protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ObjectName = screenObject.Property("Object Name").Value; OSAEObjectState os = OSAEObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateValue(ObjectName); CurrentState = os.Value; OffTimer = Convert.ToUInt16(OSAEObjectPropertyManager.GetObjectPropertyValue(ObjectName, "OFF TIMER").Value); TimeInState = (int)os.TimeInState; string sBackColor = screenObject.Property("Back Color").Value; string sForeColor = screenObject.Property("Fore Color").Value; string sPrefix = screenObject.Property("Prefix").Value; string sSuffix = screenObject.Property("Suffix").Value; string iFontSize = screenObject.Property("Font Size").Value; if (CurrentState == "OFF") { sValue = os.StateLabel; } else { span = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(OffTimer - TimeInState); //Or TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds); (see Jakob C´s answer) sValue = span.ToString(@"mm\:ss"); } TimerLabel.Text = sValue; TimerLabel.Attributes.Add("Style", "position:absolute;top:" + (Int32.Parse(screenObject.Property("Y").Value) + 50).ToString() + "px;left:" + (Int32.Parse(screenObject.Property("X").Value) + 10).ToString() + "px;z-index:" + (Int32.Parse(screenObject.Property("ZOrder").Value) + 10).ToString() + ";"); if (sBackColor != "") { try { TimerLabel.BackColor = Color.FromName(sBackColor); } catch (Exception) { } } if (sForeColor != "") { try { TimerLabel.ForeColor = Color.FromName(sForeColor); } catch (Exception) { } } if (iFontSize != "") { try { TimerLabel.Font.Size = new FontUnit(iFontSize); } catch (Exception) { } } }
public OSAEObjectState GetObjectState(string name) { OSAEObjectState state = OSAEObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateValue(name); Log.Debug("Looking up object state: " + name + ". I Found " + state.StateLabel + "."); return(state); }
public void Update() { OSAEObjectState stateCurrent = OSAEObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateValue(objName); LastStateChange = stateCurrent.LastStateChange; if (CurState != stateCurrent.Value) { CurState = stateCurrent.Value; Update_Button(); } }
public OSAEObjectState GetObjectState(string name, string authkey) { if (OSAESecurity.Authorize(authkey, name)) { OSAEObjectState state = OSAEObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateValue(name); Log.Debug("Looking up object state: " + name + ". I Found " + state.StateLabel + "."); return(state); } else { return(null); } }
public void Update() { bool stateChanged = false; OSAEObjectState stateCurrent = OSAEObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateValue(objName); if (this.CurState != stateCurrent.Value) { stateChanged = true; } this.CurState = stateCurrent.Value; this.CurStateLabel = stateCurrent.StateLabel; this.LastStateChange = stateCurrent.LastStateChange; if (stateChanged) { // add update code here! } }
public void Update() { bool stateChanged = false; OSAEObjectState stateCurrent = OSAEObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateValue(objName); if (this.CurState != stateCurrent.Value) { stateChanged = true; } this.CurState = stateCurrent.Value; this.CurStateLabel = stateCurrent.StateLabel; this.LastStateChange = stateCurrent.LastStateChange; if (stateChanged) { // Code that executes when the associated object has changed refreshControl(); } }
public void Update() { Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => { string sValue; OSAEObjectState os = OSAEObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateValue(ObjectName); CurrentState = os.Value; TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - LastUpdated; TimeInState = (int)ts.TotalSeconds; if (os.Value == "OFF") { sValue = os.StateLabel; timerLabel.Content = sValue; } else { span = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(OffTimer - TimeInState); //Or TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds); (see Jakob C´s answer) sValue = span.ToString(@"mm\:ss"); } })); }
