예제 #1
        public void InvalidInputShouldReturnBadRequestStatusWithModelErrors(double[] expectedNpvResult,
                                                                            decimal lowerDiscount, decimal upperDiscount, decimal increment, decimal outflow,
                                                                            double[] inflows)
            var stubCalculator = Substitute.For <INpvCalculator>();
            var controller     = new NpvController(stubCalculator);

            //Validation testing has been done on project NpvApi.Dtos.Test so will not test again here.
            var npvOptions = new NpvOptions
                RateOption = new RateOption
                    LowerDiscount = lowerDiscount,
                    UpperDiscount = upperDiscount
                Outflow = outflow

            foreach (var inflow in inflows.ToList())
                npvOptions.Inflows.Add(new Inflow()
                    Value = (decimal)inflow

            const string errorPropertyKey   = "UpperDiscount";
            const string errorPropertyValue = "Required";

            //Add the error to model state to mock 400 BadRequest
            controller.ModelState.AddModelError(errorPropertyKey, errorPropertyValue);

            var actionResult     = controller.Post(npvOptions);
            var badRequestResult = actionResult as BadRequestObjectResult;

            //Assert response should contain the model errors
            Assert.Equal(400, badRequestResult.StatusCode);

            var responseContent = badRequestResult.Value as SerializableError;

            Assert.Equal(1, responseContent.Keys.Count);
            Assert.Equal(errorPropertyKey, responseContent.Keys.First());
            Assert.Equal(errorPropertyValue, (responseContent.Values.First() as string[]).First());
예제 #2
        public void ValidInputShouldCallApplicationServiceWithCorrectDataAndReturnOk(double[] expectedNpvResult,
                                                                                     decimal lowerDiscount, decimal upperDiscount, decimal increment, decimal outflow,
                                                                                     double[] inflows)
            //Autofixture does not support Asp.net Core so can not use AutoData for
            //NSubstitute and just use InlineData instead

            var mockCalculator = Substitute.For <INpvCalculator>();
            var controller     = new NpvController(mockCalculator);

            //Validation testing has been done on project NpvApi.Dtos.Test so will not test again here.
            var npvOptions = new NpvOptions
                RateOption = new RateOption
                    LowerDiscount = lowerDiscount,
                    UpperDiscount = upperDiscount
                Outflow = outflow

            foreach (var inflow in inflows.ToList())
                npvOptions.Inflows.Add(new Inflow()
                    Value = (decimal)inflow
            var actionResult = controller.Post(npvOptions);


            var badRequestResult = actionResult as OkObjectResult;

            //Assert response should contain the model errors
            Assert.Equal(200, badRequestResult.StatusCode);