public NotificationSubscription CreateSubscriptionForTeam()
            NotificationSubscription newSubscription;

            WebApiTeamRef team = ClientSampleHelpers.FindAnyTeam(this.Context, null);

            NotificationHttpClient notificationClient = Context.Connection.GetClient <NotificationHttpClient>();

            // Query the available event types and find the first that can be used in a custom subscription
            List <NotificationEventType> eventTypes = notificationClient.ListEventTypesAsync().Result;
            NotificationEventType        eventType  = eventTypes.Find(e => { return(e.CustomSubscriptionsAllowed); });

            NotificationSubscriptionCreateParameters createParams = new NotificationSubscriptionCreateParameters()
                Description = "A subscription for our team",
                Filter      = new ExpressionFilter(eventType.Id),
                Channel     = new UserSubscriptionChannel(),
                Subscriber  = new IdentityRef()
                    Id = team.Id.ToString()

            newSubscription = notificationClient.CreateSubscriptionAsync(createParams).Result;


예제 #2
        public NotificationSubscription FollowWorkItem()
            NotificationSubscription newFollowSubscription;

            // Get a work item to follow. For this sample, just create a temporary work item.
            WorkItem newWorkItem;

            using (new ClientSampleHttpLoggerOutputSuppression())
                WorkItemsSample witSample = new WorkItemsSample();
                witSample.Context = this.Context;
                newWorkItem       = witSample.CreateWorkItem();

                // Save the new work item so we can unfollow it later
                this.Context.SetValue <WorkItem>("$followedWorkItem", newWorkItem);

            NotificationSubscriptionCreateParameters createParams = new NotificationSubscriptionCreateParameters()
                Filter = new ArtifactFilter(null)
                    ArtifactType = "WorkItem",
                    ArtifactId   = newWorkItem.Id.ToString()

            VssConnection          connection         = Context.Connection;
            NotificationHttpClient notificationClient = Context.Connection.GetClient <NotificationHttpClient>();

            newFollowSubscription = notificationClient.CreateSubscriptionAsync(createParams).Result;


        public NotificationSubscription UnfollowWorkItem()
            NotificationSubscription newFollowSubscription;

            // Step 1: Get a work item to follow. For this sample, just create a temporary work item.
            WorkItem newWorkItem;

            using (new ClientSampleHttpLoggerOutputSuppression())
                WorkItemsSample witSample = new WorkItemsSample();
                witSample.Context = this.Context;
                newWorkItem       = witSample.CreateWorkItem();

            string workItemArtifactUri = "vstfs:///WorkItemTracking/WorkItem/" + newWorkItem.Id;

            // Step 2: Follow this workitem by creating a subscription
            NotificationSubscriptionCreateParameters createParams = new NotificationSubscriptionCreateParameters()
                Filter  = new ArtifactFilter(workItemArtifactUri),
                Channel = new UserSubscriptionChannel()

            VssConnection          connection         = Context.Connection;
            NotificationHttpClient notificationClient = Context.Connection.GetClient <NotificationHttpClient>();

            newFollowSubscription = notificationClient.CreateSubscriptionAsync(createParams).Result;


            // Step 3: Query for the follow subscription
            SubscriptionQuery query = new SubscriptionQuery()
                Conditions = new[]
                    new SubscriptionQueryCondition()
                        Filter = new ArtifactFilter(workItemArtifactUri)
            NotificationSubscription followSubscription = notificationClient.QuerySubscriptionsAsync(query).Result.FirstOrDefault();

            // Step 4: Now, unfollow the above workitem, by deleting the subscription
            if (followSubscription != null)

            // Step 5: Cleanup the temporary work item
            using (new ClientSampleHttpLoggerOutputSuppression())
                WorkItemTrackingHttpClient witClient = connection.GetClient <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();
                witClient.DeleteWorkItemAsync(newWorkItem.Id.Value, destroy: true);

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a subscription
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newSubscription">Subscription to create</param>
        /// <returns>The newly created subscription</returns>
        public async Task <NotificationSubscription> CreateSubscriptionAsync(NotificationSubscriptionCreateParameters newSubscription)
            var client = await GetClientAsync <NotificationHttpClient>();

            logger.LogInformation("CreateSubscriptionAsync Description = {0}", newSubscription.Description);
            var result = await client.CreateSubscriptionAsync(newSubscription);

