예제 #1
 public static bool Collision3D(BoundingSphere player, Object3D object1, Vector3 pos)
     for (int i = 0; i < object1.Model.Meshes.Count; i++)
         BoundingSphere bs1 = object1.Model.Meshes[i].BoundingSphere;
         bs1.Center += object1.Position;
         if (player.Intersects(bs1))
             return true;
     return false;
        public VertexStorageObject3D(VertexStorage vertexStorage)
            this.vertexStorage = vertexStorage;

            this.Children.Modify(children =>
                int i = 0;
                foreach (var v in vertexStorage.Vertices())
                    if (!v.IsMoveTo && !v.IsLineTo)

                    var localVertex = v;

                    var localIndex = i++;

                    var item = new Object3D()
                        Mesh   = CreateCylinder(1, 1),
                        Matrix = Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(v.position.X, v.position.Y, 0),
                        Color  = Color.Green

                    item.Invalidated += (s, e) =>
                        //vertexStorage.modify_vertex(localIndex, item.Matrix.Position.X, localVertex.position.Y = item.Matrix.Position.Y);


                children.Add(generatedMesh = new Object3D()
                    Mesh  = VertexSourceToMesh.Extrude(vertexStorage, 0.5),
                    Color = new Color("#93CEFF99")

            this.Invalidated += (s, e) =>
                // Recompute path from content
                generatedMesh.Mesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Extrude(vertexStorage, 0.5);
예제 #3
        public override void Apply(UndoBuffer undoBuffer)
            // change this from a text object to a group
            var newContainer = new Object3D();

            newContainer.CopyProperties(this, Object3DPropertyFlags.All);
            foreach (var child in this.Children)
            undoBuffer.AddAndDo(new ReplaceCommand(new List <IObject3D> {
            }, new List <IObject3D> {
        public Task <IObject3D> CreateItem(ILibraryItem item, Action <double, string> reporter)
            Mesh logomesh = null;

            using (var meshStream = AggContext.StaticData.OpenStream(Path.Combine("Stls", "openscad_logo.stl")))
                logomesh = Object3D.Load(meshStream, ".stl", CancellationToken.None).Mesh;

            return(Task.FromResult <IObject3D>(new OpenScadObject3D()
                Mesh = logomesh,
                // Set after load below
                ScriptPath = (item as ILibraryAssetStream)?.AssetPath
예제 #5
        private async void RunTest()
            StaticData.RootPath = TestContext.CurrentContext.ResolveProjectPath(4, "StaticData");

            var root = new Object3D();

            // now add a pinch
            var pinch1 = new PinchObject3D_3();

            pinch1.Children.Add(new CubeObject3D());
            await pinch1.Rebuild();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, root.Descendants().Count());
예제 #6
 private void saveObjectConfig()
     sceneSave.objectSaveList = new List <ObjectSave>();
     for (int i = 0; i < scene.object3DList.Count; i++)
         Object3D   o          = scene.object3DList[i];
         ObjectSave objectSave = new ObjectSave();
         objectSave.name         = o.name;
         objectSave.type         = o.type;
         objectSave.resourcePath = o.resourcePath;
         objectSave.rotate       = o.object3D.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
         objectSave.scale        = o.object3D.transform.localScale;
         objectSave.translate    = o.object3D.transform.position;
예제 #7
        private Color getNaturalColor(Object3D thing, Vector3 pos, Vector3 norm, Vector3 rd, Scene scene)
            List <Color> colors = new List <Color>();

            foreach (var light in scene.lights)
                var ldis = light.pos - pos;

                var livec = Vector3.Normalize(ldis);

                var neatIsect = this.testRay(new Ray {
                    Position = pos, Direction = livec
                }, scene);

                var isInShadow = (neatIsect == null) ? false : neatIsect.Value <= ldis.Length();

                if (isInShadow)
                    var illum = Vector3.Dot(livec, norm);

                    var lcolor = (illum > 0) ? Color.scale(illum, light.color) : Color.defaultColor;

                    var specular = Vector3.Dot(livec, Vector3.Normalize(rd));

                    var scolor = (specular > 0) ? Color.scale((float)System.Math.Pow(specular, thing.surface.roughness), light.color) : Color.defaultColor;

                    var outc = Color.plus(Color.defaultColor, Color.plus(Color.times(thing.surface.diffuse(pos), lcolor), Color.times(thing.surface.specular(pos), scolor)));


            var cl = new Color(0, 0, 0);

            foreach (var c in colors)
                cl.r += c.r;
                cl.g += c.g;
                cl.b += c.b;

예제 #8
        public Task <IObject3D> CreateItem(ILibraryItem item, Action <double, string> progressReporter)
            return(Task.Run(async() =>
                IObject3D loadedItem = null;

                    var streamInterface = item as ILibraryAssetStream;
                    if (streamInterface != null)
                        using (var contentStream = await streamInterface.GetStream(progressReporter))
                            if (contentStream != null)
                                // TODO: Wire up caching
                                loadedItem = Object3D.Load(contentStream.Stream, Path.GetExtension(streamInterface.FileName), CancellationToken.None, null /*itemCache*/, progressReporter);

                                // Set MeshPath for non-mcx content. Avoid on mcx to ensure serialization of children
                                if (item is FileSystemFileItem fileItem &&
                                    !string.Equals(Path.GetExtension(fileItem.FileName), ".mcx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                    loadedItem.MeshPath = fileItem.Path;
                        var contentInterface = item as ILibraryObject3D;
                        loadedItem = await contentInterface?.GetObject3D(progressReporter);
                catch { }

                if (loadedItem != null)
                    // Push the original Library item name through to the IObject3D
                    loadedItem.Name = item.Name;

                // Notification should force invalidate and redraw
                progressReporter?.Invoke(1, "");

                return loadedItem;
        public async Task LoadItemIntoScene(string itemPath, Vector2 bedCenter = new Vector2(), string itemName = null)
            if (File.Exists(itemPath))
                BeginProgressReporting("Loading Mesh");

                // TODO: How to we handle mesh load errors? How do we report success?
                IObject3D loadedItem = await Task.Run(() => Object3D.Load(itemPath, CancellationToken.None, progress: ReportProgress0to100));

                if (loadedItem != null)
                    if (itemName != null)
                        loadedItem.Name = itemName;

                    // SetMeshAfterLoad
                    Scene.Children.Modify(children =>
                        if (loadedItem.Mesh != null)
                            // STLs currently load directly into the mesh rather than as a group like AMF

                    partProcessingInfo.centeredInfoText.Text = string.Format("Sorry! No 3D view available\nfor this file.");


                // Invoke LoadDone event
                LoadDone?.Invoke(this, null);
                partProcessingInfo.centeredInfoText.Text = string.Format("{0}\n'{1}'", "File not found on disk.", Path.GetFileName(itemPath));
예제 #10
파일: App.cs 프로젝트: wuzhouyi/MiaokitJS
    // 初始化项目。
    private void InitProject()
        Miaokit.g_pIns.Load("data/upload/admin/project/20191018/5da9159b2005e.txt", delegate(byte[] aData)
            if (null != aData)
                Tile pTile = Miaokit.g_pIns.LoadTile(aData);
                int nIndex = 0;

