예제 #1
    protected Frame[] GetFrames()
        List <Frame> frames = new List <Frame>();

        if (framesets.Length > 0)
            int index = 0;
            for (int f = 0; f < framesets.Length; f++)
                OTAnimationFrameset fs = framesets[f];
                fs.startIndex = index;
                index        += fs.frameCount;

                int[] framesetFrames = fs.frameNumbers;

                foreach (int frameIndex in framesetFrames)
                    Frame curFrame = new Frame();
                    curFrame.container  = fs.container;
                    curFrame.frameIndex = frameIndex;
예제 #2
파일: FEAnims.cs 프로젝트: Tavrox/Lavapools
 public void playAnimation(OTAnimationFrameset _anim, float speed = 1f)
     if (_animSprite.animationFrameset != _anim.name)
         _animSprite.animationFrameset = _anim.name;
         _animSprite.speed = speed;
예제 #3
    void InitAnimation()
        if (animationFrameset != "")
            frameset = animation.GetFrameset(animationFrameset);
            if (frameset != null)
                framesetName           = frameset.name.ToLower();
                animationFramesetLower = animationFrameset.ToLower();

            frDuration = animation.GetDuration(frameset);
            frCount    = animation.GetFrameCount(frameset);
            frameset   = null;
            frDuration = animation.duration;
            frCount    = animation.frameCount;
        frDurationDelta = frDuration / frCount;
        frTime          = 0;

        if (frCount == 0)

        if (startAtRandomFrame)
            time = frDurationDelta * (Mathf.Floor(frCount * Random.value));
            if (startFrame != -1)
                time = frDurationDelta * startFrame;
                if (endFrame != -1)
                    endTime = frDurationDelta * (endFrame + 1) - 0.001f;
                time = 0;

        System.Array.Resize <OTAnimation.Frame>(ref frames, frCount);
        // cache the animation frames for quicker lookup
        for (int i = 0; i < frCount; i++)
            frames[i] = animation.GetFrame(i * frDurationDelta, direction, frameset);
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Get number of frames in this animaation
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// If no <see cref="OTAnimationFrameset" /> is provided the number of frames of the entire animation is returned. If an OTAnimationFrameset is provided
 /// this method will return the number of frames of that particular frameset.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="frameset">Get number of frames of a perticular animation frameset.</param>
 /// <returns>number of frames</returns>
 public int GetFrameCount(OTAnimationFrameset frameset)
     if (frameset != null)
예제 #5
 public float GetDuration(OTAnimationFrameset frameset)
     if (frameset != null)
         return((frameset.singleDuration != 0) ?
                frameset.singleDuration : frameset.frameCount / fps);
예제 #6
 bool Ready()
     if (!isReady)
         _isReady = true;
         for (int f = 0; f < framesets.Length; f++)
             OTAnimationFrameset fs = framesets[f];
             if (fs.container != null && !fs.container.isReady)
                 _isReady = false;
예제 #7
    int GetIndex(float time, int direction, OTAnimationFrameset frameset)
        int index = 0;
        int fc    = GetFrameCount(frameset);

        index = (int)Mathf.Floor((float)fc * (time / GetDuration(frameset)));
        while (index > fc - 1)
            index -= fc;
        if (direction == -1)
            index = fc - 1 - index;
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieve the animation frame that is active at a specific time.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="time">Animation time in seconds.</param>
 /// <param name="direction">Animation direction, 1 = forward, -1 = backward</param>
 /// <param name="frameset">The animation frameset of which a frame is requested</param>
 /// <returns>Retrieved animation frame.</returns>
 public Frame GetFrame(float time, int direction, OTAnimationFrameset frameset)
     if (frames.Length == 0)
         return(new Frame());
         if (frameset != null)
             return(frames[frameset.startIndex + GetIndex(time, direction, frameset)]);
             return(frames[GetIndex(time, direction, null)]);
예제 #9
    // Create an walking man animation frameset with 15 images
    // INFO : Because our walking man sprite sheet contains 8 direction
    // animations of 15 frames. We will put these into seperate animation
    // framesets, so they can be played quickly when needed.
    OTAnimationFrameset WalkingFrameset(string name, int row, OTContainer sheet)
        // Create a new frameset
        OTAnimationFrameset frameset = new OTAnimationFrameset();

