async Task FetchAcquaintances() { IsBusy = true; var list = new ObservableRangeCollection <Restaurant>(); var item = new Restaurant { Name = "Name", Address = "Address" }; var item1 = new Restaurant { Name = "Name1", Address = "Address" }; var item2 = new Restaurant { Name = "Name2", Address = "Address" }; var item3 = new Restaurant { Name = "Name3", Address = "Address" }; //Retaurants = new ObservableRangeCollection<Retaurant>(await _DataSource.GetItems()); list.Add(item); list.Add(item1); list.Add(item2); list.Add(item3); Retaurants = list; IsBusy = false; }
public ChatViewModel() { goParticipantesCommand = new Command(ExecutegoParticipantesCommand); twilio = DependencyService.Get <ITwilio>(); Mensagens = new ObservableRangeCollection <Mensagem>(); EnviarMensagemCommand = new Command(() => { var mensagem = new Mensagem { Texto = MensagemEnviada, Recebendo = false, HoraEnvio = DateTime.Now }; Mensagens.Add(mensagem); twilio?.EnviarMensagem(mensagem.Texto); MensagemEnviada = string.Empty; }); if (twilio == null) { return; } twilio.MensagemAdicionada = (mensagem) => { Mensagens.Add(mensagem); }; }
public PlantViewModel() { Title = "Browse"; Plants = new ObservableRangeCollection <Plant>(); LoadPlantsCommand = new Command(async() => await ExecuteLoadPlantsCommand()); #if __IOS__ MessagingCenter.Subscribe <iOS.PlantNewViewController, Plant>(this, "AddPlant", async(obj, item) => { var _item = item as Plant; Plants.Add(_item); await DataStore.AddPlantAsync(_item); }); #elif __ANDROID__ MessagingCenter.Subscribe <Android.App.Activity, Plant>(this, "AddPlant", async(obj, item) => { var _item = item as Plant; Plants.Add(_item); await DataStore.AddPlantAsync(_item); }); #else MessagingCenter.Subscribe <AddPlants, Plant>(this, "AddPlant", async(obj, item) => { var _item = item as Plant; Plants.Add(_item); await DataStore.AddPlantAsync(_item); }); #endif }
public ItemsViewModel() { Title = "Browse"; Items = new ObservableRangeCollection <Item>(); var task = ExecuteLoadItemsCommand(); task.Wait(); #if __IOS__ MessagingCenter.Subscribe <ItemNewViewController, Item>(this, "AddItem", async(obj, item) => { var _item = item as Item; Items.Add(_item); await DataStore.AddItemAsync(_item); }); #elif __ANDROID__ MessagingCenter.Subscribe <Android.App.Activity, Item>(this, "AddItem", async(obj, item) => { var _item = item as Item; Items.Add(_item); await DataStore.AddItemAsync(_item); }); #else MessagingCenter.Subscribe <AddItems, Item>(this, "AddItem", async(obj, item) => { var _item = item as Item; Items.Add(_item); await DataStore.AddItemAsync(_item); }); #endif }
public ClientHomeViewModel() { Picture = new ObservableRangeCollection <Picture>(); var image = ""; var image2 = ""; var image3 = ""; var image4 = ""; var image5 = ""; Picture.Add(new Picture { Quote = "“The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”", Image = image }); Picture.Add(new Picture { Quote = "“You can rise up from anything. You can completely recreate yourself.”", Image = image2 }); Picture.Add(new Picture { Quote = "“Start thinking wellness, not illness”", Image = image3 }); Picture.Add(new Picture { Quote = "“Grow through what you go through.”", Image = image4 }); Picture.Add(new Picture { Quote = "“Your body can stand almost anything. It’s your mind that you have to convince.”", Image = image5 }); // animate to 75% progress over 500 milliseconds with linear easing // await progressBar.ProgressTo(0.75, 500, Easing.Linear); CurrentClient = new ObservableRangeCollection <Client>(); PopulateClientDetails(); }
public SponsorDetailsViewModel(INavigation navigation, Sponsor sponsor) : base(navigation) { Sponsor = sponsor; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sponsor.WebsiteUrl)) { FollowItems.Add(new MenuItem { Name = "Web", Subtitle = sponsor.WebsiteUrl, Parameter = sponsor.WebsiteUrl, Icon = "icon_website.png" }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sponsor.TwitterUrl)) { FollowItems.Add(new MenuItem { Name = Device.RuntimePlatform == "iOS" ? "Twitter" : sponsor.TwitterUrl, Subtitle = $"@{sponsor.TwitterUrl}", Parameter = "" + sponsor.TwitterUrl, Icon = "icon_twitter.png" }); } }
