예제 #1
 //Convert OSVR.ClientKit.Viewport to Rect
 public static Rect ConvertViewport(OSVR.ClientKit.Viewport viewport, OSVR.ClientKit.DisplayDimensions surfaceDisplayDimensions, int numDisplayInputs, int eyeIndex, int totalDisplayWidth)
     //Unity expects normalized coordinates, not pixel coordinates
      if (numDisplayInputs == 1)
         return new Rect((float)viewport.Left / (float)surfaceDisplayDimensions.Width,
                 (float)viewport.Bottom / (float)surfaceDisplayDimensions.Height,
                 (float)viewport.Width / (float)surfaceDisplayDimensions.Width,
                 (float)viewport.Height / (float)surfaceDisplayDimensions.Height);
     else if(numDisplayInputs == 2)
         //with two inputs in fullscreen mode, viewports expect to fill the screen
         //Unity can only output to one window, so we offset the right eye by half the total width of the displays
         return new Rect(eyeIndex == 0 ? 0 : 0.5f + (float)viewport.Left / (float)totalDisplayWidth,
             (float)viewport.Bottom / (float)surfaceDisplayDimensions.Height,
             (float)viewport.Width / (float)totalDisplayWidth,
             (float)viewport.Height / (float)surfaceDisplayDimensions.Height);
         Debug.LogError("[OSVR-Unity] More than two video inputs is not supported. Using default viewport.");
         return new Rect(0, 0, 0.5f, 1f);
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a K1RadialDistortion effect and adds it as a component to the given eye, if possible.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="Surface">VRSurface to apply the effect to.</param>
		/// <returns>K1RadialDistortion object for parameter setting, or null if not supported</returns>
		public K1RadialDistortion GetOrCreateDistortion(OSVR.Unity.VRSurface surface)
			K1RadialDistortion ret = surface.DistortionEffect;
			if (!Supported)
				if (ret)
					// shouldn't be able to get here but...
					ret.enabled = false;
					ret = null;
				return ret;
			if (ret == null)
				ret = surface.gameObject.AddComponent<K1RadialDistortion>();
				surface.DistortionEffect = ret;
				ret.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
				ret.DistortionMaterial = new Material(DistortionShader);
				if (!ret.DistortionMaterial)
					/// weird error case, shouldn't get here.
					Debug.LogWarning("Couldn't create material in OSVR distortion shader factory - shouldn't be able to happen!");
					ret.enabled = false;
					return null;
				ret.DistortionMaterial.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
				ret.enabled = (ret.DistortionMaterial != null);
			return ret;
예제 #3
            private void callback(IntPtr userdata, ref OSVR.ClientKit.TimeValue timestamp, ref OSVR.ClientKit.PositionReport report)
				var temp = Math.ConvertPosition(report.xyz);
				lock (LOCKER)
					data = temp;
				NEW_DATA_EVENT.Set ();
                transform.localPosition = Math.ConvertPosition(report.xyz);
예제 #4
            // Updates the position and rotation of the eye
            // Optionally, update the viewer associated with this eye
            public void UpdateEyePose(OSVR.ClientKit.Pose3 eyePose)
                // Convert from OSVR space into Unity space.
                Vector3 pos = Math.ConvertPosition(eyePose.translation);
                Quaternion rot = Math.ConvertOrientation(eyePose.rotation);

                // RenderManager produces the eyeFromSpace matrix, but
                // Unity wants the inverse of that.
