public List <OPDHistoryModel> GetGenericReport(Expression <Func <OPDHistory, bool> > predicate) { try { List <OPDHistoryModel> list = new List <OPDHistoryModel>(); using (var db = new HMSEntities()) { var data = db.OPDHistories.Where(predicate).OrderBy(t => t.InTime).ToList(); foreach (OPDHistory t in data) { OPDHistoryModel model = new OPDHistoryModel(); model.Id = t.Id; model.PatientId = t.PatientId; model.PatientName = t.PatientDetail != null ? t.PatientDetail.FullName : ""; model.CasePaperNumber = t.PatientDetail != null ? t.PatientDetail.CasePaperNumber : ""; model.Sequence = t.Sequence; model.InTime = t.InTime; model.OutTime = t.OutTime; model.IsCharity = t.IsCharity; model.IsLabCharity = t.IsLabCharity; model.ECGAmount = t.ECGAmount; model.ConsultingDoctorId = t.ConsultingDoctorId; model.DoctorNames = t.DoctorDetail.FullName; model.IsECG = t.IsECG.HasValue ? t.IsECG : false; model.IsXRAY = t.IsXRAY.HasValue ? t.IsXRAY : false; model.XRAYAmount = t.XRAYAmount; model.NumberofXRAY = t.NumberofXRAY.HasValue ? t.NumberofXRAY : 0; model.ThirdPartyLabId = t.ThirdPartyLabId; model.ThirdPartyLabAmoumt = t.ThirdPartyLabAmoumt; model.StatusId = t.StatusId; model.StatusName = t.Status != null ? t.Status.Name : ""; model.Amount = t.Amount; model.PaidAmount = t.PaidAmount; model.DueAmount = t.DueAmount; model.TotalAmount = t.TotalAmount; model.LabTestingAmount = t.LabTestingAmount; model.ReceivedBy = t.ReceivedBy; model.Diagnose = t.Diagnose; model.Madicines = t.Madicines; model.CreatedBy = t.CreatedBy; model.ModifiedBy = t.ModifiedBy; model.OPDHistoryUpdates = new List <OPDHistoryUpdateModel>(); model.OPDHistoryUpdates.AddRange(OPDHistoryUpdate.GetPayingPatient(model.Id.Value)); model.TPLabs = new List <LookupModel>(); model.TPLabs.AddRange(TPLabPatientMapping.GetLabByOPD(model.Id.Value)); list.Add(model); } } return(list); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public bool Print(Guid?id, string printOption) { try { OPDHistory entity = new OPDHistory(); OPDHistoryModel model = entity.GetById(id.Value); string renamefileName = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".pdf"; string path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SaveReport"].ToString() + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); if (ErrorLog.IsFolderExist(path)) { path = path + "\\" + renamefileName; } // Create a Document object // var document = new iTextSharp.text.Document(PageSize.A4, 50, 50, 10, 10); // Create a new PdfWrite object, writing the output to a MemoryStream // FileStream output = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create); var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, output); // Method To Set Page Header And Footer // //setBillHeaderFooter(writer, document); // Open the Document for writing // document.Open(); if (printOption == "Bill") { setBillPageBody(document, model); new BillHistory().Update(model.Id); } else if (printOption == "Prescription") { setPrescriptionPageBody(document, model); } else if (printOption == "Both") { setBillPageBody(document, model); setPrescriptionPageBody(document, model); } // flush and clear the document from memory // document.Close(); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(path); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private void setPrescriptionPageBody(Document document, OPDHistoryModel model) { try { var boldTableFont = FontFactory.GetFont("verdana", Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["bodyboldTable11"]), iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD); var bodyFontNormal = FontFactory.GetFont("verdana", Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["bodyboldTable12"]), iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL); var headerFont = FontFactory.GetFont("verdana", Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["headerFont"]), iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, iTextSharp.text.Color.BLACK); var bigheaderFont = FontFactory.GetFont("verdana", Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["bigheaderFont"]), iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, iTextSharp.text.Color.BLACK); setPrescriptionPageHeader(document); PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(2); table.DeleteBodyRows(); table.WidthPercentage = 100; table.HorizontalAlignment = 0; table.SpacingBefore = 5; table.SpacingAfter = 10; newCell(table, "DRUG SLIP", bigheaderFont, 1, 2, 2); blankCell(table, 2); newCell(table, "Name : " + model.PatientDetails.FullName, bodyFontNormal); newCell(table, "Date. : " + model.InTime.Value.ToShortDateString(), bodyFontNormal, 2, 0); newCell(table, "O.P.D No. : " + model.CasePaperNumber, bodyFontNormal, 0, 0, 2); blankCell(table, 2); newCell(table, "", bodyFontNormal, 0, 2, 2); newCell(table, "Rx", bigheaderFont, 0, 0); newCell(table, "Date: " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), boldTableFont, 2, 0); blankCell(table, 2); string[] splitArray = model.Madicines.Split(new string[] { "\\line" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var item in splitArray) { string[] spArray = item.Split('$'); newCell(table, spArray[0].Trim(), bodyFontNormal, 0, 0); newCell(table, spArray[1].Trim(), bodyFontNormal, 0, 0); blankCell(table, 2); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { blankCell(table, 2); } newCell(table, "Doctor's Sign.", bodyFontNormal, 2, 0, 2); document.Add(table); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public bool Update(OPDHistoryModel model) { try { OPDHistory entity = new OPDHistory(); return(entity.Update(model)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public OPDHistoryModel GetById(Guid id) { try { OPDHistoryModel model = new OPDHistoryModel(); using (var db = new HMSEntities()) { OPDHistory entity = db.OPDHistories.Find(id); if (entity != null) { model.Id = entity.Id; model.PatientId = entity.PatientId; model.PatientName = entity.PatientDetail != null ? entity.PatientDetail.FullName : ""; model.CasePaperNumber = entity.PatientDetail != null ? entity.PatientDetail.CasePaperNumber : ""; model.Sequence = entity.Sequence; model.InTime = entity.InTime; model.OutTime = entity.OutTime; model.IsCharity = entity.IsCharity; model.IsLabCharity = entity.IsLabCharity; model.IsECG = entity.IsECG.HasValue ? entity.IsECG : false; model.IsXRAY = entity.IsXRAY.HasValue ? entity.IsXRAY : false; model.StatusId = entity.StatusId; model.StatusName = entity.Status != null ? entity.Status.Name : ""; model.Amount = entity.Amount; model.PaidAmount = entity.PaidAmount; model.DueAmount = entity.DueAmount; model.TotalAmount = entity.TotalAmount; model.LabTestingAmount = entity.LabTestingAmount; model.ECGAmount = entity.ECGAmount; model.XRAYAmount = entity.XRAYAmount; model.NumberofXRAY = entity.NumberofXRAY.HasValue ? entity.NumberofXRAY : 0; model.ReceivedBy = entity.ReceivedBy; model.ConsultingDoctorId = entity.ConsultingDoctorId; model.ThirdPartyLabId = entity.ThirdPartyLabId; model.ThirdPartyLabAmoumt = entity.ThirdPartyLabAmoumt; model.Diagnose = entity.Diagnose; model.Madicines = entity.Madicines; model.CreatedBy = entity.CreatedBy; model.ModifiedBy = entity.ModifiedBy; model.PatientDetails = PatientDetail.SetModel(entity.PatientDetail); } } return(model); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private OPDHistoryModel