public static extern unsafe bool DeviceIoControl(
     SafeObjectHandle hDevice,
     uint dwIoControlCode,
     IntPtr inBuffer,
     int nInBufferSize,
     IntPtr outBuffer,
     int nOutBufferSize,
     out int pBytesReturned,
     OVERLAPPED* lpOverlapped);
예제 #2
        internal Win32Ovrlap(IntPtr handle, IntPtr evHandle)
            this.handle = handle;

            // Create, init overlap.
            this.ol = new OVERLAPPED();
            this.ol.offset = 0;
            this.ol.offsetHigh = 0;
            this.ol.hEvent = evHandle;

            // Create memory pointer & copy to unmanaged memory.
            if(evHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                this.memPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(this.ol));
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(this.ol, this.memPtr, false);
예제 #3
 public static extern bool WaitCommEvent(
     IntPtr hFile,                            // handle to comm device
     out int lpEvtMask,                       // event type
     ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped              // overlapped structure
 static public extern int GetOverlappedResult(SafeFileHandle hFile, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, ref int lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, int bWait);//type changed by Onur for 64-bit compatability
예제 #5
 static public extern int ReadFile(int hFile, ref byte lpBuffer, int nNumberOfBytesToRead, ref int lpNumberOfBytesRead, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #6
 public static extern bool ReadFile(int hFile, byte[] lpBuffer, uint nNumberOfBytesToRead, ref uint lpNumberofBytesRead, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #7
 public static extern Boolean ReadFile(IntPtr hFile, Byte[] lpBuffer, 
     UInt32 nNumberOfBytesToRead, out UInt32 nNumberOfBytesRead, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #8
 public static extern Int32 ReadFile(SafeFileHandle hFile, 
     ref Byte lpBuffer, Int32 nNumberOfBytesToRead, 
     ref Int32 lpNumberOfBytesRead, 
     ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);        
예제 #9
 public static extern bool UnlockFileEx(
     SafeFileHandle hFile,
     uint dwReserved,
     uint nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow,
     uint nNumberOfBytesToUnlockHigh,
     ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #10
 // 시리얼 포트의 Overlapped 작업의 결과에 대해 반환
 // lpOverlapped->hEvent :       전송이 완료된 후 시그널될 이벤트 핸들. AxsPortWriteFile, AxsPortReadFile 함수를 사용하기전에 이 값을 설정함.
 // lpNumberOfBytesTransferred:  실제 전송이 완료된 바이트 크기를 얻기 위한 변수포인트
 // bWait:                       I/O 연산이 끝나지않은 상황에서의 처리를 결정
 //      [0]: I/O연산이 끝날때까지 기다림
 //      [1]: I/O연산이 끝나지 않아도 반환함
 [DllImport("AXL.dll")] public static extern uint AxsPortGetOverlappedResult(int nPortNo, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, out uint lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, bool bWait);
예제 #11
 public static extern bool UnlockFileEx(SafeFileHandle handle, uint reserved, uint countLow, uint countHigh, ref OVERLAPPED overlapped);
예제 #12
 [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] private static extern int WriteFile(
     int hFile, byte[] Buffer, int nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
     ref int lpNumberOfBytesWritten, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #13
 // 시리얼 포트의 데이타를 읽음
 // lpBuffer :               장치에 쓸 데이터를 담는 버퍼의 포인트값
 // nNumberOfBytesToRead :   lpBuffer가 가리키는 버퍼의 크기를 바이트로 지정
 // lpNumberOfBytesRead :    실제로 읽혀진 바이트 수를 반환(None Overrapped 일경우)
 // lpOverlapped :           비동기를 위한 OVERLAPPED 구조체의 포인트 값
 [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern uint AxsPortReadFile(int nPortNo, IntPtr lpBuffer, uint nNumberOfBytesToRead, out uint lpNumberOfBytesRead, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #14
 [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] private static extern int WaitCommEvent(int hFile, ref EventMasks Mask,
                                                                     ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlap);
예제 #15
 [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] private static extern int ReadFile(int hFile, byte[] Buffer, int nNumberOfBytesToRead,
                                                                ref int lpNumberOfBytesRead, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #16
 [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] private static extern int GetOverlappedResult(int hFile, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, ref int lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, int bWait);
예제 #17
 public static extern int WSASend([In] IntPtr s,
                                  [In] WSABUF[] lpBuffers, int dwBufferCount,
                                  [Out] out int lpNumberOfBytesSent,
                                  int dwFlags,
                                  [In] ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped,
                                  [In] TOAPI.Kernel32.Kernel32.FileIOCompletionRoutine lpCompletionRoutine);
예제 #18
 public static extern bool ReadFile(IntPtr hFile,
                                    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] aSegementArray,
                                    int nNumberOfBytesToRead,
                                    ref int lpReserved,
                                    [In] ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped); // System.Threading.NativeOverlapped
예제 #19
 public static extern bool UnlockFileEx(SafeFileHandle hFile, uint dwReserved, uint nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow, uint nNumberOfBytesToUnlockHigh, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
 private static extern bool WriteFile(int hFile, byte[] lpBuffer, int nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
                                      out int lpNumberOfBytesWritten, out OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #21
 public static extern int WriteFileGather(SafeFileHandle hFile, [In] ref FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT[] aSegmentArray, 
     uint nNumberOfBytesToWrite, IntPtr lpReserved, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #22
 public static extern bool GetOverlappedResultEx(
     SafeFileHandle hFile,
     ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped,
     out uint lpNumberOfBytesTransferred,
     uint dwMilliseconds,
     bool bAlertable);
예제 #23
 /// <summary>
 /// 写入数据
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="date">数据</param>
 public int Send(int commHandle,byte[] date)
     if (commHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
         OVERLAPPED ovlCommPort = new OVERLAPPED();
         int BytesWritten = 0;
         WriteFile(commHandle, date, date.Length, ref BytesWritten, ref ovlCommPort);
         Console.WriteLine("SerialsBSTLib发送:" + BitConverter.ToString(date));
         return BytesWritten;
         throw (new ApplicationException("无法打开串口,可能该串口不存在或者已被其他应用程序使用!"));
예제 #24
 protected static extern bool WriteFile(int hFile, byte[] lpBuffer, int nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
                                        ref int lpNumberOfBytesWritten, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #25
파일: Kernel32.cs 프로젝트: Eucaly/pinvoke
 public static extern unsafe bool GetOverlappedResult(
     SafeObjectHandle hFile,
     OVERLAPPED* lpOverlapped,
     out int lpNumberOfBytesTransferred,
     bool bWait);
예제 #26
        private void ReceiveSendThreadSerial()
            var buffer           = new byte[64];
            var restart          = false;
            var sendMessageBytes = new byte[0];
            int sentBytes        = 0;
            var sendTimeout      = new Stopwatch();
            var portHandle       = IntPtr.Zero;