public AllRecipeViewModel() { Recipes = new ObservableRangeCollection <Recipe>(); LoadItemsCommand = new Command(async() => await ExecuteLoadItemsCommand()); MessagingCenter.Subscribe <AddRecipePage, Recipe>(this, "AddItem", async(obj, item) => { var _item = item as Recipe; int currentTotal = DataStore.NumberRecipesInRecipesList(); do { _item.Id = currentTotal++; } while (await DataStore.GetRecipeAsync(_item.Id) != null); Recipes.Add(_item); await DataStore.AddRecipeAsync(_item); await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Successful", "Added new recipe", "OK"); }); MessagingCenter.Subscribe <EditRecipePage, Recipe>(this, "EditItem", async(obj, item) => { var _item = item as Recipe; await DataStore.UpdateRecipeAsync(_item); var _currentItem = Recipes.Where((Recipe args) => args.Id == _item.Id).FirstOrDefault(); Recipes.Remove(_currentItem); Recipes.Add(_item); }); }
public MainChatViewModel() { // Initialize with default values ablyMessenger = DependencyService.Get <IAblyMessenger>(); Messages = new ObservableRangeCollection <Message>(); SendCommand = new Command(() => { var message = new Message { Text = OutGoingText, IsIncoming = false, MessageDateTime = DateTime.Now }; Messages.Add(message); ablyMessenger?.SendMessage(message.Text); OutGoingText = string.Empty; }); LocationCommand = new Command(async() => { try { var local = await CrossGeolocator.Current.GetPositionAsync(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10)); var map = $"{local.Latitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)},{local.Longitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}&zoom=17&size=400x400&maptype=street&markers=color:red%7Clabel:%7C{local.Latitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)},{local.Longitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}&key="; var message = new Message { Text = "I am here", AttachementUrl = map, IsIncoming = false, MessageDateTime = DateTime.Now }; Messages.Add(message); ablyMessenger?.SendMessage("attach:" + message.AttachementUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { } }); if (ablyMessenger == null) { return; } ablyMessenger.MessageAdded = (message) => { Messages.Add(message); }; }
/// <summary> /// Initializing Controls /// </summary> private void InitControls() { try { // Вкладка №0 TrackNameTextBox.Text = $"Test track - ({DateTime.Now:HH:mm:ss dd.MM.yy})"; _track = new ImitationTrack(); _track.Author = "User1"; _track.Description = "Put here your description..."; _pinStart = new Pushpin { Content = "A" }; // Start marker _pinEnd = new Pushpin { Content = "B" }; // End marker _pinCar = new Pushpin // A marker for playing a route { Content = "->", Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(53, 196, 53)) }; NewGpsDevices = new ObservableRangeCollection <GpsDevice>(); TrackPositions = new ObservableRangeCollection <TrackPosition>(); OsrmWayPointsPushpins = new ObservableRangeCollection <DraggablePin>(); NewImitationTrackGpsDevicesDataGrid.ItemsSource = NewGpsDevices; TrackPositionsDataGrid.ItemsSource = TrackPositions; WayPointsForOsrmDataGrid.ItemsSource = OsrmWayPointsPushpins; NewGpsDevices.Add(new GpsDevice(0) { Imei = "000002245678915" }); NewGpsDevices.Add(new GpsDevice(0) { Imei = "444555678154689" }); foreach (var item in TabControlItems.Items) { _tabItemsIsValidCollection.Add(new bool()); } Player.Timer.Tick += Timer_Tick; Player.PlayerSlider.ValueChanged += PlayerSlider_ValueChanged; TrackPositions.CollectionChanged += TrackPositions_CollectionChanged; Player.CurrentPosition = 0; CommonData.DataContext = _track; TotalView.DataContext = _track; } catch (Exception exc) { LogWindowControl.AddMessage(exc.ToString()); } }
public ModuleModel() { Voltages = new ObservableRangeCollection <double?>(); BindingOperations.EnableCollectionSynchronization(Voltages, voltagesLock); Voltages.Add(null); Voltages.Add(null); Voltages.Add(null); Voltages.Add(null); }
