public ActionResult AddMenu() { if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); ViewData["ContentPages"] = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <ContentPage>().ExecuteEnumerable() select c).ToList(); ViewData["menus"] = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Menu>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.ParentId.Equals(string.Empty) select c).ToList(); // return(View(new MenuModel())); } return(RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account")); }
public ActionResult DeleteImage(string id) { var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); var images = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <File>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.ID.Equals(id) select c).ToList(); foreach (var image in images) { scope.Transaction.Begin(); scope.Remove(image); scope.Transaction.Commit(); } return(RedirectToAction("Images")); }
public ActionResult DeletePage(string pid) { var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); var pages = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <ContentPage>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.ID != null && c.ID.Equals(pid) select c).ToList(); foreach (var contentPage in pages) { scope.Transaction.Begin(); scope.Remove(contentPage); scope.Transaction.Commit(); } return(RedirectToAction("Pages")); }
public ActionResult Employer(EmployerModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); scope.Transaction.Begin(); var employer = new Employer { Academic = model.Academic, AdditionalBenefits = model.AdditionalBenefits, AddressOftheCompany = model.AddressOftheCompany, AgeFrom = model.AgeFrom, AgeTo = model.AgeTo, ContactPerson = model.ContactPerson, Contractbaselabours = model.Contractbaselabours, EmailID = model.EmailID, ExperienceFrom = model.ExperienceFrom, ExperienceTo = model.ExperienceTo, FaxNo = model.FaxNo, GrossSalaryFrom = model.GrossSalaryFrom, GrossSalaryTo = model.GrossSalaryTo, Industry = model.Industry, InterviewerName = model.InterviewerName, InterviewerPosition = model.InterviewerPosition, InterviewLocation = model.InterviewLocation, Jobdescription = model.Jobdescription, MobileNo = model.MobileNo, NameOftheCompany = model.NameOftheCompany, NatureOfBusiness = model.NatureOfBusiness, NoOfPositionsRequired = model.NoOfPositionsRequired, PhoneNoOffice = model.PhoneNoOffice, PhoneNoResident = model.PhoneNoResident, PlaceOfWork = model.PlaceOfWork, Position = model.Position, Preferences = model.Preferences, ProbableDate = model.ProbableDate, ProbableDateOfInterview = model.ProbableDateOfInterview, TechnicalOrProfessional = model.TechnicalOrProfessional, Totalregularmanpower = model.Totalregularmanpower, Totalturnover = model.Totalturnover }; scope.Add(employer); scope.Transaction.Commit(); ViewData["Status"] = "Thank you for posting your requirement with us, we will get back to you soon."; return(View("Status")); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult DeleteMenu(string mid) { if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { return(RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account")); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { DeleteMenus(mid); } var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); ViewData["menus"] = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Menu>().ExecuteEnumerable() select c).ToList(); return(View("Menus")); }
public ActionResult EditMenu(MenuModel menuModel) { if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { return(RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account")); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); var menus = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Menu>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.Id != null && c.Id.Equals(menuModel.Id) select c).ToList(); if (menus.Count > 0) { var contentPages = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <ContentPage>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.Id.Equals(Request.Form["CmbPages"]) select c).ToList(); if (contentPages.Count > 0) { string selectedMenu = Request.Form["CmbParentMenu"]; string parentID = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedMenu) && selectedMenu.ToLower().Trim() != "--root--") { var menuIds = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Menu>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.Id != null && c.Id.Equals(selectedMenu) select c.Id).ToList(); if (menuIds.Count > 0) { parentID = menuIds[0]; } } foreach (Menu menu in menus) { scope.Transaction.Begin(); menu.Name = menuModel.MenuName; menu.Page = contentPages[0]; menu.ParentId = parentID; scope.Add(menu); scope.Transaction.Commit(); } } } } return(RedirectToAction("Menus")); }