public TimerLabel(OSAEObject sObj) { InitializeComponent(); screenObject = sObj; screenName = Name; ObjectName = screenObject.Property("Object Name").Value; OSAEObjectState os = OSAEObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateValue(ObjectName); CurrentState = os.Value; OffTimer = Convert.ToInt16(OSAEObjectPropertyManager.GetObjectPropertyValue(ObjectName, "OFF TIMER").Value); TimeInState = (int)os.TimeInState; string sValue; string sBackColor = screenObject.Property("Back Color").Value; string sForeColor = screenObject.Property("Fore Color").Value; string iFontSize = screenObject.Property("Font Size").Value; string sFontName = screenObject.Property("Font Name").Value; if (CurrentState == "OFF") { sValue = os.StateLabel; } else { span = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(OffTimer - TimeInState); //Or TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds); (see Jakob C´s answer) sValue = span.ToString(@"mm\:ss"); } if (sValue != "") { if (sBackColor != "") { try { BrushConverter conv = new BrushConverter(); SolidColorBrush brush = conv.ConvertFromString(sBackColor) as SolidColorBrush; timerLabel.Background = brush; } catch { } } if (sForeColor != "") { try { BrushConverter conv = new BrushConverter(); SolidColorBrush brush = conv.ConvertFromString(sForeColor) as SolidColorBrush; timerLabel.Foreground = brush; } catch { } } if (iFontSize != "") { try { timerLabel.FontSize = Convert.ToDouble(iFontSize); } catch { } } timerLabel.Content = sValue; } else { timerLabel.Content = ""; } timer.Interval = 1000; timer.Enabled = true; timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(timer_tick); }
public void Update() { OSAEImageManager imgMgr = new OSAEImageManager(); bool stateChanged = false; try { OSAEObjectState stateCurrent = OSAEObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateValue(ObjectName); if (CurState != stateCurrent.Value) { stateChanged = true; } CurState = stateCurrent.Value; CurStateLabel = stateCurrent.StateLabel; LastStateChange = stateCurrent.LastStateChange; } catch { } foreach (OSAEObjectProperty p in screenObject.Properties) { if (p.Value.ToLower() == CurState.ToLower()) { StateMatch = p.Name.Substring(0, p.Name.LastIndexOf(' ')); } } try { Location.X = Double.Parse(OSAE.OSAEObjectPropertyManager.GetObjectPropertyValue(screenObject.Name, StateMatch + " X").Value); Location.Y = Double.Parse(OSAE.OSAEObjectPropertyManager.GetObjectPropertyValue(screenObject.Name, StateMatch + " Y").Value); try { string propertyCheck = OSAEObjectPropertyManager.GetObjectPropertyValue(ObjectName, "Light Level").Value; if (propertyCheck != "") { LightLevel = Convert.ToUInt16(propertyCheck); } else { LightLevel = 100; } } catch { } if (sliderVisible && updatingSlider == false) { try { CurLevel = OSAEObjectPropertyManager.GetObjectPropertyValue(ObjectName, "Level").Value; } catch { CurLevel = "0"; } Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => { sldSlider.ToolTip = CurLevel + "%"; sldSlider.Value = Convert.ToUInt16(CurLevel); if (CurLevel != "") { Image.ToolTip = ObjectName + "\n" + CurStateLabel + " (" + CurLevel + "%) since: " + LastStateChange; } else { Image.ToolTip = ObjectName + "\n" + CurStateLabel + " since: " + LastStateChange; } })); } if (stateChanged) { timer.Stop(); string imgName = screenObject.Property(StateMatch + " Image").Value; string imgName2 = screenObject.Property(StateMatch + " Image 2").Value; string imgName3 = screenObject.Property(StateMatch + " Image 3").Value; string imgName4 = screenObject.Property(StateMatch + " Image 4").Value; if (imgName != "") { OSAEImage img1 = imgMgr.GetImage(imgName); if (img1 != null) { ms1 = new MemoryStream(img1.Data); imageFrames = 1; currentFrame = 1; Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => { BitmapImage bitmapImage = new BitmapImage(); bitmapImage.BeginInit(); bitmapImage.StreamSource = ms1; bitmapImage.EndInit(); Image.Source = bitmapImage; ImageWidth = bitmapImage.Width; ImageHeight = bitmapImage.Height; })); // Primary Frame is loaded, load up additional frames for the time to display. if (imgName2 != "") { OSAEImage img2 = imgMgr.GetImage(imgName2); if (img2 != null) { ms2 = new MemoryStream(img2.Data); imageFrames = 2; if (imgName3 != "") { OSAEImage img3 = imgMgr.GetImage(imgName3); if (img3 != null) { ms3 = new MemoryStream(img3.Data); imageFrames = 3; if (imgName4 != "") { OSAEImage img4 = imgMgr.GetImage(imgName4); if (img4 != null) { ms4 = new MemoryStream(img4.Data); imageFrames = 4; } } } } } } } } else { Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => { Image.Source = null; // Image.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden; })); } if (imageFrames > 1) { timer.Start(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "StateImage Update"); } }
public OSAEObjectState GetObjectState(string name) { OSAEObjectState state = OSAEObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateValue(name); return(state); }