public MenuBarViewModel() { r_Menus = new ObservableRangeCollection<MenuItemViewModel>(); Menus = new ReadOnlyObservableCollection<MenuItemViewModel>(r_Menus); r_Menus.Add(new BrowserMenuViewModel()); r_Menus.Add(new ViewMenuViewModel()); r_Menus.Add(new ToolMenuViewModel()); r_Menus.Add(new HelpMenuViewModel()); }
public ExcerciseViewModel() { ObservableRangeCollection <Activitat> d0 = new ObservableRangeCollection <Activitat>(); Activitat d1 = new Activitat(); Activitat d2 = new Activitat(); d0.Add(d1); d0.Add(d2); execlist = d0; }
/// <summary> /// HIDDEN Class constructor /// </summary> protected DirDiffDocSetupViewModel() { _IsRecursive = true; _ShowOnlyInA = true; _ShowOnlyInB = true; _ShowIfDifferent = true; _ShowIfSameFile = true; _ShowIfSameDirectory = true; _CustomFilters = new ObservableRangeCollection <string>(); _IncludeFilter = true; _ExcludeFilter = false; _CustomFilters.Add("*.cs"); _CustomFilters.Add("*.cs;*.xaml"); _CustomFilters.Add("*.cpp;*.h;*.idl;*.rc;*.c;*.inl"); _CustomFilters.Add("*.vb"); _CustomFilters.Add("*.xml"); _CustomFilters.Add("*.htm;*.html"); _CustomFilters.Add("*.txt"); _CustomFilters.Add("*.sql"); _CustomFilters.Add("*.obj;*.pdb;*.exe;*.dll;*.cache;*.tlog;*.trx;*.FileListAbsolute.txt"); _FileDiffMode = AehnlichDirViewModelLib.ViewModels.Factory.ConstructFileDiffModes(); }
public MainChatViewModel() { // Initialize with default values messanger = new ClientWatsonAssistant(); Messages = new ObservableRangeCollection <Message>(); var welcomeMessage = new Message { Text = messanger.CallConversation(""), IsIncoming = false, MessageDateTime = DateTime.Now }; Messages.Add(welcomeMessage); SendCommand = new Command(() => { var message = new Message { Text = OutGoingText, IsIncoming = false, MessageDateTime = DateTime.Now }; Messages.Add(message); var incomingMessage = new Message { Text = messanger.CallConversation(message.Text), IsIncoming = true, MessageDateTime = DateTime.Now }; Messages.Add(incomingMessage); OutGoingText = string.Empty; }); if (messanger == null) { return; } messanger.MessageAdded = (message) => { Messages.Add(message); }; }
public SessionDetailsViewModel(INavigation navigation, Session session) : base(navigation) { Session = session; if (Session.StartTime.HasValue) { ShowReminder = !Session.StartTime.Value.IsTba() && Session.EndTime.Value.ToUniversalTime() <= DateTime.UtcNow; } else { ShowReminder = false; } #if DEBUG if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(session.PresentationUrl)) { session.PresentationUrl = ""; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(session.VideoUrl)) { session.VideoUrl = ""; } #endif if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(session.PresentationUrl)) { SessionMaterialItems.Add( new MenuItem { Name = "Presentation Slides", Parameter = session.PresentationUrl, Icon = "icon_presentation.png" }); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(session.VideoUrl)) { SessionMaterialItems.Add( new MenuItem { Name = "Session Recording", Parameter = session.VideoUrl, Icon = "icon_video.png" }); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(session.CodeUrl)) { SessionMaterialItems.Add( new MenuItem { Name = "Code from Session", Parameter = session.CodeUrl, Icon = "icon_code.png" }); } }
public DietViewModel() { ObservableRangeCollection <Apat> d0 = new ObservableRangeCollection <Apat>(); Apat d1 = new Apat(); Apat d2 = new Apat(); Apat d3 = new Apat(); d0.Add(d1); d0.Add(d2); d0.Add(d3); dietaDay = d0; }
private ObservableRangeCollection <Person> GetPeople() { ObservableRangeCollection <Person> people = new ObservableRangeCollection <Person>(); people.Add(new Person { UserName = "******", Name = "Shelly Shmoo", Birthday = DateTime.Now, Email = "*****@*****.**", Id = 1, Phone = "666-555-8888" }); people.Add(new Person { UserName = "******", Name = "Leanne Graham", Birthday = DateTime.Now, Email = "*****@*****.**", Id = 2, Phone = "666-555-8888" }); return(people); }