                Debug.LogError("瓦片:" + pTile.handle + " " + pTile.sceneCount);

                foreach (Scene pScene in pTile.scenes)
                    if (2 != nIndex++)

                    Object3D pObject = pScene.object3D;
                    float nHeight    = 0.0f;

                    Debug.LogError("场景:" + pScene.id + " " + pScene.layerCount);

                    foreach (Layer pLayer in pScene.layers)
                        Object3D pLayerObj = pLayer.object3D;
                        pLayerObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, nHeight, 0.0f); nHeight += 9.0f;

                        Debug.LogError("楼层:" + pLayer.id + " " + pLayer.siteCount);


        PanoramaParam pParam = new PanoramaParam();

        pParam.m_nLng      = 0.0f;
        pParam.m_nLat      = 0.0f;
        pParam.m_mTarget   = Vector3.zero;
        pParam.m_nDistance = 128.0f;
        pParam.m_nPitch    = 60.0f;
        pParam.m_nYaw      = 0.0f;

        m_pCameraCtrl.Jump(CTRL_MODE.PANORAMA, pParam);
예제 #11
        public override void Flatten(UndoBuffer undoBuffer)
            // we want to end up with just a group of all the visible mesh objects
            using (RebuildLock())
                var newChildren = new List <IObject3D>();

                // push our matrix into a copy of our visible children
                foreach (var child in this.VisibleMeshes())
                    var meshOnlyItem = new Object3D
                        Matrix        = child.WorldMatrix(this),
                        Color         = child.WorldColor(this),
                        MaterialIndex = child.WorldMaterialIndex(this),
                        OutputType    = child.WorldOutputType(this),
                        Mesh          = child.Mesh,
                        Name          = "Mesh".Localize()

                if (newChildren.Count > 1)
                    var group = new GroupObject3D
                        Name = this.Name
                    group.Children.Modify(list =>
                else if (newChildren.Count == 1)
                    newChildren[0].Name = this.Name;

                // and replace us with the children
                undoBuffer.AddAndDo(new ReplaceCommand(new[] { this }, newChildren));

예제 #12
        public void LoadContent()
            Model modeloSuelo = pM.Content.Load <Model>("fbx/suelo");

            suelo = new Object3D("Suelo", new Vector3(0.0f, -1.2f, 0), modeloSuelo);
            suelo.setEscala(new Vector3(0.025f, 0.01f, 0.025f));

            //Carga las 15 partes del cuerpo

            //Cargo las esferas para cada parte del cuerpo para el Avatar
            Model esfera = pM.Content.Load <Model>("fbx/esfera");


예제 #13
        internal static Object3D LoadAreaVisualMapAsObject3D(RomManager rommgr, LevelArea area)
            var obj = new Object3D();
            var dls = new List <DisplayList>();

            foreach (Geopointer geop in area.AreaModel.Fast3DBuffer.DLPointers)
                var dl = new DisplayList();
                dl.FromStream(geop, rommgr, area.AreaID);
                dl.ToObject3D(obj, rommgr, area.AreaID);


예제 #14
 public void SelectObject(Object3D ActiveObject3D)
     if (ActiveObject3D != null)
         SelectedObject          = ActiveObject3D;
         SelectionType           = SelectionTypes.Selected;
         MoveHelper.Position     = ActiveObject3D.Position;
         RotationHelper.Position = ActiveObject3D.Position;
         SelectedObject = null;
         SelectionType  = SelectionTypes.None;
예제 #15
    /// <summary>
    /// Draws the GameObjects of the list
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="gameTime">The object used for reacting to timechanges</param>
    /// <param name="spriteBatch">The SpriteBatch</param>
    public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
        foreach (GameObject gameObject in gameObjects)
            if (gameObject is Object3D)
                Object3D gameObject3D = gameObject as Object3D;
                if (gameObject3D.Model != null)
                    gameObject3D.Draw(gameTime, spriteBatch);

            else if (gameObject is GameObjectGrid)
                GameObjectGrid gameObjectGrid = gameObject as GameObjectGrid;
                foreach (GameObject obj in gameObjectGrid.Objects)
                    if (obj is Object3D)
                        Object3D gameObject3D = obj as Object3D;
                        if (gameObject3D.Model != null)
                            gameObject3D.Draw(gameTime, spriteBatch);
                gameObject.Draw(gameTime, spriteBatch);

        if (isOnExit && !NoteInVicinity)
            exitText.Draw(gameTime, spriteBatch);
            isOnExit = false;
        else if (NoteInVicinity)
            noteText.Draw(gameTime, spriteBatch);
예제 #16
        public static void ExportModel(Object3D model, File3DLoaderModule modul)
            var    sfd       = new SaveFileDialog();
            string strFilter = General.GetExtensionFilter(modul);

            sfd.Filter = strFilter.Substring(strFilter.IndexOf("|", strFilter.IndexOf("|") + 1) + 1);

            // If modul <> LoaderModule.SimpleFileParser Then
            // MessageBoxEx.Show("Assimp and Aspose probably crashes at exporting.<br/>Please switch to SimpleFileParser in <b>Settings --> File Parser</b>.<br/>Assimp and Aspose will be working soon.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
            // End If

            if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                // Await model.ToFileAsync(sfd.FileName, modul)
                modul.Invoke(model, sfd.FileName);
예제 #17
        public void TestObject3D_CentreOfMass()
            List <PointMass> massPoints = new List <PointMass>()
                new PointMass(new Vector(-1, -1, 0), 1),
                new PointMass(new Vector(0, 0, 0), 1),
                new PointMass(new Vector(0, -1, 0), 1),
                new PointMass(new Vector(-1, 0, 0), 1),

            Object3D obj = new Object3D(massPoints);

            Vector result   = obj.CentreOfGravity;
            Vector expected = new Vector(-0.5, -0.5, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, expected);
예제 #18
 * Create an Android object and have it appear at the given location.
 * @param position The location where the Android should appear.
        private void CreateDroidAtPosition(Vector position)
            // Create a droid on the surface
            var bot      = GetBitmapFromAsset(this, "andy.png");
            var object3D = new Object3D();



            // Load the Android model asynchronously.
            object3D.LoadModel(mViroView.ViroContext, Android.Net.Uri.Parse("file:///android_asset/andy.obj"),
                               Object3D.Type.Obj, new AsyncObjectListener(bot));
            // Make the object draggable.
            object3D.Drag += (s, e) => { };
예제 #19
        // Sample the world using Signed Distance Fields.
        public float QueryDatabase(Vector position, out Object3D hitObj)
            hitObj = null;
            float distance = 1e9f;

            foreach (var obj in objects)
                var dist = obj.GetDistance(position);
                if (distance > dist)
                    distance = dist;
                    hitObj   = obj;

