/// <summary>
        /// Default constructor
        /// </summary>
        public SimpleVelodyneViewer()

            viewPoints           = new List <ViewPoint>();
            cloudTransform       = new ObjectTransfromation();
            viewPort.MouseWheel += PictureBox_MouseWheel;
            RenderingMode        = SimpleVelodyneViewerRenderingMode.Responsive;

            PointNumForPreview = 10000;
            MaximumSnapRadius  = 20;


            // populate help text
            lblHelpText.Text  = "Help" + Environment.NewLine;
            lblHelpText.Text += "Rotate     : Left Mouse button" + Environment.NewLine;
            lblHelpText.Text += "Z rotation : SHIFT + Mouse wheel" + Environment.NewLine;
            lblHelpText.Text += "Zoom       : Mouse wheel" + Environment.NewLine;
            lblHelpText.Text += "Move       : CONTROL + Left mouse button" + Environment.NewLine;
            lblHelpText.Text += "Point size : CONTROL + Mouse wheel" + Environment.NewLine;
            lblHelpText.Text += "Reset view : Double left click" + Environment.NewLine;
            lblHelpText.Text += "Select pts : SHIFT + Left Mouse button + Select" + Environment.NewLine;
            lblHelpText.Text += "Reset sele : SHIFT + Double left click" + Environment.NewLine;
        /// <summary>
        /// Transform a point based on the transformation object. Includes rotation and translation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pt">Points object</param>
        /// <param name="trans">Transformation object</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private PointLikeObject Transfrom(PointLikeObject pt, ObjectTransfromation trans)
            PointLikeObject ptt = Rotate(pt, trans);

            ptt.X += trans.dx;
            ptt.Y += trans.dy;
            ptt.Z += trans.dz;
        /// <summary>
        /// Rotate a point based on the transformation object. Only rotation, translation is skipped
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pt">Points object</param>
        /// <param name="trans">Transformation object</param>
        /// <returns>Transformed object; the input object won't be copied</returns>
        private PointLikeObject Rotate(PointLikeObject pt, ObjectTransfromation trans)
            PointLikeObject ptt = Rotate(pt, 0, 0, trans.kappa);

            return(Rotate(ptt, trans.alpha, trans.beta, trans.gamma));