public TabItemHomeViewModel() { Videos = new ObservableRangeCollection <Video>(); Videos.Add( new Video { Link = "", Description = "Can’t believe I saw this #fyp #Chucky #scared #funny", AccountName = "@emojiworld19", AccountAvatar = "", IsVerifiedAccount = false, SongName = "original sound - zodic_signszs12", SongAvatar = "", Likes = 1477, Messages = 1718, Shares = 137 } ); Videos.Add( new Video { Link = "", Description = "New Orleans is wild #FeelTheFlip #SummerLooks #SNOOZZZAPALOOZA #BehindTheSong #BrowFitness #fyp", AccountName = "@pudgiest", AccountAvatar = "", IsVerifiedAccount = false, SongName = "Gang Up(from \"The Fate of the Furious\") - Young Thug,2 Chainz,Wiz Khalifa", SongAvatar = "", Likes = 19, Messages = 9030, Shares = 1071 } ); Videos.Add( new Video { Link = "", Description = "How many dogs can you spot❓#SNOOZZZAPALOOZA #PhotoStory #MiracleCurlsChallenge #FeelTheFlip #foryoupage #goldenretriever #ellendegeneres", AccountName = "@golden.retriever.trio", AccountAvatar = "", IsVerifiedAccount = false, SongName = "original sound - destinysciuva", SongAvatar = "", Likes = 1933, Messages = 5109, Shares = 345 } ); }
private void FillStatusTypes() { StatusTypesList = new ObservableRangeCollection <StatusType>(); StatusTypesList.Add(new StatusType { Code = "C", Name = "Completado" }); StatusTypesList.Add(new StatusType { Code = "P", Name = "Pendiente" }); }
public EntityListViewModel( IUnityContainer container, ViewModelsProvider provider) : base(container) { container.RegisterInstance(this); _provider = provider; PropertyNames = provider.GetEntityViewModel <TEntity>().PropertyNames; Filter = PropertyNames.FirstOrDefault(); EntityViewModels = new ObservableRangeCollection <EntityViewModelBase <TEntity> >(); var crud = container.Resolve <ICrud <TEntity> >(); if (crud.LocalEntities != null) { crud.LocalEntities.CollectionChanged += LocalEntitiesOnCollectionChanged; foreach (var entity in crud.LocalEntities) { var viewModel = _provider.GetEntityViewModel(entity); EntityViewModels.Add(viewModel); } } CollectionView = (ListCollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(EntityViewModels); CollectionView.Filter = EntityFilter; }
public MainPageViewModel() { Pedidos = new ObservableRangeCollection <Pedido>(); Pedido = new Pedido(); var ip = "localhost"; if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.Android) { ip = ""; } hubConnection = new HubConnectionBuilder() .WithUrl($"http://{ip}:5000/pedidosHub") .Build(); hubConnection.On <string, Pedido>("ReceberPedido", (user, pedido) => { if (user == "Test") { Pedidos.Add(pedido); } }); EnviarPedidoCommand = new Command(async() => { await EnviarPedido(Pedido.Nome, Pedido); }); }
private async Task LoadProductCategory(object value) { CategorizedProducts cp = value as CategorizedProducts; if (IsBusy) { return; } IsBusy = true; try { var result = await ProductsService.GetProductByCategory(cp.Name); AllProducts.Clear(); result.ToList().ForEach(p => AllProducts.Add(p)); await Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new ShowAllProductsPage(AllProducts)); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e); } finally { IsBusy = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Temp colour code. As stated above should be driven from service. /// </summary> /// <param name="backingStore">Value to update</param> /// <param name="value">The new value</param> /// <param name="colour">Which colour is this</param> private void ToggleColour(ref bool backingStore, bool value, ColourEnum colour) { // Update the property on this VM SetProperty(ref backingStore, value); // Copy the existing colours to a new object so we can force an update (and trigger the binding to update) var colours = new ObservableRangeCollection <Colour>(); colours.AddRange(this.Person.Colours); // Also ensure the colours in the person's colour collection is correct if (value) { // The colour must be present if (!colours.Where(c => c.Id == (int)colour).Any()) { colours.Add(new Colour() { Id = (int)colour, Name = colour.ToString() }); } } else { // Make sure the colour is not there var existingColour = colours.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == (int)colour); if (existingColour != null) { colours.Remove(existingColour); } } // Update the colour collection and trigger the refresh this.Person.Colours = colours; }