                if (Viewer.DisplayController.UseRenderManager)
                    // Invert the transformation
                    cachedTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(rot);
                    Vector3 invPos = -pos;
                    cachedTransform.localPosition = Quaternion.Inverse(rot) * invPos;
                    cachedTransform.localPosition = pos;
                    cachedTransform.localRotation = rot;
예제 #5
 //Convert OSVR.ClientKit.Matrix44f to Matrix4x4
 public static Matrix4x4 ConvertMatrix(OSVR.ClientKit.Matrix44f matrix)
     Matrix4x4 matrix4x4 = new Matrix4x4();
     matrix4x4[0, 0] = matrix.M0;
     matrix4x4[1, 0] = matrix.M1;
     matrix4x4[2, 0] = matrix.M2;
     matrix4x4[3, 0] = matrix.M3;
     matrix4x4[0, 1] = matrix.M4;
     matrix4x4[1, 1] = matrix.M5;
     matrix4x4[2, 1] = matrix.M6;
     matrix4x4[3, 1] = matrix.M7;
     matrix4x4[0, 2] = matrix.M8;
     matrix4x4[1, 2] = matrix.M9;
     matrix4x4[2, 2] = matrix.M10;
     matrix4x4[3, 2] = matrix.M11;
     matrix4x4[0, 3] = matrix.M12;
     matrix4x4[1, 3] = matrix.M13;
     matrix4x4[2, 3] = matrix.M14;
     matrix4x4[3, 3] = matrix.M15;
     return matrix4x4;
예제 #6
 public static Quaternion ConvertOrientation2(OSVR.ClientKit.Quaternion quat)
     return new Quaternion((float)quat.x, -(float)quat.y, -(float)quat.z, (float)quat.w) * new Quaternion(0, 0.707f, 0, 0.707f);
예제 #7
 //Set the camera's viewport rect
 public void SetViewport(OSVR.ClientKit.Viewport viewport)
     Viewport = viewport;
예제 #8
            //Given distortion parameters, setup the appropriate distortion method
            //@todo this should be more generalized when we have more distortion options
            public void SetDistortion(OSVR.ClientKit.RadialDistortionParameters distortionParameters)
                float k1Red = (float)distortionParameters.k1.x;
                float k1Green = (float)distortionParameters.k1.y;
                float k1Blue = (float)distortionParameters.k1.z;
                Vector2 center = new Vector2((float)distortionParameters.centerOfProjection.x,

                //@todo figure out which type of distortion to use
                //right now, there is only one option
                SetK1RadialDistortion(k1Red, k1Green, k1Blue, center);
 /// <summary>
 /// Pose (as a 4x4 matrix) wrapper callback, interfacing Managed-OSVR's signatures and more Unity-native datatypes, including coordinate system conversion.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userdata">Unused</param>
 /// <param name="timestamp">Unused</param>
 /// <param name="report">Tracker pose report</param>
 private void PoseMatrixCb(System.IntPtr userdata, ref OSVR.ClientKit.TimeValue timestamp, ref OSVR.ClientKit.PoseReport report)
     Matrix4x4 matPose = Math.ConvertPose(report.pose);
     if (null != poseMatrixCallbacks)
         poseMatrixCallbacks(path, matPose);
예제 #10
 //Call the Unity Rendering Plugin to initialize the RenderManager
 public int CreateRenderManager(OSVR.ClientKit.ClientContext clientContext)
     int result;
         result = CreateRenderManagerFromUnity(clientContext.ContextHandle);
     catch (DllNotFoundException e)
         result = -1;
         Debug.LogError("[OSVR-Unity] Could not load "  + e.Message +
             "\nosvrUnityRenderingPlugin.dll, or one of its dependencies, is missing from the project " +
             "or architecture doesn't match.\n");
     return result;
 /// <summary>
 /// Orientation wrapper callback, interfacing Managed-OSVR's signatures and more Unity-native datatypes, including coordinate system conversion.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userdata">Unused</param>
 /// <param name="timestamp">Unused</param>
 /// <param name="report">Tracker orientation report</param>
 private void OrientationCb(System.IntPtr userdata, ref OSVR.ClientKit.TimeValue timestamp, ref OSVR.ClientKit.OrientationReport report)
     Quaternion rotation = Math.ConvertOrientation(report.rotation);
     if (null != orientationCallbacks)
         orientationCallbacks(path, rotation);
예제 #12
 void Interface_StateChanged(object sender, OSVR.ClientKit.TimeValue timestamp, int sensor, double report)
     Debug.Log("[OSVR-Unity-Samples] Got analog value " + report);
예제 #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Blink causes the color to change. At most once per second.
 /// </summary>
 void blinkInterface_StateChanged(object sender, OSVR.ClientKit.TimeValue timestamp, int sensor, bool report)
     if (lastBlinkReportState != report && timestamp.seconds - lastBlinkColorChangeTimestampSeconds > 1)
         lastBlinkColorChangeTimestampSeconds = timestamp.seconds;
     lastBlinkReportState = report;
예제 #14
 private static extern Byte CreateRenderManagerFromUnity(OSVR.ClientKit.SafeClientContextHandle /*OSVR_ClientContext*/ ctx);
예제 #15
 public static Vector2 ConvertPosition(OSVR.ClientKit.Vec2 vec)
     return new Vector2((float)vec.x, (float)vec.y);
예제 #16
 public static Quaternion ConvertOrientation(OSVR.ClientKit.Quaternion quat)
     /// Wikipedia may say quaternions are not handed, but these needed modification.
