/// <summary>
        /// This function creates scheduler flags
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="flags"> the OS flags to use to create the scheduler flags</param>
        /// <returns> the created scheduler flags or null if an error occurred</returns>
        private SchedulerFlags?CreateSchedulerFlags(OSFlags flags)
            SchedulerFlags temp = new SchedulerFlags();

            temp.schedulingPolicies = flags.schedulingPolicy;
            if (temp.schedulingPolicies == EnumSchedulingPolicies.ROUND_ROBIN) // if we are using round robin scheduling
                temp.RR_Priority_Policy = flags.priorityPolicy;
                temp.RR_TimeSlice       = flags.RR_Time_Slice;
                temp.RR_Type            = flags.roundRobinType;
                temp.TimeSliceUnit      = flags.RR_Time_Slice_Unit;
            temp.allowCPUAffinity       = flags.allowCPUAffinity;
            temp.defaultScheduler       = flags.useDefaultScheduler;
            temp.runningWithNoProcesses = flags.runWithNoprocesses;
            temp.cpuClockSpeed          = (int)sld_ClockSpeed.Value;
            temp.issuedLotteryTickets   = new List <LotteryTicket>();
            temp.drawnLotteryTickets    = new List <LotteryTicket>();
        /// <summary>
        /// This function creates the flags for creating the OS core based on selected UI options
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> the selected OS flags or null if an error occurred</returns>
        private OSFlags?CreateOsFlags()
            OSFlags temp = new OSFlags();

            if (rdb_Round_Robin.IsChecked != null && rdb_Round_Robin.IsChecked.Value) // if round robin is selected
                temp.schedulingPolicy = EnumSchedulingPolicies.ROUND_ROBIN;

                if (rdb_RR_Seconds.IsChecked != null && rdb_RR_Seconds.IsChecked.Value) // if the seconds time unit is selected
                    temp.RR_Time_Slice_Unit = EnumTimeUnit.SECONDS;
                    temp.RR_Time_Slice      = Double.Parse(cmb_RRSeconds.SelectedValue.ToString());
                else if (rdb_RR_Ticks.IsChecked != null && rdb_RR_Ticks.IsChecked.Value) // if the ticks time unit is selected
                    temp.RR_Time_Slice_Unit = EnumTimeUnit.TICKS;
                    temp.RR_Time_Slice      = Double.Parse(cmb_RRTicks.SelectedValue.ToString());

                    MessageBox.Show("Please Select a time unit"); // no time unit was selected

                if (rdb_No_Priority.IsChecked != null && rdb_No_Priority.IsChecked.Value) // if the no priority option is selected
                    temp.priorityPolicy = EnumPriorityPolicy.NO_PRIORITY;
                else if (rdb_Non_Preemptive.IsChecked != null && rdb_Non_Preemptive.IsChecked.Value) // if the non pre-emptive priority option is selected
                    temp.priorityPolicy = EnumPriorityPolicy.NON_PRE_EMPTIVE;
                else if (rdb_Preemptive.IsChecked != null && rdb_Preemptive.IsChecked.Value) // if the pre-emptive priority option is selected
                    temp.priorityPolicy = EnumPriorityPolicy.PRE_EMPTIVE;
                    MessageBox.Show("Please Select a priority policy"); // if no priority option is selected
                if (rdb_Static.IsChecked != null && rdb_Static.IsChecked.Value) // if the static option is selected
                    temp.roundRobinType = EnumRoundRobinType.STATIC;
                else if (rdb_Dynamic.IsChecked != null && rdb_Dynamic.IsChecked.Value) // if the dynamic option is selected
                    temp.roundRobinType = EnumRoundRobinType.DYNAMIC;
                    MessageBox.Show("Please Select a Round Robin Type"); // if no option was selected
            else if (rdb_FirstCome_FirstServed.IsChecked != null && rdb_FirstCome_FirstServed.IsChecked.Value) // if first come first served is selected
                temp.schedulingPolicy = EnumSchedulingPolicies.FIRST_COME_FIRST_SERVED;
            else if (rdb_Shortest_Job_First.IsChecked != null && rdb_Shortest_Job_First.IsChecked.Value) // if shortest job first is selected
                temp.schedulingPolicy = EnumSchedulingPolicies.SHORTEST_JOB_FIRST;
            else if (rdb_Lottery.IsChecked != null && rdb_Lottery.IsChecked.Value) // if lottery is selected
                temp.schedulingPolicy = EnumSchedulingPolicies.LOTTERY_SCHEDULING;
            else if (rdb_FairShare.IsChecked != null && rdb_FairShare.IsChecked.Value) // if fair share is selected
                temp.schedulingPolicy = EnumSchedulingPolicies.FAIR_SHARE_SCEDULING;
                MessageBox.Show("Please select a scheduling policy"); // if no policy is selected

            temp.CPUClockSpeed = (int)sld_ClockSpeed.Value;                             // clock speed
            if (chk_CPU_Affinity.IsChecked != null && chk_CPU_Affinity.IsChecked.Value) // is CPU affinity allowed?
                temp.allowCPUAffinity = true;
                temp.allowCPUAffinity = false;
            temp.osState = EnumOSState.STOPPED;                                         // the OS starts in the stopped state
            if (chk_No_Processes.IsChecked != null && chk_No_Processes.IsChecked.Value) // re we running with no processes?
                temp.runWithNoprocesses = true;
                temp.runWithNoprocesses = false;
            if (chk_Suspend_On_Pre_emption.IsChecked != null && chk_Suspend_On_Pre_emption.IsChecked.Value) //Should processes suspend on pre-emption
                temp.suspendOnPreEmption = true;
                temp.suspendOnPreEmption = false;
            if (chk_Suspend_On_State_Change_Running.IsChecked != null &&
                chk_Suspend_On_State_Change_Running.IsChecked.Value) // should processes suspend when entering the running state
                temp.suspendOnStateChange_Running = true;
                temp.suspendOnStateChange_Running = false;
            if (chk_Suspend_On_State_Change_Ready.IsChecked != null &&
                chk_Suspend_On_State_Change_Ready.IsChecked.Value)    // should processes suspend when entering the ready state
                temp.suspendOnStateChange_Ready = true;
                temp.suspendOnStateChange_Ready = false;
            if (chk_Suspend_On_State_Change_Waiting.IsChecked != null &&
                chk_Suspend_On_State_Change_Waiting.IsChecked.Value) // should processes suspend when entering the running state
                temp.suspendOnStateChange_Waiting = true;
                temp.suspendOnStateChange_Waiting = false;
            if (chk_Use_Default_Scheduler.IsChecked != null && chk_Use_Default_Scheduler.IsChecked.Value) // are we using the default scheduler
                temp.useDefaultScheduler = true;
                temp.useDefaultScheduler = false;
            if (chk_FaultKill.IsChecked != null && chk_FaultKill.IsChecked.Value) // should processes be killed upon having a page fault
                temp.faultKill = true;
                temp.faultKill = false;
            if (chk_ForceKill.IsChecked != null && chk_ForceKill.IsChecked.Value) // should processes be force killed
                temp.forceKill = true;
                temp.forceKill = false;
            SchedulerFlags?schedulerFlags = CreateSchedulerFlags(temp);

            if (schedulerFlags == null)
                MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while creating the scheduler flags");
            temp.scheduler        = new Scheduler(schedulerFlags.Value); // create a scheduler
            temp.interruptHandles = new InterruptHandles();
            return(temp);                                                // return the OS flags