        // Give this frameset a name for later reference
        frameset.name = name;
        // Link our provided sprite sheet
        frameset.container = sheet;
        // Set the correct start frame
        frameset.startFrame = (row - 1) * 15;
        // Set the correct end frame
        frameset.endFrame = ((row - 1) * 15) + 14;
        // Set this frameset's animation duration that will only
        // be used when the frameset is played as a single animation
        frameset.singleDuration = 0.95f;
        // Return this new frameset
예제 #10
 // Create an walking man animation frameset with 15 images
 // INFO : Because our walking man sprite sheet contains 8 direction
 // animations of 15 frames. We will put these into seperate animation
 // framesets, so they can be played quickly when needed.
 OTAnimationFrameset WalkingFrameset(string name, int row, OTContainer sheet)
     // Create a new frameset
     OTAnimationFrameset frameset = new OTAnimationFrameset();
     // Give this frameset a name for later reference
     frameset.name = name;
     // Link our provided sprite sheet
     frameset.container = sheet;
     // Set the correct start frame
     frameset.startFrame = (row - 1) * 15;
     // Set the correct end frame
     frameset.endFrame = ((row - 1) * 15) + 14;
     // Set this frameset's animation duration that will only
     // be used when the frameset is played as a single animation
     frameset.singleDuration = 0.95f;
     // Return this new frameset
     return frameset;
예제 #11
    void EditorPreview()
        if (animationPreview < 0)
            animationPreview = 0;
        if (animationPreview > 100)
            animationPreview = 100;
        if (!Application.isPlaying && animation != null && animation.isReady)
            if (animationFrameset != "" && (frameset == null || (frameset != null && framesetName != animationFramesetLower)))
                frameset   = animation.GetFrameset(animationFrameset);
                frCount    = animation.GetFrameCount(frameset);
                frDuration = animation.GetDuration(frameset);
                System.Array.Resize <OTAnimation.Frame>(ref frames, 0);
                frCount    = animation.frameCount;
                frDuration = animation.duration;
            frDurationDelta = frDuration / frCount;

            if (frames.Length == 0)
                System.Array.Resize <OTAnimation.Frame>(ref frames, frCount);
                // cache the animation frames for quicker lookup
                for (int i = 0; i < frCount; i++)
                    frames[i] = animation.GetFrame(i * frDurationDelta, direction, frameset);

            frDuration = animation.GetDuration(frameset);
            if (frameset != null && frameset.name == "")
                frameset = null;
            time = ((frDuration / 100) * animationPreview);
            if (time == frDuration)
                time -= 0.001f;
            if (time != _time)
                _time = time;
        if (animation != null && animation.isReady)
            if (spriteContainer == null)
                spriteContainer = animation.GetFrame(0, 1, null).container;
    void InitAnimation()
        if (animationFrameset != "")
            frameset = animation.GetFrameset(animationFrameset);
            if (frameset!=null)
                framesetName = frameset.name.ToLower();
                animationFramesetLower = animationFrameset.ToLower();

            frDuration = animation.GetDuration(frameset);
            frCount = animation.GetFrameCount(frameset);
            frameset = null;
            frDuration = animation.duration;
            frCount = animation.frameCount;
        frDurationDelta = frDuration/frCount;
        frTime = 0;

        if (frCount==0)

        if (startAtRandomFrame)
            time = frDurationDelta * (Mathf.Floor(frCount * Random.value));
            if (startFrame != -1)
                time = frDurationDelta * startFrame;
                if (endFrame != -1)
                    endTime = frDurationDelta * (endFrame + 1) - 0.001f;

                time = 0;