예제 #5
        private async Task EnsureScheduledBuildFailSubscriptionExists(BuildDefinition pipeline, WebApiTeam team, bool persistChanges)
            const string BuildFailureNotificationTag = "#AutomaticBuildFailureNotification";
            var          subscriptions = await service.GetSubscriptionsAsync(team.Id);

            var hasSubscription = subscriptions.Any(sub => sub.Description.Contains(BuildFailureNotificationTag));

            logger.LogInformation("Team Is Subscribed TeamId = {0} PipelineId = {1} HasSubscription = {2}", team.Id, pipeline.Id, hasSubscription);

            if (!hasSubscription)
                var filterModel = new ExpressionFilterModel
                    Clauses = new ExpressionFilterClause[]
                        new ExpressionFilterClause {
                            Index = 1, LogicalOperator = "", FieldName = "Status", Operator = "=", Value = "Failed"
                        new ExpressionFilterClause {
                            Index = 2, LogicalOperator = "And", FieldName = "Definition name", Operator = "=", Value = $"\\{pipeline.Project.Name}\\{pipeline.Name}"
                        new ExpressionFilterClause {
                            Index = 3, LogicalOperator = "And", FieldName = "Build reason", Operator = "=", Value = "Scheduled"
                var filter = new ExpressionFilter("", filterModel);

                var identity = new IdentityRef
                    Id  = team.Id.ToString(),
                    Url = team.IdentityUrl

                var newSubscription = new NotificationSubscriptionCreateParameters
                    Channel = new UserSubscriptionChannel {
                        UseCustomAddress = false
                    Description = $"A build fails {BuildFailureNotificationTag}",
                    Filter      = filter,
                    Scope       = new SubscriptionScope {
                        Type = "none", Id = pipeline.Project.Id
                    Subscriber = identity,

                logger.LogInformation("Creating Subscription PipelineId = {0}, TeamId = {1}", pipeline.Id, team.Id);
                if (persistChanges)
                    var subscription = await service.CreateSubscriptionAsync(newSubscription);
        public NotificationSubscription CreateSubscriptionForUser()
            NotificationHttpClient notificationClient = Context.Connection.GetClient <NotificationHttpClient>();

            // Query the available event types and find the first that can be used in a custom subscription
            List <NotificationEventType> eventTypes = notificationClient.ListEventTypesAsync().Result;
            NotificationEventType        eventType  = eventTypes.Find(e => { return(e.CustomSubscriptionsAllowed); });

            NotificationSubscriptionCreateParameters createParams = new NotificationSubscriptionCreateParameters()
                Description = "My first subscription!",
                Filter      = new ExpressionFilter(eventType.Id),
                Channel     = new UserSubscriptionChannel()

            NotificationSubscription newSubscription = notificationClient.CreateSubscriptionAsync(createParams).Result;


        public NotificationSubscription FollowWorkItem()
            NotificationSubscription newFollowSubscription;

            // Get a work item to follow. For this sample, just create a temporary work item.
            WorkItem newWorkItem;

            using (new ClientSampleHttpLoggerOutputSuppression())
                WorkItemsSample witSample = new WorkItemsSample();
                witSample.Context = this.Context;
                newWorkItem       = witSample.CreateWorkItem();

            string workItemArtifactUri = "vstfs:///WorkItemTracking/WorkItem/" + newWorkItem.Id;

            NotificationSubscriptionCreateParameters createParams = new NotificationSubscriptionCreateParameters()
                Filter  = new ArtifactFilter(workItemArtifactUri),
                Channel = new UserSubscriptionChannel()

            VssConnection          connection         = Context.Connection;
            NotificationHttpClient notificationClient = Context.Connection.GetClient <NotificationHttpClient>();

            newFollowSubscription = notificationClient.CreateSubscriptionAsync(createParams).Result;


            // Cleanup the temporary work item
            using (new ClientSampleHttpLoggerOutputSuppression())
                WorkItemTrackingHttpClient witClient = connection.GetClient <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();
                witClient.DeleteWorkItemAsync(newWorkItem.Id.Value, destroy: true);

        public NotificationSubscription CreateUpdateDeleteSubscription()
            // Get the client
            VssConnection          connection         = Context.Connection;
            NotificationHttpClient notificationClient = connection.GetClient <NotificationHttpClient>();

            // Part 1: create a subscription to get notified about certain pull request events

            // Create parameters for the new subscription
            NotificationSubscriptionCreateParameters createParams = new NotificationSubscriptionCreateParameters()
                Description = "Someone is waiting on one of my pull requests",
                Filter      = new ExpressionFilter("ms.vss-code.git-pullrequest-event")
                    FilterModel = new ExpressionFilterModel()
                        Clauses = new ExpressionFilterClause[]
                            new ExpressionFilterClause()
                                FieldName       = "Vote",
                                Operator        = "Changes to",
                                Value           = "Waiting for author",
                                LogicalOperator = "And"
                            new ExpressionFilterClause()
                                FieldName       = "Created by",
                                Operator        = "=",
                                Value           = "[Me]",
                                LogicalOperator = "And"
                Channel = new UserSubscriptionChannel()

