예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates instance of the model with the data read from DB
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">NpgsqlDataReader to read data from DB</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type from which create instance</param>
        /// <param name="ignore_user">If the sp don't return a user, but the type has a User property set as true</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private object GetParametersFromReader(NpgsqlDataReader reader, Type type, bool ignore_user)
            var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

            foreach (var prop in type.GetProperties())                                                   //Run over all the properties of the recieved entity
                if (ignore_user && prop.PropertyType == typeof(User))                                    //In case that the sp don't return the user details and one of the properties is indeed User
                    continue;                                                                            //Continue to the next prop
                if (prop.PropertyType.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IPoco)))                           //Check if the property is implementing the IPoco interface
                    var instance_prop = GetParametersFromReader(reader, prop.PropertyType, ignore_user); //Recursion
                    prop.SetValue(instance, instance_prop);                                              //After recursion ends set the prop value to the value that was read
                    continue;                                                                            //Continue to the next prop

                string column_name = prop.Name;//Set the column name to read as the property name

                var custom_attr_column_name =
                    (ColumnAttribute[])prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ColumnAttribute), true); //Get all column attributes of the property
                if (custom_attr_column_name.Length > 0)                                         //If there is at least one attribute (in this program there won't be 2 column attributes on same prop)
                    column_name = custom_attr_column_name[0].Name;                              //Set the column name as the column attribute value
                if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(string))                                        //Check if property is a string (some of the strings might be nulls);
                    var value = reader.GetSafeString(reader.GetOrdinal(column_name));           //Get the string safely, if there is not string return null
                    prop.SetValue(instance, value);                                             //Set the prop value as the value that was read (might be null)
                    var value = reader[column_name]; //Get the value from DB
                    prop.SetValue(instance, value);  //Set the prop value as the value that was read