            var resetEvent    = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            var overlapped    = new OVERLAPPED();
            var ptrOverlapped = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(overlapped));

            overlapped.Offset     = 0;
            overlapped.OffsetHigh = 0;
            overlapped.hEvent     = resetEvent.SafeWaitHandle.DangerousGetHandle();
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(overlapped, ptrOverlapped, true);
            bool waitingRead        = false;
            var  writeResetEvent    = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            var  writeOverlapped    = new OVERLAPPED();
            var  ptrWriteOverlapped = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(writeOverlapped));

            writeOverlapped.Offset     = 0;
            writeOverlapped.OffsetHigh = 0;
            writeOverlapped.hEvent     = writeResetEvent.SafeWaitHandle.DangerousGetHandle();;
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(writeOverlapped, ptrWriteOverlapped, true);
            bool waitingWrite = false;

            while (!_receiveSendThreadStopped)
                    if (portHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
                        int    portnumber = Int32.Parse(_comPort.Replace("COM", String.Empty));
                        string comPort    = _comPort;
                        if (portnumber > 9)
                            comPort = String.Format("\\\\.\\{0}", _comPort);
                        portHandle = Win32Com.CreateFile(comPort, Win32Com.GENERIC_READ | Win32Com.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, IntPtr.Zero,
                                                         Win32Com.OPEN_EXISTING, Win32Com.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, IntPtr.Zero);