            // Scope to only events from one project
            ProjectHttpClient projectClient = this.Context.Connection.GetClient <ProjectHttpClient>();

            Guid   projectId;
            String projectName;

            if (!this.Context.TryGetValue <String>("projectName", out projectName))
                // Get the ID of the first project
                projectId = projectClient.GetProjects().Result.First().Id;
                // Get the ID of the specified project
                projectId = projectClient.GetProject(projectName).Result.Id;

            createParams.Scope = new SubscriptionScope()
                Id = projectId

            NotificationSubscription newSubscription = notificationClient.CreateSubscriptionAsync(createParams).Result;
            String subscriptionId = newSubscription.Id;

            Context.Log("New subscription created! ID: {0}", subscriptionId);

            // Part 2: disable and delete the subscription

            // Disable the new subscription
            NotificationSubscriptionUpdateParameters updateParams = new NotificationSubscriptionUpdateParameters()
                Status = SubscriptionStatus.Disabled

            newSubscription = notificationClient.UpdateSubscriptionAsync(updateParams, subscriptionId).Result;

            Context.Log("Is subscription disabled? {0}", newSubscription.Status < 0);

            // Delete the subscription

            // Try to get the subscription (should result in an exception)
                newSubscription = notificationClient.GetSubscriptionAsync(subscriptionId, SubscriptionQueryFlags.IncludeFilterDetails).Result;
            } catch (Exception e)
                Context.Log("Unable to get the deleted subscription:" + e.Message);

            // Try again (the default query flags says to return deleted subscriptions so this should work)
            newSubscription = notificationClient.GetSubscriptionAsync(subscriptionId).Result;

        private async Task EnsureScheduledBuildFailSubscriptionExists(BuildDefinition pipeline, WebApiTeam team, bool persistChanges)
            const string BuildFailureNotificationTag = "#AutomaticBuildFailureNotification";
            var          subscriptions = await service.GetSubscriptionsAsync(team.Id);

            var subscription = subscriptions.FirstOrDefault(sub => sub.Description.Contains(BuildFailureNotificationTag));

            logger.LogInformation("Team Is Subscribed TeamName = {0} PipelineId = {1}", team.Name, pipeline.Id);

            string definitionName = $"\\{pipeline.Project.Name}\\{pipeline.Name}";

            if (subscription == default)
                var filterModel = new ExpressionFilterModel
                    Clauses = new ExpressionFilterClause[]
                        new ExpressionFilterClause {
                            Index = 1, LogicalOperator = "", FieldName = "Status", Operator = "=", Value = "Failed"
                        new ExpressionFilterClause {
                            Index = 2, LogicalOperator = "And", FieldName = "Definition name", Operator = "=", Value = definitionName
                        new ExpressionFilterClause {
                            Index = 3, LogicalOperator = "And", FieldName = "Build reason", Operator = "=", Value = "Scheduled"
                var filter = new ExpressionFilter("", filterModel);

                var identity = new IdentityRef
                    Id  = team.Id.ToString(),
                    Url = team.IdentityUrl

                var newSubscription = new NotificationSubscriptionCreateParameters
                    Channel = new UserSubscriptionChannel {
                        UseCustomAddress = false
                    Description = $"A build fails {BuildFailureNotificationTag}",
                    Filter      = filter,
                    Scope       = new SubscriptionScope {
                        Type = "none", Id = pipeline.Project.Id
                    Subscriber = identity,

                logger.LogInformation("Creating Subscription PipelineId = {0}, TeamId = {1}", pipeline.Id, team.Id);
                if (persistChanges)
                    subscription = await service.CreateSubscriptionAsync(newSubscription);
                var filter = subscription.Filter as ExpressionFilter;
                if (filter == null)
                    logger.LogWarning("Subscription expression is not correct for of team {0}", team.Name);

                var definitionClause = filter.FilterModel.Clauses.FirstOrDefault(c => c.FieldName == "Definition name");

                if (definitionClause == null)
                    logger.LogWarning("Subscription doesn't have correct expression filters for of team {0}", team.Name);

                if (definitionClause.Value != definitionName)
                    definitionClause.Value = definitionName;

                    if (persistChanges)
                        var updateParameters = new NotificationSubscriptionUpdateParameters()
                            Channel     = subscription.Channel,
                            Description = subscription.Description,
                            Filter      = subscription.Filter,
                            Scope       = subscription.Scope,
                        logger.LogInformation("Updating Subscription expression for team {0} with correct definition name {1}", team.Name, definitionName);
                        subscription = await service.UpdatedSubscriptionAsync(updateParameters, subscription.Id.ToString());