        System.Array.Resize<OTAnimation.Frame>(ref frames,frCount);
        // cache the animation frames for quicker lookup
        for (int i=0; i<frCount; i++)
            frames[i] = animation.GetFrame(i * frDurationDelta, direction, frameset);
예제 #13
    // Update is called once per frame

    protected override void Update()
        if (animation == null && _animationName != null)
            animation = OT.AnimationByName(_animationName);

        if (spriteContainer != null && !spriteContainer.isReady)

        if (speed < 0)
            speed = 0;
        if (Application.isPlaying && animation != null && animation.isReady && _playing)
            if (waiting)
                if (waitTime >= delay)
                    waitTime = 0;
                    delay    = 0;

                    if (animationFrameset != "")
                        frameset   = animation.GetFrameset(animationFrameset);
                        frDuration = animation.GetDuration(frameset);
                        frCount    = animation.GetFrameCount(frameset);
                        frameset   = null;
                        frDuration = animation.duration;
                        frCount    = animation.frameCount;

                    if (frCount == 0)

                    if (startAtRandomFrame)
                        time = (frDuration / frCount) * (Mathf.Floor(frCount * Random.value));
                        if (startFrame != -1)
                            time = (frDuration / frCount) * startFrame;
                            if (endFrame != -1)
                                endTime = (frDuration / frCount) * (endFrame + 1) - 0.001f;
                            time = 0;
                    waiting = false;

                    if (onAnimationStart != null)
                    if (!CallBack("onAnimationStart", new object[] { this }))
                        CallBack("OnAnimationStart", new object[] { this });
                    waitTime += Time.deltaTime;
            if (!waiting)
            if (animationPreview < 0)
                animationPreview = 0;
            if (animationPreview > 100)
                animationPreview = 100;
            if (!Application.isPlaying && animation != null && animation.isReady)
                if (animationFrameset != "" && (frameset == null || (frameset != null && frameset.name.ToLower() != animationFrameset.ToLower())))
                    frameset = animation.GetFrameset(animationFrameset);
                    frCount  = animation.GetFrameCount(frameset);
                frDuration = animation.GetDuration(frameset);
                if (frameset != null && frameset.name == "")
                    frameset = null;
                time = ((frDuration / 100) * animationPreview);
                if (time == frDuration)
                    time -= 0.001f;
                if (time != _time)
                    _time = time;
            if (animation != null && animation.isReady)
                if (spriteContainer == null)
                    spriteContainer = animation.GetFrame(0, 1, null).container;

예제 #14
    void HandleWaiting()
        if (waitTime >= delay)
            waitTime = 0;
            delay    = 0;

            if (animationFrameset != "")
                frameset = animation.GetFrameset(animationFrameset);
                if (frameset != null)
                    framesetName           = frameset.name.ToLower();
                    animationFramesetLower = animationFrameset.ToLower();

                frDuration = animation.GetDuration(frameset);
                frCount    = animation.GetFrameCount(frameset);
                frameset   = null;
                frDuration = animation.duration;
                frCount    = animation.frameCount;
            frDurationDelta = frDuration / frCount;

            if (frCount == 0)

            if (startAtRandomFrame)
                time = frDurationDelta * (Mathf.Floor(frCount * Random.value));
                if (startFrame != -1)
                    time = frDurationDelta * startFrame;
                    if (endFrame != -1)
                        endTime = frDurationDelta * (endFrame + 1) - 0.001f;
                    time = 0;

            System.Array.Resize <OTAnimation.Frame>(ref frames, frCount);
            // cache the animation frames for quicker lookup
            for (int i = 0; i < frCount; i++)
                frames[i] = animation.GetFrame(i * frDurationDelta, direction, frameset);

            waiting = false;

