예제 #1
        public void Add_KV_Key_Null()
            OccurrenceDictionary sut = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => sut.Add(null, new SortedBasicWordInfoSet()));

            Assert.Equal("Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: key", ex.Message);
        public void Indexer_Set_NullValue()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();

            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            Assert.That(() => { dic[MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now)] = null; }, Throws.ArgumentNullException);
예제 #3
        public void Add_KV_ExistingKey()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();

            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc 1", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc 2", "d2", DateTime.Now.AddHours(1)), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
예제 #4
        public void Keys()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic  = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            IDocument            doc1 = MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now);
            IDocument            doc2 = MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc2", "d", DateTime.Now);

            dic.Add(doc1, new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            dic.Add(doc2, new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());

            Assert.AreEqual(2, dic.Keys.Count, "Wrong key count");

            bool doc1Found = false, doc2Found = false;

            foreach (IDocument d in dic.Keys)
                if (d.Name == "Doc1")
                    doc1Found = true;
                if (d.Name == "Doc2")
                    doc2Found = true;

            Assert.IsTrue(doc1Found, "Doc1 not found");
            Assert.IsTrue(doc2Found, "Doc2 not found");
예제 #5
        public void ContainsKey_Key_Null()
            OccurrenceDictionary sut = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => sut.ContainsKey(null));

            Assert.Equal("Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: key", ex.Message);
        public void TryGetValue_NullKey()
            OccurrenceDictionary   dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            SortedBasicWordInfoSet set = null;

            Assert.That(() => dic.TryGetValue(null, out set), Throws.ArgumentNullException);
예제 #7
        public void Indexer_Set_Value_Null()
            OccurrenceDictionary sut = new OccurrenceDictionary();

            sut.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("value", () => sut[MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now)] = null);
예제 #8
        public void Indexer_set_Index_DoesNotExist()
            OccurrenceDictionary sut = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            var ex = Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => sut[MockDocument("Doc", "Doc", "d", DateTime.Now)] = new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());

            Assert.Equal("The specified key was not found.", ex.Message);
예제 #9
        public void CopyTo_Array_Null()
            OccurrenceDictionary sut = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => sut.CopyTo(null, 0));

            Assert.Equal("Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: array", ex.Message);
예제 #10
        public void Add_KV_Value_Null()
            OccurrenceDictionary sut = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => sut.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc 1", "d", DateTime.Now), null));

            Assert.Equal("Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: value", ex.Message);
        public void Add_KV_ExistingKey()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();

            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc 1", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            Assert.That(() => dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc 2", "d2", DateTime.Now.AddHours(1)), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet()), Throws.ArgumentException);
 public void Clear()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
     dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
     Assert.AreEqual(0, dic.Count, "Wrong count");
예제 #13
        public void RemoveExtended()
            OccurrenceDictionary   dic  = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            SortedBasicWordInfoSet set1 = new SortedBasicWordInfoSet();

            set1.Add(new BasicWordInfo(5, 0, WordLocation.Content));
            set1.Add(new BasicWordInfo(12, 1, WordLocation.Keywords));
            SortedBasicWordInfoSet set2 = new SortedBasicWordInfoSet();

            set2.Add(new BasicWordInfo(1, 0, WordLocation.Content));
            set2.Add(new BasicWordInfo(4, 1, WordLocation.Title));
            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc", "doc", DateTime.Now), set1);
            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc", "doc", DateTime.Now), set2);

            List <DumpedWordMapping> dm = dic.RemoveExtended(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc", "doc", DateTime.Now), 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, dm.Count, "Wrong count");

            Assert.IsTrue(dm.Find(delegate(DumpedWordMapping m) {
                return(m.WordID == 1 && m.DocumentID == 1 &&
                       m.FirstCharIndex == 5 && m.WordIndex == 0 &&
                       m.Location == WordLocation.Content.Location);
            }) != null, "Mapping not found");

