예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve CollectionNode bound with given query token.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryToken">The query token</param>
        /// <param name="expectedType">The expected type that this collection holds</param>
        /// <param name="model">The Edm model</param>
        /// <returns>The corresponding CollectionNode</returns>
        private CollectionNode GetCollectionOperandFromToken(QueryToken queryToken, IEdmTypeReference expectedType, IEdmModel model)
            CollectionNode operand      = null;
            LiteralToken   literalToken = queryToken as LiteralToken;

            if (literalToken != null)
                string originalLiteralText = literalToken.OriginalText;

                // Parentheses-based collections are not standard JSON but bracket-based ones are.
                // Temporarily switch our collection to bracket-based so that the JSON reader will
                // correctly parse the collection. Then pass the original literal text to the token.
                string bracketLiteralText = originalLiteralText;
                if (bracketLiteralText[0] == '(')
                    Debug.Assert(bracketLiteralText[bracketLiteralText.Length - 1] == ')',
                                 "Collection with opening '(' should have corresponding ')'");

                    StringBuilder replacedText = new StringBuilder(bracketLiteralText);
                    replacedText[0] = '[';
                    replacedText[replacedText.Length - 1] = ']';
                    bracketLiteralText = replacedText.ToString();

                    string expectedTypeFullName = expectedType.Definition.AsElementType().FullTypeName();
                    if (expectedTypeFullName.Equals("Edm.String"))
                        // For collection of strings, need to convert single-quoted string to double-quoted string,
                        // and also, per ABNF, a single quote within a string literal is "encoded" as two consecutive single quotes in either
                        // literal or percent - encoded representation.
                        // Sample: ['a''bc','''def','xyz'''] ==> ["a'bc","'def","xyz'"], which is legitimate Json format.
                        bracketLiteralText = NormalizeStringCollectionItems(bracketLiteralText);
                    else if (expectedTypeFullName.Equals("Edm.Guid"))
                        // For collection of Guids, need to convert the Guid literals to single-quoted form, so that it is compatible
                        // with the Json reader used for deserialization.
                        // Sample: [D01663CF-EB21-4A0E-88E0-361C10ACE7FD, 492CF54A-84C9-490C-A7A4-B5010FAD8104]
                        //    ==>  ['D01663CF-EB21-4A0E-88E0-361C10ACE7FD', '492CF54A-84C9-490C-A7A4-B5010FAD8104']
                        bracketLiteralText = NormalizeGuidCollectionItems(bracketLiteralText);

                object       collection             = ODataUriConversionUtils.ConvertFromCollectionValue(bracketLiteralText, model, expectedType);
                LiteralToken collectionLiteralToken = new LiteralToken(collection, originalLiteralText, expectedType);
                operand = this.bindMethod(collectionLiteralToken) as CollectionConstantNode;
                operand = this.bindMethod(queryToken) as CollectionNode;

            if (operand == null)
                throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.MetadataBinder_RightOperandNotCollectionValue);

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// If the source node is not of the specified type, then we check if type promotion is possible and inject a convert node.
        /// If the source node is the same type as the target type (or if the target type is null), we just return the source node as is.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source node to apply the convertion to.</param>
        /// <param name="targetTypeReference">The target primitive type. May be null - this method will do nothing in that case.</param>
        /// <returns>The converted query node, or the original source node unchanged.</returns>
        internal static SingleValueNode ConvertToTypeIfNeeded(SingleValueNode source, IEdmTypeReference targetTypeReference)
            Debug.Assert(source != null, "source != null");

            if (targetTypeReference == null)

            if (source.TypeReference != null)
                if (source.TypeReference.IsEquivalentTo(targetTypeReference))

                if (!TypePromotionUtils.CanConvertTo(source, source.TypeReference, targetTypeReference))
                    throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.MetadataBinder_CannotConvertToType(source.TypeReference.ODataFullName(), targetTypeReference.ODataFullName()));
                    ConstantNode constantNode = source as ConstantNode;

                    if (source.TypeReference.IsEnum() && constantNode != null)
                        return(new ConstantNode(constantNode.Value, ODataUriUtils.ConvertToUriLiteral(constantNode.Value, ODataVersion.V4), targetTypeReference));