                        if (portHandle == (IntPtr)Win32Com.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
                            if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == Win32Com.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
                                throw new Exception(String.Format("Access denied for port {0}", _comPort));
                                throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to open port {0}", _comPort));

                        COMMTIMEOUTS commTimeouts = new COMMTIMEOUTS
                            ReadIntervalTimeout         = 5,
                            ReadTotalTimeoutConstant    = 0,
                            ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier  = 0,
                            WriteTotalTimeoutConstant   = 0,
                            WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0
                        DCB dcb = new DCB();
                        dcb.Init(false, false, false, 0, false, false, false, false, 0);
                        dcb.BaudRate = _baudRate;
                        dcb.ByteSize = 8;
                        dcb.Parity   = 0;
                        dcb.StopBits = 0;
                        if (!Win32Com.SetupComm(portHandle, 8192, 4096))
                            throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to set queue settings for port {0}", _comPort));
                        if (!Win32Com.SetCommState(portHandle, ref dcb))
                            throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to set comm settings for port {0}", _comPort));
                        if (!Win32Com.SetCommTimeouts(portHandle, ref commTimeouts))
                            throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to set comm timeouts for port {0}", _comPort));
                        if (_rtsCts)
                            if (!Win32Com.EscapeCommFunction(portHandle, Win32Com.CLRRTS))
                                throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to reset RTS pin{0}", _comPort));

                    if (!Win32Com.GetHandleInformation(portHandle, out uint lpdwFlags))
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Port {0} went offline", _comPort));

                    if (!waitingRead)
                        waitingRead = true;
                        if (!Win32Com.ReadFile(portHandle, buffer, (uint)buffer.Length, out uint readBytes, ptrOverlapped))
                            if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() != Win32Com.ERROR_IO_PENDING)
                                throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to read port {0}", _comPort));
                        if (resetEvent.WaitOne(10))
                            waitingRead = false;
                            if (!Win32Com.GetOverlappedResult(portHandle, ptrOverlapped, out uint readBytes, false))
                                throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to read port {0}", _comPort));

                            for (int i = 0; i < readBytes; i++)

                    if (_sendMessageQueue.Count > 0 && sendMessageBytes.Length == 0)
                        lock (_syncobject)
                            sendMessageBytes = _sendMessageQueue.Dequeue();
                        sentBytes = 0;

                    if (sendMessageBytes.Length > 0)
                        if (_rtsCts)
                            if (!Win32Com.EscapeCommFunction(portHandle, Win32Com.SETRTS))
                                lock (_syncobject)
                                    _sendExceptionQueue.Enqueue(new SBPSendExceptionEventArgs(new Exception(String.Format("Failed to set RTS pin{0}", _comPort))));

                        uint lpmodemstat = 0;
                        if (_rtsCts)
                            if (!Win32Com.GetCommModemStatus(portHandle, out lpmodemstat))
                                _sendExceptionQueue.Enqueue(new SBPSendExceptionEventArgs(new Exception(String.Format("Failed to get RTS pin{0}", _comPort))));

                        if ((lpmodemstat & Win32Com.MS_CTS_ON) > 0 || !_rtsCts)
                            if (!waitingWrite)
                                waitingWrite = true;
                                if (!Win32Com.WriteFile(portHandle, sendMessageBytes, (uint)sendMessageBytes.Length, out uint sent, ptrWriteOverlapped))
                                    if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() != Win32Com.ERROR_IO_PENDING)
                                        _sendExceptionQueue.Enqueue(new SBPSendExceptionEventArgs(new Exception(String.Format("Failed to write to port {0}", _comPort))));
                                if (writeResetEvent.WaitOne(0))
                                    if (!Win32Com.GetOverlappedResult(portHandle, ptrWriteOverlapped, out uint sent, false))
                                        _sendExceptionQueue.Enqueue(new SBPSendExceptionEventArgs(new Exception(String.Format("Failed to write to port {0}", _comPort))));