            Assert.IsTrue(dm.Find(delegate(DumpedWordMapping m) {
                return(m.WordID == 1 && m.DocumentID == 1 &&
                       m.FirstCharIndex == 12 && m.WordIndex == 1 &&
                       m.Location == WordLocation.Keywords.Location);
            }) != null, "Mapping not found");
예제 #14
        public void RemoveExtended_Document_Null()
            OccurrenceDictionary sut = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => sut.RemoveExtended(null, 1));

            Assert.Equal("Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: key", ex.Message);
예제 #15
        public void TryGetValue_NullKey()
            OccurrenceDictionary   dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            SortedBasicWordInfoSet set = null;

            dic.TryGetValue(null, out set);
예제 #16
        public void Values()
            OccurrenceDictionary   dic  = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            IDocument              doc1 = MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now);
            IDocument              doc2 = MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc2", "d", DateTime.Now);
            SortedBasicWordInfoSet set1 = new SortedBasicWordInfoSet();

            set1.Add(new BasicWordInfo(0, 0, WordLocation.Content));
            SortedBasicWordInfoSet set2 = new SortedBasicWordInfoSet();

            set2.Add(new BasicWordInfo(1, 1, WordLocation.Title));
            dic.Add(doc1, set1);
            dic.Add(doc2, set2);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, dic.Values.Count, "Wrong value count");

            bool set1Found = false, set2Found = false;

            foreach (SortedBasicWordInfoSet set in dic.Values)
                if (set[0].FirstCharIndex == 0)
                    set1Found = true;
                if (set[0].FirstCharIndex == 1)
                    set2Found = true;

            Assert.IsTrue(set1Found, "Set1 not found");
            Assert.IsTrue(set2Found, "Set2 not found");
예제 #17
        public void Indexer_Set_NullValue()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();

            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            dic[MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now)] = null;
예제 #18
        public void Clear()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();

            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
예제 #19
        public void CopyTo_InvalidIndex_TooBig()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();

            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc", "Doc", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            KeyValuePair <IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>[] array = new KeyValuePair <IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet> [1];
            dic.CopyTo(array, 1);
예제 #20
        public void Clear()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();

            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            Assert.AreEqual(0, dic.Count, "Wrong count");
예제 #21
        public void CopyTo_ShortArray()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();

            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc", "Doc", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            KeyValuePair <IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>[] array = new KeyValuePair <IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet> [0];
            dic.CopyTo(array, 0);
        public void CopyTo_InvalidIndex_Negative()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();

            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc", "Doc", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            KeyValuePair <IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>[] array = new KeyValuePair <IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet> [1];
            Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => dic.CopyTo(array, -1));
예제 #23
        public void Add_KV_ExistingKey()
            OccurrenceDictionary sut = new OccurrenceDictionary();

            sut.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc 1", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => sut.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc 2", "d2", DateTime.Now.AddHours(1)), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet()));

            Assert.Equal("The specified key is already contained in the dictionary.\r\nParameter name: key", ex.Message);
 public void Add_Pair()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
     dic.Add(new KeyValuePair<IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>(
         MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc 1", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet()));
     Assert.AreEqual(1, dic.Count, "Wrong count");
     dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc 2", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
     Assert.AreEqual(2, dic.Count, "Wrong count");
예제 #25
        public void Add_KV()
            OccurrenceDictionary sut = new OccurrenceDictionary();

            sut.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc 1", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            sut.Add(MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc 2", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            Assert.Equal(2, sut.Count);
예제 #26
        public void CopyTo_Index_TooBig()
            OccurrenceDictionary sut = new OccurrenceDictionary();

            sut.Add(MockDocument("Doc", "Doc", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            KeyValuePair <IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>[] array = new KeyValuePair <IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet> [1];
            var ex = Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => sut.CopyTo(array, 1));