예제 #20
            public void OnObject3DLoaded(Object3D p0, Object3D.Type p1)
                var objectTexture = new Texture(bot, Texture.Format.Rgba8, false, false);
                var material      = new Material {
                    DiffuseTexture = objectTexture, Roughness = 0.23f, Metalness = 0.7f

                // Give the material a more "metallic" appearance, so it reflects the environment map.
                // By setting its lighting model to PHYSICALLY_BASED, we enable PBR rendering on the
                // model.

                p0.Geometry.Materials = new List <Material>()
예제 #21
 void TimerTicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
     angle += 2;
     for (int i = 0; i < 145; i++)
         Object3D point = scene.Models[i] as Object3D;
         if (point is Sphere)
             point.Rotation1 = Math3D.RotationZ(angle);
             //point.Rotation1 = Math3D.RotationX(angle);
         point.Rotation3 = Math3D.RotationZ(angle * 0.1);
예제 #22
        public override Task Rebuild()

            var rebuildLocks = this.RebuilLockAll();

            var valuesChanged = false;

                       (reporter, cancellationToken) =>
                var newChildren = new List <Object3D>();
                foreach (var sourceItem in SourceContainer.VisibleMeshes())
                    var originalMesh = sourceItem.Mesh;
                    var reducedMesh = Cut(originalMesh);

                    var newMesh = new Object3D()
                        Mesh = reducedMesh,
                        OwnerID = sourceItem.ID
                    newMesh.CopyProperties(sourceItem, Object3DPropertyFlags.All);

                SourceContainer.Visible = false;
                foreach (var child in newChildren)


                if (valuesChanged)

                Parent?.Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Children));

                return Task.CompletedTask;
예제 #23
        public virtual void WrapItems(IEnumerable <IObject3D> items, UndoBuffer undoBuffer = null)
            var          parent     = items.First().Parent;
            RebuildLocks parentLock = (parent == null) ? null : parent.RebuilLockAll();

            var firstChild = new Object3D();


            // if the items we are replacing are already in a list
            if (parent != null)
                if (undoBuffer != null)
                    foreach (var item in items)
                    var replace = new ReplaceCommand(items, new[] { this });
                    parent.Children.Modify(list =>
                        foreach (var item in items)
            else             // just add them
                firstChild.Children.Modify(list =>


            parent?.Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(parent, InvalidateType.Children));
예제 #24
    public void getLocatorPos(int[] result, int userId, bool worldRelative)
        Object3D object3D = this.m_group.find(userId);

        if (object3D != null)
            Node node = Node.m3g_cast(object3D);
            if (node != null)
                this.getLocatorPos(result, node, worldRelative);
        result[0] = 0;
        result[1] = 0;
        result[2] = 0;
예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The model.</returns>
        public Mesh3DGroup ToModel3D()
            Mesh3DGroup modelGroup = new Mesh3DGroup();
            int         i          = 0;

            foreach (var mesh in this.Meshes)
                var gm = new Object3D
                    Geometry = mesh.ToMesh(),
                    Material = this.Materials[i]
예제 #26
        private Color ComputeSpecular(
            Light l, V3 reflectedVec, V3 viewingVec, Object3D obj, V2 uv
            Color specularIllu = new Color(0, 0, 0);

            if (reflectedVec * viewingVec > 0.0f)
                specularIllu = l.Intensity * obj.Material.KSpecular *
                    reflectedVec * viewingVec,

예제 #27
 public void Dispose()
     _gameOverText = null;
     _scoreText = null;
     _nameText = null;
     _scoreboardText = null;
     _scoreboardNameText = null;
     _scoreboardScoreText = null;
     _coinMesh = null;
예제 #28
        public Position3D TryToFitObject(Object3D selectedObject)
            double     bestFittingQuality = Double.MaxValue;
            double     localFittingQuality;
            Position2D positionToPlace = null;

            GuillotineCutContainer2D selectedContainer = GuillotineContainer;

            // No space in container - return from function
            if (selectedContainer.Subcontainers.Count == 0)

            GuillotineCutSubcontainer2D selectedSubcontainer = selectedContainer.Subcontainers.First() as GuillotineCutSubcontainer2D;

            // flattens object to 2D during single shelf placement
            Object2D selectedObject2D = new Object2D(selectedObject.Width, selectedObject.Height);

            foreach (GuillotineCutSubcontainer2D subcontainer in selectedContainer.Subcontainers)
                if (ValidateObjectPlacement(selectedObject2D, subcontainer))
                    localFittingQuality = CalculateFittingQuality(selectedObject2D, subcontainer);
                    if (localFittingQuality < bestFittingQuality)
                        bestFittingQuality   = localFittingQuality;
                        selectedSubcontainer = subcontainer;
                        positionToPlace      = subcontainer.Position;

            if (positionToPlace != null)
                var newPlacedObject = selectedContainer.PlaceObject(selectedObject2D, positionToPlace) as PlacedObject2D;
                selectedContainer.SplitSubcontainer(selectedSubcontainer, newPlacedObject);
                return(new Position3D(positionToPlace.X, positionToPlace.Y, this.Depth));
예제 #29
        public Couleur specular(Object3D b, V3 v, Couleur color_surface)
            V3 copy_v = new V3(v);

            V3 copy_pos = new V3(this.direction);


            float sca = (copy_pos * copy_v);
            V3    v_curent_perfect = (copy_v * sca * 2.0f) - copy_pos;
            V3    v_current_oeil   = -(v + b.getPosition()) + RenderSing.getCurrentRender().getEyesPosition();

            float a = (float)Math.Pow((Math.Max((v_curent_perfect * v_current_oeil) / (v_curent_perfect.Norm() * v_current_oeil.Norm()), 0)), 25);

            return(this.couleur * a);
예제 #30
        public Viewer3D() : base("3D Viewer")
            DisplayObject                 = new Object3D();
            _oldCamera                    = Engine.Renderer.Camera;
            Engine.Renderer.Camera        = new Camera3D(new Vector3(20, 50, 200));
            Engine.Renderer.Camera.LookAt = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Zero - Engine.Renderer.Camera.Position);

            _skeletalShader ??= Engine.AssetLoader.Get <ShaderAsset>("Shaders/SkeletalAnim.xml");
            if (_boneVerticesStream == null)
                GLThread.ExecuteGLThreadAsync(() => { _boneVerticesStream = new RenderStreamBatch <VertexDataWithBones>(0, 1, false); });

            _terrain = new Terrain3D(32, 32, 16);

            _windowFlags |= ImGuiWindowFlags.MenuBar;
예제 #31
        /// Returns a shadow coefficient based on the list of lights visible
        /// from the currentPoint.
        protected float Occultation(Object3D currentObject, V3 currentPoint)
            int   lightsSize  = Scene.Lights.Count;
            float shadowCoeff = 0.0f;

            foreach (Light l in Scene.Lights)
                if (PointLightened(currentObject, currentPoint, l))
                    shadowCoeff += 1.0f;

            shadowCoeff /= lightsSize;

        static void Main()