                                    sentBytes += (int)sent;

                            if (sentBytes == sendMessageBytes.Length || sendTimeout.ElapsedMilliseconds > 200)
                                if (sendTimeout.ElapsedMilliseconds > 100)
                                    lock (_syncobject)
                                        _sendExceptionQueue.Enqueue(new SBPSendExceptionEventArgs(new Exception(String.Format("Failed to write all bytes to port {0}", _comPort))));

                                if (_rtsCts)
                                    if (!Win32Com.EscapeCommFunction(portHandle, Win32Com.CLRRTS))
                                        lock (_syncobject)
                                            _sendExceptionQueue.Enqueue(new SBPSendExceptionEventArgs(new Exception(String.Format("Failed to reset RTS pin{0}", _comPort))));

                                sendMessageBytes = new byte[0];
                                waitingWrite     = false;

                    restart = false;
                catch (Exception e)
                    portHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
                    restart    = true;
                    lock (_syncobject)
                        _readExceptionQueue.Enqueue(new SBPReadExceptionEventArgs(e));


예제 #27
 static public extern int ReadFile(int hFile, ref byte lpBuffer, int nNumberOfBytesToRead, ref int lpNumberOfBytesRead, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #28
파일: comPort.cs 프로젝트: xlgwr/RFID
 ///<param name="NumBytes">数据长度</param>
 public int Read(ref byte[] bytData, int NumBytes)
     if (hComm != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
         OVERLAPPED ovlCommPort = new OVERLAPPED();
         int BytesRead = 0;
         ReadFile(hComm, bytData, NumBytes, ref BytesRead, ref ovlCommPort);
         return BytesRead;
         return -1;
예제 #29
 public static extern Boolean WriteFile(IntPtr fFile, Byte[] lpBuffer, UInt32 nNumberOfBytesToWrite, 
     out UInt32 lpNumberOfBytesWritten, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #30
파일: comPort.cs 프로젝트: xlgwr/RFID
 public byte[] Readport(int NumBytes)
     byte[] BufBytes;
     byte[] OutBytes;
     BufBytes = new byte[NumBytes];
     if (hComm != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
         OVERLAPPED ovlCommPort = new OVERLAPPED();
         int BytesRead = 0;
         ReadFile(hComm, BufBytes, NumBytes, ref BytesRead, ref ovlCommPort);
         OutBytes = new byte[BytesRead];
         Array.Copy(BufBytes, OutBytes, BytesRead);
         throw (new ApplicationException("串口未打开!"));
     return OutBytes;
예제 #31
파일: Store.cs 프로젝트: Powerino73/paradox
 public static extern bool UnlockFileEx(SafeFileHandle handle, uint reserved, uint countLow, uint countHigh, ref OVERLAPPED overlapped);
예제 #32
파일: comPort.cs 프로젝트: xlgwr/RFID
 ///<param name="WriteBytes">数据数组</param>
 public int Write(byte[] WriteBytes, int intSize)
     if (hComm != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
         OVERLAPPED ovlCommPort = new OVERLAPPED();
         int BytesWritten = 0;
         WriteFile(hComm, WriteBytes, intSize, ref BytesWritten, ref ovlCommPort);
         return BytesWritten;
         return -1;
예제 #33
 public static extern bool LockFileEx([In] IntPtr hFile, uint dwFlags, uint dwReserved, uint nNumberOfBytesToLockLow, uint nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #34
 public static unsafe extern bool ReadFile(
     SafeObjectHandle hFile,
     void* lpBuffer,
     uint nNumberOfBytesToRead,
     NullableUInt32 lpNumberOfBytesRead,
     OVERLAPPED* lpOverlapped);
예제 #35
 public static extern bool GetOverlappedResult(
     IntPtr hFile,                                   // handle to file, pipe, or device
     ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped,                    // overlapped structure
     ref int lpNumberOfBytesTransferred,             // bytes transferred
     bool bWait                                      // wait option
예제 #36
 public static unsafe extern bool WriteFile(
     SafeObjectHandle hFile,
     void* lpBuffer,
     uint nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
     NullableUInt32 lpNumberOfBytesWritten,
     OVERLAPPED* lpOverlapped);
예제 #37
 private static extern bool ReadFile(int hFile, byte[] lpBuffer, int nNumberOfBytesToRead,
                                     ref int lpNumberOfBytesRead, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #38
 public static unsafe extern bool CancelIoEx(
     SafeObjectHandle hFile,
     OVERLAPPED* lpOverlapped);
예제 #39
 public static extern bool ReadFile(SafeFileHandle hFile, 
     IntPtr lpBuffer, uint nNumberOfBytesToRead, 
     IntPtr lpNumberOfBytesRead, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #40
 static internal extern bool ReadFile(IntPtr hFile, ref byte lpBuffer, Int32 nNumberOfBytesToRead, ref Int32 lpNumberOfBytesRead, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #41
 public static extern int WriteFileEx(SafeFileHandle hFile, IntPtr lpBuffer, uint nNumberOfBytesToWrite, 
     ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, FileIOCompletionRoutine lpCompletionRoutine);
예제 #42
 static internal extern bool WriteFile(IntPtr hFile, byte[] lpBuffer, Int32 nNumberOfBytesToWrite, ref Int32 lpNumberOfBytesWritten, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
 public unsafe static extern bool ReadDirectoryChangesW(IntPtr hDirectory, byte *lpBuffer,
                                                        int nBufferLength, bool bWatchSubtree, int dwNotifyFilter, int *
                                                        lpBytesReturned, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped,
                                                        LpoverlappedCompletionRoutine lpCompletionRoutine);
예제 #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the com port and configures it with the required settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>false if the port could not be opened</returns>
        public bool Open()
            var portDcb      = new DCB();
            var commTimeouts = new COMMTIMEOUTS();
            var wo           = new OVERLAPPED();

