = -1; player_on_turn = -1; cube.Value = 1; cube.Owner = -1; offer = OfferType.None; resign_offer_value = ResignValue.None; score = new int[] { 0, 0 }; match_to = 1; crawford = false; stake = 0; limit = 0; names = new string[] { "", "" }; this.game_type = game_type; }
public void PlaceOfferFull() { string originalToken = this.apiContext.ApiCredential.eBayToken; try { Assert.IsNotNull(TestData.ChineseAuctionItem,"ChineseAuctionItem is null"); ItemType item=TestData.ChineseAuctionItem; //change user this.apiContext.ApiCredential.eBayToken=TestData.BuyerToken; PlaceOfferCall api=new PlaceOfferCall(this.apiContext); api.ItemID=TestData.ChineseAuctionItem.ItemID; OfferType offer = new OfferType(); offer.Action = BidActionCodeType.Bid; offer.Quantity = 1; AmountType at = new AmountType(); at.Value = 1; offer.ConvertedPrice = at; at.Value=2; offer.MaxBid=at; api.Offer=offer; api.AbstractRequest.EndUserIP = ""; api.Execute(); //check whether the call is success. Assert.IsTrue(api.ApiResponse.Ack==AckCodeType.Success || api.ApiResponse.Ack==AckCodeType.Warning,"do not success!"); } finally { //reset token this.apiContext.ApiCredential.eBayToken=originalToken; } }
public SaleOffer(OfferType type) : base(type) { }
public SaleOffer(OfferType type, IEstate estate, decimal price) : base(type, estate) { this.Price = price; }
public RentOffer(OfferType type, IEstate estate,decimal Price):base(OfferType.Rent,estate) { this.PricePerMonth = Price; }
public RentOffer(OfferType type) : base(type) { }
public RentOffer(OfferType type, IEstate estate, decimal pricePerMonth) : base(type, estate) { this.PricePerMonth = pricePerMonth; }
protected Offer(OfferType type) { this.Type = type; }
protected Offer(OfferType type, IEstate estate) { this.Type = type; this.Estate = estate; }
/// <summary> /// Enables the authenticated user to to make a bid, a best offer, or /// a purchase on the item specified by the ItemID input field. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="Offer"> /// Specifies the type of offer being made. If the item is a /// competitive-bidding listing, the offer is a bid. If the item is a /// fixed-price listing, then the offer purchases the item. If the item is a /// competitive-bidding listing and the offer is of type with an active, /// unexercised Buy It Now option, then the offer can either purchase the /// item or be a bid. See the schema documentation for OfferType for details /// on its properties and their meanings. /// </param> /// /// <param name="ItemID"> /// Unique item ID that identifies the item listing for which the action is being /// submitted. /// /// If the item was listed with Variations, you must also specify /// VariationSpecifics in the request to uniquely identify the /// variant being purchased. /// </param> /// /// <param name="BlockOnWarning"> /// If a warning message exists and BlockOnWarning is true, /// the warning message is returned and the bid is blocked. If no warning message /// exists and BlockOnWarning is true, the bid is placed. If BlockOnWarning /// is false, the bid is placed, regardless of warning. /// </param> /// /// <param name="AffiliateTrackingDetails"> /// Container for affiliate-related tags, which enable the tracking of user /// activity. If you include AffiliateTrackingDetails in your PlaceOffer call, then /// it is possible to receive affiliate commissions based on calls made by your /// application. (See the <a href= /// "" target="_blank">eBay Partner Network</a> /// for information about commissions.) Please note that affiliate tracking is not /// available in the Sandbox environment, and that affiliate tracking is not /// available when you make a best offer. /// </param> /// /// <param name="VariationSpecificList"> /// Name-value pairs that identify a single variation within the /// listing identified by ItemID. Required when the seller /// listed the item with Item Variations. /// /// If you want to buy items from multiple variations in the same /// listing, use a separate PlaceOffer request for each variation. /// For example, if you want to buy 3 red shirts and 2 black shirts /// from the same listing, use one PlaceOffer request for the /// 3 red shirts, and another PlaceOffer request for the 2 /// black shirts. /// </param> /// public SellingStatusType PlaceOffer(OfferType Offer, string ItemID, bool BlockOnWarning, AffiliateTrackingDetailsType AffiliateTrackingDetails, NameValueListTypeCollection VariationSpecificList) { this.Offer = Offer; this.ItemID = ItemID; this.BlockOnWarning = BlockOnWarning; this.AffiliateTrackingDetails = AffiliateTrackingDetails; this.VariationSpecificList = VariationSpecificList; Execute(); return ApiResponse.SellingStatus; }
public RentOffer(OfferType initType, IEstate initEstate, decimal pricePerMonth) : base(initType, initEstate) { this.PricePerMonth = pricePerMonth; }
public Offer(OfferType initType) { this.Type = initType; }
public Offer(OfferType type) { this.Type = type; }
public RentOffer(OfferType type):base(OfferType.Rent) { }
public Offer(OfferType initType, IEstate initEstate) { this.Type = initType; this.Estate = initEstate; }
/// <summary> /// For backward compatibility with old wrappers. /// </summary> public SellingStatusType PlaceOffer(OfferType Offer, string ItemID) { this.Offer = Offer; this.ItemID = ItemID; Execute(); return ApiResponse.SellingStatus; }