예제 #1
        public override string NormalMessage(Player player, TerraGuardian guardian)
            List <string> Mes = new List <string>();

            if (player.GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().TalkedToLeopoldAboutThePigs)
                Mes.Add("*I can try changing the forms of the pig emotions between Cloud and Solid, but I will need all emotions to merge them together.*");
                Mes.Add("*There is not exactly a penalty for them being in cloud form, but they may not like It.*");
            Mes.Add("*So, this is where the TerraGuardians have been moving to? I can see why.*");
            Mes.Add("*How many times I have to say that my tail is not made of cotton! Stop trying to touch it!*");
            Mes.Add("*I spend most of my time reading books, so I know of many things.*");
            if (!player.Male)
                Mes.Add("*Hey! Get your hand off my tail! It's not made of cotton!*");
            if (!NPC.downedBoss3)
                Mes.Add("*The dungeon in your world contains a great amount of readable material I could make use of. But the Old Man wont allow me in.*");
                Mes.Add("*So much knowledge found inside the dungeon. From dark secrets to sci-fi literature.*");
            if (guardian.FriendshipGrade < 2)
                Mes.Add("*Don't call me bunny, I don't know you yet.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(GuardianBase.Bree))
                Mes.Add("*What did I had on my mind during the popularity contest, when I agreed with Bree when she was clearly wrong?*");
            if (Main.dayTime)
                if (!Main.eclipse)
                    Mes.Add("*Too bright! I think I stayed inside home for too long.*");
                    Mes.Add("*Want some popcorn?*");
                    Mes.Add("*I think I read about them in a book. Had something to do with the creators.*");
                Mes.Add("*What? It was day a while ago!*");
                if (Main.bloodMoon)
                    Mes.Add("*Interesting, so whenever the red moon rises, monsters gets aggressive and smarter? And what is wrong with the female citizens?*");
                    Mes.Add("*I'm not scared! And no, the screams didn't came from here!*");
                    Mes.Add("*This seems like a good night for some reading.*");
                    Mes.Add("*I tried staring at the moon, but then I got bored. I preffer my books.*");
            if (NPC.TowerActiveNebula || NPC.TowerActiveSolar || NPC.TowerActiveStardust || NPC.TowerActiveVortex)
                Mes.Add("*I feel... Like something bad is about to happen...*");
            if (Terraria.GameContent.Events.BirthdayParty.PartyIsUp)
                Mes.Add("*This place is being too noisy, I can't concentrate on my books.*");
                Mes.Add("*Could you guys PLEASE SHUT UP!! Oh! I didn't see you there. Need something?*");
                Mes.Add("*Ugh... The headache comes... Couldn't they party somewhere else?*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(GuardianBase.Blue))
                Mes.Add("*I keep avoiding crossing [gn:" + Blue + "]'s path, because everytime she sees me, I pass the next 1~2 hours trying to get off her arms.*");
                Mes.Add("*What is [gn:" + Blue + "]'s problem? Whenever she sees a bunny she wants to hug it.*");
                Mes.Add("*You wont believe me, but [gn:" + Blue + "] has really strong arms. I have to struggle for hours to be free from them.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Zacks))
                Mes.Add("*I try my best to avoid crossing [gn:" + Zacks + "]'s path, for my own safety.*");
                Mes.Add("*Creepy! [gn:" + Zacks + "]'s mouth starts salivating when he sees me!*");
                if (PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardianSummoned(player, Brutus))
                    Mes.Add("*Would you mind If I borrow [gn:" + Brutus + "] for a while? I'm still not sure If I'm safe with [gn:" + Zacks + "] around.*");
            if (PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardianSummoned(player, Blue))
                Mes.Add("*Uh!? No way! Don't hug me again!*");
                Mes.Add("*You again?! Keep your arms off me!*");
            if (PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardianSummoned(player, Zacks))
                Mes.Add("Great, you came, I wanted to talk to you about some reseaAAAAAAAAHHHHH Zombie!! \n....\nUh... Do you have some more leaves..?");
            if (PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardianSummoned(player, Mabel))
                Mes.Add("*A...Aa.... Uh.... Could... You please... Go away... With.. Her...*");
                Mes.Add("*Ah... Uh... I.... Have to... Go... To the toilet... Yes. The Toilet...*");
            else if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Mabel))
                Mes.Add("*I get reactionless when [gn:" + Mabel + "] is nearby.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Fluffles))
                Mes.Add("*D-d-did y-you l-let a g-g-ghost l-live here? A-are you out of your mind?*");
                Mes.Add("*[nickname], one of the things that mostly scares me are ghosts. Why did you let one live here?*");
                Mes.Add("*I think [gn:" + Fluffles + "] knows I'm scared of her. She always catches me off guard to spook me out.*");
                Mes.Add("*I look distacted? I'm checking out if [gn:" + Fluffles + "] wont surge from somewhere to give me a scare.*");
                //Mes.Add("*You need to speak with [gn:" + Fluffles + "]. The other day she made me faint out of a scare, when I woke up she was over me. I've never been so scared in my life!*"); //That would give a bad impression of what happened.
