/// <summary>
 /// 获取角色用户关系中单条信息
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="roleUserId"></param>
 /// <param name="roleId"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public JsonResult GetRoleUserById(string roleUserId, string roleId)
     return(ExecuteFunctionRun(() =>
         OThinker.Organization.OrgPost post = this.Engine.Organization.GetUnit(roleId) as OThinker.Organization.OrgPost;
         if (post != null)
             foreach (OThinker.Organization.OrgStaff s in post.ChildList)
                 if (s.ObjectID == roleUserId)
                     RoleUserViewModel model = new RoleUserViewModel()
                         ObjectID = s.ObjectID,
                         RoleID = roleId,
                         UserID = s.UserID,
                         ManagerScopeIds = string.Join(";", s.OUScope),
                         Description = s.Description,
                         Sortkey = s.ParentIndex
                     return Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
         return Json(null, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除角色用户关系
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roleUserId"></param>
        /// <param name="roleId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult DelRoleUser(string roleUserId, string roleId)
            return(ExecuteFunctionRun(() =>
                OThinker.Organization.OrgPost post = this.Engine.Organization.GetUnit(roleId) as OThinker.Organization.OrgPost;
                if (post != null)
                    List <OThinker.Organization.OrgStaff> listStaff = new List <OThinker.Organization.OrgStaff>();
                    for (int i = listStaff.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (listStaff[i].ObjectID == roleUserId)
                            // post.RemoveChild(listStaff[i].ObjectID);

                    post.ChildList = listStaff.ToArray();
                    this.Engine.Organization.UpdateUnit(this.UserValidator.UserID, post);

                ActionResult result = new ActionResult(true, "");
                return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        public JsonResult GetRoleByID(string roleId)
            return(ExecuteFunctionRun(() =>
                OrgJobViewModel model = new OrgJobViewModel();
                OThinker.Organization.OrgPost post = this.Engine.Organization.GetUnit(roleId) as OThinker.Organization.OrgPost;

                if (post == null)
                    return Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
                OThinker.Organization.OrgPost parentPost = this.Engine.Organization.GetUnit(post.SuperiorID) as OThinker.Organization.OrgPost;

                model = new OrgJobViewModel
                    ObjectID = post.ObjectID,
                    Code = post.Code,
                    DisplayName = post.Name,
                    Description = post.Description,
                    ParentPostObjectID = parentPost == null ? "" : parentPost.ObjectID,
                    ParentPostName = parentPost == null ? "" : parentPost.Name,
                    Sortkey = post.SortKey,
                    RoleLevel = post.JobLevel

                return Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取所有的角色列表(筛选)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>所有的角色列表</returns>
        public JsonResult GetRoleList(string roleCode, string roleName)
            return(ExecuteFunctionRun(() =>
                List <OrgJobViewModel> listRole = new List <OrgJobViewModel>();
                List <OThinker.Organization.Unit> listunits = this.Engine.Organization.GetAllUnits(OThinker.Organization.UnitType.Post);
                if (listunits != null && listunits.Count > 0)
                    foreach (OThinker.Organization.Unit u in listunits)
                        OThinker.Organization.OrgPost post = u as OThinker.Organization.OrgPost;
                        int userCount = (post.ChildList == null) ? 0 : post.ChildList.Length;

                        OThinker.Organization.OrgPost parentPost = this.Engine.Organization.GetUnit(post.SuperiorID) as OThinker.Organization.OrgPost;

