예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// A variant which returns an OBMol based on host.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static OBMol designgraphtomol(designGraph host)
            var mol = new OBMol();
            Dictionary <string, int> nodeatomlookup = new Dictionary <string, int>(); //dictionary for looking up which nodes go to which atoms by their names
            int i = 0;

            foreach (node n in host.nodes)
                OBAtom atom = new OBAtom();
                double x    = scale * n.X;
                double y    = scale * n.Y;
                double z    = scale * n.Z; //set coordinates of atom
                atom.SetVector(x, y, z);
                foreach (string label in n.localLabels)
                    if (label.Length < 4)
                        if (label != "sp2" && label != "sp3")       ///so openbabel gets less crap
                            atom.SetAtomicNum(elementTabel[label]); //set atomic number

                nodeatomlookup.Add(n.name, i); //add the atom to dictionary and mol
            foreach (arc a in host.arcs)
                int  bondorder = 0;
                bool hassingle = a.localLabels.Contains("s");
                bool hasdouble = a.localLabels.Contains("d");
                bool hastriple = a.localLabels.Contains("t"); //bonds will probably not be anything other than single, double, or triple
                //although we could have dative bonds
                if (hassingle ^ hasdouble ^ hastriple)        //we do not want more than one bond type
                    if (hassingle)
                        bondorder = 1;
                    if (hasdouble)
                        bondorder = 2;
                    if (hastriple)
                        bondorder = 3;
                mol.AddBond(nodeatomlookup[a.To.name], nodeatomlookup[a.From.name], bondorder);
        public static OBMol molecule_merge(OBMol mol1, OBAtom a, OBMol mol2, OBAtom b)
            //takes two molecules and two atoms in each molecule and
            //assuming atoms are in the same place, delete one atom and copy bond to the other
            //foreach(OBBond bond in b.Bonds())


            int keepid     = Convert.ToInt32(a.GetIdx());
            int todeleteid = Convert.ToInt32(b.GetIdx());
            //var bonds = b.Bonds();
            List <OBBond> bondlist = new List <OBBond>();

            foreach (OBBond bon in b.Bonds())
            OBBond bond      = bondlist[0];
            int    connectid = (int)bond.GetNbrAtomIdx(b);
            int    prevatms  = (int)mol1.NumAtoms(); //number of atoms before we combine things

            //OBMol mol3 = new OBMol ();

            mol1 = addmol(mol2, mol1);
            OBAtom keep      = mol1.GetAtom(keepid);
            OBAtom todelete  = mol1.GetAtom(todeleteid + prevatms);
            OBAtom toconnect = mol1.GetAtom(connectid + prevatms);
            OBBond newbond   = new OBBond();

            //OBAtom= atom1
            //var a = map2[0];
            //int c1 = (int)(map1[1]);
            //int c2 = (int)(map2[1] + prevatms);
            //int h1 = (int)(map1[0]);
            ///int h2 = (int)(map2[0] + prevatms);
            //OBAtom carbon1 = mol1.GetAtom(c1);
            //OBAtom carbon2 = mol1.GetAtom(c2);
            //OBAtom hydrogen1 = mol1.GetAtom(h1);
            ///OBAtom hydrogen2 = mol1.GetAtom(h2);
            //OBBuilder.Connect(mol1, c1, c2);//connect fragments
        public static OBMol addmol2(OBMol source, OBMol dest)
            //combines two OBMols into one molecule
            // this is designed to do the same thing as the += operator in mol.cpp, in other words this implements functionality present in openbabel, but not in the C# api
            //modifies atom and bond indices in the process
            uint prevatms = dest.NumAtoms();
            uint nextatms = source.NumAtoms();
            uint acount   = prevatms;
            uint bcount   = dest.NumBonds();

            // First, handle atoms and bonds
            foreach (OBAtom atom in source.Atoms())
                atom.SetId(acount); ////Need to remove ID which relates to source mol rather than this mol// But in the C++ it had a NoId thing I couldn't figure out
                //var foooo = dest.Atoms ();
            //writeatominfotoscreen (dest);
            foreach (OBBond bond in source.Bonds())
                OBBond b = new OBBond();
                //b.SetBegin(dest.GetAtom((int)(bond.GetBeginAtomIdx() + prevatms)));
                //b.SetEnd(dest.GetAtom((int)(bond.GetEndAtomIdx() + prevatms)));
                b.Set(0, dest.GetAtom((int)(bond.GetBeginAtomIdx() + prevatms)),
                      dest.GetAtom((int)(bond.GetEndAtomIdx() + prevatms)), (int)bond.GetBO(), (int)bond.GetFlags());
                if (bond.HasData("trueBO"))
                    b.CloneData(bond.GetData("trueBO")); //clone true bond order so we can eventually do MOF-UFF
                //dest.AddBond( (int)bond.GetBO(), (int)bond.GetFlags());


            //don't really understand what they mean by residues
            //I think it's an amino acid or nucleotide so you can build up proteins and stuff?
            //don't think I'm going to use them either, but it might be useful

