public void Update(string Description) { try { string sSQL = "UPDATE tblGroup SET Description = '" + Description + "' WHERE Id =" + mvarID; OCL.Functions F = new OCL.Functions(); int numrecs = F.ExecuteSqlCommand(sSQL); } catch(Exception Err) { throw new ApplicationException(Err.Message,Err.InnerException); } }
public bool RemoveFromScene(OCL.User AccessingUser, OCL.Scene TargetScene,out string ErrorMessage) { OCL.Functions F = new OCL.Functions(); ErrorMessage = ""; if(TargetScene.mvarID != this.SceneID) { ErrorMessage = "Source is not assigned to TargetScene."; return false; } if(!AccessingUser.IsSystemAdministrator) { OCL.Group DefaultGroup = (OCL.Group)F.GetUnassignedObject(OCL.OysterUnassignedObjects.Group); OCL.Permission P = DefaultGroup.GetObjectPermission(AccessingUser,this); if(!P.CanEdit) { ErrorMessage = AccessingUser.Description + " does not have permission to edit this source."; return false; } P = DefaultGroup.GetObjectPermission(AccessingUser,TargetScene); if(!P.CanEdit) { ErrorMessage = AccessingUser.Description + " does not have permission to edit target scene."; return false; } } OCL.Scene DefaultScene = (OCL.Scene)F.GetUnassignedObject(OCL.OysterUnassignedObjects.Scene); string sSQL = "UPDATE tblSource SET SceneID = " + DefaultScene.mvarID + " WHERE ID = " + mvarID; int results = F.ExecuteSqlCommand(sSQL); if(results > 0) return true; ErrorMessage = "remove source from scene failed for unknown reason."; return false; }
public bool Update(OCL.User AccessingUser, string Password) { if(this.mvarIsPublicAccess) { return false; } bool CanUpdate = false; if(AccessingUser.mvarIsSuperUser) { CanUpdate = true; } OCL.Functions F = new OCL.Functions(); OCL.Group DefaultGroup = (OCL.Group)F.GetUnassignedObject(OCL.OysterUnassignedObjects.Group); OCL.Permission CP = DefaultGroup.GetObjectPermission(AccessingUser,AccessingUser,this); if(CP != null) { CanUpdate = CP.CanEdit; // Specifies that this accessing User can edit this user. } else { CanUpdate = false; } if(CanUpdate) { string sCommand = "UPDATE tblUSER SET Password = '******' WHERE ID = " + mvarID; int orow = F.ExecuteSqlCommand(sCommand); if(orow == 0) return false; else return true; } return false; }
public bool AssignToScene(OCL.User AccessingUser, OCL.Scene TargetScene, out string ErrorMessage) { OCL.Functions F = new OCL.Functions(); ErrorMessage = ""; if(!AccessingUser.IsSystemAdministrator) { OCL.Group DefaultGroup = (OCL.Group)F.GetUnassignedObject(OCL.OysterUnassignedObjects.Group); OCL.Permission P = DefaultGroup.GetObjectPermission(AccessingUser,this); if(!P.CanEdit) { ErrorMessage = AccessingUser.Description + " does not have permission to edit this source."; return false; } P = DefaultGroup.GetObjectPermission(AccessingUser,TargetScene); if(!P.CanEdit) { ErrorMessage = AccessingUser.Description + " does not have permission to edit target scene."; return false; } //Check to see source can be moved. OCL.Scene DefaultScene = (OCL.Scene)F.GetUnassignedObject(OCL.OysterUnassignedObjects.Scene); if(this.SceneID != DefaultScene.mvarID) { OCL.Scene CScene = this.CurrentScene; P = DefaultGroup.GetObjectPermission(AccessingUser,CScene); if(!P.CanEdit) { ErrorMessage = AccessingUser.Description + " does not have permission to edit source's current scene."; return false; } } } string sSQL = "UPDATE tblSource SET SceneID = " + TargetScene.mvarID + " WHERE ID = " + mvarID; int results = F.ExecuteSqlCommand(sSQL); if(results > 0) return true; ErrorMessage = "Update source failed for unknown reason."; return false; }
public bool Update(OCL.User AccessingUser,string FirstName, string MiddleName, string LastName, string LoginName, string Password, string CardNumber) { if(this.mvarIsPublicAccess) { return false; } bool CanUpdate = false; if(AccessingUser.mvarIsSuperUser) { CanUpdate = true; } OCL.Functions F = new OCL.Functions(); OCL.Group DefaultGroup = (OCL.Group)F.GetUnassignedObject(OCL.OysterUnassignedObjects.Group); OCL.Permission CP = DefaultGroup.GetObjectPermission(AccessingUser,AccessingUser,this); if(CP != null) { CanUpdate = CP.CanEdit; // Specifies that this accessing User can edit this user. } else { CanUpdate = false; } if(CanUpdate) { string Description = LastName + ", " + FirstName + " " + MiddleName; string sCommand = "UPDATE tblUSER SET Name = '" + Description + "' , FirstName = '" + FirstName + "' , MiddleName = '" + MiddleName + "' , LastName = '" + LastName + "' , LoginName = '" + LoginName + "' , Password = '******' , CanRecord = " + Convert.ToInt32(CanRecord) + "' , CardNumber = '" + CardNumber + "' WHERE ID = " + mvarID; int orow = F.ExecuteSqlCommand(sCommand); if(orow == 0) return false; /// For compatibility We allow the user the chance to give this user the ability to Make Recordings /// CanRecord has been removed from the User to be held with all other permissions in the Groups and /// GroupTokens tables try { if(this.CanEditPermissions(AccessingUser)) { OCL.Group DG = (OCL.Group)F.GetUnassignedObject(OCL.OysterUnassignedObjects.Group); OCL.Permission CP2 = DG.GetDefaultUserPermission(this); OCL.User DU = (OCL.User)F.GetUnassignedObject(OCL.OysterUnassignedObjects.User); DG.UpdateDefaultUserPermission(this,AccessingUser,CP2.mvarIsVisible,CanUpdate,CP2.mvarCanEdit,CP2.mvarCanDelete,CP2.CanEditPermission,CP2.CanSeePermission,false); } } catch(Exception Err) { string peekError = Err.Message; } return true; } return false; }