                            new OrgJobViewModel
                            Code = post.Code,
                            DisplayName = post.Name,
                            ObjectID = post.ObjectID,
                            Sortkey = post.SortKey,
                            RoleLevel = post.JobLevel,
                            UserCount = userCount,
                            ParentPostObjectID = parentPost == null ? "" : parentPost.Code,
                            ParentPostName = parentPost == null ? "" : parentPost.Name,
                            Description = post.Description
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(roleCode))
                    listRole = listRole.Where(r => r.Code.ToLower().Contains(roleCode.ToLower())).ToList();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(roleName) && listRole != null)
                    listRole = listRole.Where(r => r.DisplayName.Contains(roleName)).ToList();

                listRole = listRole.OrderBy(r => r.Sortkey).ToList();

                var gridData = CreateLigerUIGridData(listRole.ToArray());
                return Json(gridData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        /// <summary>
        /// 保存角色用户关系
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult SaveRoleUsers(RoleUserViewModel model)
            return(ExecuteFunctionRun(() =>
                ActionResult result = new ActionResult(true, "msgGlobalString.SaveSucced");
                List <RoleUserViewModel> listusers = new List <RoleUserViewModel>();
                    OThinker.Organization.OrgPost post = this.Engine.Organization.GetUnit(model.RoleID) as OThinker.Organization.OrgPost;
                    if (post != null)
                        if (model.UserID != null)
                            var ids = model.UserID.Split(';');
                            for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++)
                                OThinker.Organization.OrgStaff staff = new OThinker.Organization.OrgStaff()
                                    ObjectID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ObjectID) ? "" : model.ObjectID,
                                    OUScope = model.ManagerScopeIds == null ? new string[] { } : model.ManagerScopeIds.Split(';'),
                                    UserID = ids[i],
                                    ParentObjectID = model.RoleID,
                                    ParentIndex = model.Sortkey, //ParentIndex 存储排序键
                                    Description = model.Description

                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(staff.ObjectID))
                                    if (post.ChildList != null && post.ChildList.Count() > 0)
                                        bool flag = false;
                                        foreach (OThinker.Organization.OrgStaff sf in post.ChildList)
                                            if (sf.UserID == ids[i])
                                                flag = true;

                                        if (flag)
                                            result.Success = false;
                                            result.Message = "用户[" + this.Engine.Organization.GetName(ids[i]) + "]已经存在记录,请选择编辑!";
                                            return Json(result);

                                    staff.ObjectID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                        post.ChildList = post.ChildList.OrderBy(c => c.ParentIndex).ToArray();
                        this.Engine.Organization.UpdateUnit(this.UserValidator.UserID, post);

                    return Json(result);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    result = new ActionResult(false, "保存失败," + ex.Message);
                    return Json(result);
        /// <summary>
        /// 角色用户关系列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult GetRoleUserList(string roleId, string userCode, string userName)
            return(ExecuteFunctionRun(() =>
                OThinker.Organization.OrgPost post = this.Engine.Organization.GetUnit(roleId) as OThinker.Organization.OrgPost;

                List <RoleUserViewModel> lstRoleUsers = new List <RoleUserViewModel>();

                if (post != null && post.ChildList != null && post.ChildList.Length > 0)
                    foreach (OThinker.Organization.OrgStaff staff in post.ChildList)
                        string userid = staff.UserID;
                        OThinker.Organization.User _user = this.Engine.Organization.GetUnit(userid) as OThinker.Organization.User;
                        if (_user == null)
                        string _userCode = _user.Code;
                        string _userName = this.Engine.Organization.GetUnit(userid).Name;
                        string OrgName = this.Engine.Organization.GetName(_user.ParentID);
                        _userName = _userName + "(" + OrgName + ")";

                        string[] scopeids = staff.OUScope;
                        Dictionary <string, string> dicNames = this.Engine.Organization.GetNames(scopeids);
                        string scopeNames = "";
                        foreach (string key in dicNames.Keys)
                            scopeNames += dicNames[key] + ";";