public static byte[] SignatureImage(string id) { try { var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); List <SignatureImage> files = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <SignatureImage>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.ID.ToString().Equals(id) select c).ToList(); if (files.Count > 0) { return(files[0].Filedata); } } catch (Exception) { } return(null); }
// // GET: /Signature/ public FileContentResult Signature(string id) { try { var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); List <SignatureImage> files = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <SignatureImage>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.ID.ToString().Equals(id) select c).ToList(); if (files.Count > 0) { return(File(files[0].Filedata, files[0].MimeType, files[0].Filename)); } } catch (Exception) { } return(null); }
public static string GetProjects(string groupuid, string currentuseruid) { var outputTable = new DataTable(); outputTable.Columns.Add("uid"); outputTable.Columns.Add("name"); try { // open access dynamic databse configuration string SiteUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.Scheme + "://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.Host + ":" + HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.Port + "/" + HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.Segments[1]; if (MyUtilities.DevelopMode) { SiteUrl = MyUtilities.ProjectServerInstanceURL(SPContext.Current); } MyUtilities.ModifyConnectionString(SiteUrl); using (IObjectScope scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope()) { List <Groups> groups = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Users>().ExecuteEnumerable() from d in c.groups where c.ResourceUID.Equals(currentuseruid) && d.UID.Equals(groupuid) select d).ToList(); if (groups.Count > 0) { foreach (var project in groups[0].projects) { var testrow = outputTable.NewRow(); testrow["uid"] = project.uid; testrow["name"] =; outputTable.Rows.Add(testrow); } } } } catch (Exception) { // error log here } return(MyUtilities.Serialize(outputTable)); }
public ActionResult EditPage(PageModel pageModel) { if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { return(RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account")); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); var pages = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <ContentPage>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.Id != null && c.Id.Equals(pageModel.ID) select c).ToList(); foreach (ContentPage page in pages) { scope.Transaction.Begin(); page.Name = pageModel.PageTitle; page.Content = pageModel.Content; scope.Add(page); scope.Transaction.Commit(); try { using (var connection = new SqlConnection("Data Source=;Initial Catalog=admin_hopestrack;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=hopestrack;Password=password@123")) { connection.Open(); string qry = "update content_page set [<_content>k___backing_field] = '" + pageModel.Content + "' where [<_id>k___backing_field]='" + page.Id + "'"; var command = new SqlCommand(qry, connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); } } catch (Exception) { continue; } break; } LoadPages(); return(View("Pages")); } return(View(pageModel)); }
public ActionResult Index() { var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); var count = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <ContentPage>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.Name.ToLower().Trim().Equals("index") select c).Count(); if (count > 0) { var page = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <ContentPage>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.Name.ToLower().Trim().Equals("index") select c).First(); ViewData["Content"] = page.Content; } else { ViewData["Content"] = ""; } return(View()); }
