private int CommandExtract(string line, int index, TemplateContext tc, string commandname, string param) { ObjectDictionary args = ObjectDictionary.FromString(param); string variable = null; if (args.ContainsKey("0")) { variable = args["0"].ToString(); } else if (args.ContainsKey("var")) { variable = args["var"].ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(variable)) { LOG_ERR(string.Format("Error: Invalid syntax, should be '{0}{1} var-name{2}'", m_commandprefix, commandname, m_commandpostfix)); return(index); } object obj = tc.dict.GetObject(variable); if (obj == null) { LOG_ERR(string.Format("Error: Object {0} is not assigned.", variable)); return(index); } Dispatch(tc, obj.ToString()); return(index); }
private int CommandDef(string line, int index, TemplateContext tc, string commandname, string param) { string contents; index = Capture(line, index, m_commandprefix + commandname, m_commandprefix + "end" + commandname + m_commandpostfix, out contents); ObjectDictionary args = ObjectDictionary.FromString(param); string variable = null; if (args.ContainsKey("0")) { variable = args["0"].ToString(); } else if (args.ContainsKey("var")) { variable = args["var"].ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(variable)) { LOG_ERR(string.Format("Error: Invalid syntax, should be '{0}{1} var-name{2}'", m_commandprefix, commandname, m_commandpostfix)); return(index); } tc.dict[variable] = contents; return(index); }
private int CommandAssign(string line, int index, TemplateContext tc, string commandname, string param) { ObjectDictionary args = ObjectDictionary.FromString(param); string variable = null; if (args.ContainsKey("0")) { variable = args["0"].ToString(); } else if (args.ContainsKey("var")) { variable = args["var"].ToString(); } string value = null; if (args.ContainsKey("1")) { value = args["1"].ToString(); } else if (args.ContainsKey("value")) { value = args["value"].ToString(); } if ((variable == null) || (value == null)) { LOG_ERR(string.Format("Error: Invalid syntax, should be '{0}{1} var-name expression{2}'", m_commandprefix, commandname, m_commandpostfix)); return(index); } tc.dict[variable] = GetExpr(tc.dict, value); return(index); }
private string GetVariableValue(ObjectDictionary dict, string varparam) { if (varparam == null) { return(null); } bool htmlescape = false; bool quoteescape = false; bool urlescape = false; char[] separators = " \t".ToCharArray(); string[] p = varparam.Trim(separators).Split(separators, 2); // 最初の要素が変数名。 if (p[0].EndsWith(":h")) { p[0] = p[0].Substring(0, p[0].Length - 2); htmlescape = true; } else if (p[0].EndsWith(":q")) { p[0] = p[0].Substring(0, p[0].Length - 2); quoteescape = true; } else if (p[0].EndsWith(":u")) { p[0] = p[0].Substring(0, p[0].Length - 2); urlescape = true; } object obj = dict.GetObject(p[0]); if (obj == null) { return(null); } // アサインされたオブジェクトにパラメータをセットする if (p.Length > 1) { SetParameters(p[0], obj, ObjectDictionary.FromString(p[1])); } // WebControl用の特例: Nameを自動セットする。 SetParameterIfNull(p[0], obj, "Name", p[0]); // オブジェクトの文字列表現を返す。 if (htmlescape) { return(HE(obj.ToString())); } if (quoteescape) { return(QE(obj.ToString())); } if (urlescape) { return(UE(obj.ToString())); } return(obj.ToString()); }
private int CommandInclude(string line, int index, TemplateContext tc, string commandname, string param) { ObjectDictionary args = ObjectDictionary.FromString(param); string fname = null; if (args.ContainsKey("0")) { fname = args["0"].ToString(); } else if (args.ContainsKey("file")) { fname = args["file"].ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fname)) { LOG_ERR(string.Format("Error: {0}{1}{2} directive must have filename argument.", m_commandprefix, commandname, m_commandpostfix)); return(index); } RenderTemplateAux(tc, Path.Combine(m_dir, fname)); return(index); }
private int CommandFor(string line, int index, TemplateContext tc, string commandname, string param) { string contents; index = Capture(line, index, m_commandprefix + commandname, m_commandprefix + "end" + commandname + m_commandpostfix, out contents); ObjectDictionary args = ObjectDictionary.FromString(param); string variable = null; if (args.ContainsKey("0")) { variable = args["0"].ToString(); } else if (args.ContainsKey("var")) { variable = args["var"].ToString(); } string list = null; if (args.ContainsKey("1") && (args["1"].ToString() == "in") && args.ContainsKey("2")) { list = args["2"].ToString(); } else if (args.ContainsKey("list")) { list = args["list"].ToString(); } string countvar = null; if (args.ContainsKey("count")) { countvar = args["count"].ToString(); } int countstart = 1; if (args.ContainsKey("countstart")) { object countstartobj = tc.dict.GetObject(args["countstart"].ToString()); if (countstartobj != null) { countstart = StringUtil.ToInt(countstartobj.ToString(), countstart); } } string indexvar = null; if (args.ContainsKey("index")) { indexvar = args["index"].ToString(); } string evenvar = null; if (args.ContainsKey("even")) { evenvar = args["even"].ToString(); } string oddvar = null; if (args.ContainsKey("odd")) { oddvar = args["odd"].ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(variable) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(list)) { LOG_ERR(string.Format("Error: Invalid syntax, should be '{0}{1} var-name in list-variable {2}'", m_commandprefix, commandname, m_commandpostfix)); return(index); } object listobj = tc.dict.GetObject(list); if (listobj == null) { LOG_ERR(string.Format("Error: Object {0} is not assigned.", list)); return(index); } if (!(listobj is IEnumerable)) { LOG_ERR(string.Format("Error: Object {0} is not an Enumerable.", list)); return(index); } TemplateContext innertc = new TemplateContext(, tc.dict); int i = 0; foreach (object obj in (listobj as IEnumerable)) { innertc.dict[variable] = obj; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(countvar)) { innertc.dict[countvar] = i + countstart; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexvar)) { innertc.dict[indexvar] = i; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(evenvar)) { innertc.dict[evenvar] = ((i % 2) == 0); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(oddvar)) { innertc.dict[oddvar] = ((i % 2) == 1); } Dispatch(innertc, contents); i++; } return(index); }