            //dest.EndModify(); this tends to mangle up all the atom ids, which is bad

 public static OBMol connect_within_radius(OBMol mol, OBAtom n, double radius)
     foreach (OBAtom a in mol.Atoms())
         if (a.GetIdx() == n.GetIdx())
             double len = Math.Round(StarMath.norm2(obvec2dubs(OBVector3.Sub(a.GetVector(), n.GetVector()))),
                                     7); //gets length
             if (len <= radius)
                 mol.AddBond((int)a.GetIdx(), (int)n.GetIdx(), 1);
        public static OBMol molecule_merge(OBMol mol1, OBAtom tokeep, OBAtom todelete)
            //takes a molecule and two atoms in the molecule and
            //assuming atoms are in the same place, delete one atom and copy bond to the other

            uint todeleteid = todelete.GetIdx();
            //var bonds = b.Bonds();

            List <OBBond> bondlist = new List <OBBond>();

            foreach (OBBond bon in todelete.Bonds())

            foreach (OBBond bon in bondlist)
                mol1.AddBond((int)tokeep.GetIdx(), (int)bon.GetNbrAtomIdx(todelete), (int)bon.GetBondOrder());
            //int connectid = (int)bond.GetNbrAtomIdx(b);

            //todelete = mol1.GetAtomById(todeleteid);
            ///OBAtom toconnect = mol1.GetAtom(connectid);
            //OBBond newbond = new OBBond();

        public static bool designgraphtomol(designGraph host, ref OBMol mol)
            OBElementTable periodictable = new OBElementTable();

            //OBMol mol = new OBMol();
            Dictionary <string, int>
            nodeatomlookup =
                new Dictionary <string, int>();    //dictionary for looking up which nodes go to which atoms by their names
            int i = 0;

            foreach (node n in host.nodes)
                OBAtom atom = new OBAtom();

                double x = scale * n.X;
                double y = scale * n.Y;
                double z = scale * n.Z; //set coordinates of atom
                atom.SetVector(x, y, z);
                int anum = 0;
                foreach (string label in n.localLabels)
                    if (label.Length < 4)
                        if (label != "sp2" && label != "sp3") ///so openbabel gets less crap
                            anum = periodictable.GetAtomicNum(label);
                            if (anum > 0)
                atom.SetAtomicNum(anum);       //set atomic number
                nodeatomlookup.Add(n.name, i); //add the atom to dictionary and mol
            foreach (arc a in host.arcs)
                OBBond bond      = new OBBond();
                int    bondorder = 0;
                bool   hassingle = a.localLabels.Contains("s");
                bool   hasdouble = a.localLabels.Contains("d");
                bool   hastriple =
                    .Contains("t");                    //bonds will probably not be anything other than single, double, or triple
                //although we could have dative bonds
                if (hassingle ^ hasdouble ^ hastriple) //we do not want more than one bond type
                    if (hassingle)
                        bondorder = 1;
                    if (hasdouble)
                        bondorder = 2;
                    if (hastriple)
                        bondorder = 3;
                mol.AddBond(nodeatomlookup[a.To.name], nodeatomlookup[a.From.name], bondorder);
//                OBAtom begin = nodeatomlookup[a.From.name];
//                OBAtom end = nodeatomlookup[a.To.name];
//                bond.SetBegin(begin);
//                bond.SetEnd(end);
//                bond.SetBondOrder(bondorder);
//                mol.AddBond(bond);
//                mol.Bonds();


        public static OBMol addmol(OBMol source, OBMol dest)
            //combines two OBMols into one molecule
            // this is designed to do the same thing as the += operator in mol.cpp, in other words this implements functionality present in openbabel, but not in the C# api
            uint prevatms = dest.NumAtoms();
            uint nextatms = source.NumAtoms();

            // First, handle atoms and bonds
            foreach (OBAtom atom in source.Atoms())
                atom.SetId(0); ////Need to remove ID which relates to source mol rather than this mol// But in the C++ it had a NoId thing I couldn't figure out
                //var foooo = dest.Atoms ();
            //writeatominfotoscreen (dest);
            foreach (OBBond bond in source.Bonds())

                dest.AddBond((int)(bond.GetBeginAtomIdx() + prevatms), (int)(bond.GetEndAtomIdx() + prevatms),
                             (int)bond.GetBO(), (int)bond.GetFlags());

            //don't really understand what they mean by residues
            //I think it's an amino acid or nucleotide so you can build up proteins and stuff?
            //don't think I'm going to use them either, but it might be useful

            foreach (OBResidue residue in source.Residues())
                OBResidue newres = new OBResidue();

                OBResidueAtomIter ai = new OBResidueAtomIter(residue);
                //dammit why didn't they implement a residue.atoms sort of thing? I don't want to play with enumerators
                ////#define FOR_ATOMS_OF_RESIDUE(a,r) for( OBResidueAtomIter a(r); a; ++a )
                while (ai.MoveNext())
                    OBAtom resatom = new OBAtom();
                    resatom = ai.Current;
                    // This is the equivalent atom in our combined molecule
                    OBAtom atom = dest.GetAtom((int)(resatom.GetIdx() + prevatms));
                    // So we add this to the last-added residue
                    // (i.e., what we just copied)
                    //[dest.NumResidues () - 1]

                    var res = dest.Residues().GetEnumerator();
                    while (!res.MoveNext())
                    }                           //move to the last residue

                    //var item = dest.Cast<RMSRequestProcessor.RMSMedia> ().ElementAt (1);

                //for(OBAtom resatom in )