                    object primitiveValue;
                    if (MetadataUtilsCommon.TryGetConstantNodePrimitiveLDMF(source, out primitiveValue) && (primitiveValue != null))
                        // L F D M types : directly create a ConvertNode.
                        // 1. NodeToExpressionTranslator.cs won't allow implicitly converting single/double to decimal, which should be done here at Node tree level.
                        // 2. And prevent losing precision in float -> double, e.g. (double)1.234f => 1.2339999675750732d not 1.234d
                        object primitiveValue2 = ODataUriConversionUtils.CoerceNumericType(primitiveValue, targetTypeReference.AsPrimitive().Definition as IEdmPrimitiveType);

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(constantNode.LiteralText))
                            return(new ConstantNode(primitiveValue2));

                        return(new ConstantNode(primitiveValue2, constantNode.LiteralText));
                        // other type conversion : ConvertNode
                        return(new ConvertNode(source, targetTypeReference));
                // If the source doesn't have a type (possibly an open property), then it's possible to convert it
                // cause we don't know for sure.
                return(new ConvertNode(source, targetTypeReference));
예제 #3
        public void NullCollectionTypeShouldThrow()
            const string text         = "(1,2,3)";
            var          expectedType = new EdmCollectionTypeReference(new EdmCollectionType(EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetInt32(false)));
            object       collection   = ODataUriConversionUtils.ConvertFromCollectionValue("[1,2,3]", HardCodedTestModel.TestModel, expectedType);
            LiteralToken literalToken = new LiteralToken(collection, text, expectedType);

            Action target = () => new CollectionConstantNode((literalToken.Value as ODataCollectionValue)?.Items, text, null);

            target.ShouldThrow <ArgumentNullException>().Where(e => e.Message.Contains("collectionType"));
        public void NullValueShouldThrow()
            const string text         = "(1,2,3)";
            var          expectedType = new EdmCollectionTypeReference(new EdmCollectionType(EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetInt32(false)));
            object       collection   = ODataUriConversionUtils.ConvertFromCollectionValue("[1,2,3]", HardCodedTestModel.TestModel, expectedType);
            LiteralToken literalToken = new LiteralToken(collection, text, expectedType);

            Action target = () => new CollectionConstantNode(null, text, expectedType);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("objectCollection", target);
예제 #5
        public void ItemTypeIsSetCorrectly()
            const string text         = "(1,2,3)";
            var          expectedType = new EdmCollectionTypeReference(new EdmCollectionType(EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetInt32(false)));
            object       collection   = ODataUriConversionUtils.ConvertFromCollectionValue("[1,2,3]", HardCodedTestModel.TestModel, expectedType);
            LiteralToken literalToken = new LiteralToken(collection, text, expectedType);

            CollectionConstantNode collectionConstantNode = new CollectionConstantNode(
                (literalToken.Value as ODataCollectionValue)?.Items, text, expectedType);

        public void KindIsSetCorrectly()
            const string text         = "(1,2,3)";
            var          expectedType = new EdmCollectionTypeReference(new EdmCollectionType(EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetInt32(false)));
            object       collection   = ODataUriConversionUtils.ConvertFromCollectionValue("[1,2,3]", HardCodedTestModel.TestModel, expectedType);
            LiteralToken literalToken = new LiteralToken(collection, text, expectedType);

            CollectionConstantNode collectionConstantNode = new CollectionConstantNode(
                (literalToken.Value as ODataCollectionValue)?.Items, text, expectedType);

            Assert.Equal(InternalQueryNodeKind.CollectionConstant, collectionConstantNode.InternalKind);
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert the given key value to a URI literal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">The key value to convert.</param>
        /// <param name="keyAsSegment">Whether the KeyAsSegment convention is enabled.</param>
        /// <returns>The converted URI literal for the given key value.</returns>
        private static string ConvertKeyValueToUriLiteral(object value, bool keyAsSegment)
            // For Default convention,
            //   ~/Customers('Peter') => key value is "Peter" => URI literal is "'Peter'"
            // For KeyAsSegment convention,
            //   ~/Customers/Peter => key value is "Peter" => URI literal is "Peter"
            string stringValue = value as string;

            if (keyAsSegment && stringValue != null)