            Object2D twoDimension = new Object2D(3, 4);
            Object3D threeDimension = new Object3D(5, 6, 7);

            Console.WriteLine("Distance in the 2D space = {0:f2}",
                twoDimension.CalcDistance2D(1, -2, 3, 4));
            Console.WriteLine("Distance in the 3D space = {0:f2}",
                threeDimension.CalcDistance3D(5, 2, -1, 3, -6, 4));
            Console.WriteLine("Volume = {0:f2}", threeDimension.CalcVolume());
            Console.WriteLine("Diagonal XYZ = {0:f2}", threeDimension.CalcDiagonalXYZ());
            Console.WriteLine("Diagonal XY = {0:f2}", threeDimension.CalcDiagonalXY());
            Console.WriteLine("Diagonal XZ = {0:f2}", threeDimension.CalcDiagonalXZ());
            Console.WriteLine("Diagonal YZ = {0:f2}", threeDimension.CalcDiagonalYZ());
        byte[] byte_PlantGroup = new byte[Width * Height * 4]; //生長路面圖;

        #region 版本一 : 一口氣將所有典轉為世界座標
        public void detect(Vector3D[,] RealWorldPoint, int Width, int Height, double rate)
            Block_W = Width / PlantSize; //區塊切割寬數量
            Block_H = Height / PlantSize; //區塊切割高數量
            PlantRate = (int)(rate * (Block_H * Block_W));

            PlantMask = new int[Block_H, Block_W]; //路面生長遮罩                     
            PlantPoint  = new Vector3D[Block_H, Block_W, 3];
            PlantVector = new Vector3D[Block_H, Block_W];
            #region  計算區塊的平面法向量
            for (int y = 0; y < Block_H - 1; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < Block_W - 1; x++)
                    int PosIndex = y * Block_W + x;
                    Point[] point = new Point[3];
                    Vector3D tempPoint = new Vector3D();

                    point[0].X = x * PlantSize;
                    point[0].Y = y * PlantSize;
                    point[1].X = (x + 1) * PlantSize;
                    point[1].Y = y * PlantSize;
                    point[2].X = x * PlantSize;
                    point[2].Y = (y + 1) * PlantSize;

                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        tempPoint = RealWorldPoint[point[i].X, point[i].Y];
                        if (tempPoint.Z < 0.8 || tempPoint.Z > 4)  //取不到深度資訊時把遮罩設定為error
                            PlantMask[y, x] = ERROR_IDX;
                            RecordPlantFlag = false; //取消紀錄PlantVector[]
                            RecordPlantFlag = true;
                            PlantPoint[y, x, i] = tempPoint;

                    if (RecordPlantFlag == true)
                        PlantVector[y, x] = CalculateMethod.PlaneVector(PlantPoint[y, x, 0], PlantPoint[y, x, 1], PlantPoint[y, x, 2]);

                        if (PlantVector[y, x].Y > 0 && PlantVector[y, x].Z < 0)
                            PlantVector[y, x].Normalize();
                            PlantMask[y, x] = ERROR_IDX;

            #region 計算路面方程式

            Vector3D PlantNormal = new Vector3D();
            Vector3D MinPoint = new Vector3D();
            Vector3D[,] RecordPlant = new Vector3D[Block_H * Block_W, 2];          
            double minDistance = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < Block_H; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < Block_W; x++)

                    if (PlantMask[y, x] == DETECT_IDX)
                        GrowCount = 0;
                        TempVector = PlantVector[y, x];
                        RefPoint = PlantPoint[y, x, 0];
                        GrowPlant(x, y);

                        if (GrowCount >= PlantRate)
                            RefPoint = RefPoint / GrowCount;

                            double distance = Math.Abs(Vector3D.DotProduct(TempVector, RefPoint) / Math.Pow((TempVector.X * TempVector.X + TempVector.Y * TempVector.Y + TempVector.Z * TempVector.Z), 0.5));

                            if (distance > minDistance) //找最低平面
                                minDistance = distance;
                                MinPoint = RefPoint;
                                PlantNormal = TempVector;
                                PlantNormal.Normalize();  //應該可以省略

                            PlantMask[y, x] = ERROR_IDX;


            double plantParameter_a, plantParameter_b, plantParameter_c, plantParameter_d, plantParameter_ABC;  //aX+bY+cZ = d   
            plantParameter_a = PlantNormal.X;
            plantParameter_b = PlantNormal.Y;
            plantParameter_c = PlantNormal.Z;
            plantParameter_d = Vector3D.DotProduct(PlantNormal, MinPoint);
            plantParameter_ABC = Math.Pow(Math.Pow(PlantNormal.X, 2) + Math.Pow(PlantNormal.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(PlantNormal.Z, 2), 0.5); //到平面距離公式(分母)

            plantParameter[0] = plantParameter_a;
            plantParameter[1] = plantParameter_b;
            plantParameter[2] = plantParameter_c;
            plantParameter[3] = plantParameter_d;
            plantParameter[4] = plantParameter_ABC;

            Console.WriteLine(plantParameter[0] + "," + plantParameter[1] + "," + plantParameter[2] + ".  d = " + plantParameter[3]);


        public void paint(Vector3D[,] RealWorldPoint, ColorImagePoint[] _mappedDepthLocations, ref byte[] draw_Floor)
            int Width  = Block_W * PlantSize;
            int Height = Block_H * PlantSize;

            for (int y = 0; y < 480; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 640; x++)
                    Vector3D RealPos = RealWorldPoint[x, y];
                    double d = (plantParameter[0] * RealPos.X + plantParameter[1] * RealPos.Y + plantParameter[2] * RealPos.Z - plantParameter[3]) / plantParameter[4];

                    if (d < 0)    d = 0 - d;
                    if (d < Distance && RealPos.Z > 0.8 && RealPos.Z < 4)
                        ColorImagePoint point = _mappedDepthLocations[y * 640 + x];
                        if ((point.X >= 0 && point.X < 640) && (point.Y >= 0 && point.Y < 480))
                            draw_Floor[(point.Y * Width + point.X) * 4] = (byte)(0);
                            draw_Floor[(point.Y * Width + point.X) * 4 + 1] = (byte)(255);
                            draw_Floor[(point.Y * Width + point.X) * 4 + 2] = (byte)(255);

        #region 版本二 : 只轉需要用的點到世界座標

        public List<Object3D> Detect(double rate, SkeletonPoint[] skeleton, byte[] colorPixel)
            Block_W = Width / PlantSize;  //區塊切割寬數量
            Block_H = Height / PlantSize; //區塊切割高數量
            PlantRate = (int)(rate * (Block_H * Block_W));

            PlantMask = new int[Block_H, Block_W]; //路面生長遮罩                     
            PlantPoint = new Vector3D[Block_H, Block_W, 3];
            PlantVector = new Vector3D[Block_H, Block_W];

            List<Object3D> plants = new List<Object3D>();