            Assert.Equal("Index was outside the bounds of the array.", ex.Message);
예제 #27
        public void Add_Pair()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();

            dic.Add(new KeyValuePair <IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>(
                        MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc 1", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet()));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, dic.Count, "Wrong count");
            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc 2", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, dic.Count, "Wrong count");
예제 #28
파일: Word.cs 프로젝트: mono/ScrewTurnWiki
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Word" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The word ID.</param>
        /// <param name="text">The text of the word (lowercase).</param>
        /// <param name="occurrences">The occurrences.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="text"/> or <paramref name="occurrences"/> are <c>null</c>.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If <paramref name="text"/> is empty.</exception>
        public Word(uint id, string text, OccurrenceDictionary occurrences)
            if(text == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("text");
            if(text.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("Text must contain at least one character", "text");
            if(occurrences == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("occurrences");

            this.text = Tools.RemoveDiacriticsAndPunctuation(text, true);
            //if(this.text.Length == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException();
            this.id = id;
            this.occurrences = occurrences;
예제 #29
        public void Remove_Pair()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();

            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc2", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            Assert.Equal(2, dic.Count);
            Assert.False(dic.Remove(new KeyValuePair <IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>(MockDocument("Doc3", "Doc3", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet())), "Remove should return false");
            Assert.True(dic.Remove(new KeyValuePair <IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>(MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc2", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet())), "Remove should return true");
예제 #30
        public void Remove_KV()
            OccurrenceDictionary   dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            SortedBasicWordInfoSet set = new SortedBasicWordInfoSet();

            set.Add(new BasicWordInfo(5, 0, WordLocation.Content));
            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now), set);
            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc2", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, dic.Count, "Wrong initial count");
            Assert.IsFalse(dic.Remove(MockDocument("Doc3", "Doc3", "d", DateTime.Now)), "Remove should return false");
            Assert.IsTrue(dic.Remove(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now)), "Remove should return true");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, dic.Count, "Wrong count");
예제 #31
        public void CopyTo()
            OccurrenceDictionary   dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            SortedBasicWordInfoSet set = new SortedBasicWordInfoSet();

            set.Add(new BasicWordInfo(1, 1, WordLocation.Title));
            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc", "Doc", "d", DateTime.Now), set);
            KeyValuePair <IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>[] array = new KeyValuePair <IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet> [1];
            dic.CopyTo(array, 0);
            Assert.Equal("Doc", array[0].Key.Name);
            Assert.Equal(1, array[0].Value.Count);
            Assert.Equal(1, array[0].Value[0].FirstCharIndex);
예제 #32
        public void ContainsKey()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            IDocument            doc = MockDocument("Doc", "Doc", "d", DateTime.Now);

            Assert.IsFalse(dic.ContainsKey(doc), "ContainsKey should return false");
            dic.Add(doc, new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            Assert.IsTrue(dic.ContainsKey(doc), "ContainsKey should return true");
            Assert.IsFalse(dic.ContainsKey(MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc 2", "d", DateTime.Now)), "ContainsKey should return false");

            IDocument doc2 = MockDocument("Doc", "Doc", "d", DateTime.Now);

            Assert.IsTrue(dic.ContainsKey(doc2), "ContainsKey should return true");
예제 #33
        public void Contains()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            IDocument            doc = MockDocument("Doc", "Doc", "d", DateTime.Now);

            Assert.False(dic.Contains(new KeyValuePair <IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>(doc, new SortedBasicWordInfoSet())), "Contains should return false");
            dic.Add(doc, new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            Assert.True(dic.Contains(new KeyValuePair <IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>(doc, new SortedBasicWordInfoSet())), "Contains should return true");
            Assert.False(dic.Contains(new KeyValuePair <IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>(MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc 2", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet())), "Contains should return false");

            IDocument doc2 = MockDocument("Doc", "Doc", "d", DateTime.Now);

            Assert.True(dic.Contains(new KeyValuePair <IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>(doc, new SortedBasicWordInfoSet())), "Contains should return true");
 public void IsReadOnly()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
     Assert.IsFalse(dic.IsReadOnly, "IsReadOnly should always return false");
        public void Keys()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            IDocument doc1 = MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now);
            IDocument doc2 = MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc2", "d", DateTime.Now);
            dic.Add(doc1, new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            dic.Add(doc2, new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());