private void P_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.PropertyName == @"IsVisible") { var p = (Waypoint)sender; if (p.IsVisible) { _visibleWaypoints.Add(p); } else { _visibleWaypoints.Remove(p); } } else if (e.PropertyName == @"IsSelected") { var p = (Waypoint)sender; if (p.IsSelected) { _selectedWaypoints.Add(p); } else { _selectedWaypoints.Remove(p); } } }
public ChatViewModel() { messanger = DependencyService.Get <IMessanger>(); Messages = new ObservableRangeCollection <Message>(); SendCommand = new Command(() => { var message = new Message { Text = OutGoingText, OutOrIn = true }; Messages.Add(message); messanger?.SendMessage(message.Text); OutGoingText = string.Empty; }); //if (messanger == null) //{ // return; //} //messanger.MessageAdded = (message) => //{ // Messages.Add(message); //}; }
private void ConfigureForRemoval() { var itemsToRemove = new ObservableRangeCollection <BaseMenuItemViewModel> (); // Update each item in the list foreach (BaseMenuItemViewModel viewModel in ItemViewModels) { if (viewModel.MenuItemType == MenuItemType.Added) { viewModel.MenuItemType = MenuItemType.Remove; } else { itemsToRemove.Add(viewModel); } } // Remove the items that aren't editable if (itemsToRemove.Count > 0) { foreach (BaseMenuItemViewModel viewModel in itemsToRemove) { ItemViewModels.Remove(viewModel); } } // Toggle the visibility of the "All accounts are removed" text ShowSubtitle = ItemViewModels.Count == 0; }
public EventDetailsViewModel(INavigation navigation, FeaturedEvent e) : base(navigation) { Event = e; Sponsors = new ObservableRangeCollection<Sponsor>(); if (e.Sponsor != null) Sponsors.Add(e.Sponsor); }
public void BindData() { GroupedItems = new ObservableRangeCollection <LoggTypeGrouping>(); var loggTypeGroups = App.Database.GetLoggTypeGroups(); var loggTyper = App.Database.GetLoggTyper(); var selectedLoggTyper = App.Database.GetSelectedLoggTyper(); foreach (var g in loggTypeGroups) { var loggTyperInGroup = loggTyper.Where(a => a.GroupId == g.ID); if (loggTyperInGroup.Any()) { var ag = new LoggTypeGrouping(g.Navn, ""); foreach (var loggType in loggTyperInGroup) { loggType.Selected = selectedLoggTyper.Select(s => s.Key).Contains(loggType.Key); ag.Add(loggType); } GroupedItems.Add(ag); } } }
public EntregasLPViewModel() { Title = "Ventas"; Items = new ObservableRangeCollection <Entrega>(); LoadItemsCommand = new Command(async() => await ExecuteLoadItemsCommand()); //MessagingCenter.Subscribe<EntregaNuevoPage, Entrega>(this, "Entrega_Crear", async (obj, item) => MessagingCenter.Subscribe <EntregaCreacionViewModel, Entrega>(this, "Entrega_Crear", async(obj, item) => { try { var _item = item as Entrega; //if(await (DataStore as EntregasDataSource).AddItemAsync(_item,obj._stock )) if (await App.EntregaDB.SaveItem(_item, obj._stock)) { Items.Add(_item); //Items = Items.OrderByDescending(i => i.Fecha); //IDataStore<Producto> ProducDS = DependencyService.Get<IDataStore<Producto>>(); //((PProductosDataSource)ProducDS).ForceRefreshCollection(); //MessagingCenter.Send(this, "Entrega_Creada", resu); } } catch (Exception e) { } }); }
/// <summary> /// ターゲットの <see cref="LifeCycleLog"/> を作成し、管理対象とする /// </summary> public LifeCycleLog CreateLifeCycleLog(object target, Guid guid) { var log = new LifeCycleLog(target, guid); LifeCycleLogs.Add(log); return(log); }
public AccountsObservableRangeCollection(ObservableRangeCollection<ArticleProperty> obj, string recordDayStr="") { if (((ObservableRangeCollection<ArticleProperty>)obj).Count() == 0) { AccountsList = new ObservableRangeCollection<ArticleProperty> { new ArticleProperty("На руках",1), new ArticleProperty("Сбербанк",2), }; SetRecordDayStr(); return; } AccountsList = new ObservableRangeCollection<ArticleProperty>(); foreach (ArticleProperty aP in obj) AccountsList.Add(new ArticleProperty { ID = aP.ID, Name = aP.Name, TapNumber = aP.TapNumber, Summ = aP.Summ }); if(recordDayStr=="") SetRecordDayStr(); else RecordDayStr = recordDayStr; }