            #region  計算區塊的平面法向量
            for (int y = 0; y < Block_H - 1; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < Block_W - 1; x++)
                    //int PosIndex = y * Block_W + x;
                    Point[] point = new Point[3];
                    Vector3D tempPoint = new Vector3D();

                    point[0].X = x * PlantSize;
                    point[0].Y = y * PlantSize;
                    point[1].X = (x + 1) * PlantSize;
                    point[1].Y = y * PlantSize;
                    point[2].X = x * PlantSize;
                    point[2].Y = (y + 1) * PlantSize;

                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        tempPoint = CalculateMethod.TransPortVector(skeleton[point[i].X + point[i].Y * Width]);
                        if (tempPoint.Y == Ythreshold) //Vector3D.Equals(tempPoint, new Vector3D(0, 0, 0)) || 
                            PlantMask[y, x] = ERROR_IDX;
                            RecordPlantFlag = false; //取消紀錄PlantVector[] '

                            byte_PlantGroup[4 * (x + y * Width) + 3] = (byte)0;
                            for (int _i = 0; _i < PlantSize; _i++)
                                for (int _j = 0; _j < PlantSize; _j++)
                                    byte_PlantGroup[((point[i].Y + _i) * Width * 4) + (point[i].X + _j) * 4 + 3] = (byte)0;

                            RecordPlantFlag = true;
                            PlantPoint[y, x, i] = tempPoint;

                    if (RecordPlantFlag == true)
                        tempPoint = CalculateMethod.TransPortVector(skeleton[((x + 1) * PlantSize) + ((y + 1) * PlantSize) * Width]);
                        Vector3D tempVector = CalculateMethod.PlaneVector(tempPoint, PlantPoint[y, x, 1], PlantPoint[y, x, 2]);

                        PlantVector[y, x] = CalculateMethod.PlaneVector(PlantPoint[y, x, 0], PlantPoint[y, x, 1], PlantPoint[y, x, 2]);

                        if (PlantVector[y, x].Y < 0) PlantVector[y, x] = PlantVector[y, x] * -1;

                        if (tempVector.Y < 0) tempVector = tempPoint * -1;

                        //PlantVector[y, x] += tempVector;

                        PlantVector[y, x].Normalize();                        


            #region 計算路面方程式
            Vector3D PlantNormal = new Vector3D();
            Vector3D MinPoint = new Vector3D();
            Vector3D[,] RecordPlant = new Vector3D[Block_H * Block_W, 2];
            Object3D obj = new Object3D();

            double minDistance = 5;
            int id = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < Block_H; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < Block_W; x++)
                    if (PlantMask[y, x] == DETECT_IDX)
                        Group_R = (byte)random.Next(100, 255);
                        Group_G = (byte)random.Next(100, 255);
                        Group_B = (byte)random.Next(100, 255);
                        obj = new Object3D();

                        maxDis = Double.MinValue;
                        GrowCount = 0;
                        TempVector = PlantVector[y, x];
                        RefPoint = PlantPoint[y, x, 0];
                        PrePoint = PlantPoint[y, x, 0];
                        GrowPlant(x, y, ref obj, skeleton, colorPixel);

                        if (GrowCount >= PlantRate)  
                            Console.WriteLine("plant id " + id + "," + maxDis);

                            RefPoint = RefPoint / GrowCount;

                            double distance = RefPoint.Y;
                            if (distance < minDistance) //找最低平面
                                minDistance = distance;
                                MinPoint = RefPoint;   //嚴格講起來是取平均點
                                PlantNormal = TempVector;
                                PlantNormal.Normalize();  //應該可以省略

                            if (obj.points.Count != 0)
                                obj.max_plant.normal_vector = TempVector;
                                obj.max_plant.d = Vector3D.DotProduct(obj.max_plant.normal_vector, RefPoint);
                                obj.max_plant.height = Math.Abs(RefPoint.Y);
                                obj.max_plant.draw_range[0] = new System.Windows.Point(obj.points.Min(p => p.X), obj.points.Min(p => p.Y));
                                obj.max_plant.draw_range[1] = new System.Windows.Point(obj.points.Max(p => p.X), obj.points.Max(p => p.Y));
                                obj.GetRange(Ythreshold, true);
                                obj.max_plant.plant_range[0] = new Point3D(obj.cube_range[0].X, RefPoint.Y, obj.cube_range[0].Z);
                                obj.max_plant.plant_range[1] = new Point3D(obj.cube_range[1].X, RefPoint.Y, obj.cube_range[1].Z);
                                obj.cube_prange[0] = obj.max_plant.draw_range[0];
                                obj.cube_prange[1] = obj.max_plant.draw_range[1];
                                obj.ID = id;

                                for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                                    obj.xhistrogram[i] /= obj.points.Count;                               


                            PlantMask[y, x] = ERROR_IDX;
                            byte_PlantGroup[4 * (x + y * Width) + 3] = (byte)0;

                            for (int i = 0; i < PlantSize; i++)
                                for (int j = 0; j < PlantSize; j++)
                                    byte_PlantGroup[((y * PlantSize + i) * Width * 4) + (x * PlantSize + j) * 4 + 3] = (byte)255;
            double plantParameter_a, plantParameter_b, plantParameter_c, plantParameter_d, plantParameter_ABC;  //aX+bY+cZ = d   

            plantParameter_a = PlantNormal.X;
            plantParameter_b = PlantNormal.Y;
            plantParameter_c = PlantNormal.Z;
            plantParameter_d = Vector3D.DotProduct(PlantNormal, MinPoint);
            plantParameter_ABC = Math.Pow(Math.Pow(PlantNormal.X, 2) + Math.Pow(PlantNormal.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(PlantNormal.Z, 2), 0.5); //到平面距離公式(分母)

            plantParameter[0] = plantParameter_a;
            plantParameter[1] = plantParameter_b;
            plantParameter[2] = plantParameter_c;
            plantParameter[3] = plantParameter_d;
            plantParameter[4] = plantParameter_ABC;

            Floor.roadFunction = new Vector3D(plantParameter_a, plantParameter_b, plantParameter_c);
            Floor.d = plantParameter_d;

            return plants;

        public List<Vector3D> Detect(Object3D obj, List<Object3D> objects)
            for (int o = 0; o < objects.Count; o++)
                if (objects[o].ID != obj.ID)
                    for (int i = 0; i < objects[o].points.Count; i++)
                        double x = objects[o].points[i].X;
                        double y = objects[o].points[i].Y;
                        detectmarker[(int)(x + y * W)] = ERROR;

            avgDis = 0;
            maxDis = 0;
            cdis = 0;
            ctotal = 0;
            bigavgDis = 0;
            maxdisPoint = new Vector3D();

            int SX = (int)(obj.max_plant.draw_range[0].X + obj.max_plant.draw_range[1].X) / 2;
            int SY = (int)(obj.max_plant.draw_range[0].Y + obj.max_plant.draw_range[1].Y) / 2;

            pB = colorPixels[4 * (int)(SX + SY * W) + 0];
            pG = colorPixels[4 * (int)(SX + SY * W) + 1];
            pR = colorPixels[4 * (int)(SX + SY * W) + 2];
            pdepth = depth[SX, SY];
            p3dpoint = CalculateMethod.TransPortVector(skeleton[(int)(SX + SY * W)]);         
            cSY = 0.299 * pR + 0.587 * pG + 0.114 * pB;

            double dx = obj.max_plant.draw_range[1].X - obj.max_plant.draw_range[0].X;
            double dy = obj.max_plant.draw_range[1].Y - obj.max_plant.draw_range[0].Y;
                if (pdepth != Ythreshold)
                    GrowColor(SX, SY);
                else Console.WriteLine("start error");