            if (onAnimationStart != null)
            if (!CallBack("onAnimationStart", new object[] { this }))
                CallBack("OnAnimationStart", new object[] { this });
            waitTime += Time.deltaTime;
예제 #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Get number of frames in this animaation
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// If no <see cref="OTAnimationFrameset" /> is provided the number of frames of the entire animation is returned. If an OTAnimationFrameset is provided
 /// this method will return the number of frames of that particular frameset.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="frameset">Get number of frames of a perticular animation frameset.</param>
 /// <returns>number of frames</returns>
 public int GetFrameCount(OTAnimationFrameset frameset)
     if (frameset != null)
         return frameset.frameCount;
         return frameCount;
예제 #16
    private void createInitialFrameset()
        this.initialFrameSet = new OTAnimationFrameset();

        this.initialFrameSet.container = this.atlas;
        this.initialFrameSet.startFrame = 0;
        this.initialFrameSet.endFrame = 4;
    void CreateSpriteSheets()
        imageIdx = 0;

        for (int t = 1; t <= texCount; t++)

        if (addToScene)
            OTAnimation animation = OT.AnimationByName("Animation-" + containerName);
            if (animation == null)
                animation = OT.CreateObject(OTObjectType.Animation).GetComponent<OTAnimation>();
            animation.name = "Animation-" + containerName;
            List<OTAnimationFrameset> fs = new List<OTAnimationFrameset>();
            int frCount = (int)(framesXY.x * framesXY.y);
            int frIdx = 0;
            for (int t = 1; t <= texCount; t++)
                OTSpriteSheet sheet = createdSheets[t - 1] as OTSpriteSheet;
                if (sheet != null)
                    OTAnimationFrameset fr = new OTAnimationFrameset();
                    fr.container = sheet;
                    fr.startFrame = 0;
                    if (frIdx + frCount <= images.Count)
                        fr.endFrame = frCount - 1;
                        fr.endFrame = (images.Count - frIdx) - 1;

                    frIdx += frCount;
            animation.framesets = fs.ToArray();

            OTAnimatingSprite sprite = OT.ObjectByName(containerName) as OTAnimatingSprite;
            if (sprite == null)
                sprite = OT.CreateObject(OTObjectType.AnimatingSprite).GetComponent<OTAnimatingSprite>();
            if (sprite != null)
                sprite.name = containerName;
                sprite.animation = animation;
                sprite.animationFrameset = "";
예제 #18
    void HandleWaiting()
        if (waitTime >= delay)
            waitTime = 0;
            delay = 0;

            if (animationFrameset != "")
                frameset = animation.GetFrameset(animationFrameset);
                if (frameset!=null)
                    framesetName = frameset.name.ToLower();
                    animationFramesetLower = animationFrameset.ToLower();

                frDuration = animation.GetDuration(frameset);
                frCount = animation.GetFrameCount(frameset);
                frameset = null;
                frDuration = animation.duration;
                frCount = animation.frameCount;
            frDurationDelta = frDuration/frCount;

            if (frCount==0)

            if (startAtRandomFrame)
                time = frDurationDelta * (Mathf.Floor(frCount * Random.value));
                if (startFrame != -1)
                    time = frDurationDelta * startFrame;
                    if (endFrame != -1)
                        endTime = frDurationDelta * (endFrame + 1) - 0.001f;

                    time = 0;

            System.Array.Resize<OTAnimation.Frame>(ref frames,frCount);
            // cache the animation frames for quicker lookup
            for (int i=0; i<frCount; i++)
                frames[i] = animation.GetFrame(i * frDurationDelta, direction, frameset);

            waiting = false;

            if (onAnimationStart != null)
            if (!CallBack("onAnimationStart", new object[] { this }))
                CallBack("OnAnimationStart", new object[] { this });

            waitTime += Time.deltaTime;
예제 #19
    TextMesh stagemesh2;                // textmesh for stage 1 menu item

    // Create all objects fo    r the star stage by code
    void AnimatingGreenStarStage()
        // To create a scrolling background, first create a filled sprite object
        back = OT.CreateObject(OTObjectType.FilledSprite).GetComponent <OTFilledSprite>();
        // Set the image to the tile texture
        back.image = whiteTile;
        // Set material reference to 'custom' blue material
        back.materialReference = "blue";
        // Set size to match the screen resolution so it will fill the entire screen
        back.size = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height);
        // Set the display depth all the way back so everything else will come on top
        back.depth = 1000;
        // Set fill image size to 50 x 50 pixels
        back.fillSize = new Vector2(50, 50);
        // Set scroll speed so we will scroll horizontally 20 px / second
        back.scrollSpeed = new Vector2(20, 0);