public LearnChatViewModel(INavigationService navigationService, IPageDialogService dialogService) : base(navigationService, dialogService) { TestChatClass = new ObservableRangeCollection <TestChat>(); TestChatClass.Add(new TestChat { ChatBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#41c9ff"), ChatCornerRadious = new CornerRadius(15, 15, 15, 0), ChatText = "Hi" }); TestChatClass.Add(new TestChat { ChatBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#af6dec"), ChatCornerRadious = new CornerRadius(0, 15, 15, 15), ChatText = "Welcome" }); TestChatClass.Add(new TestChat { ChatBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#41c9ff"), ChatCornerRadious = new CornerRadius(15, 15, 15, 0), ChatText = "How are you ?" }); TestChatClass.Add(new TestChat { ChatBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#af6dec"), ChatCornerRadious = new CornerRadius(0, 15, 15, 15), ChatText = "Doing great! Thanks for asking." }); }
public WatchVM() { WatchProjects = new ObservableRangeCollection <Project>(); var range = new List <Project>(App.DBWatch.GetItems()); WatchProjects.AddRange(range); //fixes indicators when page loads 1st time foreach (var p in WatchProjects) { p.IsBusy = false; } MessagingCenter.Subscribe <Project>(this, "MsgAddWatchProject", (project) => { App.DBWatch.SaveItem(project); WatchProjects.Add(project); Fetch(project); }); FetchCommand = new Command(Fetch); WatchAddCommand = new Command(async() => { await Navigation.PushAsync(new WatchAddPage(new Project())); }); WatchDeleteCommand = new Command(Delete); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the WalletViewModel class. /// </summary> public WalletCardsLayoutViewModel(IDataService dataService, ISettingsService settingsService) { DataService = dataService; SettingsService = settingsService; BankCards = new ObservableRangeCollection<Card>(); CashCards = new ObservableRangeCollection<Card>(); NewCashCard = new Card(); #if DEBUG if (IsInDesignMode) { var testBankCard = new Card() { Type = CardType.Bank, CardNumber = "XXXX XXXX XXXX 1234", BankId = 7, Bank = new Bank() { Id = 7, Name = "Альфа банк" }, Balance = 341.2 }; BankCards.Add(testBankCard); BankCards.Add(testBankCard); var testCashCard = new Card() { Type = CardType.Cash, Title = "На куртизанок", Balance = 342.1, UpdatedAt = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds }; CashCards.Add(testCashCard); CashCards.Add(testCashCard); IcontoWallet = new Iconto.PCL.Services.Data.REST.Entities.Wallet() { Balance = 4324234.34 }; IcontoCashback = new Card() { Balance = 3423.52 }; } #endif }
void Initialize() { Lines = new ObservableRangeCollection<LineViewModel>(); foreach (var line in Configuration.Lines) { var lineViewModel = new LineViewModel(line); Lines.Add(lineViewModel); } RenameLines(); SelectedLine = Lines.FirstOrDefault(); }
public AccountsObservableRangeCollection(IOrderedEnumerable<ArticleProperty> obj) { AccountsList = new ObservableRangeCollection<ArticleProperty>(); foreach (ArticleProperty aP in obj) AccountsList.Add(new ArticleProperty { ID=aP.ID, Name = aP.Name, TapNumber = aP.TapNumber, Summ = aP.Summ }); this.SetRecordDayStr(); }
void CopyProperties(HexFileCollectionInfo hexFileCollectionInfo) { SelectedDriver = hexFileCollectionInfo.DriverType; Name = hexFileCollectionInfo.Name; MinorVersion = hexFileCollectionInfo.MinorVersion; MajorVersion = hexFileCollectionInfo.MajorVersion; AutorName = hexFileCollectionInfo.AutorName; Files = new ObservableRangeCollection<FileViewModel>(); foreach (var fileInfo in hexFileCollectionInfo.FileInfos) { var fileViewModel = new FileViewModel(fileInfo, false); Files.Add(fileViewModel); SelectedFile = Files.FirstOrDefault(); } }
void Initialize(HexFileCollectionInfo hexFileCollectionInfo) { Name = hexFileCollectionInfo.Name; MinorVersion = hexFileCollectionInfo.MinorVersion; MajorVersion = hexFileCollectionInfo.MajorVersion; AvailableDriverTypes = new ObservableCollection<XDriverType>() { XDriverType.GK, XDriverType.KAU, XDriverType.RSR2_KAU }; HexFileViewModels = new ObservableRangeCollection<HexFileViewModel>(); foreach (var hexFileInfo in hexFileCollectionInfo.HexFileInfos) { AvailableDriverTypes.Remove(AvailableDriverTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x == hexFileInfo.DriverType)); HexFileViewModels.Add(new HexFileViewModel(hexFileInfo)); } SelectedHexFile = HexFileViewModels.FirstOrDefault(); SelectedDriverType = AvailableDriverTypes.FirstOrDefault(); }