assignModel() { try { OPDHistoryModel model = new OPDHistoryModel(); model.Id = this.primaryId; model.Diagnose = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rtxtDiagnose.Text) ? readRichTextbox(rtxtDiagnose.Lines) : ""; model.Madicines = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rtxtMedicine.Text) ? readRichTextbox(rtxtMedicine.Lines) : ""; model.StatusId = new Guid(ddlStatus.SelectedValue.ToString()); model.Amount = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtOPDAmount.Text) ? Convert.ToDecimal(txtOPDAmount.Text) : Convert.ToDecimal(0.00); model.LabTestingAmount = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLabAmount.Text) ? Convert.ToDecimal(txtLabAmount.Text) : Convert.ToDecimal(0.00); model.PayingAmount = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPayingAmount.Text) ? Convert.ToDecimal(txtPayingAmount.Text) : Convert.ToDecimal(0.00); model.PaidAmount = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPaidAmount.Text) ? Convert.ToDecimal(txtPaidAmount.Text) : Convert.ToDecimal(0.00); initialPaid = model.PaidAmount.Value; model.DueAmount = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDueAmount.Text) ? Convert.ToDecimal(txtDueAmount.Text) : Convert.ToDecimal(0.00); initialDues = model.DueAmount.Value; model.TotalAmount = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(lblTotalAmount.Text) ? Convert.ToDecimal(lblTotalAmount.Text) : Convert.ToDecimal(0.00); model.PatientId = patientId; model.InTime = dtpInTime.Value; model.IsCharity = chkCharity.Checked; model.IsLabCharity = chkLabCharity.Checked; model.IsECG = chkECG.Checked; model.IsXRAY = chkXRay.Checked; model.ECGAmount = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtECG.Text) ? Convert.ToDecimal(txtECG.Text) : Convert.ToDecimal(0.00); model.XRAYAmount = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtXRay.Text) ? Convert.ToDecimal(txtXRay.Text) : Convert.ToDecimal(0.00); model.Sequence = sequence; //if (ddlThirdParty.SelectedIndex > 0) // model.ThirdPartyLabId = new Guid(ddlThirdParty.SelectedValue.ToString()); model.ThirdPartyLabAmoumt = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtThirdPartyAmount.Text) ? Convert.ToDecimal(txtThirdPartyAmount.Text) : Convert.ToDecimal(0.00); //if (ddlConsulting.SelectedIndex > 0) model.ConsultingDoctorId = new Guid(ddlConsulting.SelectedValue.ToString()); model.NumberofXRAY = chkXRay.Checked && txtNumberOfXRay.Text != string.Empty ? Convert.ToInt32(txtNumberOfXRay.Text) : 0; return(model); } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.ErrorLog.Logging("OPD History", ex.Message.ToString(), ex.StackTrace.ToString()); return(null); } }
public bool CreateOPD(PatientDetailModel model) { try { bool isSaved = false; using (var db = new HMSEntities()) { bool isExpire = UpdateCasePaperDate(model); OPDHistoryModel historyEntity = new OPDHistoryModel(); historyEntity.PatientId = model.Id; historyEntity.InTime = DateTime.Now; historyEntity.IsCharity = false; historyEntity.IsLabCharity = false; historyEntity.IsECG = false; historyEntity.IsXRAY = false; historyEntity.CasePaperNumber = model.CasePaperNumber; //historyEntity.Amount = isExpire ? OPDRate.GetRatesByType("New").Rate : OPDRate.GetRatesByType("FollowUP").Rate; //historyEntity.DueAmount = isExpire ? OPDRate.GetRatesByType("New").Rate : OPDRate.GetRatesByType("FollowUP").Rate; historyEntity.ECGAmount = 0.00M; historyEntity.XRAYAmount = 0.00M; historyEntity.ThirdPartyLabAmoumt = 0.00M; historyEntity.ConsultingDoctorId = new DoctorDetail().GetName("SIR"); historyEntity.TotalAmount = historyEntity.PaidAmount = historyEntity.LabTestingAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(0.00); historyEntity.PatientDetails = new PatientDetailModel(); historyEntity.PatientDetails = model; historyEntity.NumberofXRAY = 0; isSaved = new OPDHistory().Create(historyEntity, isExpire ? 