                Console.WriteLine("avgDis  = " + (double)avgDis / cdis + ",  maxdis " + maxDis + "   count " + cdis + "  ctotal " + ctotal + ", bigavg " + (double)bigavgDis / (ctotal - cdis));
                //Console.WriteLine("max point " + maxdisPoint);
                avgDis = 0;
                maxDis = 0;
                cdis = 0;
                ctotal = 0;
                bigavgDis = 0;
                maxdisPoint = new Vector3D();
            catch (StackOverflowException error)
            return newpoints;
예제 #35
 public ExitTile(string pathID)
     : base(pathID, "ExitTile")
     exitObject = new Object3D("Misc Level Objects\\Trapdoor\\Trapdoor Model", "Trapdoor");
예제 #36
 internal void add(Object3D poptart)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #37
        private Color getNaturalColor(Object3D thing, Vector3 pos, Vector3 norm, Vector3 rd, Scene scene)
            List<Color> colors = new List<Color>();

            foreach (var light in scene.lights)
                var ldis  = light.pos - pos;

                var livec = Vector3.Normalize(ldis);

                var neatIsect = this.testRay(new Ray { Position = pos, Direction = livec }, scene);

                var isInShadow = (neatIsect == null) ? false : neatIsect.Value <= ldis.Length();

                if (isInShadow)
                    var illum = Vector3.Dot(livec, norm);

                    var lcolor = (illum > 0) ? Color.scale(illum, light.color) : Color.defaultColor;
                    var specular = Vector3.Dot(livec, Vector3.Normalize(rd));
                    var scolor = (specular > 0) ? Color.scale((float)System.Math.Pow(specular, thing.surface.roughness), light.color) : Color.defaultColor;
                    var outc = Color.plus(Color.defaultColor, Color.plus(Color.times(thing.surface.diffuse(pos), lcolor), Color.times(thing.surface.specular(pos), scolor)));


            var cl = new Color(0, 0, 0);

            foreach (var c in colors)
                cl.r += c.r;
                cl.g += c.g;
                cl.b += c.b;

            return cl;

예제 #38
 public EntryTile(string pathID)
     : base(pathID, "EntryTile")
     trapdoor = new Object3D("Misc Level Objects\\Trapdoor\\Trapdoor Model", "Trapdoor");
        public Object3D Detect(int SX, int SY, int EX, int EY, double rate, Vector3D[] realpoints, double goal_height)
            Block_W = (EX - SX) / PlantSize; //區塊切割寬數量
            Block_H = (EY - SY) / PlantSize; //區塊切割高數量
            PlantRate = (int)(rate * (Block_H * Block_W));

            PlantMask = new int[Block_H, Block_W]; //路面生長遮罩                     
            PlantPoint = new Vector3D[Block_H, Block_W, 3];
            PlantVector = new Vector3D[Block_H, Block_W];

            List<Object3D> objects = new List<Object3D>();

            #region  計算區塊的平面法向量

            for (int y = 0; y < Block_H - 1; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < Block_W - 1; x++)
                    //int PosIndex = y * Block_W + (x + SX);
                    Point[] point = new Point[3];
                    Vector3D tempPoint = new Vector3D();

                    point[0].X = x * PlantSize + SX;
                    point[0].Y = y * PlantSize + SY;
                    point[1].X = (x + 1) * PlantSize + SX;
                    point[1].Y = y * PlantSize + SY;
                    point[2].X = x * PlantSize + SX;
                    point[2].Y = (y + 1) * PlantSize + SY;

                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        tempPoint = realpoints[point[i].X + point[i].Y * Width];
                        if (Vector3D.Equals(tempPoint, new Vector3D(0, 0, 0)) || tempPoint.Y == Ythreshold)
                            PlantMask[y, x] = ERROR_IDX;
                            RecordPlantFlag = false; //取消紀錄PlantVector[]  
                            RecordPlantFlag = true;
                            PlantPoint[y, x, i] = tempPoint;

                    if (RecordPlantFlag == true)
                        PlantVector[y, x] = CalculateMethod.PlaneVector(PlantPoint[y, x, 0], PlantPoint[y, x, 1], PlantPoint[y, x, 2]);

                        if (PlantVector[y, x].Y < 0) PlantVector[y, x] = PlantVector[y, x] * -1;
                        PlantVector[y, x].Normalize();


            #region 求出區域最大平面

            Vector3D[,] RecordPlant = new Vector3D[Block_H * Block_W, 2];
            List<Point> plan_points = new List<Point>();
            List<Point> relation = new List<Point>();

            double maxGrowCount = 0;
            int id = 0;
            int newid = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < Block_H; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < Block_W; x++)
                    if (PlantMask[y, x] == DETECT_IDX)
                        Group_R = (byte)random.Next(0, 255);
                        Group_G = (byte)random.Next(0, 255);
                        Group_B = (byte)random.Next(0, 255);

                        GrowCount = 0;
                        TempVector = PlantVector[y, x];
                        RefPoint = PlantPoint[y, x, 0];
                        GrowPlant(x, y, ref plan_points, SX, SY);

                        if (GrowCount >= PlantRate)
                            RefPoint = RefPoint / GrowCount;
                            Vector3D test = TempVector;

                            if (plan_points.Count != 0)
                                //找最大平面 // 找高度最接近的平面
                                //if (goal_height != -1)
                                //    //if (GrowCount > maxGrowCount)
                                //    if (Math.Abs(Math.Abs(RefPoint.Y) - goal_height) < maxGrowCount)
                                //    {
                                //        //maxGrowCount = GrowCount;
                                //        maxGrowCount = Math.Abs(Math.Abs(RefPoint.Y) - goal_height);
                                //        newid = id;
                                //    }
                                double AngleIJ = Vector3D.AngleBetween(test, Floor.roadFunction);
                                    if (GrowCount > maxGrowCount && Math.Abs(RefPoint.Y) > 0.1 && AngleIJ < 10) // 
                                        maxGrowCount = GrowCount;
                                        newid = id;

                                relation.Add(new Point(GrowCount, id));

                                double minx = Double.MaxValue, maxx = Double.MinValue, minz = Double.MaxValue, maxz = Double.MinValue;
                                foreach (Point p in plan_points)
                                    Vector3D tmp = realpoints[p.X + p.Y * Width];
                                    if (tmp.Y != Ythreshold)
                                        if (tmp.X < minx) minx = tmp.X;
                                        if (tmp.X > maxx) maxx = tmp.X;
                                        if (tmp.Z < minz) minz = tmp.Z;
                                        if (tmp.Z > maxz) maxz = tmp.Z;

