/// <summary>
        /// Maps object from web to db model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">List of type OLEChildDate web</param>
        /// <param name="refType">OLEChildDataRefTypeEnum value</param>
        /// <param name="dbModelList">List of type OLEChildDate db</param>
        /// <returns>List of type OLEChildDate db model</returns>
        public static List<db.OLEChildData> ToDbModel(this List<OLEChildData> input, OLEChildDataRefTypeEnum refType, List<db.OLEChildData> dbModelList)
            foreach (var dbItem in new List<db.OLEChildData>(dbModelList))
                if (dbItem.OLEChildDataRefType != refType)

                // clean db list from unsued items
                var item = input.Where(o => o.Id == dbItem.Id).FirstOrDefault();

                if (item == null)

            if (input == null)
                return dbModelList;

            foreach (var item in input)
                if (item.Id == 0)
                    item.ToDbModel(dbModelList.Where(o => o.Id == item.Id).FirstOrDefault());

            return dbModelList;
 /// <summary>
 /// Maps object from web to db model
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="input">OLEChildDate web</param>
 /// <param name="refType">OLEChildDataRefTypeEnum value</param>
 /// <returns>OLEChildDate db</returns>
 public static db.OLEChildData ToDbModel(this OLEChildData input, OLEChildDataRefTypeEnum refType)
     return new db.OLEChildData
         Birthday = input.Birthday,
         CurrentCitizenship = input.CurrentCitizenship,
         Gender = input.Gender.ToDbModel(),
         MigrationIntentions = input.MigrationIntentions.ToDbModel(),
         PersonCode = input.PersonCode,
         PersonNameFirstName = input.PersonName.FirstName,
         PersonNameLastName = input.PersonName.LastName,
         OLEChildDataRefType = refType