public ActionResult EditMenu(string mid) { if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { return(RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account")); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mid)) { var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); var contentPages = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <ContentPage>().ExecuteEnumerable() select c).ToList(); ViewData["ContentPages"] = contentPages; ViewData["menus"] = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Menu>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.Id != null && !c.Id.Equals(mid) select c).ToList(); ViewData["Pagename"] = string.Empty; var menus = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Menu>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.Id != null && c.Id.Equals(mid) select c).ToList(); if (menus.Count > 0) { ViewData["ParentMenuId"] = menus[0].ParentId; var menuModel = new MenuModel { MenuName = menus[0].Name, Id = menus[0].Id }; foreach (ContentPage contentPage in contentPages) { if (contentPage.Name.ToLower().Equals(menus[0].Page.Name.ToLower())) { ViewData["Pagename"] = contentPage.Name; break; } } return(View(menuModel)); } } return(RedirectToAction("Menus")); }
public ActionResult Ajaxaddimage(ImageModel file, HttpPostedFileBase image) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); scope.Transaction.Begin(); var productFile = new HopestrackDL.File { Filename = image.FileName }; Stream fileStream = image.InputStream; int fileLength = image.ContentLength; productFile.Filedata = new byte[fileLength]; fileStream.Read(productFile.Filedata, 0, fileLength); productFile.MimeType = image.ContentType; productFile.Id = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(); scope.Add((productFile)); scope.Transaction.Commit(); ViewData["Status"] = "Image added successfully."; return(View(new ImageModel())); } return(View(file)); }
public ActionResult ExporttoExcel() { if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); if (Checkauthorization(scope, User.Identity.Name)) { ViewData["selectedTypeOfReceipt"] = string.Empty; ViewData["SeachReceipts"] = new List <ReceiptData>(); ViewData["typeofreceipts"] = new List <string> { "All", "Regular", "Recurrence", "Merchandise", "Service" }; return (View(new ExporttoExcelModel { EndDate = DateTime.Now, StartDate = DateTime.Now })); } ViewData["Status"] = "You are not authorized to do this operation"; return(View("PartialViewStatus")); } return(RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account")); }
private void DeleteMenus(string menuId) { var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); var menus = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Menu>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.Id != null && c.Id.Equals(menuId) select c).ToList(); foreach (Menu menu in menus) { Menu menu1 = menu; var parentmenus = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Menu>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.ParentId != null && c.ParentId.Equals(menu1.Id) select c).ToList(); foreach (var parentmenu in parentmenus) { DeleteMenu(parentmenu.Id); } scope.Transaction.Begin(); scope.Remove(menu); scope.Transaction.Commit(); } }
public ActionResult AddPage(PageModel adPageModel) { if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { return(RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account")); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); var contentPage = new ContentPage { Name = adPageModel.PageTitle, Content = adPageModel.Content, Id = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() }; scope.Transaction.Begin(); scope.Add(contentPage); scope.Transaction.Commit(); try { using (var connection = new SqlConnection("Data Source=;Initial Catalog=admin_hopestrack;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=hopestrack;Password=password@123")) { connection.Open(); string qry = "update content_page set [<_content>k___backing_field] = '" + adPageModel.Content + "' where [<_id>k___backing_field]='" + contentPage.Id + "'"; var command = new SqlCommand(qry, connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); } } catch (Exception) { LoadPages(); return(View("Pages")); } LoadPages(); return(View("Pages")); } return(View(adPageModel)); }
