예제 #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets all shares for the current user when <c>path</c> is not set, otherwise it gets shares for the specific file or folder
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>array of shares or empty array if the operation failed.</returns>
		/// <param name="path">(optional) path to the share to be checked.</param>
		/// <param name="reshares">(optional) returns not only the shares from	the current user but all shares from the given file.</param>
		/// <param name="subfiles">(optional) returns all shares within	a folder, given that path defines a folder.</param>
		public List<Share> GetShares(string path, OcsBoolParam reshares = OcsBoolParam.None, OcsBoolParam subfiles = OcsBoolParam.None) {
			var request = new RestRequest(GetOcsPath(ocsServiceShare, "shares") , Method.GET);
			request.AddHeader("OCS-APIREQUEST", "true");

			if ((path != null) && (!path.Equals("")))
            	request.AddQueryParameter("path", path);
			if (reshares == OcsBoolParam.True)
				request.AddQueryParameter("reshares", "true");
			else if (reshares == OcsBoolParam.False)
				request.AddQueryParameter("reshares", "false");
			if (subfiles == OcsBoolParam.True)
				request.AddQueryParameter("subfiles", "true");
			else if (subfiles == OcsBoolParam.False)
				request.AddQueryParameter("subfiles", "false");
			var response = rest.Execute (request);

			CheckOcsStatus (response);

			return GetShareList (response.Content);
예제 #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Shares a remote file with link.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>instance of PublicShare with the share info.</returns>
		/// <param name="path">path to the remote file to share.</param>
		/// <param name="perms">(optional) permission of the shared object.</param>
		/// <param name="password">(optional) sets a password.</param>
		/// <param name="public_upload">(optional) allows users to upload files or folders.</param>
		public PublicShare ShareWithLink(string path, int perms = -1, string password = null, OcsBoolParam public_upload = OcsBoolParam.None) {
			var request = new RestRequest(GetOcsPath(ocsServiceShare, "shares"), Method.POST);
			request.AddHeader("OCS-APIREQUEST", "true");

			request.AddParameter ("shareType", Convert.ToInt32 (OcsShareType.Link));
			request.AddParameter ("path", path);

			if (perms != Convert.ToInt32(OcsPermission.None))
				request.AddParameter("permissions", Convert.ToInt32(perms) + "");
			if (password != null)
				request.AddParameter ("password", password);
			if (public_upload == OcsBoolParam.True)
				request.AddParameter ("publicUpload", "true");
			else if (public_upload == OcsBoolParam.False)
				request.AddParameter ("publicUpload", "false");

			var response = rest.Execute (request);

			CheckOcsStatus (response);

			PublicShare share = new PublicShare ();
			share.ShareId = Convert.ToInt32(GetFromData(response.Content, "id"));
			share.Url = GetFromData(response.Content, "url");
			share.Token = GetFromData(response.Content, "token");
			share.TargetPath = path;
            share.Perms = (perms > -1) ? perms : Convert.ToInt32(OcsPermission.Read);

			return share;
예제 #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Shares a remote file with specified user.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>instance of UserShare with the share info.</returns>
		/// <param name="path">path to the remote file to share.</param>
		/// <param name="username">name of the user whom we want to share a file/folder.</param>
		/// <param name="perms">permissions of the shared object.</param>
		/// <param name="remoteUser">Remote user.</param>
		public UserShare ShareWithUser(string path, string username, int perms = -1, OcsBoolParam remoteUser = OcsBoolParam.None) {
			if ((perms == -1) || (perms > Convert.ToInt32 (OcsPermission.All)) || (username == null) || (username.Equals ("")))
				return null;

			var request = new RestRequest(GetOcsPath(ocsServiceShare, "shares"), Method.POST);
			request.AddHeader("OCS-APIREQUEST", "true");

			if (remoteUser == OcsBoolParam.True)
				request.AddParameter ("shareType", Convert.ToInt32 (OcsShareType.Remote));
				request.AddParameter ("shareType", Convert.ToInt32 (OcsShareType.User));
			request.AddParameter ("path", path);
			if (perms != Convert.ToInt32(OcsPermission.None))
				request.AddParameter("permissions", perms + "");
				request.AddParameter("permissions", Convert.ToInt32(OcsPermission.Read) + "");
			request.AddParameter ("shareWith", username);

			var response = rest.Execute (request);

			CheckOcsStatus (response);

            var share = new UserShare();
			share.ShareId = Convert.ToInt32(GetFromData(response.Content, "id"));
            share.TargetPath = path;
            share.Perms = perms;
			share.SharedWith = username;

            return share;
예제 #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Updates a given share. NOTE: Only one of the update parameters can be specified at once.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns><c>true</c>, if share was updated, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
		/// <param name="shareId">Share identifier.</param>
		/// <param name="perms">(optional) update permissions.</param>
		/// <param name="password">(optional) updated password for public link Share.</param>
		/// <param name="public_upload">(optional) If set to <c>true</c> enables public upload for public shares.</param>
		public bool UpdateShare(int shareId, int perms = -1, string password = null, OcsBoolParam public_upload = OcsBoolParam.None) {
			if ((perms == Convert.ToInt32(OcsPermission.None)) && (password == null) && (public_upload == OcsBoolParam.None))
				return false;
			var request = new RestRequest(GetOcsPath(ocsServiceShare, "shares") + "/{id}", Method.PUT);
			request.AddUrlSegment("id", "" + shareId);
			request.AddHeader("OCS-APIREQUEST", "true");

			if (perms != Convert.ToInt32(OcsPermission.None))
				request.AddQueryParameter ("permissions", Convert.ToInt32(perms) + "");
			if (password != null)
				request.AddQueryParameter ("password", password);
			if (public_upload == OcsBoolParam.True)
				request.AddQueryParameter ("publicUpload", "true");
			else if (public_upload == OcsBoolParam.False)
				request.AddQueryParameter ("publicUpload", "false");

			var response = rest.Execute<OCS>(request);
			if (response.Data != null) {
				if (response.Data.Meta.StatusCode == 100)
					return true;
					throw new OCSResponseError (response.Data.Meta.Message, response.Data.Meta.StatusCode + "");

			return false;