/// <summary> <p>A convenience method for binding applications to an <code>ApplicationRouter</code>
		/// Information about bindings is read from a file at a specified URL.  Each line in the 
		/// file should have the following format (entries TAB delimited):</p>
		/// <p>message_type &#009; trigger_event &#009; processing_id &#009; version_id &#009; app_class</p>
		/// <p>Note that the first four fields can be the wildcard "*", which means any.</p>
		/// <p>For example, if you write an Application called org.yourorganiztion.ADTProcessor
		/// that processes several types of ADT messages, and another called 
		/// org.yourorganization.ResultProcessor that processes result messages, you might have a 
		/// file that looks like this: </p>
		/// <p>ADT &#009; * &#009; * &#009; * &#009; org.yourorganization.ADTProcessor<br>
		/// ORU &#009; R01 &#009; * &#009; * &#009; org.yourorganization.ResultProcessor</p>
		/// <p>Each class listed in this file must implement either Genetibase.NuGenHL7.app.Application or 
		/// Genetibase.NuGenHL7.protocol.ReceivingApplication, and must have a zero-argument constructor.</p>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="theRouter">the <code>ApplicationRouter</code> on which to make the binding
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="theSource">a URL pointing to the bindings file 
		/// </param>
		public static void  loadApplications(NuGenApplicationRouter theRouter, System.Uri theSource)
			if (theSource == null)
				throw new NuGenHL7Exception("Can't load application bindings: the given URL is null");
			System.IO.StreamReader in_Renamed = new System.IO.StreamReader(new System.IO.StreamReader(System.Net.WebRequest.Create(theSource).GetResponse().GetResponseStream(), System.Text.Encoding.Default).BaseStream, new System.IO.StreamReader(System.Net.WebRequest.Create(theSource).GetResponse().GetResponseStream(), System.Text.Encoding.Default).CurrentEncoding);
			System.String line = null;
			while ((line = in_Renamed.ReadLine()) != null)
				//parse application registration information 
				SupportClass.Tokenizer tok = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(line, "\t", false);
				System.String type = null, event_Renamed = null, procId = null, verId = null, className = null;
				if (tok.HasMoreTokens())
					//skip blank lines 
						type = tok.NextToken();
						event_Renamed = tok.NextToken();
						procId = tok.NextToken();
						verId = tok.NextToken();
						className = tok.NextToken();
					catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
						throw new NuGenHL7Exception("Can't register applications from " + theSource.ToString() + ". The line '" + line + "' is not of the form: message_type [tab] trigger_event " + "[tab] processing ID [tab] version ID [tab] application_class. " + "*** NOTE TWO NEW FIELDS AS OF HAPI 0.5 ****. ", NuGenHL7Exception.APPLICATION_INTERNAL_ERROR);
					System.Type appClass = System.Type.GetType(className); //may throw ClassNotFoundException 
					System.Object appObject = System.Activator.CreateInstance(appClass);
					NuGenReceivingApplication app = null;
					if (appObject is NuGenReceivingApplication)
						app = (NuGenReceivingApplication) appObject;
					else if (appObject is Application)
						app = new NuGenAppWrapper((Application) appObject);
						throw new NuGenHL7Exception("The specified class, " + appClass.FullName + ", doesn't implement Application or ReceivingApplication.", NuGenHL7Exception.APPLICATION_INTERNAL_ERROR);
					Genetibase.NuGenHL7.protocol.AppRoutingData rd = new NuGenAppRoutingDataImpl(type, event_Renamed, procId, verId);
					theRouter.bindApplication(rd, app);
		/// <summary> Returns the first Application that has been bound to messages of this type.  </summary>
		private NuGenReceivingApplication findApplication(Message theMessage)
			Terser t = new Terser(theMessage);
			AppRoutingData msgData = new NuGenAppRoutingDataImpl(t.get_Renamed("/MSH-9-1"), t.get_Renamed("/MSH-9-2"), t.get_Renamed("/MSH-11-1"), t.get_Renamed("/MSH-12"));
			NuGenReceivingApplication app = findDestination(msgData);
			//have to send back an application reject if no apps available to process
			if (app == null)
				app = new NuGenAppWrapper(new DefaultApplication());
			return app;