            if (_online)
                Console.WriteLine("COM port already open, bailing out of ComPort.Open");

            _hPort = Win32Com.CreateFile(PortName, Win32Com.GENERIC_READ | Win32Com.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, IntPtr.Zero,
                                         Win32Com.OPEN_EXISTING, Win32Com.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, IntPtr.Zero);
            if (_hPort == (IntPtr)Win32Com.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
                if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == Win32Com.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
                throw new CommPortException("Port Open Failure");

            _online = true;

            commTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout         = 0;
            commTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant    = 0;
            commTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier  = 0;
            commTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant   = SendTimeoutConstant;
            commTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = SendTimeoutMultiplier;
            portDcb.Init(((Parity == Parity.Odd) || (Parity == Parity.Even)), TxFlowCts, TxFlowDsr,
                         (int)UseDtr, RxGateDsr, !TxWhenRxXoff, TxFlowX, RxFlowX, (int)UseRts);
            portDcb.BaudRate = BaudRate;
            portDcb.ByteSize = (byte)DataBits;
            portDcb.Parity   = (byte)Parity;
            portDcb.StopBits = (byte)StopBits;
            portDcb.XoffChar = (byte)XoffChar;
            portDcb.XonChar  = (byte)XonChar;
            portDcb.XoffLim  = (short)RxHighWater;
            portDcb.XonLim   = (short)RxLowWater;
            if ((RxQueue != 0) || (TxQueue != 0))
                if (!Win32Com.SetupComm(_hPort, (uint)RxQueue, (uint)TxQueue))
                    ThrowException("Bad queue settings");
            if (!Win32Com.SetCommState(_hPort, ref portDcb))
                ThrowException("Bad com settings");
            if (!Win32Com.SetCommTimeouts(_hPort, ref commTimeouts))
                ThrowException("Bad timeout settings");

