예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// UpdateRelatedInLocation finds objects inside the location and adds them to the relatedSubjects locally
    /// </summary>
    public void UpdateRelatedInLocation()
        LocationSubject locationSubject = subject as LocationSubject;

        if (locationSubject == null)

        //grab collides within the area of our location and create a list of objects
        int layerMask = ~((1 << 8) | (1 << 9)); // filter out terrain and locations

        Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(locationSubject.Coordinates, locationSubject.Radius, layerMask);

        List <int> foundSubjectIDs = new List <int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < hitColliders.Length; i++)
            // get the base script class for our objects
            SubjectObjectScript script = hitColliders[i].GetComponent <SubjectObjectScript>() as SubjectObjectScript;
            if (script == null)
                Debug.Log("SubjectObjectScript was not assigned to " + hitColliders[i].name);

            //tell each Object that it is within our location
            script.Location = subject as LocationSubject;

            //record each subjectID found if not already recorded
            int foundID = script.Subject.SubjectID;
            if (!foundSubjectIDs.Contains(foundID))

            //record object quantites for NPC memory
            ObjectMemory existingMemory = localObjects.Find(o => o.SubjectID == script.Subject.SubjectID);
            if (existingMemory != null)
                localObjects.Add(new ObjectMemory()
                    Quantity = 1, SubjectID = script.Subject.SubjectID

        //Compare to old so that we may not need to publish to master
        int[] newRelated = new int[foundSubjectIDs.Count];
        newRelated = foundSubjectIDs.ToArray();

        if (newRelated.Length != subject.RelatedSubjects.Length)
            isChanged = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < newRelated.Length; i++)
                if (newRelated[i] != subject.RelatedSubjects[i])
                    isChanged = true;

        //Store output in local subject copy
        subject.RelatedSubjects = foundSubjectIDs.ToArray();
예제 #2
		public void Remember(object ox, int seconds)
			if (ox == null) return;
			if (Recall(ox) != null)
			{	// we already know about this guy - just refresh
				//(World.FindMobile(1) as Mobile).Say(String.Format("Refreshing {0}", (ox as Mobile).Name ));
			m_MemoryCache[ox] = new ObjectMemory(ox, seconds);
			//(World.FindMobile(1) as Mobile).Say(String.Format("Remembering {0}", (ox as Mobile).Name));
예제 #3
		/*public virtual bool OtherAttackers(Mobile cur)
			//anything that hasnt attacked us in over a minute is low priority
			DateTime LowAttackIntrest = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0);
			//somehow current target just went null so forget about it.
			if(cur == null)
				return true;

			ArrayList aggressors = m_Mobile.Aggressors;
			if ( aggressors.Count > 0 )
				for ( int i = 0; i < aggressors.Count; ++i )
					AggressorInfo info = (AggressorInfo)aggressors[i];
					Mobile temp = info.Attacker;
					if(info.LastCombatTime > LowAttackIntrest && temp != null && temp != cur
						&& m_Mobile.CanSee(temp) && m_Mobile.InLOS(temp) &&
						temp.Alive && !temp.IsDeadBondedPet && m_Mobile.CanBeHarmful( temp, false ) && temp.Map == m_Mobile.Map)
						return true; //were being attacked by something else recently and we can still fight em
			return false; //nothing thats a big concern

		public virtual bool DoProcessReveal(Mobile c)
			m_Mobile.DebugSay("I am going to try and reveal {0} from memory", c.Name);

			bool tryReveal = false;
			double ss = m_Mobile.Skills.DetectHidden.Value;
			double ts = c.Skills[SkillName.Hiding].Value;
			ObjectMemory om = Recall(c as object);

			// we don't reveal the mobile's current location, we reveal the last location we SAW the mobile at

			//plasma.. check here if the mobile is the constant focus, as we always remember that.
			if (om == null && m_Mobile.ConstantFocus == c)
				om = new ObjectMemory(m_Mobile.ConstantFocus, 10);

			if (om == null)
				return tryReveal;

			m_Mobile.DebugSay("Doing reveal logic");
			if (m_Mobile.Skills.DetectHidden.Value >= 40 && ss >= ts)
				//compute range
				double srcSkill = m_Mobile.Skills[SkillName.DetectHidden].Value;
				int range = (int)(srcSkill / 20.0);

				if (!m_Mobile.InRange(om.LastKnownLocation, range))
					RunTo(om.LastKnownLocation, CanRun);
					if (m_Mobile.Target != null && m_Mobile.Target.GetType() != typeof(DetectHidden.InternalTarget))
						m_Mobile.Target.Cancel(m_Mobile, TargetCancelType.Canceled);


					tryReveal = true;
			else if (m_Mobile.Mana >= 30 && m_Mobile.Skills.Magery.Value >= 70 && (m_Mobile.Spell == null || (m_Mobile.Spell != null && m_Mobile.Spell.GetType() != typeof(RevealSpell))) && DateTime.Now >= m_Mobile.NextSpellTime)
				int range = 1 + (int)(m_Mobile.Skills[SkillName.Magery].Value / 20.0);

				//cancel spell
				ISpell i = m_Mobile.Spell;
				if (i != null && i.IsCasting)
					Spell s = (Spell)i;
					s.Disturb(DisturbType.EquipRequest, true, false);
					m_Mobile.FixedEffect(0x3735, 6, 30);

				m_Mobile.Spell = null;

				if (!m_Mobile.InRange(om.LastKnownLocation, range))
					RunTo(om.LastKnownLocation, CanRun);
					new RevealSpell(m_Mobile, null).Cast();
					tryReveal = true;


			return tryReveal;