        // To create the animating star we first have to create the sprite sheet object that will
        // hold our texture/animation frames
        OTSpriteSheet sheet = OT.CreateObject(OTObjectType.SpriteSheet).GetComponent <OTSpriteSheet>();

        //  Give our sheet a name
        sheet.name = "mySheet";
        // Assign texture
        sheet.texture = greenStarsAnimation;
        // Specify how many columns and rows we have (frames)
        sheet.framesXY = new Vector2(25, 3);
        // Because we have some overhead space to the right and bottom of our texture we have to
        // specify the original texture size and the original frame size so that the right texture
        // scale and offsetting can be calculated.
        sheet.sheetSize = new Vector2(2048, 256);
        sheet.frameSize = new Vector2(80, 80);

        // Next thing is to create the animation that our animating sprite will use
        OTAnimation animation = OT.CreateObject(OTObjectType.Animation).GetComponent <OTAnimation>();
        // This animation will use only one frameset with all animating star frames.
        OTAnimationFrameset frameset = new OTAnimationFrameset();

        // Link up the sprite sheet to this animation's frameset
        frameset.container = sheet;
        // Frameset animation will start at frame index 0
        frameset.startFrame = 0;
        // Frameset animation will end at frame index 69
        frameset.endFrame = 69;
        // Assign this frameset to the animation.
        // HINT : by asigning more than one frameset it is possible to create an animation that will span
        // across mutiple framesets
        // HINT : Because it is possible (and very easy) to play a specific frameset of an animation
        // One could pack a lot of animations into one animation object.
        animation.framesets = new OTAnimationFrameset[] { frameset };
        // Set the duration of this animation
        // HINT : By using the OTAnimationSprite.speed setting one can speed up or slow down a
        // running animation without changing the OTAnimation.fps or .duration setting.
        animation.duration = .95f;
        // Lets give our animation a name
        animation.name = "star-animation";

        // To finally get the animatiing star on screen we will create our animation sprite object
        star = OT.CreateObject(OTObjectType.AnimatingSprite).GetComponent <OTAnimatingSprite>();
        // Link up the animation
        star.animation = animation;
        // Lets start at a random frame
        star.startAtRandomFrame = true;
        // Lets auto-start this animation
        star.playOnStart = true;
        // start invisible and make visible when containers are ready.
        star.visible         = false;
        star.name            = "star";
        star.spriteContainer = sheet;

        // INFO : This animation 'star' will be center (0,0) positioned and act as a prototype
        // to create more moveing and animating (additive) 'stars'.
    private OTAnimationFrameset CreateFrameset(string name, OTContainer container, int startFrameIndex, int endFrameIndex)
        MZDebug.Log( "Add frameset: " + name );

        OTAnimationFrameset frameset = new OTAnimationFrameset();
        frameset.name = name;
        frameset.container = container;
        frameset.startFrame = startFrameIndex;
        frameset.endFrame = endFrameIndex;

        return frameset;
예제 #21
    // Update is called once per frame
    /// <exclude />
    protected override void Update()
        if (spriteContainer != null && !spriteContainer.isReady)

        if (speed < 0) speed = 0;
        if (Application.isPlaying && animation != null && animation.isReady && _playing)
            if (waiting)
                if (waitTime >= delay)
                    waitTime = 0;
                    delay = 0;

                    if (animationFrameset != "")
                        frameset = animation.GetFrameset(animationFrameset);
                        frDuration = animation.GetDuration(frameset);
                        frCount = animation.GetFrameCount(frameset);
                        frameset = null;
                        frDuration = animation.duration;
                        frCount = animation.frameCount;

                    if (startAtRandomFrame)
                        time = (frDuration / frCount) * (Mathf.Floor(frCount * Random.value));
                        if (startFrame != -1)
                            time = (frDuration / frCount) * startFrame;
                            if (endFrame != -1)
                                endTime = (frDuration / frCount) * (endFrame + 1) - 0.001f;