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Luna))
                Mes.Add("*Ah... It's good to have [gn:" + Luna + "] around. She causes less influx of questions upon me.*");
            if (!Main.dayTime && !Main.bloodMoon)
                Mes.Add("*Looks like I'll have troubles sleeping this night...*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Michelle))
                Mes.Add("*I discovered a way of dealing with [gn:" + Michelle + "], I just need to talk about my researches.*");
                Mes.Add("*That girl [gn:" + Michelle + "] surelly is curious. I wonder, what's wrong with her?*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Malisha))
                Mes.Add("*Of everyone you could have let move into this world, you had to let [gn:" + Malisha + "] live here? She's a menace to us all!*");
                Mes.Add("*During my life of mentoring, I never regretted teaching someone, except for [gn:" + Malisha + "]. She's not careless, or cares about the wellbeing of the people she does experiements to.*");
                Mes.Add("*Sometimes I think [gn:" + Malisha + "] is trying to eat me. If I suddenly disappear, try looking inside her mouth.*");
                Mes.Add("*Huh? Sorry, I'm trying to make my house \"[gn:" + Malisha + "] proof\".*");
                Mes.Add("*My greatest misfortunes in life begins when [gn:" + Malisha + "] says that has a new experiement to test.*");
                if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Zacks))
                    Mes.Add("*I wouldn't be surprised if what happened to [gn:" + Zacks + "] wasn't [gn:" + Malisha + "]s doing.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Miguel))
                Mes.Add("*No no no! As I said to [gn:" + Miguel + "], I'd rather do anything else than boring exercises. And tell him to stop sending people to persuade me.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Green))
                Mes.Add("*I had to help [gn:" + Green + "] by borrowing some terrarian anathomy books to him.*");
            if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Cille))
                Mes.Add("*[gn:" + Cille + "] seems to avoid contact with anyone. I wonder, why?*");
                Mes.Add("*I think I saw [gn:" + Cille + "] around my house during a New Moon Night. Well, at least I think It was [gn:" + Cille + "], since I only saw a shadow like her.*");
            if (guardian.IsUsingToilet)
                Mes.Add("*What's with you Terrarians? Don't you know that this is a moment of privacy?*");
                if (!player.Male)
                    Mes.Add("*No! Don't try touching my tail now!*");
                Mes.Add("*You're interrupting my reflection moment! Go away!*");
            if (guardian.IsPlayerRoomMate(player))
                Mes.Add("*Yes, I don't mind sharing my room with you, just place your bed somewhere.*");
                Mes.Add("*I hope you don't snore at night, because I need sleep to process my researches.*");
                Mes.Add("*You're not planning on throwing parties every night, I've had enough of those during the Magic University.*");
            if (NpcMod.IsGuardianPlayerRoomMate(player, Malisha))
                Mes.Add("*You must either be courageous, or very stupid, for sharing your room with [gn:" + Malisha + "]. Who knows what she does to you while you sleep?*");
                Mes.Add("*Stop sharing room with [gn:" + Malisha + "], you may wake up tied in a bed while she does wacky experiements on you.*");
            if (guardian.KnockedOut)
                Mes.Add("(" + guardian.Name + " looks at you, wanting you to heal his wounds)");
                Mes.Add("(He seems to be under heavy pain.)");
                Mes.Add("(He's unnable to speak with you because of how much pain he's having.)");
            else if (guardian.IsSleeping)
                Mes.Add("(He's theorizing to himself, while sleeping.)");
                Mes.Add("(Is he saying elements of the periodic table?)");
                if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(Malisha))
                    Mes.Add("*No! Go away! Don't come closer! No! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! (I think [gn:" + Malisha + "] appeared on his dream)*");
                    Mes.Add("*Wait! What is in that flask! No! I wont drink it! NO! NOOOO!! (I think [gn:" + Malisha + "] appeared on his dream)*");
            if (FlufflesBase.IsHauntedByFluffles(player) && Main.rand.NextDouble() < 0.75)
                Mes.Add("*Yaaaaaaaaaaaah- Oh no, now I gotta wipe myself.*");