public void DisplayNodes(int index, ODODDQQO soi, GameObject sso_go) { so_go = sso_go; List <Vector2> tmpNodes = new List <Vector2>(); if (soi != null) { tmpNodes.AddRange(soi.nodeList); } if (so_go != null && tmpNodes.Count == 0) { List <Vector2> arr = OQQODQCCCD.OOCOQQCQQQ(2, so_go, ODQDODDCQO.traceOffset); if (arr != null) { if (arr.Count > 1) { tmpNodes = arr; } } } bool clamped = false; so = soi; sideObject = index; if (so_editor == null) { try{ so_editor = new OQQODQCCCD(position, tmpNodes, clamped); }catch { } } if (so_editor.OQCDQOCDOQ.Count > 0) { if ((Vector2)so_editor.OQCDQOCDOQ[0] == (Vector2)so_editor.OQCDQOCDOQ[so_editor.OQCDQOCDOQ.Count - 1]) { so_editor.closed = true; so_editor.OQCDQOCDOQ.RemoveAt(so_editor.OQCDQOCDOQ.Count - 1); } } if (tmpNodes.Count != 0) { Rect rect = new Rect(stageSelectionGridWidth, 0, Screen.width - stageSelectionGridWidth, Screen.height); so_editor.FrameSelected(rect); } ODQDODDCQO.OCOOQCDDDC(index, soi, sso_go, so_editor); return; }
void OnGUI() { Rect rect = new Rect(stageSelectionGridWidth, 0, Screen.width - stageSelectionGridWidth, Screen.height); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(210); GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent("Hit [r] to center the editor, hit [z] to zoom in on the nodes, click drag to move the canvas, Scrollwheel (or [shift] click drag) zoom in / out", ""), GUILayout.Width(800)); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(-15); ODQDODDCQO.OOOQCQQQDC(rect); DoGUI(); so_editor.OnGUI(rect); }
void DoGUI() { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(60); if (GUILayout.Button("Apply", GUILayout.Width(65))) { ODQDODDCQO.ODCCOQDCOC(); instance.Close(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Close", GUILayout.Width(65))) { instance.Close(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5); if (so_editor.isChanged == false) { GUI.enabled = false; } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(60); if (GUILayout.Button("Update Scene", GUILayout.Width(135))) { so.nodeList.Clear(); if (so_editor.closed) { so_editor.OQCDQOCDOQ.Add(so_editor.OQCDQOCDOQ[0]); } so.nodeList.AddRange(so_editor.OQCDQOCDOQ); so_editor.isChanged = false; OOCQCOCDOQ.OQQODQDDQQ(OOCQCOCDOQ.selectedObject); OOCQCOCDOQ.OQQDDQQQQQ(); List <ODODDQQO> arr = OCDQDCQOCQ.OQOODCQQCO(false); RoadObjectScript.ODODOQQO = OCDQDCQOCQ.OQQQOOOOOC(arr); RoadObjectScript[] scripts = (RoadObjectScript[])FindObjectsOfType(typeof(RoadObjectScript)); foreach (RoadObjectScript scr in scripts) { if (scr.OOOOODODCQ == null) { List <ODODDQQO> arr1 = OCDQDCQOCQ.OQOODCQQCO(false); scr.ODODCDOOQC(arr1, OCDQDCQOCQ.OQQQOOOOOC(arr1), OCDQDCQOCQ.OQODCCCCCD(arr1)); } scr.OCODODQDDO(arr, OCDQDCQOCQ.OQQQOOOOOC(arr), OCDQDCQOCQ.OQODCCCCCD(arr)); if (scr.OQCCDOOOCC == true || scr.objectType == 2) { GameObject go = GameObject.Find( + "/Side Objects/" +; if (go != null) { ODDOQODQCQ.OODODODOOD((sideObjectScript)go.GetComponent(typeof(sideObjectScript)), sideObject, scr, go.transform); } } } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.enabled = true; if (GUI.changed) { so_editor.isChanged = true; } Handles.color =; Handles.DrawLine(new Vector2(stageSelectionGridWidth, 0), new Vector2(stageSelectionGridWidth, Screen.height)); Handles.DrawLine(new Vector2(stageSelectionGridWidth - 1, 0), new Vector2(stageSelectionGridWidth - 1, Screen.height)); }
void OnDestroy() { ODQDODDCQO.OnDestroy1(); instance = null; }