                            time = 0;
                    waiting = false;

                    if (onAnimationStart != null)
                    if (!CallBack("onAnimationStart", new object[] { this }))
                        CallBack("OnAnimationStart", new object[] { this });

                    waitTime += Time.deltaTime;
            if (!waiting)
            if (animationPreview < 0) animationPreview = 0;
                if (animationPreview > 100) animationPreview = 100;
            if (!Application.isPlaying && animation != null && animation.isReady)
                if (animationFrameset != "" && (frameset == null || (frameset != null && frameset.name.ToLower() != animationFrameset.ToLower())))
                    frameset = animation.GetFrameset(animationFrameset);
                    frCount = animation.GetFrameCount(frameset);
                frDuration = animation.GetDuration(frameset);
                if (frameset != null && frameset.name == "")
                    frameset = null;
                time = ((frDuration / 100) * animationPreview);
                if (time == frDuration) time -= 0.001f;
                if (time != _time)
                    _time = time;
                if (animation != null && animation.isReady)
                    if (spriteContainer == null)
                        spriteContainer = animation.GetFrame(0, 1, null).container;

예제 #22
    void EditorPreview()
        if (animationPreview < 0) animationPreview = 0;
            if (animationPreview > 100) animationPreview = 100;
        if (!Application.isPlaying && animation != null && animation.isReady)
            if (animationFrameset != "" && (frameset == null || (frameset != null && framesetName != animationFramesetLower)))
                frameset = animation.GetFrameset(animationFrameset);
                frCount = animation.GetFrameCount(frameset);
                frDuration = animation.GetDuration(frameset);
                System.Array.Resize<OTAnimation.Frame>(ref frames,0);
                frCount = animation.frameCount;
                frDuration = animation.duration;
            frDurationDelta = frDuration/frCount;

            if (frames.Length == 0)
                System.Array.Resize<OTAnimation.Frame>(ref frames,frCount);
                // cache the animation frames for quicker lookup
                for (int i=0; i<frCount; i++)
                    frames[i] = animation.GetFrame(i * frDurationDelta, direction, frameset);

            frDuration = animation.GetDuration(frameset);
            if (frameset != null && frameset.name == "")
                frameset = null;
            time = ((frDuration / 100) * animationPreview);
            if (time == frDuration) time -= 0.001f;
            if (time != _time)
                _time = time;
            if (animation != null && animation.isReady)
                if (spriteContainer == null)
                    spriteContainer = animation.GetFrame(0, 1, null).container;
예제 #23
 /// <exclude />
 public float GetDuration(OTAnimationFrameset frameset)
     if (frameset != null)
         return (frameset.singleDuration != 0) ?
             frameset.singleDuration : frameset.frameCount / fps;
         return duration;
예제 #24
	public OTAnimationFramesetCheck(OTAnimationFrameset fs)
		this.fs = fs;
예제 #25
    private void generateSprite()
        // Next thing is to create the animation that our animating sprite will use
        cardToFront = OT.CreateObject(OTObjectType.Animation).GetComponent<OTAnimation>();
        // This animation will use only one frameset with all animating star frames.

        OTAnimationFrameset frameset2 = new OTAnimationFrameset();

        frameset2.container = this.atlas;

        frameset2.startFrame = int.Parse(this.getID())+CardBehaviour.offset;
        frameset2.endFrame = int.Parse(this.getID())+CardBehaviour.offset;

        // Assign this frameset to the animation.
        // HINT : by asigning more than one frameset it is possible to create an animation that
        // will span across mutiple framesets
        // HINT : Because it is possible (and very easy) to play a specific frameset of an animation
        // One could pack a lot of animations into one animation object.