0 : 1); } return(isSaved); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private bool saveData() { try { bool isSave = false; OPDHistoryModel model = assignModel(); if (model != null) { isSave = service.Update(assignModel()); if (isSave) { //if (isStatusHasInProgress) //{ if (sequence != null) { TokenList frm = TokenList.Instance; frm.removeSequence(sequence.Value); } //} return(isSave); } else { return(isSave); } } else { return(isSave); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.ErrorLog.Logging("OPD History", ex.Message.ToString(), ex.StackTrace.ToString()); return(false); } }
private void setBillPageBody(iTextSharp.text.Document document, OPDHistoryModel model) { try { var boldTableFont = FontFactory.GetFont("verdana", Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["bodyboldTable11"]), iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD); var bodyFontNormal = FontFactory.GetFont("verdana", Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["bodyboldTable12"]), iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL); var headerFont = FontFactory.GetFont("verdana", Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["headerFont"]), iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, iTextSharp.text.Color.BLACK); setBillPageHeader(document); //Patient Details PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(2); table.DeleteBodyRows(); table.WidthPercentage = 100; table.HorizontalAlignment = 0; table.SpacingBefore = 5; table.SpacingAfter = 10; newCell(table, "Name : " + model.PatientDetails.FullName, boldTableFont, 0, 0); newCell(table, "Date. : " + model.InTime.Value.ToShortDateString(), boldTableFont, 2, 0); newCell(table, "O.P.D No. : " + model.CasePaperNumber, boldTableFont, 0, 0); newCell(table, "Receipt No. : " + new BillHistory().GetByOPDId(model.Id.Value).ReceiptNumber.ToString(), boldTableFont, 2, 0); document.Add(table); // Bill Details table = new PdfPTable(3); table.DeleteBodyRows(); table.WidthPercentage = 100; table.HorizontalAlignment = 0; table.SpacingBefore = 5; table.SpacingAfter = 10; newCell(table, "Received for ", boldTableFont, -1, -1, 2); newCell(table, "Rs", boldTableFont, 1, -1); int srNo = 1; newCell(table, srNo.ToString(), bodyFontNormal, 1, 4); newCell(table, "Conc. FEE. :", bodyFontNormal, 0, 8); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(model.Amount.ToString(), bodyFontNormal)); cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cell.Border = PdfCell.LEFT_BORDER; cell.Border = PdfCell.RIGHT_BORDER; table.AddCell(cell); if (model.LabTestingAmount.HasValue && model.LabTestingAmount.Value != Convert.ToDecimal(0.00)) { srNo++; newCell(table, srNo.ToString(), bodyFontNormal, 1, 4); newCell(table, "Labarotry. FEE. ", bodyFontNormal, 0, 8); newCell(table, model.LabTestingAmount.ToString(), bodyFontNormal, 1, 8); } newCell(table, "Total", boldTableFont, 2, -1, 2); newCell(table, model.TotalAmount.ToString(), boldTableFont, 1, -1, 2); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { blankCell(table, 3); } newCell(table, "Signature", boldTableFont, 2, 0, 3); table.SetWidths(new int[] { 1, 12, 6 }); document.Add(table); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private void FillFormData(Guid?id) { try { OPDHistoryModel model = service.GetById(id.Value); if (model != null) { Patients.OPDHistory frm = new Patients.OPDHistory(model.Id); Patients.OPDHistory.isControlsEnabled = true; frm.sequence = model.Sequence; frm.patientId = model.PatientId; frm.lblName.Text = model.PatientDetails.FullName; frm.lblCasePaper.Text = model.PatientDetails.CasePaperNumber; frm.lblMobile.Text = model.PatientDetails.MobileNumber; frm.lblDepartment.Text = model.PatientDetails.DepartmentName; frm.lblExpDate.Text = model.PatientDetails.CasePaperExpiryDate.HasValue ? model.PatientDetails.CasePaperExpiryDate.Value.ToShortDateString() : "--"; frm.lblRefDr.Text = model.PatientDetails.RefferedDoctor.HasValue ? model.PatientDetails.RefferedDoctorName : "--"; frm.dtpInTime.Value = model.InTime.Value; frm.chkCharity.Checked = model.IsCharity.HasValue ? model.IsCharity.Value : false; frm.chkXRay.Checked = model.IsXRAY.HasValue ? model.IsXRAY.Value : false; frm.chkECG.Checked = model.IsECG.HasValue ? model.IsECG.Value : false; frm.chkLabCharity.Checked = model.IsLabCharity.HasValue ? model.IsLabCharity.Value : false; string diagnose = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Diagnose) ? model.Diagnose.Trim() : string.Empty; frm.rtxtDiagnose.Text = setRichTextbox(diagnose); string madicines = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Madicines) ? model.Madicines : string.Empty; frm.rtxtMedicine.Text = setRichTextbox(madicines); frm.txtOPDAmount.Text = model.Amount.HasValue ? Convert.ToString(model.Amount) : "0.00"; frm.txtLabAmount.Text = model.LabTestingAmount.HasValue ? Convert.ToString(model.LabTestingAmount) : "0.00"; frm.txtECG.Text = model.ECGAmount.HasValue ? Convert.ToString(model.ECGAmount) : "0.00"; frm.txtXRay.Text = model.XRAYAmount.HasValue ? Convert.ToString(model.XRAYAmount) : "0.00"; frm.initialPaid = model.PaidAmount.HasValue ? model.PaidAmount.Value : Convert.ToDecimal(0.00); frm.txtPaidAmount.Text = model.PaidAmount.HasValue ? Convert.ToString(model.PaidAmount) : "0.00"; frm.initialDues = model.DueAmount.HasValue ? model.DueAmount.Value : Convert.ToDecimal(0.00); frm.txtDueAmount.Text = model.DueAmount.HasValue ? Convert.ToString(model.DueAmount) : "0.00"; frm.lblTotalAmount.Text = Convert.ToString(model.TotalAmount); frm.getStatus(model.StatusId); frm.ddlStatus.SelectedValue = model.StatusId; frm.ddlConsulting.SelectedValue = model.ConsultingDoctorId.HasValue ? model.ConsultingDoctorId : docService.GetInHouse("SIR"); frm.txtThirdPartyAmount.Text = model.ThirdPartyLabAmoumt.HasValue ? Convert.ToString(model.ThirdPartyLabAmoumt) : "0.00"; frm.ddlThirdParty.SelectedValue = model.ThirdPartyLabId.HasValue ? model.ThirdPartyLabId : Guid.Empty; frm.txtNumberOfXRay.Text = model.NumberofXRAY.HasValue ? Convert.ToString(model.NumberofXRAY) : "0"; tmrRefresh.Stop(); tmrRefresh.Enabled = false; frm.ShowDialog(); if (isSubmited) { getPandingPatient(); getWaitingPatient(); } getDashboardCounts(); tmrRefresh.Enabled = true; tmrRefresh.Start(); isSubmited = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { isSubmited = false; Utility.ErrorLog.Logging("Main Dashboard", ex.Message.ToString(), ex.StackTrace.ToString()); } }
public bool Update(OPDHistoryModel model) { try { bool isSaved = false; List <OPDHistoryUpdateModel> listUpdateModel = new List <OPDHistoryUpdateModel>(); using (var db = new HMSEntities()) { OPDHistory entity = db.OPDHistories.Find(model.Id); listUpdateModel = OPDHistoryModifications(entity, model); entity.PatientId = model.PatientId; entity.InTime = model.InTime; entity.OutTime = model.OutTime; entity.IsCharity = model.IsCharity; entity.IsLabCharity = model.IsLabCharity; entity.IsECG = model.IsECG.HasValue ? model.IsECG : false; entity.IsXRAY = model.IsXRAY.HasValue ? model.IsXRAY : false; entity.ConsultingDoctorId = model.ConsultingDoctorId; entity.StatusId = model.StatusId; entity.Amount = model.Amount; entity.PaidAmount = model.PaidAmount; entity.DueAmount = model.DueAmount; entity.TotalAmount = model.TotalAmount; entity.LabTestingAmount = model.LabTestingAmount; entity.ECGAmount = model.ECGAmount.HasValue ? model.ECGAmount : 0.00M; entity.XRAYAmount = model.XRAYAmount.HasValue ? model.XRAYAmount : 0.00M; entity.NumberofXRAY = model.NumberofXRAY.HasValue ? model.NumberofXRAY : 0; entity.ThirdPartyLabId = model.ThirdPartyLabId; entity.ThirdPartyLabAmoumt = model.ThirdPartyLabAmoumt.HasValue ? model.ThirdPartyLabAmoumt : 0.00M; string status = Status.GetNameById(model.StatusId); if (status == OPD_STATUS.Done.ToString()) { entity.ReceivedBy = UserDetailSession.Id; } else { entity.ReceivedBy = model.ReceivedBy; } entity.Diagnose = model.Diagnose; entity.Madicines = model.Madicines; entity.ModifiedBy = UserDetailSession.Id; db.SaveChanges(); OPDHistoryUpdate opdHistoryUpdate = new OPDHistoryUpdate(); opdHistoryUpdate.Create(listUpdateModel); if (status == OPD_STATUS.Done.ToString()) { BillHistoryModel billModel = new BillHistoryModel(); billModel.PatientId = model.PatientId.Value; billModel.OPDHistoryId = model.Id.Value; new BillHistory().Create(billModel); } isSaved = true; } return(isSaved); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public bool Create(OPDHistoryModel model, int isFollowUp = 0) { try { bool isSaved = false; if (!IsExist(model.CasePaperNumber)) { using (var db = new HMSEntities()) { OPDHistory entity = new OPDHistory(); entity.PatientId = model.PatientId; entity.Sequence = getLastSerial(); entity.InTime = model.InTime; entity.OutTime = model.OutTime; entity.IsCharity = model.IsCharity.HasValue ? model.IsCharity : false; entity.IsLabCharity = model.IsLabCharity; entity.ConsultingDoctorId = model.ConsultingDoctorId; entity.IsECG = model.IsECG.HasValue ? model.IsECG : false; entity.IsXRAY = model.IsXRAY.HasValue ? model.IsXRAY : false; entity.StatusId = Status.GetStatus(t => t.Name == OPD_STATUS.Waiting.ToString()).FirstOrDefault().Id; entity.IsFollowUp = isFollowUp; if (!entity.IsCharity.Value) { if (isFollowUp == 0) { entity.Amount = OPDRate.GetRatesByType("New").Rate; } else if (isFollowUp == 1) { entity.Amount = OPDRate.GetRatesByType("FollowUP").Rate; } } else { entity.Amount = 0.00M; entity.LabTestingAmount = 0.00M; entity.XRAYAmount = 0.00M; entity.ECGAmount = 0.00M; } model.PayingAmount = entity.Amount; entity.PaidAmount = entity.Amount; entity.DueAmount = model.ECGAmount + model.XRAYAmount; //model.DueAmount != null ? model.DueAmount : Convert.ToDecimal(0.00); entity.TotalAmount = entity.Amount + model.ECGAmount + model.XRAYAmount; entity.LabTestingAmount = model.LabTestingAmount != null ? model.LabTestingAmount : Convert.ToDecimal(0.00); entity.ECGAmount = model.ECGAmount.HasValue ? model.ECGAmount : 0.00M; entity.XRAYAmount = model.XRAYAmount.HasValue ? model.XRAYAmount : 0.00M; entity.NumberofXRAY = model.NumberofXRAY.HasValue ? model.NumberofXRAY : 0; entity.ThirdPartyLabId = model.ThirdPartyLabId; entity.ThirdPartyLabAmoumt = model.ThirdPartyLabAmoumt.HasValue ? model.ThirdPartyLabAmoumt : 0.00M; entity.ReceivedBy = model.ReceivedBy; entity.Diagnose = model.Diagnose; entity.Madicines = model.Madicines; entity.CreatedBy = UserDetailSession.Id; db.OPDHistories.Add(entity); db.SaveChanges(); model.Id = entity.Id; List <OPDHistoryUpdateModel> listUpdateModel = new List <OPDHistoryUpdateModel>(); listUpdateModel = OPDHistoryModifications(model); OPDHistoryUpdate opdHistoryUpdate = new OPDHistoryUpdate(); opdHistoryUpdate.Create(listUpdateModel); isSaved = true; } } return(isSaved); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }