static void GetSpriteStats(Sprite s, ref ObjectStatInfo ret) { if (s == null) { return; } ret.sprite_packed += s.packed ? 1u : 0u; ret.mesh_tris += (ulong)(s.triangles.LongLength / 3); if (s.texture != null) { if (!ret.texture_total.Contains(s.texture.GetInstanceID())) { ret.texture_memory += (double)Profiler.GetRuntimeMemorySizeLong(s.texture); ret.texture_total.Add(s.texture.GetInstanceID()); } } if (GetAssociatedAlphaSplitTexture(s) != null) { if (!ret.texture_total.Contains(GetAssociatedAlphaSplitTexture(s).GetInstanceID())) { ret.texture_memory += (double)Profiler.GetRuntimeMemorySizeLong(GetAssociatedAlphaSplitTexture(s)); ret.texture_total.Add(GetAssociatedAlphaSplitTexture(s).GetInstanceID()); } } }
static void GetAnimationClipStats(Animator a, ref ObjectStatInfo ret) { RuntimeAnimatorController rac = a.runtimeAnimatorController; if (rac == null) { return; } AnimationClip[] acs = rac.animationClips; if (acs == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < acs.Length; ++i) { if (acs[i] == null) { continue; } /* First encounter. */ if (!ret.anim_total.Contains(acs[i].GetInstanceID())) { ret.anim_memory += (double)Profiler.GetRuntimeMemorySizeLong(acs[i]); ret.anim_total.Add(acs[i].GetInstanceID()); } } }
static void GetTextureStats(Material m, ref ObjectStatInfo ret) { if (m == null) { return; } Shader s = m.shader; if (s == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < ShaderUtil.GetPropertyCount(s); ++i) { if (ShaderUtil.GetPropertyType(s, i) != ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.TexEnv) { continue; } Texture t = m.GetTexture(ShaderUtil.GetPropertyName(s, i)); if (t == null) { continue; } /* First encounter. */ if (!ret.texture_total.Contains(t.GetInstanceID())) { ret.texture_memory += (double)Profiler.GetRuntimeMemorySizeLong(t); ret.texture_total.Add(t.GetInstanceID()); } } }
static void GetMaterialStats(Material[] mats, ref ObjectStatInfo ret, GameObject parent) { if (mats == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < mats.Length; ++i) { if (mats[i] == null) { continue; } /* First time we encounter or is an instance. */ if (!ret.mat_total.Contains(mats[i].GetInstanceID())) { ret.shader_passes += (ulong)mats[i].passCount; ret.mat_memory += (double)Profiler.GetRuntimeMemorySizeLong(mats[i]); ret.mat_total.Add(mats[i].GetInstanceID()); /* Get all textures from shader. */ GetTextureStats(mats[i], ref ret); } /* Is an instance. */ if (mats[i].name.Contains("Instance")) { ++ret.mat_instances; ret.mat_instances_log.AppendLine(" " + + " : " + mats[i].name); } } }
static void GetSharedMeshStats(Mesh sm, ref ObjectStatInfo ret, bool is_static_batched, GameObject parent) { if (sm == null) { return; } /* First time we encounter or is an instance. */ if (!ret.mesh_total.Contains(sm.GetInstanceID())) { ret.mesh_memory += (double)Profiler.GetRuntimeMemorySizeLong(sm); ret.mesh_tris += (ulong)(sm.triangles.LongLength / 3); ret.mesh_total.Add(sm.GetInstanceID()); } else if (!is_static_batched) { ret.mesh_tris += (ulong)(sm.triangles.LongLength / 3); } /* Is an instance. */ if ("Instance")) { ++ret.mesh_instances; ret.mesh_instances_log.AppendLine(" " + + " : " +; } }
static void GetAudioStats(AudioClip ac, ref ObjectStatInfo ret) { if (ac == null) { return; } if (!ret.audio_total.Contains(ac.GetInstanceID())) { ret.audio_memory += (double)Profiler.GetRuntimeMemorySizeLong(ac); ret.audio_total.Add(ac.GetInstanceID()); } }
internal static void OnSelectionChange() { if (Selection.objects.Length == 0) { return; } //Debug.Log( "SelectionChange: " + ); //_selected_objects = GetStats( Selection.gameObjects ); _selected_objects = GetStats(Selection.activeGameObject); //Debug.Log( _selected_objects.ToString() ); }
/* Return a cached stat object or generate new one. */ static ObjectStatInfo GetStats(GameObject obj) { //if( _cache.ContainsKey( obj ) ) { // return _cache[ obj ]; //} ObjectStatInfo ret = new ObjectStatInfo(; RecurseStats(obj, ref ret); //if( _enable_cache ) { // _cache[ obj ] = ret; //} return(ret); }
static void GetParticleStats(ParticleSystem ps, ref ObjectStatInfo ret) { if (ps == null) { return; } ParticleSystemRenderer psr = ps.GetComponent <ParticleSystemRenderer>(); if (!psr) { return; } if (psr.renderMode != ParticleSystemRenderMode.Mesh) { ret.mesh_tris += _billboard_tris * (ulong)ps.particleCount; } else { ret.mesh_tris += (ulong)(psr.mesh.triangles.LongLength / 3) * (ulong)ps.particleCount; ret.mesh_total.Add(psr.mesh.GetInstanceID()); } }
/* Drill down hierarchy and collect stats. */ static void RecurseStats(GameObject obj, ref ObjectStatInfo ret) { bool is_static_batched = false; Renderer r = obj.GetComponent <Renderer>(); if (r) { ret.renderers_total += 1u; ret.renderers_visible += r.isVisible ? 1u : 0u; is_static_batched = r.isPartOfStaticBatch; ret.renderers_batched += is_static_batched ? 1u : 0u; GetMaterialStats(r.sharedMaterials, ref ret, obj); } MeshFilter mf = obj.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); if (mf) { GetSharedMeshStats(mf.sharedMesh, ref ret, is_static_batched, obj); } SkinnedMeshRenderer smr = obj.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); if (smr) { GetSharedMeshStats(smr.sharedMesh, ref ret, is_static_batched, obj); } SpriteRenderer sr = obj.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); if (sr) { GetSpriteStats(sr.sprite, ref ret); } ParticleSystem ps = obj.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); if (ps) { GetParticleStats(ps, ref ret); } Animator a = obj.GetComponent <Animator>(); if (a) { GetAnimationClipStats(a, ref ret); } AudioSource au = obj.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); if (au) { GetAudioStats(au.clip, ref ret); } for (int i = 0; i < obj.transform.childCount; ++i) { RecurseStats(obj.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject, ref ret); } /* TODO : Recurse on importers and assets. */ }