private void AddOrUpdateExistent(ObservableRangeCollection<GroupInfoList<object>> _groupsByLetter, GroupInfoList<object> info) { // TODO convert to linq foreach (GroupInfoList<object> gr in _groupsByLetter) { if (gr.Key.Equals(info.Key)) { gr.AddRange(info); return; } } _groupsByLetter.Add(info); }
public static void SetCurrentAccountsStatusToList(double n) { //Для отладки var ISD = new IsolatedStorageDeserializer<ObservableRangeCollection<AccountsObservableRangeCollection>>(); var listForDeserialize = new ObservableRangeCollection<AccountsObservableRangeCollection>(); listForDeserialize.Add(new AccountsObservableRangeCollection(CurrentData.ArtAccountList.AccountsList , (new AccountsObservableRangeCollection()).SetRecordDayStr((int)n))); ISD.XmlSerialize(listForDeserialize, DateTime.Today.AddDays(-(int)n).ToString("M.y"), true, CurrentData.AppMode + "\\" + "AccountStatuses"); }
private void _Initialize(FolderModel newFolder) { #region //Присваеваем анонимные функции коммандам SetRenameEnableCommand = new Command(arg => IsNameReadOnly = !Convert.ToBoolean(arg)); SetRenameEnableCommand.CanExecuteDelegate = arg => this.GetType() == typeof(FolderViewModel); CreateSubFolderCommand = new Command(arg => { string name = FullName + "\\" + "Новая папка"; string newName = name; for (int i = 1; Directory.Exists(newName); ++i) newName = name + " (" + i.ToString() + ")"; FileSystem.CreateDirectory(newName); }); DeleteCommand = new Command(arg => Task.Run(() => FileSystem.DeleteDirectory(FullName, UIOption.AllDialogs, RecycleOption.SendToRecycleBin, UICancelOption.DoNothing))); CopyCommand = new Command(arg => { foreach (var folder in DriveViewModel.CutedFolders) folder.IsCuted = false; DriveViewModel.CutedFolders.Clear(); StringCollection folderPath = new StringCollection(); folderPath.Add(FullName); Clipboard.SetFileDropList(folderPath); FileSystemViewModel.IsClipBoardItemsCuted = false; }); CopyCommand.CanExecuteDelegate = arg => this.GetType() == typeof(FolderViewModel); CutCommand = new Command(arg => { IsCuted = true; foreach (var folder in DriveViewModel.CutedFolders) folder.IsCuted = false; DriveViewModel.CutedFolders.Clear(); StringCollection folderPath = new StringCollection(); DriveViewModel.CutedFolders.Add(this); folderPath.Add(FullName); Clipboard.SetFileDropList(folderPath); FileSystemViewModel.IsClipBoardItemsCuted = true; }); CutCommand.CanExecuteDelegate = new Predicate<object>(arg => this.GetType() == typeof(FolderViewModel)); DeleteFilesCommand = new Command(arg => { foreach (var file in FolderFilesCollectionView.SelectedItems) file.Delete(); }); DeleteCommand.CanExecuteDelegate = new Predicate<object>(arg => this.GetType() == typeof(FolderViewModel)); OpenFilesCommand = new Command(arg => { foreach (var file in FolderFilesCollectionView.SelectedItems) file.Open(); }); CopyFilesCommand = new Command(arg => { foreach (var file in DriveViewModel.CutedFiles) file.IsCuted = false; DriveViewModel.CutedFiles.Clear(); StringCollection filePaths = new StringCollection(); foreach (var file in FolderFilesCollectionView.SelectedItems) filePaths.Add(file.FullName); Clipboard.SetFileDropList(filePaths); FileSystemViewModel.IsClipBoardItemsCuted = false; }); CutFilesCommand = new Command(arg => { foreach (var file in DriveViewModel.CutedFiles) file.IsCuted = false; DriveViewModel.CutedFiles.Clear(); StringCollection filePaths = new StringCollection(); foreach (var file in FolderFilesCollectionView.SelectedItems) { DriveViewModel.CutedFiles.Add(file); file.IsCuted = true; filePaths.Add(file.FullName); } Clipboard.SetFileDropList(filePaths); FileSystemViewModel.IsClipBoardItemsCuted = true; }); SortFilesCommand = new Command(arg => { if (_ListSortDirection == ListSortDirection.Descending) _ListSortDirection = ListSortDirection.Ascending; else _ListSortDirection = ListSortDirection.Descending; if (arg.ToString() == "Size") { FolderFilesCollectionView.CustomSort = new FileSizeSorter(_ListSortDirection); } else if (arg.ToString() == "LastWriteTime") { FolderFilesCollectionView.CustomSort = new DateTimeSorter(_ListSortDirection); } else { FolderFilesCollectionView.SortDescriptions.Clear(); FolderFilesCollectionView.CustomSort = null; FolderFilesCollectionView.