                        lstRoleUsers.Add(new RoleUserViewModel
                            ObjectID = staff.ObjectID,
                            RoleID = roleId,
                            UserID = staff.UserID,
                            UserCode = _userCode,
                            UserName = _userName,
                            Sortkey = staff.ParentIndex,//staff 没有对应属性
                            ManagerScope = scopeNames,
                            ManagerScopeIds = string.Join(";", staff.OUScope),
                            Description = staff.Description

                if (userCode != null)
                    lstRoleUsers = lstRoleUsers.Where(r => r.UserCode.ToLower().Contains(userCode.ToLower())).ToList();

                if (userCode != null && lstRoleUsers != null)
                    lstRoleUsers = lstRoleUsers.Where(r => r.UserName.Contains(userName)).ToList();
                if (lstRoleUsers.Count > 0)
                    lstRoleUsers = lstRoleUsers.OrderBy(r => r.Sortkey).ToList();

                var gridData = CreateLigerUIGridData(lstRoleUsers.ToArray());
                return Json(gridData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        /// <summary>
        /// 保存或更新角色
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult SaveRole(OrgJobViewModel model)
            return(ExecuteFunctionRun(() =>
                ActionResult result = new ActionResult(false, "");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ObjectID))
                        System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("^[a-zA-Z\\u4e00-\\u9fa5][0-9a-zA-Z\\u4e00-\\u9fa5_]*$");
                        if (!regex.Match(model.Code).Success)
                            result.Success = false;
                            result.Message = "EditBizObjectSchemaProperty.Msg4";
                            return Json(result);
                        List <OThinker.Organization.Unit> listunits = this.Engine.Organization.GetAllUnits(OThinker.Organization.UnitType.Post);

                        var filterPost = listunits.Where(s => ((OThinker.Organization.OrgPost)s).Code == model.Code).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (filterPost != null)
                            result.Success = false;
                            result.Message = "msgGlobalString.CodeDuplicate";
                            return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet);
                        OThinker.Organization.OrgPost post = new OThinker.Organization.OrgPost()
                            Code = model.Code,
                            Name = model.DisplayName,
                            SuperiorID = model.ParentPostObjectID,
                            Description = model.Description,
                            SortKey = model.Sortkey,
                            JobLevel = model.RoleLevel

                        this.Engine.Organization.AddUnit(this.UserValidator.UserID, post);
                        OThinker.Organization.OrgPost post = this.Engine.Organization.GetUnit(model.ObjectID) as OThinker.Organization.OrgPost;
                        if (post != null)
                            post.Name = model.DisplayName;
                            post.SuperiorID = model.ParentPostObjectID;
                            post.Description = model.Description;
                            post.JobLevel = model.RoleLevel;
                            post.SortKey = model.Sortkey;

                        this.Engine.Organization.UpdateUnit(this.UserValidator.UserID, post);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    result.Message = "msgGlobalString.SaveFailed";
                    result.Extend = ex.Message;
                    return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet);

                result.Success = true;
                result.Message = "msgGlobalString.SaveSucced";
                return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet);
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 角色同步
        /// </summary>
        private void SyncRole()

            var sqlorgjob = string.Format(@"SELECT
FROM [OT_OrgJob]
ORDER BY Code");
            var dtjob     = H3DBHelper.GetDataTable(sqlorgjob);

            foreach (DataRow item in dtjob.Rows)
                var orgpost = new OThinker.Organization.OrgPost
                    ObjectID = item["ObjectID"].ToString(),
                    Code     = item["Code"].ToString(),
                    Name     = item["DisplayName"].ToString(),
                    JobLevel = item["Level"].ToString() == "" ? 0 : int.Parse(item["Level"].ToString())

                var staff = string.Format(@"SELECT
                                            FROM OT_OrgJob t1
	                                            ,OT_OrgPost t2
	                                            ,OT_GroupChild t3
                                            WHERE t1.Code = t2.JobCode
                                            AND t2.ObjectID = t3.ParentObjectID
                                            AND t1.Code='{0}'
                                            ORDER BY t1.Code, t2.Code, t2.ParentID", orgpost.Code);

                var dtorgstaff = H3DBHelper.GetDataTable(staff);
                var list       = new List <OThinker.Organization.OrgStaff>();
                foreach (DataRow item2 in dtorgstaff.Rows)
                    var orgstaff = new OThinker.Organization.OrgStaff
                        OUScope        = new string[] { item2["ParentID"].ToString() },
                        UserID         = item2["ChildID"].ToString(),
                        ParentObjectID = orgpost.ObjectID
                orgpost.ChildList = list.ToArray();
                OThinker.H3.Controllers.AppUtility.Engine.Organization.AddUnit("", orgpost);


            var sqlgroup = string.Format(@"SELECT
                                            FROM [OT_Group]");
            var dtgroup  = H3DBHelper.GetDataTable(sqlgroup);

            foreach (DataRow item in dtgroup.Rows)
                var group = new OThinker.Organization.Group()
                    ObjectID = item["ObjectID"].ToString(),
                    Name     = item["Name"].ToString(),
                    ParentID = item["ParentID"].ToString()
                var groupchild = string.Format(@"SELECT
                                                FROM OT_GroupChild
                                                WHERE ParentObjectID = '{0}'", item["ObjectID"].ToString());
                var dtchild    = H3DBHelper.GetDataTable(groupchild);
                foreach (DataRow item2 in dtchild.Rows)
                    var list  = new List <OThinker.Organization.GroupChild>();
                    var staff = new OThinker.Organization.GroupChild
                        ObjectID       = item2["ObjectID"].ToString(),
                        ChildID        = item2["ChildID"].ToString(),
                        ParentObjectID = item2["ParentObjectID"].ToString()
                    group.ChildList = list.ToArray();

                OThinker.H3.Controllers.AppUtility.Engine.Organization.AddUnit("", group);
        /// <summary>
        /// 角色用户关系列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <RoleUserViewModel> GetRoleUserList(string roleId)
            //return ExecuteFunctionRun(() =>
            string userCode = "";
            string userName = "";

            OThinker.Organization.OrgPost post = OThinker.H3.Controllers.AppUtility.Engine.Organization.GetUnit(roleId) as OThinker.Organization.OrgPost;

            List <RoleUserViewModel> lstRoleUsers = new List <RoleUserViewModel>();

            if (post != null && post.ChildList != null && post.ChildList.Length > 0)
                foreach (OThinker.Organization.OrgStaff staff in post.ChildList)
                    string userid = staff.UserID;
                    OThinker.Organization.User _user = OThinker.H3.Controllers.AppUtility.Engine.Organization.GetUnit(userid) as OThinker.Organization.User;
                    if (_user == null)
                    string _userCode = _user.Code;
                    string _userName = OThinker.H3.Controllers.AppUtility.Engine.Organization.GetUnit(userid).Name;
                    string OrgName   = OThinker.H3.Controllers.AppUtility.Engine.Organization.GetName(_user.ParentID);
                    _userName = _userName + "(" + OrgName + ")";

                    string[] scopeids = staff.OUScope;
                    Dictionary <string, string> dicNames = OThinker.H3.Controllers.AppUtility.Engine.Organization.GetNames(scopeids);
                    string scopeNames = "";
                    foreach (string key in dicNames.Keys)
                        scopeNames += dicNames[key] + ";";

                    lstRoleUsers.Add(new RoleUserViewModel
                        ObjectID        = staff.ObjectID,
                        RoleID          = roleId,
                        UserID          = staff.UserID,
                        UserCode        = _userCode,
                        UserName        = _userName,
                        Sortkey         = staff.ParentIndex,//staff 没有对应属性
                        ManagerScope    = scopeNames,
                        ManagerScopeIds = string.Join(";", staff.OUScope),
                        Description     = staff.Description

            if (userCode != null)
                lstRoleUsers = lstRoleUsers.Where(r => r.UserCode.ToLower().Contains(userCode.ToLower())).ToList();

            if (userCode != null && lstRoleUsers != null)
                lstRoleUsers = lstRoleUsers.Where(r => r.UserName.Contains(userName)).ToList();
            if (lstRoleUsers.Count > 0)
                lstRoleUsers = lstRoleUsers.OrderBy(r => r.Sortkey).ToList();
