public async Task Create_OAuthClient() { var organizationName = "my-organization"; var httpClient = new TestHttpClient() { Handler = (entry) => { TestHttpClient.SendResponse("OAuthClient/CreateOAuthClient", entry); } }; var config = new TfeConfig("faketoken", httpClient); var client = new TfeClient(config); var request = new OAuthClientsRequest(); request.Data.Attributes.ServiceProvider = "github"; request.Data.Attributes.HttpUrl = new Uri(""); request.Data.Attributes.ApiUrl = new Uri(""); request.Data.Attributes.OAuthTokenString = "4306823352f0009d0ed81f1b654ac17a"; var result = await client.OAuthClient.CreateAsync(organizationName, request); Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Equal(organizationName, result.Data.Relationships.Organization.Data.Id); Assert.Equal(request.Data.Attributes.ServiceProvider, result.Data.Attributes.ServiceProvider); Assert.Equal(request.Data.Attributes.HttpUrl, result.Data.Attributes.HttpUrl); Assert.Equal(request.Data.Attributes.ApiUrl, result.Data.Attributes.ApiUrl); Assert.Equal("/api/v2/oauth-tokens/ot-KaeqH4cy72VPXFQT", result.Data.Relationships.OAuthTokens.Links.Related); }
public async Task CreateOAuthClient() { var organizationName = configuration["organizationName"]; var httpClient = new HttpClient(); var config = new TfeConfig(configuration["teamToken"], httpClient); var client = new TfeClient(config); var request = new OAuthClientsRequest(); request.Data.Attributes.ServiceProvider = "github"; request.Data.Attributes.HttpUrl = new Uri(""); request.Data.Attributes.ApiUrl = new Uri(""); request.Data.Attributes.OAuthTokenString = configuration["gitToken"]; var result = await client.OAuthClient.CreateAsync(organizationName, request); Assert.NotNull(result); IntegrationContext.OAuthTokenId = result.Data.Relationships.OAuthTokens.Data[0].Id; }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { var organizationName = "<organizationName>"; var organizationToken = "<organizationToken>"; var teamToken = "<teamToken>"; var gitHubToken = "<GitHub Personal Access Token>"; var gitHubRepo = "<github user or organization name>/<repo name>"; // Create an HttpClient var httpClient = new HttpClient(); // Create the Configiration used by the TFE client. // For management tasks you'll need to connect to Terraform Cloud using an Organization Token var config = new TfeConfig(organizationToken, httpClient); // Create the TFE client. var client = new TfeClient(config); // Connect Terraform Cloud and GitHub var oauthClientsRequest = new OAuthClientsRequest(); oauthClientsRequest.Data.Attributes.ServiceProvider = "github"; oauthClientsRequest.Data.Attributes.HttpUrl = new Uri(""); oauthClientsRequest.Data.Attributes.ApiUrl = new Uri(""); oauthClientsRequest.Data.Attributes.OAuthTokenString = gitHubToken; // Use the GitHub Personal Access Token var oauthResult = await client.OAuthClient.CreateAsync(organizationName, oauthClientsRequest); // Get the OAuthToken var oauthTokenId = oauthResult.Data.Relationships.OAuthTokens.Data[0].Id; // Create a Workspace connected to a GitHub repo. var workspacesRequest = new WorkspacesRequest(); workspacesRequest.Data.Attributes.Name = "my-workspace"; workspacesRequest.Data.Attributes.VcsRepo = new RequestVcsRepo(); workspacesRequest.Data.Attributes.VcsRepo.Identifier = gitHubRepo; // Use the GitHub Repo workspacesRequest.Data.Attributes.VcsRepo.OauthTokenId = oauthTokenId; workspacesRequest.Data.Attributes.VcsRepo.Branch = ""; workspacesRequest.Data.Attributes.VcsRepo.DefaultBranch = true; var workspaceResult = await client.Workspace.CreateAsync(organizationName, workspacesRequest); // Get the Workspace Id so we can add variales or request a plan or apply. var workspaceId = workspaceResult.Data.Id; // Create a variable in the workspace. // You can make the values invible setting the Sensitive attribute to true. // If you want to se an environement variable change the Category attribute to "env" // You'll have to create as any variables your script needs. var workspaceVariablesRequest = new WorkspaceVariablesRequest(); workspaceVariablesRequest.Data.Attributes.Key = "variable_1"; workspaceVariablesRequest.Data.Attributes.Value = "variable_1_value"; workspaceVariablesRequest.Data.Attributes.Description = "variable_1 description"; workspaceVariablesRequest.Data.Attributes.Category = "terraform"; workspaceVariablesRequest.Data.Attributes.Hcl = false; workspaceVariablesRequest.Data.Attributes.Sensitive = false; var variableResult = await client.WorkspaceVariable.CreateAsync(workspaceId, workspaceVariablesRequest); // Get the workspace by name var workspace = client.Workspace.ShowAsync(organizationName, "my-workspace"); // To create Runs and Apply thme you need to use a Team Token // So create a new TfeClient var runsClient = new TfeClient(new TfeConfig(teamToken, new HttpClient())); // Create the Run. // This is th equivalent to running: terraform plan. var runsRequest = new RunsRequest(); runsRequest.Data.Attributes.IsDestroy = false; runsRequest.Data.Attributes.Message = "Triggered by .NET Core"; runsRequest.Data.Relationships.Workspace.Data.Type = "workspaces"; runsRequest.Data.Relationships.Workspace.Data.Id = workspace.Result.Data.Id; var runsResult = await runsClient.Run.CreateAsync(runsRequest); // Get the Run Id. You'll need it to check teh state of the run and Apply it if possible. var runId = runsResult.Data.Id; var ready = false; while (!ready) { // Wait for the Run to be planned await Task.Delay(5000); var run = await client.Run.ShowAsync(runId); ready = run.Data.Attributes.Status == "planned"; // Throw an exception if the Run status is: errored if (run.Data.Attributes.Status == "errored") { throw new Exception("Plan failed..."); } } // If the Run is planned then Apply your configuration. if (ready) { await runsClient.Run.ApplyAsync(runId, null); } }