            Assert.AreEqual(2, dic.Keys.Count, "Wrong key count");

            bool doc1Found = false, doc2Found = false;
            foreach(IDocument d in dic.Keys) {
                if(d.Name == "Doc1") doc1Found = true;
                if(d.Name == "Doc2") doc2Found = true;

            Assert.IsTrue(doc1Found, "Doc1 not found");
            Assert.IsTrue(doc2Found, "Doc2 not found");
        public void RemoveExtended()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            SortedBasicWordInfoSet set1 = new SortedBasicWordInfoSet();
            set1.Add(new BasicWordInfo(5, 0, WordLocation.Content));
            set1.Add(new BasicWordInfo(12, 1, WordLocation.Keywords));
            SortedBasicWordInfoSet set2 = new SortedBasicWordInfoSet();
            set2.Add(new BasicWordInfo(1, 0, WordLocation.Content));
            set2.Add(new BasicWordInfo(4, 1, WordLocation.Title));
            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc", "doc", DateTime.Now), set1);
            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc", "doc", DateTime.Now), set2);

            List<DumpedWordMapping> dm = dic.RemoveExtended(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc", "doc", DateTime.Now), 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, dm.Count, "Wrong count");

            Assert.IsTrue(dm.Find(delegate(DumpedWordMapping m) {
                return m.WordID == 1 && m.DocumentID == 1 &&
                    m.FirstCharIndex == 5 && m.WordIndex == 0 &&
                    m.Location == WordLocation.Content.Location;
            }) != null, "Mapping not found");

            Assert.IsTrue(dm.Find(delegate(DumpedWordMapping m) {
                return m.WordID == 1 && m.DocumentID == 1 &&
                    m.FirstCharIndex == 12 && m.WordIndex == 1 &&
                    m.Location == WordLocation.Keywords.Location;
            }) != null, "Mapping not found");
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to load all data related to a word from the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The word text.</param>
        /// <param name="word">The returned word.</param>
        /// <param name="connection">An open database connection.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the word is found, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        private bool TryFindWord(string text, out Word word, DbConnection connection)
            // 1. Find word - if not found, return
            // 2. Read all raw word mappings
            // 3. Read all documents (unique)
            // 4. Build result data structure

            ICommandBuilder builder = GetCommandBuilder();
            QueryBuilder queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder(builder);

            string query = queryBuilder.SelectFrom("IndexWord", new string[] { "Id" });
            query = queryBuilder.Where(query, "Text", WhereOperator.Equals, "Text");

            List<Parameter> parameters = new List<Parameter>(1);
            parameters.Add(new Parameter(ParameterType.String, "Text", text));

            DbCommand command = builder.GetCommand(connection, query, parameters);

            int wordId = ExecuteScalar<int>(command, -1, false);

            if(wordId == -1) {
                word = null;
                return false;

            // Read all raw mappings
            query = queryBuilder.SelectFrom("IndexWordMapping");
            query = queryBuilder.Where(query, "Word", WhereOperator.Equals, "WordId");

            parameters = new List<Parameter>(1);
            parameters.Add(new Parameter(ParameterType.Int32, "WordId", wordId));

            command = builder.GetCommand(connection, query, parameters);

            DbDataReader reader = ExecuteReader(command, false);

            List<DumpedWordMapping> mappings = new List<DumpedWordMapping>(2048);
            while(reader != null && reader.Read()) {
                mappings.Add(new DumpedWordMapping((uint)wordId,
                    (ushort)(short)reader["FirstCharIndex"], (ushort)(short)reader["WordIndex"],

            if(mappings.Count == 0) {
                word = null;
                return false;

            // Find all documents
            query = queryBuilder.SelectFrom("IndexDocument");
            query = queryBuilder.Where(query, "Id", WhereOperator.Equals, "DocId");

            parameters = new List<Parameter>(1);
            parameters.Add(new Parameter(ParameterType.Int32, "DocId", 0));