     return new Quaternion(-(float)quat.x, -(float)quat.y, (float)quat.z, (float)quat.w);
예제 #17
 public static Vector3 ConvertPosition(OSVR.ClientKit.Vec3 vec)
     /// Convert to left-handed
     return new Vector3((float)vec.x, (float)vec.y, (float)-vec.z);
 /// <summary>
 /// Analog wrapper callback, interfacing Managed-OSVR's signatures and more Unity-native datatypes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userdata">Unused</param>
 /// <param name="timestamp">Unused</param>
 /// <param name="report">Analog report</param>
 private void AnalogCb(System.IntPtr userdata, ref OSVR.ClientKit.TimeValue timestamp, ref OSVR.ClientKit.AnalogReport report)
     float val = (float)report.state;
     if (null != analogCallbacks)
         analogCallbacks(path, val);
 /// <summary>
 /// Button wrapper callback, interfacing Managed-OSVR's signatures and more Unity-native datatypes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userdata">Unused</param>
 /// <param name="timestamp">Unused</param>
 /// <param name="report">Button report</param>
 private void ButtonCb(System.IntPtr userdata, ref OSVR.ClientKit.TimeValue timestamp, ref OSVR.ClientKit.ButtonReport report)
     bool pressed = (report.state == 1);
     if (buttonCallbacks != null)
         buttonCallbacks(path, pressed);
예제 #20
 void handleButton(object sender, OSVR.ClientKit.TimeValue timestamp, int sensor, byte report)
     Debug.Log("Got button: " + sensor.ToString() + " state is " + report);
            /* END GENERATED CODE - unity-generate.lua */

            /// These wrappers sadly have to be mostly hand-written, despite their similarity, since they convert data types
            /// and also data conventions (into Unity's left-handed coordinate system)
            #region Private wrapper callbacks/trampolines
            /// <summary>
            /// Pose (as position and orientation) wrapper callback, interfacing Managed-OSVR's signatures and more Unity-native datatypes, including coordinate system conversion.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="userdata">Unused</param>
            /// <param name="timestamp">Unused</param>
            /// <param name="report">Tracker pose report</param>
            private void PoseCb(System.IntPtr userdata, ref OSVR.ClientKit.TimeValue timestamp, ref OSVR.ClientKit.PoseReport report)
                Vector3 position = Math.ConvertPosition(report.pose.translation);
                Quaternion rotation = Math.ConvertOrientation(report.pose.rotation);
                if (null != poseCallbacks)
                    poseCallbacks(path, position, rotation);
예제 #22
 public static Matrix4x4 ConvertPose(OSVR.ClientKit.Pose3 pose)
     return Matrix4x4.TRS(Math.ConvertPosition(pose.translation), Math.ConvertOrientation(pose.rotation), Vector3.zero);
 /// <summary>
 /// Position wrapper callback, interfacing Managed-OSVR's signatures and more Unity-native datatypes, including coordinate system conversion.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userdata">Unused</param>
 /// <param name="timestamp">Unused</param>
 /// <param name="report">Tracker position report</param>
 private void PositionCb(System.IntPtr userdata, ref OSVR.ClientKit.TimeValue timestamp, ref OSVR.ClientKit.PositionReport report)
     Vector3 position = Math.ConvertPosition(report.xyz);
     if (null != positionCallbacks)
         positionCallbacks(path, position);
예제 #24
 //Call the Unity Rendering Plugin to initialize the RenderManager
 public int CreateRenderManager(OSVR.ClientKit.ClientContext clientContext)
     return CreateRenderManagerFromUnity(clientContext.ContextHandle);
예제 #25
 public static Rect ConvertViewportRenderManager(OSVR.ClientKit.Viewport viewport)
     //Unity expects normalized coordinates, not pixel coordinates
     //@todo below assumes left and right eyes split the screen in half horizontally
     return new Rect(viewport.Left / viewport.Width, viewport.Bottom / viewport.Height, viewport.Width / viewport.Width, 1);
예제 #26
 //Updates the position and rotation of the head
 public void UpdateViewerHeadPose(OSVR.ClientKit.Pose3 headPose)
     cachedTransform.localPosition = Math.ConvertPosition(headPose.translation);
     cachedTransform.localRotation = Math.ConvertOrientation(headPose.rotation);
예제 #27
 // Updates the position and rotation of the eye
 // Optionally, update the viewer associated with this eye
 public void UpdateEyePose(OSVR.ClientKit.Pose3 eyePose)
     cachedTransform.localPosition = Math.ConvertPosition(eyePose.translation);
     cachedTransform.localRotation = Math.ConvertOrientation(eyePose.rotation);