            _stateBrk = 0;
            if (UseDtr == HsOutput.None)
                _stateDtr = 0;
            if (UseDtr == HsOutput.Online)
                _stateDtr = 1;
            if (UseRts == HsOutput.None)
                _stateRts = 0;
            if (UseRts == HsOutput.Online)
                _stateRts = 1;

            _checkSends   = CheckAllSends;
            wo.Offset     = 0;
            wo.OffsetHigh = 0;
            wo.hEvent     = _checkSends ? _writeEvent.Handle : IntPtr.Zero;
            _ptrUwo       = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(wo));
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(wo, _ptrUwo, true);
            _writeCount = 0;

            _rxException         = null;
            _rxExceptionReported = false;
            _rxThread            = new Thread(ReceiveThread)
                Name     = "CommBaseRx",
                Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal
            //If not set to true, my application process will not exit completely after UI closed
            _rxThread.IsBackground = true;
            Thread.Sleep(1); //Give rx thread time to start. By documentation, 0 should work, but it does not!

            _auto = false;
            if (AfterOpen())
                _auto = AutoReopen;
예제 #45
        /// <summary>
        /// 读取数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numBytes">要读取的字节数</param>
        /// <returns>字节数组</returns>
        public byte[] Read(int commHandle,int numBytes)
            // 创建中间变量存储数据
            byte[] BufBytes;
            byte[] OutBytes = null;
            BufBytes = new byte[numBytes];

            // 读取数据并返回
            if (commHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
                OVERLAPPED ovlCommPort = new OVERLAPPED();
                int BytesRead = 0;
                ReadFile(commHandle, BufBytes, numBytes, ref BytesRead, ref ovlCommPort);
                OutBytes = new byte[BytesRead];
                Array.Copy(BufBytes, OutBytes, BytesRead);
                throw (new ApplicationException("串口未打开!"));
            return OutBytes;
예제 #46
        private void ReceiveThread()
            var buf = new Byte[1];

            var sg          = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            var ov          = new OVERLAPPED();
            var unmanagedOv = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(ov));

            ov.Offset = 0; ov.OffsetHigh = 0;
            ov.hEvent = sg.Handle;
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(ov, unmanagedOv, true);

            uint eventMask = 0;
            var  uMask     = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(eventMask));

                while (true)
                    if (!Win32Com.SetCommMask(_hPort, Win32Com.EV_RXCHAR | Win32Com.EV_TXEMPTY | Win32Com.EV_CTS | Win32Com.EV_DSR
                                              | Win32Com.EV_BREAK | Win32Com.EV_RLSD | Win32Com.EV_RING | Win32Com.EV_ERR))
                        throw new CommPortException("IO Error [001]");
                    Marshal.WriteInt32(uMask, 0);
                    if (!Win32Com.WaitCommEvent(_hPort, uMask, unmanagedOv))
                        if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == Win32Com.ERROR_IO_PENDING)
                            throw new CommPortException("IO Error [002]");
                    eventMask = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32(uMask);
                    if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_ERR) != 0)
                        UInt32 errs;
                        if (Win32Com.ClearCommError(_hPort, out errs, IntPtr.Zero))
                            var s = new StringBuilder("UART Error: ", 40);
                            if ((errs & Win32Com.CE_FRAME) != 0)
                                s = s.Append("Framing,");
                            if ((errs & Win32Com.CE_IOE) != 0)
                                s = s.Append("IO,");
                            if ((errs & Win32Com.CE_OVERRUN) != 0)
                                s = s.Append("Overrun,");
                            if ((errs & Win32Com.CE_RXOVER) != 0)
                                s = s.Append("Receive Cverflow,");
                            if ((errs & Win32Com.CE_RXPARITY) != 0)
                                s = s.Append("Parity,");
                            if ((errs & Win32Com.CE_TXFULL) != 0)
                                s = s.Append("Transmit Overflow,");
                            s.Length = s.Length - 1;
                            throw new CommPortException(s.ToString());
                        throw new CommPortException("IO Error [003]");
                    if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_RXCHAR) != 0)
                        uint gotbytes;
                            if (!Win32Com.ReadFile(_hPort, buf, 1, out gotbytes, unmanagedOv))
                                if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == Win32Com.ERROR_IO_PENDING)
                                    gotbytes = 0;
                                    throw new CommPortException("IO Error [004]");
                            if (gotbytes == 1)
                        } while (gotbytes > 0);
                    if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_TXEMPTY) != 0)
                    if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_BREAK) != 0)