            // All key values are primitives so use this instead of ODataUriUtils.ConvertToUriLiteral()
            // to improve efficiency.
            return(ODataUriConversionUtils.ConvertToUriPrimitiveLiteral(value, ODataVersion.V4));
예제 #8
        public void NullableCollectionTypeSetsConstantNodeCorrectly()
            const string text         = "('abc','def', null)";
            var          expectedType = new EdmCollectionTypeReference(new EdmCollectionType(EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetString(true)));
            object       collection   = ODataUriConversionUtils.ConvertFromCollectionValue("['abc','def', null]", HardCodedTestModel.TestModel, expectedType);
            LiteralToken literalToken = new LiteralToken(collection, text, expectedType);

            CollectionConstantNode collectionConstantNode = new CollectionConstantNode(
                (literalToken.Value as ODataCollectionValue)?.Items, text, expectedType);

            var expectedList = new ConstantNode[] {
                new ConstantNode("abc", "abc", EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetString(true)),
                new ConstantNode("def", "def", EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetString(true)),
                new ConstantNode(null, "null", EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetString(true)),

예제 #9
        public void NumberCollectionThroughLiteralTokenIsSetCorrectly()
            const string text         = "(1,2,3)";
            var          expectedType = new EdmCollectionTypeReference(new EdmCollectionType(EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetInt32(false)));
            object       collection   = ODataUriConversionUtils.ConvertFromCollectionValue("[1,2,3]", HardCodedTestModel.TestModel, expectedType);
            LiteralToken literalToken = new LiteralToken(collection, text, expectedType);

            CollectionConstantNode collectionConstantNode = new CollectionConstantNode(
                (literalToken.Value as ODataCollectionValue)?.Items, text, expectedType);

            var expectedList = new ConstantNode[] {
                new ConstantNode(1, "1", EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetInt32(false)),
                new ConstantNode(2, "2", EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetInt32(false)),
                new ConstantNode(3, "3", EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetInt32(false)),

        public void StringCollectionThroughLiteralTokenIsSetCorrectly()
            const string text         = "('abc','def','ghi')";
            var          expectedType = new EdmCollectionTypeReference(new EdmCollectionType(EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetString(true)));
            object       collection   = ODataUriConversionUtils.ConvertFromCollectionValue("['abc','def','ghi']", HardCodedTestModel.TestModel, expectedType);
            LiteralToken literalToken = new LiteralToken(collection, text, expectedType);

            CollectionConstantNode collectionConstantNode = new CollectionConstantNode(
                (literalToken.Value as ODataCollectionValue)?.Items, text, expectedType);

            var expectedList = new ConstantNode[] {
                new ConstantNode("abc", "abc", EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetString(true)),
                new ConstantNode("def", "def", EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetString(true)),
                new ConstantNode("ghi", "ghi", EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetString(true)),

            VerifyCollectionConstantNode(collectionConstantNode.Collection, expectedList);
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve CollectionNode bound with given query token.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryToken">The query token</param>
        /// <param name="expectedType">The expected type that this collection holds</param>
        /// <param name="model">The Edm model</param>
        /// <returns>The corresponding CollectionNode</returns>
        private CollectionNode GetCollectionOperandFromToken(QueryToken queryToken, IEdmTypeReference expectedType, IEdmModel model)
            CollectionNode operand      = null;
            LiteralToken   literalToken = queryToken as LiteralToken;

            if (literalToken != null)
                string originalLiteralText = literalToken.OriginalText;

                // Parentheses-based collections are not standard JSON but bracket-based ones are.
                // Temporarily switch our collection to bracket-based so that the JSON reader will
                // correctly parse the collection. Then pass the original literal text to the token.
                string bracketLiteralText = originalLiteralText;
                if (bracketLiteralText[0] == '(')
                    Debug.Assert(bracketLiteralText[bracketLiteralText.Length - 1] == ')',
                                 "Collection with opening '(' should have corresponding ')'");

                    StringBuilder replacedText = new StringBuilder(bracketLiteralText);
                    replacedText[0] = '[';
                    replacedText[replacedText.Length - 1] = ']';
                    bracketLiteralText = replacedText.ToString();

                object       collection             = ODataUriConversionUtils.ConvertFromCollectionValue(bracketLiteralText, model, expectedType);
                LiteralToken collectionLiteralToken = new LiteralToken(collection, originalLiteralText, expectedType);
                operand = this.bindMethod(collectionLiteralToken) as CollectionConstantNode;
                operand = this.bindMethod(queryToken) as CollectionNode;

            if (operand == null)
                throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.MetadataBinder_RightOperandNotCollectionValue);