                                Object3D object3d = new Object3D();
                                object3d.max_plant.normal_vector = TempVector;
                                object3d.max_plant.d = Vector3D.DotProduct(object3d.max_plant.normal_vector, RefPoint);
                                object3d.max_plant.draw_range[0] = new System.Windows.Point(plan_points.Min(p => p.X), plan_points.Min(p => p.Y));
                                object3d.max_plant.draw_range[1] = new System.Windows.Point(plan_points.Max(p => p.X), plan_points.Max(p => p.Y));
                                object3d.max_plant.center = new Vector3D((object3d.cube_range[0].X + object3d.cube_range[1].X) / 2, RefPoint.Y, (object3d.cube_range[1].Z + object3d.cube_range[0].Z) / 2);
                                object3d.max_plant.height = Math.Abs(RefPoint.Y);
                                object3d.cube_range[0] = object3d.max_plant.plant_range[0] = new Point3D(minx, RefPoint.Y, minz);
                                object3d.cube_range[1] = object3d.max_plant.plant_range[1] = new Point3D(maxx, RefPoint.Y, maxz);
                                object3d.ID = id;

                            PlantMask[y, x] = ERROR_IDX;

            //if (goal_height != -1)
            //    for (int i = 0; i < relation.Count; i++)
            //    {
            //        Object3D tmp = objects.Find(p => p.ID == relation[i].Y);
            //        if (Math.Abs(tmp.max_plant.height - goal_height) < 0.1)
            //        {
            //            newid = relation[i].Y;
            //            break;
            //        }
            //    }
            //    for (int i = 0; i < relation.Count; i++)
            //    {
            //        Object3D tmp = objects.Find(p => p.ID == relation[i].Y);
            //        if (Math.Abs(tmp.max_plant.height - 0.1) >= 0.1)
            //        {
            //            newid = relation[i].Y;
            //            break;
            //        }
            //    }

            Object3D newobject = objects.Find(p => p.ID == newid);
            if(newobject != null)
                Console.WriteLine("max grow count " + maxGrowCount + ",  " + Vector3D.AngleBetween(newobject.max_plant.normal_vector, Floor.roadFunction));

            return newobject;
예제 #40
        private Color getReflectionColor(Object3D thing, Vector3 pos, Vector3 normal, Vector3 rd, Scene scene, int depth)
            var n = thing.surface.reflect(pos);

            var c = this.traceRay(new Ray { Position = pos, Direction = rd }, scene, depth + 1);

            return Color.scale(thing.surface.reflect(pos), c);
예제 #41
파일: Game1.cs 프로젝트: denniskb/asvo
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // call LoadContent on all used components that implement it.
            testRasterizer.loadContent(GraphicsDevice, Content);

            // Load a triangle mesh.
            testMesh = new TriangleMesh("imrod_walk_high", Content);

            // Create a BFSOctree out of that mesh.
            testObj = new Object3D(testMesh.toBFSOctree(7), false);
            // Store the octree into a binary file.
            testObj.rotate(Vector3.UnitX, MathHelper.PiOver2);

            ks = Keyboard.GetState();
예제 #42
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a render object job. When executed it will render <paramref name="object3D"/> from
 /// <paramref name="cam"/>'s point of view with <paramref name="rasterizer"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="object3D">The 3d object to be rendered.</param>
 /// <param name="camera">The camera from which object3d shall be rendered.</param>
 /// <param name="rasterizer">The rasterizer to use for the
 /// rendering process.</param>
 public RenderObjectJob(Object3D object3D, Camera camera, Rasterizer rasterizer)
     _object3D = object3D;
     _camera = camera;
     _rasterizer = rasterizer;
        private void GrowPlant(int x, int y, ref Object3D obj, SkeletonPoint[] skeleton, byte[] colorPixel)
            Vector3D temp = TempVector;
            double DP = Vector3D.DotProduct(temp, PlantVector[y, x]); //內積 限制角度範圍 30度0.86 45度 0.7 
            double Dis = Tools.Distance(PrePoint, PlantPoint[y, x, 0]);            

            if ((x > 0 && x < Block_W - 1) && (y > 0 && y < Block_H - 1) && (DP > 0.86) && Dis <= 0.3)// 
                obj.points.Add(new System.Windows.Point(x * PlantSize, y * PlantSize));
                obj.points3d.Add(PlantPoint[y, x, 0]);

                PlantMask[y, x] = TAKE_IDX;
                RefPoint = RefPoint + PlantPoint[y, x, 0];
                TempVector = TempVector + PlantVector[y, x];
                PrePoint = PlantPoint[y, x, 0];
                GrowCount++; //計算平面數量          

                if (Dis > maxDis) maxDis = Dis; //測試

                for (int i = 0; i < PlantSize; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < PlantSize; j++)
                        byte_PlantGroup[((y * PlantSize + i) * Width * 4) + (x * PlantSize + j) * 4 + 2] = (byte)Group_R;
                        byte_PlantGroup[((y * PlantSize + i) * Width * 4) + (x * PlantSize + j) * 4 + 1] = (byte)Group_G;
                        byte_PlantGroup[((y * PlantSize + i) * Width * 4) + (x * PlantSize + j) * 4 + 0] = (byte)Group_B;

                        //加上高度值踢掉物體部分 , 避免抓到物體高度
                        Vector3D tmp = CalculateMethod.TransPortVector(skeleton[(int)(x * PlantSize + j) + (int)(y * PlantSize + i) * Width]);
                        double _Dis = Tools.Distance(PrePoint, tmp);   

                        if (tmp.Y != Ythreshold && tmp.Y >= 0.08 && _Dis <= 0.3)
                            obj.points.Add(new System.Windows.Point(x * PlantSize + j, y * PlantSize + i));

                        int B = colorPixel[(int)((y * PlantSize + i) * Width + x * PlantSize + j) * 4 + 0];
                        int G = colorPixel[(int)((y * PlantSize + i) * Width + x * PlantSize + j) * 4 + 1];
                        int R = colorPixel[(int)((y * PlantSize + i) * Width + x * PlantSize + j) * 4 + 2];

                        double U = (-0.169 * R - 0.331 * G + 0.500 * B + 128); //量化
                        double Y = 0.299 * R + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B;

                if (PlantMask[y, (x - 1)] == DETECT_IDX) //left
                    GrowPlant(x - 1, y, ref obj, skeleton, colorPixel);

                if (PlantMask[(y - 1), x] == DETECT_IDX) //up
                    GrowPlant(x, y - 1, ref obj, skeleton, colorPixel);
                if (PlantMask[(y + 1), x] == DETECT_IDX) //down
                    GrowPlant(x, y + 1, ref obj, skeleton, colorPixel);
                if (PlantMask[y, (x + 1)] == DETECT_IDX) //right
                    GrowPlant(x + 1, y, ref obj, skeleton, colorPixel);