public ActionResult EditPage(string pid) { if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { return(RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account")); } if (pid != null) { var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); var pages = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <ContentPage>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.Id != null && c.Id.Equals(pid) select c).ToList(); var contentPage = new PageModel(); foreach (ContentPage page in pages) { contentPage.PageTitle = page.Name; contentPage.Content = page.Content; contentPage.ID = page.Id; break; } return(View(contentPage)); } return(RedirectToAction("Pages")); }
public ActionResult SearchReceipts(SearchModel searchModel) { if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); if (Checkauthorization(scope, User.Identity.Name)) { ViewData["selectedTypeOfReceipt"] = string.Empty; ViewData["SeachReceipts"] = new List <ReceiptData>(); ViewData["typeofreceipts"] = new List <string> { "All", "Regular", "Recurrence", "Merchandise", "Service" }; if (ModelState.IsValid) { ViewData["selectedTypeOfReceipt"] = searchModel.TypeOfReceipt; ReceiptType receiptType = ReceiptType.GeneralReceipt; switch (searchModel.TypeOfReceipt) { case "Regular": { receiptType = ReceiptType.GeneralReceipt; break; } case "Recurrence": { receiptType = ReceiptType.RecurringReceipt; break; } case "Merchandise": { receiptType = ReceiptType.MerchandiseReceipt; break; } case "Service": { receiptType = ReceiptType.ServicesReceipt; break; } case "All": { break; } } List <Receipt> receipts; int maxrecordsperpage = Convert.ToInt32(searchModel.Maxrecordsperpage); if (searchModel.TypeOfReceipt != "All") { receipts = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Receipt>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.ReceiptType.Equals(receiptType) && c.DateReceived >= searchModel.StartDate && c.DateReceived <= searchModel.EndDate orderby c.ReceiptNumber select c).Skip(searchModel.PageIndex * maxrecordsperpage).Take( maxrecordsperpage).ToList(); } else { receipts = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Receipt>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.DateReceived >= searchModel.StartDate && c.DateReceived <= searchModel.EndDate orderby c.ReceiptNumber select c).Skip(searchModel.PageIndex * maxrecordsperpage).Take( maxrecordsperpage).ToList(); } var localRegularReceipts = receipts.Select(receipt => new ReceiptData { ReceiptNumber = receipt.ReceiptNumber, FirstName = receipt.FirstName, Mi = receipt.Mi, LastName = receipt.LastName, DateReceived = receipt.DateReceived, ReceiptType = receipt.ReceiptType.ToString() }).ToList(); ViewData["pageIndex"] = searchModel.PageIndex; if (searchModel.PageIndex <= 0) { ViewData["HasPrevious"] = false; } else { ViewData["HasPrevious"] = true; } int totalrecords; if (searchModel.TypeOfReceipt != "All") { totalrecords = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Receipt>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.ReceiptType.Equals(receiptType) && c.DateReceived >= searchModel.StartDate && c.DateReceived <= searchModel.EndDate select c).Count(); } else { totalrecords = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Receipt>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.DateReceived >= searchModel.StartDate && c.DateReceived <= searchModel.EndDate select c).Count(); } if (totalrecords > (searchModel.PageIndex + 1) * NoOfRecordsPerPage) { ViewData["HasNext"] = true; } else { ViewData["HasNext"] = false; } ViewData["SeachReceipts"] = localRegularReceipts; return(View(searchModel)); } return(View(searchModel)); } ViewData["Status"] = "You are not authorized to do this operation"; return(View("PartialViewStatus")); } return(RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account")); }
public static bool PlaceProject(string groupuid, string projectuid, string currentuseruid) { bool Output = false; try { // open access dynamic databse configuration string SiteUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.Scheme + "://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.Host + ":" + HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.Port + "/" + HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.Segments[1]; if (MyUtilities.DevelopMode) { SiteUrl = MyUtilities.ProjectServerInstanceURL(SPContext.Current); } MyUtilities.ModifyConnectionString(SiteUrl); using (IObjectScope scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope()) { List <Projects> projects = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Users>().ExecuteEnumerable() from d in c.groups from f in d.projects where c.ResourceUID.Equals(currentuseruid) && f.uid.Equals(projectuid) select f).ToList(); if (projects.Count > 0) { List <Groups> new_groups = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Users>().ExecuteEnumerable() from d in c.groups where c.ResourceUID.Equals(currentuseruid) && d.UID.Equals(groupuid) select d).ToList(); if (new_groups.Count > 0) { List <Groups> old_groups = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Users>().ExecuteEnumerable() from d in c.groups from f in d.projects where c.ResourceUID.Equals(currentuseruid) && f.uid.Equals(projectuid) select d).ToList(); // remove from current group first if (old_groups.Count > 0) { if (old_groups[0].projects.Contains(projects[0])) { scope.Transaction.Begin(); old_groups[0].projects.Remove(projects[0]); scope.Add(old_groups[0]); scope.Transaction.Commit(); } } scope.Transaction.Begin(); new_groups[0].projects.Add(projects[0]); scope.Add(new_groups[0]); scope.Transaction.Commit(); Output = true; } } } } catch (Exception) { // error log here } return(Output); }
public ActionResult JobSeekers(JobSeekerModel jobSeekerModel, HttpPostedFileBase resumeAttachment) { var result = GetUgQualifications(); result.Sort(); ViewData["UGQualifications"] = result; result = GetPgQualifications(); result.Sort(); ViewData["PGQualifications"] = result; result = GetIndustries(); result.Sort(); ViewData["Industries"] = result; result = GetFunctionalAreas(); result.Sort(); ViewData["FunctionalArea"] = result; string selectedGender = string.Empty; if (Request.Form["Gender"] != null) { selectedGender = Request.Form["Gender"]; } string selectedUgQualification = string.Empty; if (Request.Form["UGQualification"] != null) { selectedUgQualification = Request.Form["UGQualification"]; } string selectedPgQualification = string.Empty; if (Request.Form["PGQualification"] != null) { selectedPgQualification = Request.Form["PGQualification"]; } string selectedIndustry = string.Empty; if (Request.Form["Industry"] != null) { selectedIndustry = Request.Form["Industry"]; } string selectedFunctionalArea = string.Empty; if (Request.Form["Functional"] != null) { selectedFunctionalArea = Request.Form["Functional"]; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedGender)) { ModelState.AddModelError("Gender", "Please select gender."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedUgQualification)) { ModelState.AddModelError("UgQualification", "Please select your ug qualification."); } else if (selectedUgQualification.ToLower().Trim() == "others" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobSeekerModel.UgOthers)) { ModelState.AddModelError("UgOthers", "Please input your ug qualification - others"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedPgQualification)) { ModelState.AddModelError("PgQualification", "Please select your pg qualification."); } else if (selectedPgQualification.ToLower().Trim() == "others" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobSeekerModel.PgOthers)) { ModelState.AddModelError("PgOthers", "Please input your pg qualification - others"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedIndustry)) { ModelState.AddModelError("Industry", "Please select industry."); } else if (selectedIndustry.ToLower().Trim() == "others" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobSeekerModel.IndustryOthers)) { ModelState.AddModelError("IndustryOthers", "Please input your industry - others"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedFunctionalArea)) { ModelState.AddModelError("Functional", "Please select your functional area."); } else if (selectedFunctionalArea.ToLower().Trim() == "others" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobSeekerModel.FunctionalOthers)) { ModelState.AddModelError("FunctionalOthers", "Please input your functiona area - others"); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); scope.Transaction.Begin(); var jobSeeker = new JobSeeker { CurrentCtc = jobSeekerModel.CurrentCtc, DateOfBirth = jobSeekerModel.DateOfBirth, EmailID = jobSeekerModel.EmailID, ExpectedCtc = jobSeekerModel.ExpectedCtc, FirstName = jobSeekerModel.FirstName, Functional = jobSeekerModel.Functional, FunctionalOthers = jobSeekerModel.FunctionalOthers, Gender = jobSeekerModel.Gender, Industry = jobSeekerModel.Industry, IndustryOthers = jobSeekerModel.IndustryOthers, LastName = jobSeekerModel.LastName, MobileNo = jobSeekerModel.MobileNo, NoticePeriod = jobSeekerModel.NoticePeriod, OptionalEmailID = jobSeekerModel.OptionalEmailID, PgOthers = jobSeekerModel.PgOthers, PgQualification = jobSeekerModel.PgQualification, PhoneNo = jobSeekerModel.PhoneNo, PrimarySkillSet = jobSeekerModel.PrimarySkillSet, RelaventExperience = jobSeekerModel.RelaventExperience, SecondarySkillSet = jobSeekerModel.SecondarySkillSet, TotalExperience = jobSeekerModel.TotalExperience, UgOthers = jobSeekerModel.UgOthers, UgQualification = jobSeekerModel.UgQualification }; Stream fileStream = resumeAttachment.InputStream; int fileLength = resumeAttachment.ContentLength; var attachment = new Attachment { Filedata = new byte[fileLength], MimeType = resumeAttachment.ContentType, Id = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() }; fileStream.Read(attachment.Filedata, 0, fileLength); jobSeeker.ResumeAttachment = attachment; scope.Add((jobSeeker)); scope.Transaction.Commit(); ViewData["Status"] = "Thank you for uploading your profile, we will get back to you soon."; return(View("Status")); } ViewData["Selectedgender"] = selectedGender; ViewData["SelectedUgQualification"] = selectedUgQualification; ViewData["SelectedPgQualification"] = selectedPgQualification; ViewData["SelectedIndustry"] = selectedIndustry; ViewData["SelectedFunctionalArea"] = selectedFunctionalArea; return(View()); }
public ActionResult LogOn(LogOnModel model, string returnUrl) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); List <User> logOnFailures = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <User>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.Username.ToLower().Trim().Equals(model.UserName.ToLower().Trim()) select c).ToList(); if (logOnFailures.Count > 0 && logOnFailures[0].Failcount > 2 && DateTime.Now.Subtract(logOnFailures[0].Lasttriedtime).TotalMinutes < 10) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "The authentication is failed in three consequence times, please wait for ten minites and try again."); return(View(model)); } if (Membership.ValidateUser(model.UserName, model.Password)) { if (logOnFailures.Count > 0) { var logOnFailure = logOnFailures[0]; scope.Transaction.Begin(); logOnFailure.Failcount = 0; scope.Add(logOnFailure); scope.Transaction.Commit(); } FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.UserName, true); /*var ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, model.UserName, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddDays(30), true, ""); * var strEncryptedTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket); * var cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, strEncryptedTicket); * Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); */ HttpCookie myCookie = FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie(model.UserName, true); myCookie.Domain = ""; myCookie.Path = "/"; myCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); Response.AppendCookie(myCookie); if (Url.IsLocalUrl(returnUrl) && returnUrl.Length > 1 && returnUrl.StartsWith("/") && !returnUrl.StartsWith("//") && !returnUrl.StartsWith("/\\")) { return(Redirect(returnUrl)); } return(RedirectToAction("home", "Controlpanel")); } if (logOnFailures.Count > 0) { var logOnFailure = logOnFailures[0]; scope.Transaction.Begin(); if (logOnFailure.Failcount == 0) { logOnFailure.Lasttriedtime = DateTime.Now; } logOnFailure.Failcount += 1; scope.Add(logOnFailure); scope.Transaction.Commit(); } ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect."); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult ExporttoExcel(ExporttoExcelModel exporttoExcelModel) { if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { var scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope(); if (Checkauthorization(scope, User.Identity.Name)) { ViewData["selectedTypeOfReceipt"] = string.Empty; ViewData["SeachReceipts"] = new List <ReceiptData>(); ViewData["typeofreceipts"] = new List <string> { "All", "Regular", "Recurrence", "Merchandise", "Service" }; if (ModelState.IsValid) { ViewData["selectedTypeOfReceipt"] = exporttoExcelModel.TypeOfReceipt; ReceiptType receiptType = ReceiptType.GeneralReceipt; switch (exporttoExcelModel.TypeOfReceipt) { case "Regular": { receiptType = ReceiptType.GeneralReceipt; break; } case "Recurrence": { receiptType = ReceiptType.RecurringReceipt; break; } case "Merchandise": { receiptType = ReceiptType.MerchandiseReceipt; break; } case "Service": { receiptType = ReceiptType.ServicesReceipt; break; } case "All": { break; } } List <Receipt> receipts; if (exporttoExcelModel.TypeOfReceipt != "All") { receipts = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Receipt>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.ReceiptType.Equals(receiptType) && c.DateReceived >= exporttoExcelModel.StartDate && c.DateReceived <= exporttoExcelModel.EndDate orderby c.ReceiptNumber select c).ToList(); } else { receipts = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Receipt>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.DateReceived >= exporttoExcelModel.StartDate && c.DateReceived <= exporttoExcelModel.EndDate orderby c.ReceiptNumber select c).ToList(); } Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=ExporttoExcel.csv"); Response.Charset = "UTF-8"; Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; Response.ContentType = "application/text/csv"; String csvOutput = "Receipt ID, Receipt Type,First Name,MI,Last Name,Address 1,Address 2,City,State,Zip Code,Email,Contact,Date Received,Issued Date,Donation Amount,Donation Amount in words,Recurring Payment Details,Merchandise Item,Quantity,Value,Service Type,Hours Served,Rate per hour,FMV Value,Mode of Payment,Received By"; foreach (Receipt receipt in receipts) { double totalAmount; if (receipt.ReceiptType == ReceiptType.RecurringReceipt) { totalAmount = receipt.RecurringDetails.Sum(recurringDetail => Convert.ToDouble(recurringDetail.Amount)); } else { totalAmount = Convert.ToDouble(receipt.DonationAmount); } // adding data csvOutput += Environment.NewLine; csvOutput += receipt.ReceiptNumber; csvOutput += "," + receipt.ReceiptType; csvOutput += "," + receipt.FirstName; csvOutput += "," + receipt.Mi; csvOutput += "," + receipt.LastName; csvOutput += "," + receipt.Address; csvOutput += "," + receipt.Address2; csvOutput += "," + receipt.City; csvOutput += "," + receipt.State; csvOutput += "," + receipt.ZipCode; csvOutput += "," + receipt.Email; csvOutput += "," + receipt.Contact; if (receipt.ReceiptType == ReceiptType.RecurringReceipt) { csvOutput += ","; } else { csvOutput += "," + receipt.DateReceived.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } csvOutput += "," + receipt.IssuedDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); if (receipt.ReceiptType == ReceiptType.RecurringReceipt || receipt.ReceiptType == ReceiptType.GeneralReceipt) { csvOutput += "," + totalAmount.ToString("0.00"); csvOutput += "," + receipt.DonationAmountinWords; } else { csvOutput += ","; csvOutput += ","; } string recurringDates = receipt.RecurringDetails.Aggregate(" ", (current, recurringDetail) => current + ("(" + recurringDetail.DueDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "-" + recurringDetail.ModeOfPayment + "-" + recurringDetail.Amount + ")")); csvOutput += "," + recurringDates; if (receipt.ReceiptType == ReceiptType.MerchandiseReceipt) { csvOutput += "," + receipt.MerchandiseItem; csvOutput += "," + receipt.Quantity; csvOutput += "," + Convert.ToDouble(receipt.FmvValue).ToString("0.00"); } else { csvOutput += ","; csvOutput += ","; csvOutput += ","; } if (receipt.ReceiptType == ReceiptType.ServicesReceipt) { csvOutput += "," + receipt.ServiceType; csvOutput += "," + receipt.HoursServed; csvOutput += "," + Convert.ToDouble(receipt.RatePerHrOrDay).ToString("0.00"); csvOutput += "," + Convert.ToDouble(receipt.FmvValue).ToString("0.00"); } else { csvOutput += ","; csvOutput += ","; csvOutput += ","; csvOutput += ","; } if (receipt.ReceiptType == ReceiptType.RecurringReceipt || receipt.ReceiptType == ReceiptType.MerchandiseReceipt || receipt.ReceiptType == ReceiptType.ServicesReceipt) { csvOutput += ","; } else { csvOutput += "," + receipt.ModeOfPayment; } csvOutput += "," + receipt.DonationReceiver.Username; } Response.Write(csvOutput); Response.End(); return(View(exporttoExcelModel)); } return(View(exporttoExcelModel)); } ViewData["Status"] = "You are not authorized to do this