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription(arg.ToString(), _ListSortDirection)); } }); PasteCommand = new Command(arg => Paste(Clipboard.GetFileDropList(), FullName, FileSystemViewModel.IsClipBoardItemsCuted)); PasteCommand.CanExecuteDelegate = arg => Clipboard.ContainsFileDropList(); FindCommand = new Command(arg => FolderFilesCollectionView.Filter = new Predicate<object>(item => (((FileViewModel)item).Name.ToLower() + ((FileViewModel)item).Extension.ToLower()).Contains(arg.ToString().ToLower()))); RenameCommand = new Command(arg => { if (arg.ToString() != Name) try { FileSystem.RenameDirectory(FullName, arg.ToString()); } catch (ArgumentException) { NotifyPropertyChanged("Name"); IsWrongName = true; } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { } }); #endregion _SubFoldersClearTimer.Elapsed += _OnSubFoldersClearTimerElapsed; Name = newFolder.DirInfo.Name; FullName = newFolder.DirInfo.FullName; SubFolders = new ObservableRangeCollection<FolderViewModel>(); FolderFiles = new ObservableRangeCollection<FileViewModel>(); try { if (Directory.GetDirectories(FullName).Length != 0) SubFolders.Add(null); } catch { } FolderFilesCollectionView = new MultiSelectCollectionView<FileViewModel>(FolderFiles); }
public async Task GetPosts () { var facebookViewModels = await GetFacebookFeed(); var twitterViewModels = await GetTwitterFeed (); var allViewModels = new ObservableRangeCollection<BaseContentCardViewModel> (); // TODO: Need to further develop this system of ordering // Need to be able to toggle between popularity and time // allViewModels.AddRange (facebookViewModels); // allViewModels.AddRange (twitterViewModels); Random rnd = new Random(); int total = facebookViewModels.Count + twitterViewModels.Count; double fbLuck = 0; double tLuck = 0; fbLuck = facebookViewModels.Count/(double) total; tLuck = twitterViewModels.Count/(double) total; for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { int newTotal = 0; var dicey = rnd.NextDouble(); if (dicey < fbLuck) { allViewModels.Add(facebookViewModels.First()); facebookViewModels.RemoveAt(0); } else { allViewModels.Add(twitterViewModels.First()); twitterViewModels.RemoveAt(0); } newTotal = facebookViewModels.Count + twitterViewModels.Count; if (newTotal != 0) { fbLuck = facebookViewModels.Count/(double) newTotal; tLuck = twitterViewModels.Count/(double) newTotal; } } // // if(OrderBy == OrderBy.Time) // { // allViewModels = new ObservableRangeCollection<BaseContentCardViewModel> (allViewModels.OrderByDescending (vm => vm.OrderByDateTime)); // } // CardViewModels.Clear (); CardViewModels.AddRange (allViewModels); foreach (BaseContentCardViewModel viewModel in CardViewModels) { viewModel.RequestMovieViewer = RequestMovieViewer; viewModel.RequestPhotoViewer = RequestPhotoViewer; viewModel.RequestCommentPage = OnRequestCommentPage; } IsRefreshing = false; if(RequestCompleted != null) { RequestCompleted (); } }
private void ConfigureForRemoval () { var itemsToRemove = new ObservableRangeCollection<BaseMenuItemViewModel> (); // Update each item in the list foreach (BaseMenuItemViewModel viewModel in ItemViewModels) { if(viewModel.MenuItemType == MenuItemType.Added) { viewModel.MenuItemType = MenuItemType.Remove; } else { itemsToRemove.Add (viewModel); } } // Remove the items that aren't editable if(itemsToRemove.Count > 0) { foreach(BaseMenuItemViewModel viewModel in itemsToRemove) { ItemViewModels.Remove (viewModel); } } // Toggle the visibility of the "All accounts are removed" text ShowSubtitle = ItemViewModels.Count == 0; }