                //if (PlantMask[(y - 1), (x - 1)] == DETECT_IDX) //left
                //    GrowPlant(x - 1, y - 1, ref obj, skeleton, colorPixel);
                //if (PlantMask[(y - 1), (x + 1)] == DETECT_IDX) //up
                //    GrowPlant((x + 1), y - 1, ref obj, skeleton, colorPixel);
                //if (PlantMask[(y + 1), (x - 1)] == DETECT_IDX) //down
                //    GrowPlant(x - 1, y + 1, ref obj, skeleton, colorPixel);
                //if (PlantMask[(y + 1), (x + 1)] == DETECT_IDX) //right
                //    GrowPlant(x + 1, y + 1, ref obj, skeleton, colorPixel);
예제 #44
파일: Rasterizer.cs 프로젝트: denniskb/asvo
            /// <summary>
            /// Renders the sparse voxel octree stored in <paramref name="obj"/>.
            /// - Viewing frustum culling
            /// - Level of detail
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="object3D">The object to be rendered.</param>
            /// <param name="fromPerspective">The camera this model shall be rendered from.</param>
            /// <param name="threadIndex">The index of the calling thread, starting by 0.</param>
            public void render(Object3D object3D, Camera fromPerspective, int threadIndex)
                float dimension = -0.5f * object3D.getData().dimension;
                Vector3 octreeMin = new Vector3(dimension, dimension, dimension);

                         0, 0, 0,
                         object3D.getTransformation() *
                         object3D.getTransformation() *
예제 #45
파일: Rasterizer.cs 프로젝트: denniskb/asvo
            /// <summary>
            /// Traverses all octree nodes and draws them. Used by <see cref="Rasterizer.render"/>.
            /// </summary>
            private void traverse(Object3D obj,
                                  uint offset,
                                  int x, int y, int z,
                                  Matrix projection,
                                  Matrix worldView,
                                  Matrix worldViewProjection,
                                  byte level,
                                  float halfDim,
                                  int threadIndex,
                                  Vector3 octreeMin)
                if (level == 2 && offset % JobCenter.getWorkerCount() != threadIndex)

                int gridResolution = 1 << level;
                float gridDimension = obj.getData().dimension;

                Vector3 xyzTimesGridDim = new Vector3(x, y, z) * gridDimension;
                float gridResolutionMul = 1.0f / gridResolution;
                Vector3 min = octreeMin + xyzTimesGridDim * gridResolutionMul;

                xyzTimesGridDim += new Vector3(gridDimension);
                Vector3 max = octreeMin + xyzTimesGridDim * gridResolutionMul;

                float dimension = max.X - min.X;
                bool subDivide = false;
                Vector3 center = Vector3.Lerp(min, max, 0.5f);
                Vector3 center2 = center + new Vector3(0, 0, dimension);

                VisualData vd = offset >= obj.getData()._innerNodes.Length ?
                    obj.getData()._leaves[offset - obj.getData()._innerNodes.Length].visualData :

                Vector3 posIn, posOut;
                posOut = Vector3.Zero;
                if (vd.boneWeights.X > 0.0f)
                    posIn = center;
                    Math3DHelper.mul(ref posIn, ref obj.getData()._animation[obj.frame, vd.boneIndex0]);
                    posOut += vd.boneWeights.X * posIn;
                if (vd.boneWeights.Y > 0.0f)
                    posIn = center;
                    Math3DHelper.mul(ref posIn, ref obj.getData()._animation[obj.frame, vd.boneIndex1]);
                    posOut += vd.boneWeights.Y * posIn;
                if (vd.boneWeights.Z > 0.0f)
                    posIn = center;
                    Math3DHelper.mul(ref posIn, ref obj.getData()._animation[obj.frame, vd.boneIndex2]);
                    posOut += vd.boneWeights.Z * posIn;
                if (vd.boneWeights.W > 0.0f)
                    posIn = center;
                    Math3DHelper.mul(ref posIn, ref obj.getData()._animation[obj.frame, vd.boneIndex3]);
                    posOut += vd.boneWeights.W * posIn;

                center = posOut;

                if (offset >= obj.getData()._innerNodes.Length)
                    Math3DHelper.mul(ref center, ref worldViewProjection);
                    halfDim *= 0.5f * dimension;
                    Math3DHelper.mul(ref center, ref worldView);

                    Vector3 dimVec = new Vector3(0.5f * dimension, 0, center.Z);

                    Math3DHelper.mul(ref center, ref projection);

                    Math3DHelper.mul(ref dimVec, ref projection);
                    halfDim = dimVec.X;

                    subDivide = halfDim > pixelWidth;

                if (subDivide)
                    float minusOneminusHalfDim = -1.0f - halfDim;
                    float onePlusHalfDim = 1.0f + halfDim;

                    if (center.X < minusOneminusHalfDim || center.X > onePlusHalfDim ||
                        center.Y < minusOneminusHalfDim || center.Y > onePlusHalfDim ||
                        center.Z < minusOneminusHalfDim + 1.0f || center.Z > onePlusHalfDim)

                    Vector3 halfVec = 0.5f * (max - min);

                    byte childIndex = 0; uint mask, index = 0;
                    mask = obj.getData()._innerNodes[offset].childMask;
                    index = obj.getData()._innerNodes[offset].childIndex;

                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                        if ((mask & (byte)(1u << i)) != 0)
                                     index + childIndex,
                                     x * 2 +  (i & 1),
                                     y * 2 + ((i & 2) >> 1),
                                     z * 2 + ((i & 4) >> 2),
                                     (byte)(level + 1),

                    center.X = center.X * 0.5f + 0.5f;
                    center.Y = 1.0f - (center.Y * 0.5f + 0.5f);

                    int centerX, centerY;
                    centerX = (int)Math3DHelper.round(center.X * horRes);
                    centerY = (int)Math3DHelper.round(center.Y * vertRes);

                    if (centerX < 0 || centerX >= horRes ||
                        centerY < 0 || centerY >= vertRes)

                    int index = centerY * horRes + centerX;

                    Vector3 normal;
                    if (offset < obj.getData()._innerNodes.Length)
                        normal = obj.getData()._innerNodes[offset].visualData.normal;
                        normal = obj.getData()._leaves[offset - obj.getData()._innerNodes.Length].visualData.normal;

                    Matrix rotMatrix = obj.getRotation();
                    Math3DHelper.mul(ref normal, ref rotMatrix);

                    byte color = (byte) MathHelper.Max(0, Vector3.Dot(normal, Vector3.UnitY) * 255);

                    if (center.Z < _depthBuffer._elements[threadIndex][index])
                        if (halfDim > _depthBuffer._maxDims[threadIndex])
                            _depthBuffer._maxDims[threadIndex] = halfDim;

                        _colorBuffer[threadIndex][index].R = color;
                        _colorBuffer[threadIndex][index].G = color;
                        _colorBuffer[threadIndex][index].B = color;

                        _depthBuffer._elements[threadIndex][index] = center.Z;