예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// If the source node is not of the specified type, then we check if type promotion is possible and inject a convert node.
        /// If the source node is the same type as the target type (or if the target type is null), we just return the source node as is.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source node to apply the conversion to.</param>
        /// <param name="targetTypeReference">The target primitive type. May be null - this method will do nothing in that case.</param>
        /// <returns>The converted query node, or the original source node unchanged.</returns>
        internal static SingleValueNode ConvertToTypeIfNeeded(SingleValueNode source, IEdmTypeReference targetTypeReference)
            Debug.Assert(source != null, "source != null");

            if (targetTypeReference == null)

            if (source.TypeReference != null)
                if (source.TypeReference.IsEquivalentTo(targetTypeReference))
                    // For source is type definition, if source's underlying type == target type.
                    // We create a conversion node from source to its underlying type (target type)
                    // so that the service can convert value of source clr type to underlying clr type.
                    if (source.TypeReference.IsTypeDefinition())
                        return(new ConvertNode(source, targetTypeReference));


                // Structured type in url will be translated into a node with raw string value.
                // We create a conversion node from string to structured type.
                if (targetTypeReference.IsStructured() || targetTypeReference.IsStructuredCollectionType())
                    return(new ConvertNode(source, targetTypeReference));

                ConstantNode constantNode = source as ConstantNode;
                if (constantNode != null && constantNode.Value != null && source.TypeReference.IsString() && targetTypeReference.IsEnum())
                    string       memberName = constantNode.Value.ToString();
                    IEdmEnumType enumType   = targetTypeReference.Definition as IEdmEnumType;
                    if (enumType.Members.Any(m => string.Compare(m.Name, memberName, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0))
                        string literalText = ODataUriUtils.ConvertToUriLiteral(constantNode.Value, default(ODataVersion));
                        return(new ConstantNode(new ODataEnumValue(constantNode.Value.ToString(), targetTypeReference.Definition.ToString()), literalText, targetTypeReference));
                        throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.Binder_IsNotValidEnumConstant(memberName));

                if (!TypePromotionUtils.CanConvertTo(source, source.TypeReference, targetTypeReference))
                    throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.MetadataBinder_CannotConvertToType(source.TypeReference.FullName(), targetTypeReference.FullName()));
                    if (source.TypeReference.IsEnum() && constantNode != null)
                        return(new ConstantNode(constantNode.Value, ODataUriUtils.ConvertToUriLiteral(constantNode.Value, ODataVersion.V4), targetTypeReference));

                    object originalPrimitiveValue;
                    if (MetadataUtilsCommon.TryGetConstantNodePrimitiveLDMF(source, out originalPrimitiveValue) && (originalPrimitiveValue != null))
                        // L F D M types : directly create a ConvertNode.
                        // 1. NodeToExpressionTranslator.cs won't allow implicitly converting single/double to decimal, which should be done here at Node tree level.
                        // 2. And prevent losing precision in float -> double, e.g. (double)1.234f => 1.2339999675750732d not 1.234d
                        object targetPrimitiveValue = ODataUriConversionUtils.CoerceNumericType(originalPrimitiveValue, targetTypeReference.AsPrimitive().Definition as IEdmPrimitiveType);

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(constantNode.LiteralText))
                            return(new ConstantNode(targetPrimitiveValue));

