public void TestParameterLessThanOrEqualToPasses( string parameterName, sbyte?parameterValue, sbyte?valueToCompare, NullableNumericValidator <sbyte> validatorBase) { "Given a new ValidatorBase" .x(() => validatorBase = Validate.That(parameterName, parameterValue)); "Testing that the parameter value is less than or equal to the value to compare against" .x(() => validatorBase.IsLessThanOrEqualTo(valueToCompare).OtherwiseThrowException()); "Should not result in an exception" .x(() => validatorBase.CurrentException.Should().BeNull()); }
public void TestParameterConditionOrPasses( string parameterName, sbyte?parameterValue, sbyte?lowerBound, sbyte?upperBound, NullableNumericValidator <sbyte> validatorBase) { "Given a new ValidatorBase" .x(() => validatorBase = Validate.That(parameterName, parameterValue)); "Testing that the parameter value is less than or equal to the lower bound or greater than or equal to the upper bound" .x(() => validatorBase.IsLessThanOrEqualTo(lowerBound).Or.IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(upperBound).OtherwiseThrowException()); "Should not result in an exception" .x(() => validatorBase.CurrentException.Should().BeNull()); }
public void TestParameterLessThanOrEqualToFails( string parameterName, sbyte?parameterValue, sbyte?valueToCompare, NullableNumericValidator <sbyte> validatorBase, Action act) { "Given a new ValidatorBase" .x(() => validatorBase = Validate.That(parameterName, parameterValue)); "Testing that the parameter value is less than or equal to the value to compare against" .x(() => act = () => validatorBase.IsLessThanOrEqualTo(valueToCompare).OtherwiseThrowException()); "Should throw an exception" .x(() => act.ShouldThrow <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>() .WithMessage(string.Format(Resources.MustBeLessThanOrEqualToX + "\r\nParameter name: {1}", valueToCompare, parameterName))); }
public void TestParameterConditionOrFails( string parameterName, sbyte?parameterValue, sbyte?lowerBound, sbyte?upperBound, NullableNumericValidator <sbyte> validatorBase, Action act) { "Given a new ValidatorBase" .x(() => validatorBase = Validate.That(parameterName, parameterValue)); "Testing that the parameter value is less than or equal to the lower bound or greater than or equal to the upper bound" .x(() => act = () => validatorBase.IsLessThanOrEqualTo(lowerBound).Or.IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(upperBound).OtherwiseThrowException()); "Should throw an exception" .x(() => act.ShouldThrow <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>() .WithMessage(string.Format(Resources.MustBeLessThanOrEqualToX + "\r\nParameter name: {1}", lowerBound, parameterName))); }