            Dictionary<uint, IDocument> documents = new Dictionary<uint, IDocument>(64);
            foreach(DumpedWordMapping map in mappings) {
                uint docId = map.DocumentID;
                if(documents.ContainsKey(docId)) continue;

                parameters[0].Value = (int)docId;
                command = builder.GetCommand(connection, query, parameters);

                reader = ExecuteReader(command, false);

                if(reader != null && reader.Read()) {
                    DumpedDocument dumpedDoc = new DumpedDocument(docId,
                        reader["Name"] as string, reader["Title"] as string,
                        reader["TypeTag"] as string,

                    IDocument document = BuildDocument(dumpedDoc);

                    if(document != null) documents.Add(docId, document);

            OccurrenceDictionary occurrences = new OccurrenceDictionary(mappings.Count);
            foreach(DumpedWordMapping map in mappings) {
                if(!occurrences.ContainsKey(documents[map.DocumentID])) {
                    occurrences.Add(documents[map.DocumentID], new SortedBasicWordInfoSet(2));

                occurrences[documents[map.DocumentID]].Add(new BasicWordInfo(
                    map.FirstCharIndex, map.WordIndex, WordLocation.GetInstance(map.Location)));

            word = new Word((uint)wordId, text, occurrences);
            return true;
 public void Indexer_Get_NullIndex()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
     SortedBasicWordInfoSet set = dic[null];
 public void Indexer_Set_InexistentIndex()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
     dic[MockDocument("Doc", "Doc", "d", DateTime.Now)] = new SortedBasicWordInfoSet();
 public void Indexer_Set_NullIndex()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
     dic[null] = new SortedBasicWordInfoSet();
 public void Add_KV_NullKey()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
     dic.Add(null, new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
 public void Remove_KV_NullKey()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
     dic.Remove(null as IDocument);
 public void Remove_Pair()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
     dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
     dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc2", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
     Assert.AreEqual(2, dic.Count, "Wrong initial count");
         new KeyValuePair<IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>(MockDocument("Doc3", "Doc3", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet())),
         "Remove should return false");
         new KeyValuePair<IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>(MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc2", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet())),
         "Remove should return true");
     Assert.AreEqual(1, dic.Count, "Wrong count");
        public void TryGetValue()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            IDocument doc1 = MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now);
            IDocument doc2 = MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc2", "d", DateTime.Now);

            SortedBasicWordInfoSet set = null;

            Assert.IsFalse(dic.TryGetValue(doc1, out set), "TryGetValue should return false");
            Assert.IsNull(set, "Set should be null");

            dic.Add(doc1, new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            Assert.IsTrue(dic.TryGetValue(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now), out set), "TryGetValue should return true");
            Assert.IsNotNull(set, "Set should not be null");

            Assert.IsFalse(dic.TryGetValue(doc2, out set), "TryGetValue should return false");
            Assert.IsNull(set, "Set should have been set to null");
 public void TryGetValue_NullKey()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
     SortedBasicWordInfoSet set = null;
     dic.TryGetValue(null, out set);
 public void Constructor_InvalidCapacity()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary(-1);
        public void Values()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            IDocument doc1 = MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now);
            IDocument doc2 = MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc2", "d", DateTime.Now);
            SortedBasicWordInfoSet set1 = new SortedBasicWordInfoSet();
            set1.Add(new BasicWordInfo(0, 0, WordLocation.Content));
            SortedBasicWordInfoSet set2 = new SortedBasicWordInfoSet();
            set2.Add(new BasicWordInfo(1, 1, WordLocation.Title));
            dic.Add(doc1, set1);
            dic.Add(doc2, set2);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, dic.Values.Count, "Wrong value count");

            bool set1Found = false, set2Found = false;
            foreach(SortedBasicWordInfoSet set in dic.Values) {
                if(set[0].FirstCharIndex == 0) set1Found = true;
                if(set[0].FirstCharIndex == 1) set2Found = true;