                    uint i = 0;
                    if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_CTS) != 0)
                        i |= Win32Com.MS_CTS_ON;
                    if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_DSR) != 0)
                        i |= Win32Com.MS_DSR_ON;
                    if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_RLSD) != 0)
                        i |= Win32Com.MS_RLSD_ON;
                    if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_RING) != 0)
                        i |= Win32Com.MS_RING_ON;
                    if (i != 0)
                        uint f;
                        if (!Win32Com.GetCommModemStatus(_hPort, out f))
                            throw new CommPortException("IO Error [005]");
                        OnStatusChange(new ModemStatus(i), new ModemStatus(f));
            catch (Exception e)
                if (uMask != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (unmanagedOv != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (!(e is ThreadAbortException))
                    _rxException = e;
예제 #47
 internal static extern bool GetOverlappedResult(
     IntPtr hFile,
     ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped,
     out int lpNumberOfBytesTransferred,
     bool bWait
예제 #48
 internal static extern bool ReadFileOverlapped(IntPtr hFile, ref byte lpBuffer, int nNumberOfBytesToRead, ref int lpNumberOfBytesRead, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #49
파일: Kernel32.cs 프로젝트: Eucaly/pinvoke
 public static extern unsafe bool TransactNamedPipe(
     SafeObjectHandle hNamedPipe,
     void* lpInBuffer,
     int nInBufferSize,
     void* lpOutBuffer,
     int nOutBufferSize,
     out int lpBytesRead,
     OVERLAPPED* lpOverlapped);
예제 #50
 internal static extern bool WriteFileOverlapped(IntPtr hFile, ref byte lpBuffer, int nNumberOfBytesToWrite, ref int lpNumberOfBytesWritten, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #51
파일: Kernel32.cs 프로젝트: Eucaly/pinvoke
 public static extern unsafe bool ConnectNamedPipe(
     SafeObjectHandle hNamedPipe,
     OVERLAPPED* lpOverlapped);
예제 #52
 internal static extern bool ReadFile(
     SafeFileHandle hFile,
     Byte[] aBuffer,
     UInt32 cbToRead,
     IntPtr cbThatWereRead,
     ref OVERLAPPED pOverlapped);
예제 #53
 public static extern bool WriteFile(int hFile, byte[] lpBuffer, uint nNumberOfBytesToWrite, ref uint lpNumberOfBytesWritten, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #54
 internal static extern bool WriteFile(
     SafeFileHandle hFile,
     Byte[] aBuffer,
     UInt32 cbToWrite,
     IntPtr cbThatWereWritten,
     ref OVERLAPPED pOverlapped);
예제 #55
 private static extern bool WriteFile(int hFile,
     byte[] lpBuffer,
     int nNumberOfBytesToWriter,
     out int lpNumberOfBytesWriten,
     out OVERLAPPED lpOverLapped);
예제 #56
 static extern bool GetOverlappedResult(SafeFileHandle hFile,
                                        [In] ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped,
                                        out uint lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, bool bWait);
예제 #57
 public static extern Boolean WaitCommEvent(IntPtr hFile, ref Int32 lpEvtMask, 
     ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
예제 #58
 private static extern bool WaitCommEvent(
     int hFile,
     int dwEvtMask,
     ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
예제 #59
 public static extern Boolean GetOverlappedResult(IntPtr hFile, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, 
     ref UInt32 nNumberOfBytesTransferred, Boolean bWait);
예제 #60
 public static extern bool WaitCommEvent(IntPtr hFile, ref int lpEvtMask, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);