                        var candidate   = new ConstantNode(targetPrimitiveValue, constantNode.LiteralText);
                        var decimalType = candidate.TypeReference as IEdmDecimalTypeReference;
                        if (decimalType != null)
                            var targetDecimalType = (IEdmDecimalTypeReference)targetTypeReference;
                            return(decimalType.Precision == targetDecimalType.Precision &&
                                   decimalType.Scale == targetDecimalType.Scale ?
                                   (SingleValueNode)candidate :
                                   (SingleValueNode)(new ConvertNode(candidate, targetTypeReference)));
                        // other type conversion : ConvertNode
                        return(new ConvertNode(source, targetTypeReference));
                // If the source doesn't have a type (possibly an open property), then it's possible to convert it
                // cause we don't know for sure.
                return(new ConvertNode(source, targetTypeReference));
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// If the source node is not of the specified type, then we check if type promotion is possible and inject a convert node.
        /// If the source node is the same type as the target type (or if the target type is null), we just return the source node as is.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source node to apply the convertion to.</param>
        /// <param name="targetTypeReference">The target primitive type. May be null - this method will do nothing in that case.</param>
        /// <returns>The converted query node, or the original source node unchanged.</returns>
        internal static SingleValueNode ConvertToTypeIfNeeded(SingleValueNode source, IEdmTypeReference targetTypeReference)
            Debug.Assert(source != null, "source != null");

            if (targetTypeReference == null)

            if (source.TypeReference != null)
                if (source.TypeReference.IsEquivalentTo(targetTypeReference))
                    // For source is type definition, if source's underlying type == target type.
                    // We create a conversion node from source to its underlying type (target type)
                    // so that the service can convert value of source clr type to underlying clr type.
                    if (source.TypeReference.IsTypeDefinition())
                        return(new ConvertNode(source, targetTypeReference));


                if (!TypePromotionUtils.CanConvertTo(source, source.TypeReference, targetTypeReference))
                    throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.MetadataBinder_CannotConvertToType(source.TypeReference.ODataFullName(), targetTypeReference.ODataFullName()));
                    ConstantNode constantNode = source as ConstantNode;

                    if (source.TypeReference.IsEnum() && constantNode != null)
                        return(new ConstantNode(constantNode.Value, ODataUriUtils.ConvertToUriLiteral(constantNode.Value, ODataVersion.V4), targetTypeReference));

                    object originalPrimitiveValue;
                    if (MetadataUtilsCommon.TryGetConstantNodePrimitiveDate(source, out originalPrimitiveValue) && (originalPrimitiveValue != null))
                        // DateTimeOffset -> Date when (target is Date) and (originalValue match Date format) and (ConstantNode)
                        object targetPrimitiveValue = ODataUriConversionUtils.CoerceTemporalType(originalPrimitiveValue, targetTypeReference.AsPrimitive().Definition as IEdmPrimitiveType);

                        if (targetPrimitiveValue != null)
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(constantNode.LiteralText))
                                return(new ConstantNode(targetPrimitiveValue));

                            return(new ConstantNode(targetPrimitiveValue, constantNode.LiteralText, targetTypeReference));

                    if (MetadataUtilsCommon.TryGetConstantNodePrimitiveLDMF(source, out originalPrimitiveValue) && (originalPrimitiveValue != null))
                        // L F D M types : directly create a ConvertNode.
                        // 1. NodeToExpressionTranslator.cs won't allow implicitly converting single/double to decimal, which should be done here at Node tree level.
                        // 2. And prevent losing precision in float -> double, e.g. (double)1.234f => 1.2339999675750732d not 1.234d
                        object targetPrimitiveValue = ODataUriConversionUtils.CoerceNumericType(originalPrimitiveValue, targetTypeReference.AsPrimitive().Definition as IEdmPrimitiveType);

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(constantNode.LiteralText))
                            return(new ConstantNode(targetPrimitiveValue));

                        return(new ConstantNode(targetPrimitiveValue, constantNode.LiteralText));
                        // other type conversion : ConvertNode
                        return(new ConvertNode(source, targetTypeReference));
                // If the source doesn't have a type (possibly an open property), then it's possible to convert it
                // cause we don't know for sure.
                return(new ConvertNode(source, targetTypeReference));
예제 #14
 private static string PrimitiveLiteral(object value)
     return(ODataUriConversionUtils.ConvertToUriPrimitiveLiteral(value, ODataVersion.V4));
예제 #15
        [InlineData(-100D, "-100.0")] // DoubleLiteralShouldHaveDecimalPointForWholeNumber
        public void ConvertToUriPrimitiveLiteralUsingPrimitiveValueWorks(object value, string expect)
            string actual = ODataUriConversionUtils.ConvertToUriPrimitiveLiteral(value, ODataVersion.V4);

            Assert.Equal(expect, actual);