        cardToFront.framesets = new OTAnimationFrameset[] { this.initialFrameSet , frameset2 };
        // Set the duration of this animation
        // HINT : By using the OTAnimationSprite.speed setting one can speed up or slow down a
        // running animation without changing the OTAnimation.fps or .duration setting.
        cardToFront.duration = 0.2f;
        // Lets give our animation a name
        cardToFront.name = "card-animation";

        // To finally get the animatiing star on screen we will create our animation sprite object
        card = (OTAnimatingSprite)GetComponent(typeof(OTAnimatingSprite));

        card.playOnStart = false;

        card.startAtRandomFrame = false;

        card.animation = cardToFront;

        card.position = (new Vector2(this.location.getX() - 400, this.location.getY() - 405));

        card.depth = -3; 	//La llevo para adelante en la pantalla
예제 #26
    float starTime = 0; // star creation wait time

    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods

    // Create all objects fo    r the star stage by code
    void AnimatingGreenStarStage()
        // To create a scrolling background, first create a filled sprite object
        back = OT.CreateObject(OTObjectType.FilledSprite).GetComponent<OTFilledSprite>();
        // Set the image to the tile texture
        back.image = whiteTile;
        // Set material reference to 'custom' blue material
        back.materialReference = "blue";
        // Set size to match the screen resolution so it will fill the entire screen
        back.size = new Vector2(Screen.width,Screen.height);
        // Set the display depth all the way back so everything else will come on top
        back.depth = 1000;
        // Set fill image size to 50 x 50 pixels
        back.fillSize = new Vector2(50, 50);
        // Set scroll speed so we will scroll horizontally 20 px / second
        back.scrollSpeed = new Vector2(20, 0);

        // To create the animating star we first have to create the sprite sheet object that will
        // hold our texture/animation frames
        OTSpriteSheet sheet = OT.CreateObject(OTObjectType.SpriteSheet).GetComponent<OTSpriteSheet>();
        // Assign texture
        sheet.texture = greenStarsAnimation;
        // Specify how many columns and rows we have (frames)
        sheet.framesXY = new Vector2(25, 3);
        // Because we have some overhead space to the right and bottom of our texture we have to
        // specify the original texture size and the original frame size so that the right texture
        // scale and offsetting can be calculated.
        sheet.sheetSize = new Vector2(2048, 256);
        sheet.frameSize = new Vector2(80, 80);

        // Next thing is to create the animation that our animating sprite will use
        OTAnimation animation = OT.CreateObject(OTObjectType.Animation).GetComponent<OTAnimation>();
        // This animation will use only one frameset with all animating star frames.
        OTAnimationFrameset frameset = new OTAnimationFrameset();
        // Link up the sprite sheet to this animation's frameset
        frameset.container = sheet;
        // Frameset animation will start at frame index 0
        frameset.startFrame = 0;
        // Frameset animation will end at frame index 69
        frameset.endFrame = 69;
        // Assign this frameset to the animation.
        // HINT : by asigning more than one frameset it is possible to create an animation that will span
        // across mutiple framesets
        // HINT : Because it is possible (and very easy) to play a specific frameset of an animation
        // One could pack a lot of animations into one animation object.
        animation.framesets = new OTAnimationFrameset[] { frameset };
        // Set the duration of this animation
        // HINT : By using the OTAnimationSprite.speed setting one can speed up or slow down a
        // running animation without changing the OTAnimation.fps or .duration setting.
        animation.duration = .95f;
        // Lets give our animation a name
        animation.name = "star-animation";

        // To finally get the animatiing star on screen we will create our animation sprite object
        star = OT.CreateObject(OTObjectType.AnimatingSprite).GetComponent<OTAnimatingSprite>();
        // Link up the animation
        star.animation = animation;
        // Lets start at a random frame
        star.startAtRandomFrame = true;
        // Lets auto-start this animation
        star.playOnStart = true;

