예제 #1
 ///<summary>Starts the thread which will populate the graph's data. DB context should be set before calling this method.</summary>
 /// <param name="forceCacheRefesh">Will pass this flag along to the thread which retrieves the cache. If true then cache will be invalidated and re-initialiazed from the db. Use sparingly.</param>
 /// <param name="onException">Exception handler if something fails. If not set then all exceptions will be swallowed.</param>
 /// <param name="onThreadDone">Done event handler. Will be invoked when init thread has completed.</param>
 private void Init(bool forceCacheRefesh = false, ODThread.ExceptionDelegate onException = null, EventHandler onThreadDone = null)
     if (_thread != null)
     if (onThreadDone == null)
         onThreadDone = new EventHandler(delegate(object o, EventArgs e) { });
     if (onException == null)
         onException = new ODThread.ExceptionDelegate((Exception e) => { });
     _thread = new ODThread(new ODThread.WorkerDelegate((ODThread x) => {
         //The thread may have run and return before the window is even ready to display.
         if (this.IsHandleCreated)
             OnThreadStartLocal(this, new EventArgs());
             this.HandleCreated += OnThreadStartLocal;
         //Alert caller that it's time to start querying the db.
     _thread.Name = "GraphQuantityFilterOverTime.Init";
     _thread.AddExitHandler(new ODThread.WorkerDelegate((ODThread x) => {
         try {
             _thread = null;
             //The thread may have run and return before the window is even ready to display.
             if (this.IsHandleCreated)
                 OnThreadExitLocal(this, new EventArgs());
                 this.HandleCreated += OnThreadExitLocal;
             //Alert caller that db querying is done.
             onThreadDone(this, new EventArgs());
         catch (Exception) { }
예제 #2
        ///<summary>Runs the workerDelegate on a separate thread and displays a progress window while the thread is running.</summary>
        public static void ShowProgressForThread(ODThread.WorkerDelegate workerDelegate, Control parent, string startingMessage = "Please Wait...",
                                                 ProgBarStyle progStyle = ProgBarStyle.Blocks, string threadName = "ODProgressThread", ODThread.ExceptionDelegate exceptionHandler = null)
            ODProgress prog   = new ODProgress(Lan.g(parent, startingMessage), progStyle);
            ODThread   thread = new ODThread(workerDelegate);

            if (exceptionHandler != null)
            thread.Name        = threadName;
            thread.ProgressLog = prog;