operation"; return(View("PartialViewStatus")); } return(RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account")); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Browser detection and redirecting to error page if (Request.Browser.Browser.ToLower() == "ie" && Convert.ToDouble(Request.Browser.Version) < 7) { SPUtility.TransferToErrorPage("To view this report use later versions of IE 6.0"); } else { try { string SiteUrl = MyUtilities.ProjectServerInstanceURL(SPContext.Current); var Resource_Svc = new Resource(); var Project_Svc = new Project(); Resource_Svc.UseDefaultCredentials = true; Project_Svc.UseDefaultCredentials = true; Resource_Svc.Url = SiteUrl + "/_vti_bin/psi/resource.asmx"; Project_Svc.Url = SiteUrl + "/_vti_bin/psi/project.asmx"; Resource_Svc.AllowAutoRedirect = true; Project_Svc.AllowAutoRedirect = true; if (MyUtilities.IndividualPages) { LnkConfigButton.PostBackUrl = SiteUrl + "/_layouts/ITXProjectGovernanceReport/ITXPGReport.aspx"; } else { LnkConfigButton.Visible = false; } // setting current user uid LblCurUserUId.Text = Resource_Svc.GetCurrentUserUid().ToString(); // For Group Repeater control var GroupTable = new DataTable(); GroupTable.Columns.Add("title"); GroupTable.Columns.Add("grpid"); // impersonation here try { var wik = WindowsIdentity.Impersonate(IntPtr.Zero); } catch (Exception) { } MyUtilities.ModifyConnectionString(SiteUrl); using (IObjectScope scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope()) { // creating the user account into db if not exists List <Users> userses = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Users>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.ResourceUID.Equals(LblCurUserUId.Text) select c).ToList(); if (userses.Count == 0) { scope.Transaction.Begin(); var new_user = new Users(); new_user.ResourceUID = LblCurUserUId.Text; scope.Add(new_user); scope.Transaction.Commit(); userses = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Users>().ExecuteEnumerable() where c.ResourceUID.Equals(LblCurUserUId.Text) select c).ToList(); } List <Groups> groups = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Users>().ExecuteEnumerable() from d in c.groups where c.ResourceUID.Equals(LblCurUserUId.Text) && !d.UID.Equals(Guid.Empty.ToString()) select d).ToList(); foreach (var group in groups) { var new_row = GroupTable.NewRow(); new_row["title"] =; new_row["grpid"] = group.UID; GroupTable.Rows.Add(new_row); } RptrGroupnames.DataSource = GroupTable; RptrGroupnames.DataBind(); // For Project name Repeater Control var ProjectTable = MyUtilities.GetProjects_DataTable(SiteUrl, new Guid(LblCurUserUId.Text)); groups = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Users>().ExecuteEnumerable() from d in c.groups where c.ResourceUID.Equals(LblCurUserUId.Text) && d.UID.Equals(Guid.Empty.ToString()) select d).ToList(); if (groups.Count == 0) { if (userses.Count > 0) { scope.Transaction.Begin(); var new_group = new Groups(); = "Not Grouped."; new_group.UID = Guid.Empty.ToString(); userses[0].groups.Add(new_group); scope.Add(userses[0]); scope.Transaction.Commit(); } groups = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Users>().ExecuteEnumerable() from d in c.groups where c.ResourceUID.Equals(LblCurUserUId.Text) && d.UID.Equals(Guid.Empty.ToString()) select d).ToList(); } // Checking and adding missed projects to the user foreach (DataRow row in ProjectTable.Rows) { var count = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Users>().ExecuteEnumerable() from d in c.groups from f in d.projects where c.ResourceUID.Equals(LblCurUserUId.Text) && f.uid.Equals(row["ProjectUID"].ToString()) select e).Count(); if (count == 0 && groups.Count > 0) { scope.Transaction.Begin(); var new_proj_row = new Projects(); = row["Title"].ToString(); new_proj_row.uid = row["ProjectUID"].ToString(); groups[0].projects.Add(new_proj_row); scope.Add(groups[0]); scope.Transaction.Commit(); } } RptrProjectnames.DataSource = (from c in scope.GetOqlQuery <Users>().ExecuteEnumerable() from d in c.groups from f in d.projects where c.ResourceUID.Equals(LblCurUserUId.Text) && d.UID.Equals(Guid.Empty.ToString()) select f).AsEnumerable(); RptrProjectnames.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MyUtilities.ErrorLog("Error at Project Group Congure load due to " + ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error); if (MyUtilities.DevelopMode) { Response.Write(ex.Message); } } } }