        // INFO : This animation 'star' will be center (0,0) positioned and act as a prototype
        // to create more moveing and animating (additive) 'stars'.
예제 #27
    void CheckEditorSettings()
        if (frameCount == 0 && framesets.Length > 0 && !dirtyAnimation)
            dirtyAnimation = true;

        if (framesets.Length > 0)
            if (_framesetSize != framesets.Length)
                _framesetSize  = framesets.Length;
                dirtyAnimation = true;

            int _frameCount = 0;
            for (int f = 0; f < framesets.Length; f++)
                OTAnimationFrameset fs = framesets[f];
                if (fs.container != null)
                    if (f <= _framesets.Count - 1)
                        dirtyAnimation = _framesets[f].isChanged;
                        _framesets.Add(new OTAnimationFramesetCheck(fs));
                        dirtyAnimation = true;

                    if (fs.container != null)
                        fs._containerName = fs.container.name;

                    if (fs.container.isReady)
                        if (fs.startFrame < 0)
                            fs.startFrame = 0;
                        if (fs.startFrame >= fs.container.frameCount)
                            fs.startFrame = fs.container.frameCount - 1;
                        if (fs.endFrame < 0)
                            fs.endFrame = 0;
                        if (fs.endFrame >= fs.container.frameCount)
                            fs.endFrame = fs.container.frameCount - 1;

                        _frameCount += fs.frameCount;
                    if (fs._containerName == "")
                        fs.startFrame = -1;
                        fs.endFrame   = -1;

                if (fs.playCount < 1)
                    fs.playCount = 1;

            if (frames != null)
                if (_frameCount != frames.Length)
                    dirtyAnimation = true;

            while (framesets.Length < _framesets.Count)
                _framesets.RemoveAt(_framesets.Count - 1);
예제 #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieve the animation frame that is active at a specific time.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="time">Animation time in seconds.</param>
 /// <param name="direction">Animation direction, 1 = forward, -1 = backward</param>
 /// <param name="frameset">The animation frameset of which a frame is requested</param>
 /// <returns>Retrieved animation frame.</returns>
 public Frame GetFrame(float time, int direction, OTAnimationFrameset frameset)
     if (frames.Length == 0)
         return new Frame();
         if (frameset != null)
             return frames[frameset.startIndex+GetIndex(time, direction, frameset)];
             return frames[GetIndex(time, direction, null)];
예제 #29
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (!OT.isValid || !Ready())

        if (!registered || !Application.isPlaying)

        if (!Application.isPlaying)
            if (OT.dirtyChecks && framesets.Length > 0)
                if (_framesetSize != framesets.Length)
                    _framesetSize  = framesets.Length;
                    dirtyAnimation = true;

        if (dirtyAnimation)
            bool isOk = true;
            for (int f = 0; f < framesets.Length; f++)
                OTAnimationFrameset fs = framesets[f];
                if (fs.container == null && fs._containerName != "")
                    OTContainer c = OT.ContainerByName(fs._containerName);
                    if (c != null && c.isReady)
                        fs.container = c;
                        isOk = false;

            if (isOk)
                frames         = GetFrames();
                dirtyAnimation = false;
                if (_duration == _duration_)
                    _duration  = (float)frames.Length / _fps;
                    _duration_ = _duration;

        if (!Application.isPlaying || OT.dirtyChecks)
            if (_duration > 0)
                if (_duration_ != _duration)
                    _duration_ = _duration;
                    _fps       = (float)frames.Length / _duration;
                    _fps_      = _fps;

            if (_fps > 0)
                if (_fps_ != _fps)
                    _fps_      = _fps;
                    _duration  = (float)frames.Length / _fps;
                    _duration_ = _duration;
예제 #30
 int GetIndex(float time, int direction, OTAnimationFrameset frameset)
     int index = 0;
     int fc = GetFrameCount(frameset);
     index = (int)Mathf.Floor((float)fc * (time / GetDuration(frameset)));
     while (index > fc - 1) index -= fc;
     if (direction == -1) index = fc - 1 - index;
     return index;
예제 #31
 public OTAnimationFramesetCheck(OTAnimationFrameset fs)
     this.fs = fs;