public void Update(Transform _myTransform, Transform _targetTransform)
        Vector3 targetDirection;
        float   step = 0;

        if (_targetTransform != null)
            if (feedback == null && navigation == null)
                feedback   = _myTransform.GetComponent <ObjectUserFeedback>();
                navigation = _myTransform.GetComponent <ObjectNavigation>();

            if (dynamicRotation && !feedback.LightsFlickering)
                Vector3 predictedNewPosition = Vector3.LerpUnclamped(navigation.LastPosition, _myTransform.position, 1.5f);
                targetDirection = predictedNewPosition - _myTransform.position;
                float angle = Vector3.Angle(_myTransform.forward, targetDirection);
                step = angle * Time.deltaTime * TURN_SPEED_DAMP;
                targetDirection = _targetTransform.position - _myTransform.position;
                step            = ROTATESPEED * Time.deltaTime;

            Vector3 newDirection = Vector3.RotateTowards(_myTransform.forward, targetDirection, step, 0.0f);
            _myTransform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(newDirection);
예제 #2
    private void Awake()
        cam_Transform    = Camera.main.transform;
        canvas_Transform = functionTextMesh.transform.parent;

        navigation = GetComponent <ObjectNavigation>();
        navigation.OnNodeReached += OnNodeReachedFeedback;
 public void Init(ObjectNavigation navigation, NodeAttributes node)
     /*the standard movement script automatically behaves differently when instantiated after reaching a function node, because this means that
      * we are using a nonstandard version of rotation. A function must be either a movement function or rotation function*/
     if (node is FunctionNodeAttributes)
         nonStandardRotation = (node as FunctionNodeAttributes).FunctionCount != 0;
         Debug.Log((node as FunctionNodeAttributes).FunctionCount);
         nonStandardRotation = false;
    private void Awake()
        if (observable != null)
            ObjectNavigation objectNavigation = observable.GetComponent <ObjectNavigation>();
            objectNavigation.OnLeavingRoom  += OnLeavingRoom;
            objectNavigation.OnStartingRoom += OnStartingRoom;

            for (int i = 0; i < startnodes.Length; i++)
                if (startnodes[i].GetInstanceID() == objectNavigation.MoveTarget.GetInstanceID())
                    currentStartnodeIndex  = i;
                    currentObservePosition = GetObservePosition();
예제 #5
 public void Init(ObjectNavigation navigation, NodeAttributes node)
예제 #6
 public void Init(ObjectNavigation navigation, NodeAttributes node)
 public void Init(ObjectNavigation navigation, NodeAttributes node)
     dynamicRotation = navigation.MoveDirectionBasedRotation;
 public void Clean()
     feedback   = null;
     navigation = null;