            Assert.IsTrue(set1Found, "Set1 not found");
            Assert.IsTrue(set2Found, "Set2 not found");
 public void Indexer_Set_NullValue()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
     dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
     dic[MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now)] = null;
 public void CopyTo_InvalidIndex_TooBig()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
     dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc", "Doc", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
     KeyValuePair<IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>[] array = new KeyValuePair<IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>[1];
     dic.CopyTo(array, 1);
        public void GetEnumerator()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            IDocument doc1 = MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now);
            IDocument doc2 = MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc2", "d", DateTime.Now);
            dic.Add(doc1, new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            dic.Add(doc2, new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());

            Assert.IsNotNull(dic.GetEnumerator(), "GetEnumerator should not return null");

            int count = 0;
            foreach(KeyValuePair<IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet> pair in dic) {

            Assert.AreEqual(2, count, "Wrong count");
 public void Add_KV_ExistingKey()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
     dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc 1", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
     dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc 2", "d2", DateTime.Now.AddHours(1)), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
 public void CopyTo_NullArray()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
     dic.CopyTo(null, 0);
        public void Indexer_Set()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());

            SortedBasicWordInfoSet set1 = new SortedBasicWordInfoSet();
            set1.Add(new BasicWordInfo(1, 1, WordLocation.Content));

            dic[MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now)] = set1;

            SortedBasicWordInfoSet output = dic[MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now)];
            Assert.AreEqual(1, output.Count, "Wrong count");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, output[0].FirstCharIndex, "Wrong first char index");
 public void Constructor_WithCapacity()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary(10);
     Assert.AreEqual(0, dic.Count, "Wrong count (Dictionary should be empty)");
        public void Indexer_Get()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            IDocument doc1 = MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now);
            SortedBasicWordInfoSet set1 = new SortedBasicWordInfoSet();
            set1.Add(new BasicWordInfo(1, 1, WordLocation.Content));

            dic.Add(doc1, set1);

            SortedBasicWordInfoSet output = dic[MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now)];
            Assert.IsNotNull(output, "Output should not be null");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, set1.Count, "Wrong count");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, set1[0].FirstCharIndex, "Wrong first char index");
 public void Add_KV_NullValue()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
     dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc 1", "d", DateTime.Now), null);
 public void CopyTo_ShortArray()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
     dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc", "Doc", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
     KeyValuePair<IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>[] array = new KeyValuePair<IDocument,SortedBasicWordInfoSet>[0];
     dic.CopyTo(array, 0);
 public void Remove_KV()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
     SortedBasicWordInfoSet set = new SortedBasicWordInfoSet();
     set.Add(new BasicWordInfo(5, 0, WordLocation.Content));
     dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now), set);
     dic.Add(MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc2", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
     Assert.AreEqual(2, dic.Count, "Wrong initial count");
     Assert.IsFalse(dic.Remove(MockDocument("Doc3", "Doc3", "d", DateTime.Now)), "Remove should return false");
     Assert.IsTrue(dic.Remove(MockDocument("Doc1", "Doc1", "d", DateTime.Now)), "Remove should return true");
     Assert.AreEqual(1, dic.Count, "Wrong count");
 public void RemoveExtended_NullDocument()
     OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
     dic.RemoveExtended(null, 1);
        public void Contains()
            OccurrenceDictionary dic = new OccurrenceDictionary();
            IDocument doc = MockDocument("Doc", "Doc", "d", DateTime.Now);
            Assert.IsFalse(dic.Contains(new KeyValuePair<IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>(doc, new SortedBasicWordInfoSet())), "Contains should return false");
            dic.Add(doc, new SortedBasicWordInfoSet());
            Assert.IsTrue(dic.Contains(new KeyValuePair<IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>(doc, new SortedBasicWordInfoSet())), "Contains should return true");
            Assert.IsFalse(dic.Contains(new KeyValuePair<IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>(MockDocument("Doc2", "Doc 2", "d", DateTime.Now), new SortedBasicWordInfoSet())), "Contains should return false");

            IDocument doc2 = MockDocument("Doc", "Doc", "d", DateTime.Now);
            Assert.IsTrue(dic.Contains(new KeyValuePair<IDocument, SortedBasicWordInfoSet>(doc, new SortedBasicWordInfoSet())), "Contains should return true");